Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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    1. SrslyAnArtist 3 yrs ago
    2. ███████████████ 11 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

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Im not sure i understand the story line can you explain it a little more? I was hoping I could play the mad hatter but I take it I cant based on the story line. @IrishAngelQueen

Yes, you can. i just prefer it if people ask first.
I clicked quote instead of edit X3

Saphira nodded. "Aye, I am." Her eyes took on a troubled look as she shifted, her form blurring for a matter of seconds as she appeared as her human shape with Suzie on her shoulders. "Mum and Da moved from Ireland when I was four. I was five years old when my parents died in a car crash. Then they had me in foster care for six years until I was eleven, when I accidentally shifted into a dove, right in front of my foster mother. She freaked out, and kicked me out. A few weeks later, someone picked me up off the streets and took me in as their pet. I was a cat by day, human by night, afraid they would hurt me if they found out. A few months later, they did, but kept me anyways. I've been with them ever since." She trailed off.
@Silen Syanka
Saphira nickered softly. "Hang on, wee one." She said and began to trot towards Finch, very aware of the little girl on her back, squealing happily. "You're a natural, Suzie. Maybe when you are better and older, I'll shift into a big pony."

(I see a love blooming X3*evil giggles*)

Saphira nickered softly. "And I am Saphira Valentino. Get on, Lass."

(Indeed. ;) )

@Silen Syanka
Saphira soared off of her perch towards Suzie and landed on her shoulder. "I thank ye for th' compliment, lass." She allowed her to stroke her soft, cool feathers. "And i believe your friend has prettier feathers than I do." She seemed to wink at him, eyes twinkling-or maybe it was just the light-before turning back to Suzie. "What's your name? Mayhap it's a pretty one, one that matches your personality." She floated off and shifted into a small red pony, big enough for the little girl to climb on with ease. "Have ye ever ridden before? No? I can teach you, just stay on and listen yeah?"
@Silen Syanka
Saphira gave the little girl a small smile. "Nay, alss. he's right to be wary, ye do no' know me. But then," she paused, then regarded Finch with her violet eyes. "Ye'll never know me if ye never try." Seeming to like what she saw in him, she placed her left fist over her heart and bowed at the waist. She then shifted into a red barn owl, soaring into the air to perch on one of the few ledges created by the doorways.

@Silen Syanka
That stung. Maybe she was being a little over sensitive, but she didn't have any friends besides Valentine, and it kinda miffed her that someone would that rude.

"Sorry lad," She said to him. "Jus' tryin' to make new friends, seein' how I only have one and he's currently in the marines. It might just be my heightened hearing, but ye do no' want to say things in such a way that someone can hear you, savvy?" She smiled softly at Suzie and went to walk past.
Scorpio let him ramble, even as he went to the bathroom, just continuing to let him get it out of his system. Graham stopped suddenly.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve all gotta get old sometime.”

Then he inhaled and well belted one out. Scorpio was impressed, even if his voice was all kinds of scratchy and hoarse at this point.

Forever young, I want to be forever young. Do you really wanna live forever? Forever, and ever~

He spun around and floated back into the room.

“All that jazz. Anyway, man, how’d you get the news that we had a third? I only heard our names. Do you know the dude’s name?”

"Heightened senses, and nope, didn't catch th' name."

Scorpio watched with amusement as Graham rambled.

“Nevermind. Does it really matter? Anyway, we could tear this place apart and still not find the guy. Worst case scenario? Someone else swings by and claims our room. I’ve got an idea…”

Graham grinned a toothy grin then crossed to the window. He looked out it. A perfect view of the path the group had taken from the train to the dorm. But… The loud-mouthed youth fiddled with the window, trying to get it open. It resisted, hard, but he eventually got some leverage. He peered out the open window, leaning a bit. Graham inhaled deeply.

“Graham Turner!”


“Fourth floor!”


“Room four!”

Scorpio winced, his ears still heightened, even in human form.
“Remember that name, mothafuckas! I RUN THIS SHIT! AHAHAHAHAHA!”

Graham fell backwards into the room laughing again, and looked back at Scorpio, his eyes once more filled with the beginnings of hysteria. He wondered if this was normal for him, and if he would ever get used to it.


Graham gulped, then tried again.

“That should...get the point...acr- watahneedwatah.”

Graham pushed past Scorpio, then turned into the bathroom. Scorpio heard running water and splashing, and finally, Graham returned to the room and looked at Scorpio and smiled before speaking again, this time in more of a soft, husky tone.

“That’s how you do it big, kiddo. We’re goin’ places, ya dig? Straight to the top. And if our lost puppy didn’t catch that, well...fuck it, there’s no helping him. Now we play the wa-”

Graham started coughing, rather harshly, and he was about to get up and pound his back to help, but he seemed able to handle it.

“Wa-waiting game. Cheezus, sorry about that. Frog in me throat.”

He raised an eyebrow.

"You finished yet lad?"
@Silen Syanka
Saphira nodded and followed the others. She noticed a girl in a worn dress and a dull bow skipped alongside another person. She smiled at her shyly.

"Hello," she said. "I'm Saphira." She played with her red hair nervously.
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