I hate rubber bands. The kind they put in your mouth when you get braces. they fucking hurt.
8 yrs ago
Still fucking bored
9 yrs ago
I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.
Oh, and this, too.
I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.
Arty then pulled out a hand rag from his back pocket and held it out to Ryva. "Sorry bout that Ryva. That was me mate Jake, lad 'as 'is 'eart in the right place. Just bit 'ot 'eaded is all, I don't think the drinks helped either." Arty said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Ay I agree with yo' there lass. I get off in a 'our, I'll see yo' then and yo' better 'ave the strong stuff ready lass. I want to black out this night." He said with a chuckle.
Ryva sighed as she took the rag from Arty and watched the two girls go. "Aye, you bet I'll bring it. Between you and me, Arty," she turned to him, all of her previous energy gone. "I don't think I can handle dancing and singing in th' same night." She swiped at her shirt halfheartedly. "To tell you th' truth-I love my fans, and I love this place but I think me an' Moose need a break." She zipped up her jacket and shrugged out of her shirt underneath it, tossing it in the trash can that was nearby. "See ye when we get a drink, mate." She laid her hand on his shoulder for a moment, gave him a thin smile, and headed for the Tiny Snowflake.
Ryva popped her head in and looked at the blond waitress in a kimono. "Excuse me, Miss, but are pets allowed inside? My pup is very well behaved, I swear." If Moose couldn't come in, she'd just go get some fires and some burgers. Forget sitting down-she'd been on her feet all day.
-Roxan appeared on the island with the dragon eggs -Viscardi was given the orange egg -They worked on the hut until the eggs hatched -Roxan spent 2 Might immunizing Raktavira and Ryva to her deadly touch -Roxan set off to recruit new dragon riders after giving Viscardi the location of more dragon eggs
Roxan appeared on the island and spotted a familiar face. She waved and began walking towards him, filled with joy.
"Viscardi," she called. "I see father has kept his promise."
"Yes! Much to my surprise. He doesn't usually restore the dead to the living. I assume I have you to thank for this second chance at living? I even still have my blade and armor, truly, I am impressed by your negotiation skills." He eyed Roxan. "Or is he just like every other father and you have him wrapped around your finger?"
The former warlord's gaze returned to the dragon eggs. "Seriously. Should I be going to get my armor? I don't want to have to rebuild this hovel because an angry mother Dragon and her husband found out you stole their eggs and are coming to get them back."
Roxan grinned. "Aye, you do. And if I were given the chance, i would most likely wrap around my finger. Give me credit, Vis," her eyes were sly. "I merely went into negotiations with a very distressed male dragon. I offered his children my protection in exchange for the privelege of raising them."
She strode forwards and handed him the starburst colored egg. "This one would suit you, i can feel it. I'm planning on making both immune to my touch, and, I've heard that they form strong mental bonds with the first person they imprint on." Roxan held her egg close to her ear. "They should hatch soon, in a couple of hours."
Viscardi's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "And why would a male dragon be distressed and need you to protect his eggs? They are, quite literally, the most dangerous mortal creatures on this pla-" Viscardi suddenly paused. "Please tell me you didn't steal these from a Champion of a God or a God himself or herself."
He looked at the egg in his hands, then sighed. "Very well. I can't refuse you. A dragon bond would be incredible, I will not lie. But if an angry God lands here demanding that we give them back their dragons, I am going to smack you upside the head, child of the God of Chaos or not." A merry twinkle entered his eye. "Well, go on, mock my feeble attempts at making a house. You know you want to. The mighty warlord of the north can't even make a hovel with all his power."
"Very pitiful house, that one," she was grinning, michief in her eyes. "And no, i didn't steal them, not really." She bumped his shoulder with hers. "Come on, you poor thing, I'll help with the house." She helped him quickly, and it was noon before she finished with the roof.
"'Not really'? Why am I not reassured?" Viscardi muttered, shaking his head and following.
Then, just as Roxan was about to start on the door, she heard a cracking sound.
"They're hatching! Come on, Vis, they have to imprint on us, quickly." She scrambled down and sprinted to where she had placed the eggs underneath a tree and crouched in front of hers. Already fracture lines were appearing along the marbled shell, and a few fragments had fallen to the ground.
Viscardi follwed the Demi-God, keeping his sword close. He knelt in front of his dragon egg, watching as fracture lines appeared and the egg began to hatch. With a loud crack, a claw popped out of his own shell. "I hope you know what to do, because I don't have the slightest clue."
"When his whole body emerges, help him unfold its wings and dry it off," Roxan replied. "They usually need help with that, because their wings are wet and twice their size. Also, it's what mother dragons do when they hatch." She hummed as her dragon's head emerged. with a loud crack, the rest of the shell burst open, and the hatching tripped over its wings. "Mine is a male," she said drying him off with a cloth. "You can tell because his egghorn is bigger than yours, who is female." Roxan cradled the hatchling and looked at Viscardi with excited eyes.
"Someone did their research." Viscardi noted, helping his own hatchling out of the shell and carefully spreading it's wings, and drying the dragon with the aid of his shirt. He was covered in old battle scars, and the most recent one that had killed him. He couldn't help but smile at the excitement radiating off of Roxan. "What's next?"
Roxan tilted her head, thinking for a moment. "You know how to message me with your mind, yes? Like when i warned you when you got into that last fight?" she looked pointedly at his stomach, then back to his eyes. "It's like that, and you have to ask her what name she would like. It establishes respect between both of you."
