Avatar of SrslyAnArtist
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Current Baby, I'm Back. I'm back bay-bee!
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8 yrs ago
I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
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8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
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9 yrs ago


I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.

Oh, and this, too.

I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.

Most Recent Posts

Lucca Valentine



Ability / Power / Creature
Can he be a shifter of some sort? I was thinking he could be a panther shifter.

Lucca was climbing his favorite cedar tree in his backyard, when he slipped and fell. he had been about thirty feet up from the ground, and as he fell, he felt this terrible pain in his whole body, and his bones broke and fur covered his body. The world spun, tiwsted, he flipped in the air-and laneded on all fours. He was noticing all the heghtened senses, when something flashed in the corner of his eye. he turned and saw-to his shock-a black tail attached to his now furry, black behind. Lucca froze. Oh gods, save me, he thought. I'm a freaking panther! then he raced back to his house and darted inside throught the open sliding glass door, and headed into his parents room. His father turned to his mother and said, "I do believe he gets it from your side, love." She sighed, helped Lucca change back-thankfully, he still wore his clothes-and handed him a letter that came from a place called Northwood Academy.

You can probably guess the rest.

Considered to be a Goth, but he's just quiet, and likes to keep to himself.
Ryva dipped her head. "I understand, lass. I'll leave him outside." She took Moose outside and looped his leather leash to a small hook that was buried in the cement. "Moose, Lay down in Gargoyle Mode." Moose lay down and became a statue. He would not get up until Ryva said "Break." Ryva smiled and went back in, looking at the woman's flustered face, and all of the people that kept coming in. The poor lass was probably overwhelmed-where were her co-workers? One woman shouldn't have to wait on all those tables by herself. Even her mother wouldn't be able to-and she was one of the best waitresses a restaurant could hire. She walked over to her when she was finishing up with someone's order.

"You look like you're overwhelmed," she said, concern in her eyes. "Would you like help?" She hoped she said yes. Ryva had had to wait tables while she was in school because her mother had been low on staff, and then in college so she could pay her tuition. The current situation, however, reminded her of this one song that was a big hit among her fans, and she started humming under her breath.

<Snipped quote by IrishAngelQueen>

Hmm...well since Scorp is a first year, you could have him like, stand up and introduce himself at this point. Cheol and Emily have just finished their intros, so honestly, we're at a good point for that. There's plenty of intro there if you want him to respond to any of the others. Meredith has already given the floor to the students, so just jumping up and announcing himself would be perfectly fine. Alternatively, we are close to a timeskip (whether to lunch or after classes, I'm not sure), so you could wait to have him interact with someone there.

My opinion? Go ahead and introduce him now. If nothing else, it would at least make him recognizable to the other students in Meredith's class, so that after the skip, there are more options for naturally interacting with others.

Just my two cents though.

Alright. I'll do that sometime today, maybe tomorrow. I went to a dog training class today, and Ginger kept lunging at all of the blond girls, except for the one fluffy one. Summary: I'm tired.

I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED TORIN! *intense swearing and hair pulling*
@IrishAngelQueen Hmmm, well I'm fine to have his detials here as a reference to further Ryva's backstory, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask (everyone in the RP) that we don't add anymore side characters at least for a while. We have already had Moose, Rixon, Dangermouse, Bickford, Devin, Amaya's Roommate and Aoi (as an NPC) and its a lot of new people for the RP to consider and work in.

Also when it comes to ex boyfriends and girlfriends it will help if they aren't part of the city (at least at this moment) as to make it smoother for fresh relationships to happen, as we want to encourage dating as much as we can between our main player characters.

Since youve started Torin's profile already maybe you could add it to Ryva's Bio/backstory in her CS?

Alright, let me see what i can do. Give me a bit.
@Dynamo Frokane Ryva's old flame. I think. Not sure yet.
Oh sweet boredom. Waiting for others to post is driving me up the wall.
I need help posting. Seriously, i've no idea where to jump in.
Aye. Me too. I understand her more, now. Yes, I think those two would hit it off way better under less...aggravating circumstances. i can see these two totally jamming out with one another, while Moose watches, confused, but happy. He's such a sweet dog.
Ryva may come off as conceited sometimes, but she's just trying to do the right thing. There isn't a single conceited bone in her body. A little arrogant? yes, but aren't we all?
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