Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
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8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

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Real Name: Scorpios McRae

Superhero Alias: He would like to be called Fangsong

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Power Set: Scorpio has the ability to change into animals that are poisonous in some way and he can talk to them in their own language. He can also hum a tune that will render the listener immobile, like when a scorpion strikes it's prey. His favorite form is the King Cobra.

Other Skills: Scorpio has been taking street fighting lessons from the older kids in his neighborhood since he was old enough to kick someone in the shins. He can also handle guns and blades like a master.

Weaknesses: Sometimes Scorpio has trouble shifting back into a human or switching back to English. It's all very frustrating for him. He also has trouble controlling his anger and how he deals with it.

Personality: Most of the time, Scorpio is very laid back and relaxed, very rarely does he pick a fight, unless he strongly believes in what he is fighting about. He is also very protective of his mother and little sister, he loves them more than he can express and gets very angry when someone talks about his mother or his sister the wrong way. One time, he broke a man's nose for saying disgusting, rude things about his mother. Daredevil

Backstory: Scorpio's dad left his family when Scorpio was just seven years old, leaving him and his pregnant mother to fend for themselves. They had a rough time being able to afford food to put on the table until he was twelve, when one of the neighborhood kids started paying him to walk his dog everyday. It helped everything go just a little bit more smoothly.

Then the same kid, Ivan, started to teach him how to defend himself. They quickly became friends and Ivan helped Scorpio and his mom out a lot, especially when Scorpio's mom needed someone to look after his little sister, Valerica. By the time Scorpio was Sixteen, Ivan was nineteen and in college. They were still friends until the day Ivan was killed by a drunk driver on his way home.

Scorpio was heartbroken and blamed himself. He could barely keep his tears in check when his family went to Ivan's funeral. After that he bottled up his anger at the drunk driver who had taken away his best friend. He still looked after his mom and his sister, who was nine years old by now. One day, he'd been having a bad day at work, when he accidentally immobilized his boss when he told him to shut up. He went home a bit shaken, to find a letter waiting for him. It goes from there.

Other: Scorpio's entire family is Irish and Scorpio tends to indulge in a little Irish Whiskey on happy occasions, but not enough to get drunk. Ivan's death prevented that from ever happening. He also wears black mascara because his eyelashes are so bright you can hardly see them. He wears eyeliner just cause he finds some sort of weird humor in it.
Name: Scorpio McRae

Alias: Fangsong

Age: 18

Personality: Calm, laid back but really clever and quick.

Powers: He can shapeshift into animals with poisonous abilities and even understand them, but he can also shift into a lion with King Cobra patterns in it's fur.

Weakness: Has trouble shifting back into human form sometimes.

-Civilian: White blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin, about 6'4 and wears mascara because you can hardly see his lashes without it, he just wears the eyeliner for fun.

-Titan: Blonde hair with black King Cobra patterns, slit pupiled green eyes and two sharp, poisonous fangs.

Bio: Scorpio's dad left his family when he was just seven years old, leaving him and his pregnant mother to fend for themselves. His mom had a rough time putting food on the table as she got even further into her pregnancy. But she had really good friends who helped to take care of her and Scorpio until his little sister was born seven months later. When Scorpio was twelve, one of the neighborhood kids started to pay him to walk his dog everyday and it helped with their money struggles.

Then, the same kid, Ivan, befriended him and taught him how to defend himself. Ivan was three years older and taking mixed martial arts. Ivan also helped Scorpio and his mom out a lot; he babysat Scorpio's little sister Valerica when Scorpio wasn't quite old enough yet, he helped with grocies, chores and lots of other things. By the time Scorpio was sixteen, Ivan was nineteen and in college, but they were still friends until the day Ivan was killed by a drunk driver.

Scorpio was heartbroken and blamed himself, although not one little bit was his fault. He could barely keep his tears in check when his family went to Ivan's funeral five days later. Valerica, who was nine by now, cried the whole time. One day, he'd been having a bad day at work when he accidentally immobilized his boss after yelling at him to shut up. He went home a bit shocked and told his mother. After that, he bgan practicing.

A few days later, he was out in the garden wondering what it would be like to be a King Cobra after watching a documentary on them, when he accidentally changed into one. His mother freaked out when she found him on the couch, and whacked him with her broom right as he finally switched back. Needless to say he was a bit ticked. He's gotten much better though.

