Real Name: Scorpios McRae
Superhero Alias: He would like to be called Fangsong
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Power Set: Scorpio has the ability to change into animals that are poisonous in some way and he can talk to them in their own language. He can also hum a tune that will render the listener immobile, like when a scorpion strikes it's prey. His favorite form is the King Cobra.
Other Skills: Scorpio has been taking street fighting lessons from the older kids in his neighborhood since he was old enough to kick someone in the shins. He can also handle guns and blades like a master.
Weaknesses: Sometimes Scorpio has trouble shifting back into a human or switching back to English. It's all very frustrating for him. He also has trouble controlling his anger and how he deals with it.
Personality: Most of the time, Scorpio is very laid back and relaxed, very rarely does he pick a fight, unless he strongly believes in what he is fighting about. He is also very protective of his mother and little sister, he loves them more than he can express and gets very angry when someone talks about his mother or his sister the wrong way. One time, he broke a man's nose for saying disgusting, rude things about his mother. Daredevil
Backstory: Scorpio's dad left his family when Scorpio was just seven years old, leaving him and his pregnant mother to fend for themselves. They had a rough time being able to afford food to put on the table until he was twelve, when one of the neighborhood kids started paying him to walk his dog everyday. It helped everything go just a little bit more smoothly.
Then the same kid, Ivan, started to teach him how to defend himself. They quickly became friends and Ivan helped Scorpio and his mom out a lot, especially when Scorpio's mom needed someone to look after his little sister, Valerica. By the time Scorpio was Sixteen, Ivan was nineteen and in college. They were still friends until the day Ivan was killed by a drunk driver on his way home.
Scorpio was heartbroken and blamed himself. He could barely keep his tears in check when his family went to Ivan's funeral. After that he bottled up his anger at the drunk driver who had taken away his best friend. He still looked after his mom and his sister, who was nine years old by now. One day, he'd been having a bad day at work, when he accidentally immobilized his boss when he told him to shut up. He went home a bit shaken, to find a letter waiting for him. It goes from there.
Other: Scorpio's entire family is Irish and Scorpio tends to indulge in a little Irish Whiskey on happy occasions, but not enough to get drunk. Ivan's death prevented that from ever happening. He also wears black mascara because his eyelashes are so bright you can hardly see them. He wears eyeliner just cause he finds some sort of weird humor in it.