Arc Ideas: What? Titans Forever

Other:He's Irish and likes to indulge in a little Irish Whiskey on happy occasions. But not enough to get drunk. Ivan's cause of death prevented that. He also wears eyeliner and mascara, his eyelashes are so blond you can hardly see them. As for the eyeliner? He just finds some sort of weird humor in it.
TalijaKey said
WelllllllllllllllllllllllI bunnied the rescue team. The group was taking too long and if they took even longer their rescue would have lost any sense. So... Using mirazan view, I send them off to the needed place.Ikkan -knocked out, Siabel, Momo, Myrtle are the newcomers to the church.They feel sorry for breaking the big window of the church too.The dragon slayer is now going back to town and can be called by hunters to help the crisis.So the rescue can get to operate already ^^

Okay. Sorry for the absence. School is hella crazy for ne right now.
Winter looked on in silence with wide, but determined eyes. She gave them all a look that clearly said stand back, and shifted into her dragon, using her icefire core to channel energy into her transformation. She popped her neck and stretched, snarling softly as her broken leg healed. She was small for a dragon, with her catlike body shape and paws. He scales were white this time, a clear mark of her emotions. She dipped her head towards rhe newcomers Seloria and Tetsuya. She motioned for them to get on. There was a special hollow right between her neck and shoulders that was ideal for passengers. He cobalt blue eyes flickered with anger and pain and a desperate need to escape.

"Hurry," She rasped. "We haven't got much time. I can carry three of you without much effort. Now move!" Winter startled violently as she saw Aster come through the wall. She was no behavior expert, but she could tell he wasn't in control of himself. Her scales itched with fear and adrenaline as she just snaked her head under Seloria and Tetsuya, depositing them into the hollow at the base of her neck. She turned to Aksaja and Jebonae, jaw clenched.

"We should go now. Before poor Aster unwittingly slays us all. I'd rather die like a dragon in a fair fight to the death." She said quickly and began to lope away gracefully, movements as smooth as water, so she didn't disturb her self appointed passengers. She looked back. Jebonae and Aksaja were running after her.

"Hurry!" She roared. "Grab hold of my tail and climb on if you need to, just don't let yourself get flattened!" She was grateful of her Icefire core. She had forgotten to use it to freeze the metal, so that it would become brittle enogh to break. And the fact that it sped up her healing. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Winter gave a half snarl and tried to reach Aksaja through the bars of her cage. Her whitish hair was plastered to her neck and face with dried sweat and tears. She gave a whine if pain as her broken leg got jostled. She worried that it wouldn't set and heal properly. Her body trembled and she looked at the redhead with sorrow, guilt and a little bit of self loathing in her bright, ice blue eyes. "It's all my fault," She said softly. "If I hadn't been playing with my Everice this wouldn't have happened." Her head came to rest on the bars with a soft thunk. She stared at the ground and shivered. Odd as it seemed, she was colder without her ice powers. They were the reason why snowstorms felt like warm spring to her. She wrapped her arms about herself, thinking glum thoughts. "I'm probably going to die here. I deserve it anyways. It's my fault."
Arlear said
Straight black robe with a one-way black mesh over the face so that it looked like there was nothing in the hood, then I had little red goggles that lit up to give me death-eyes.Scared the shit out of some people 'cause I hid in bushes then the eyes started glowing and was like "... Sup."One guy dropped his candy.I feasted well.

Omg thats hilarious.
Anima said
@Arlear Are we talking about good ole' grim reaper or just straight black robe?@CthuluI actually kind of want to see that! Haven't seen anyone dress up as that before.@IrishAngelQueenHmmm ... Not sure if this is right, but were you the Cheshire Cat? I love the Cheshire Cat!Anyways, I'll start things up this weekend folks. Having four people who have stuck around so far is enough for me. Stay tuned!

@Anima, I hate to disaploint but no. I was the Mad Hatter. I plan on being the Cheshire Cat next year.

Oh oh oh oh! Guess what!
Anima said
Oh? I was going to start the IC as soon as I head back from Albireo, which I haven't thus far. He or she had a really interesting character concept that I wanted to incorporate, but I fear he or she may have lost interest. Perhaps due to my very slow pace in keeping things going! But, if the folks who have submitted thus far are still in, I can start this up fairly soon. This week to be more precise.As for Halloween, I was a masked countess! I spent so much time on that costume, that I feel rather silly. But the effort was well worth it, I think. If you're familiar with Wolf's Rain, my inspiration were the nobles. Was it a character from Edward Scissorhands?

Nope. I'm a character from Alice in Wonderland. Guess again.
I hope you don't mind, but I made Winter's memory come back a little when she saw the Hunter. But just enough to make you wonder. I'll change it if anyone objects.
Winter woke with a start to a male voice screaming. She gave a half groan half whine of pain as she tried to move her stiff muscles. She shivered, saw that she could barely make a snowflake and reaized something. She was cold without her inner ice. She looked over at the black haired man and a sharp pain in her skull brought tears to her eyes. Her mouth feel open and she trembled with shock. She tried to speak, but her voice came out as a painful sounding rasp. She cleared her throat and tried again.

"I know you! I know who you are!" She stood up shakily on her good leg and leaned against the bars of her cage and looked hm straight in the eyes. "You… You abandoned me. Now you're with the hunters. How could you?" Cold tears slipped down her cheeks and she sank to the ground slowly, trembling as her mind fought to retrieve the painful, long buried memory. She felt short of breath, like all the air was being pulled from her lungs slowly.
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