"To be fair, that fight was going perfectly well till he ignored all ideas of self preservation." Viscardi said mildly, stretching his mind out to his dragon's. What name would you like, little one?
Certainly not Little One. The tiny beast retorted, drawing a chuckle from the former warlord. The hatchling tilted her head, considering for a moment. May I search your memories for a suitable name? She asked, staring up at Viscardi. You may. The dragon searched through Viscardi's mind selecting a name from his long memory. This will do. She said with a finality. The warlord chuckled again, smiling. "I certainly hope that we have a better relationship than the last Ryva."
Roxan smiled. "Indeed," she chuckled stretching her own mind out to the small male who was settled comfortably in her arms. And what of you, lad? What name would you ask of? She spoke gently. I would ask that you call me Raktavira. Roxan grinned. "Raktavira," she mused. "Excellent." Then she paused and turned to Viscardi. "Vis, do you think you could help me with a spell that allow my touch to be ineffective on Raktavira and Ryva?"
"Of course." Viscardi replied, holding Ryva as she insistently nudged his hands and arms to make him do so. "What do you need me to do? I'm afraid I have little experience using magic beyond Vistoc and Wi."
"What I need is for you to help me find somewhere calm on the island. Like a little clearing." she said, standing up. "But we can do that after we get Raktavira and Ryva fed." She went and got them some meat, then went to look for a clearing with Viscardi. She sat in the middle of the clearing and had Ryva and Raktavira sit in front of her. She pulled off her gloves and laid a hand on each dragon's nose, closing her eyes and searching for the right magic. Reaching deep within herself, she pulled on the core of magic that enabled her toxin use, stretching it towards the dragons. The magic flowed into their systems, sinking into their blood, becoming a part of them. At last, she removed her hands, disconnecting.
She opened her eyes and waited. The toxin killed the victim immediately, but Ryva and Raktavira remain sitting. She sighed in relief and stood. Come, Raktavira, Ryva, we have work to do if we are to win Garakai back from Ialu. To Viscardi she said, "We need to win Garakai. Once we get back to the hut, I need you to help me." Viscardi nodded, his eyes lighting up at the thought of winning back his home. Within a few days, Raktavira was half grown, and big enough for Roxan to ride him. She fashioned a saddle from the leather of the deer he had killed, and adjusted the straps. Turning to Viscardi, she smiled.
"I'm going to recruit some riders. I've found a nest of abandoned eggs at the foot of the waterfall, but they're still alive." Then she mounted and Dragon and Rider flew off.
Arty let out a chuckle as Ryva barked at the crowd that had swarmed him, and Arty gave the girl a grin before patting her on the shoulder. "Ay good to see yo' again too lass. Hope life 'as been treatin' you right." He said in his usual jolly tone. He then bent down on one knee so he was on level with Moose. "It is good too see yo' too boyo! I still 'ave to get yo' that steak don't I? I promise next time I will get it to yo'." He said as he scratched behind the dogs ear. After a moment Arty stood back up and looked back to Ryva, his grin never breaking. "Bah don't worry bout it lass, I've been through far worse. Just good to see yo' 'aven't forgotten bout lil ol' Arty." He said kiddingly with a warm chuckle.
Ryva grinned as Moose licked Arty's face. "Aye, we've been doin quite well, Arty ol' lad," she said, and was about to apologize when a man (obviously drunk), came up, and said somethings that were incoherent to her, and spilled his Russian liquor on her. Her face turned red and she swore at him in such a way that she might have spat fire.
"Ye ass! Ye drunk, uncouth, ill-mannered son of a cur!" she was furious. "I was about tae apologize, fer bein' rude tae everyone, ye know. Arty is no' just my friend, aye; he has quite a lot!" She turned to the two girls and bowed to them, her right fist over her heart. "I apologize, lassies. I was only makin' sure this friendly neanderthal, here," she bumped him playfully. "Had space tae breathe. People get trampled in crowds, ye know. i saw it happen, once."
Her face paled slightly as she remembered. Then she brightened and pulled out a silver sharpie. "To further show how sorry I am for my rude behavior, I'll sign anythin' ye want. Except for skin. Skin dries me sharpies out, real quick." She said with a chuckle. "And you can pet Moose, too. he won't bite, unless I tell him to. And I will no' be doin that. ye seem like nice gells tae me. After that, we gotta beat it. it's past Moose's dinner time, and I've got an hour, at least, before I go onstage to dance, then mingle." Her face was tired looking, and somewhat pale.
"Hey, Arty, let me know when you get off, tonight. I've a feeling we both need a stiff drink, and soon." She pinched the bridge of her nose, and Moose leaned against her with a whine. 'Aye,' she thought wearily. 'I'm working too hard, though I love it, but the boys are starting to comment on how tired I am.'
Oh my lord Jesus, you guys have been busy while I was away! @Dynamo Frokane Sorry, I got confused earlier when I was posting the minor characters. I'll move 'em over tonight.
@IrishAngelQueen Hello back! I love Ryva, she's pretty fantastic. :D The auto correct has been changing her name to Ryan on my phone though, which is hilarious to me for some reason.
@Roecoon Awwwww, you're the best! Thanks for waiting for me and you can call me Narcy or Doll if you want!
I'll get my post up within the next hour or so guys. Thanks for being patient!
I don't really have a favorite theme because I like music in general Also, I like the idea of adding a Casino! ^_^ It could be pretty fun and big casinos usually have awesome swimming pools, haha
Same. Also, I have to get off in a few. I'm going swimming soon, and won't be back on until tomorrow at the earliest.
Rixon likest to dye his hair every once in a while, and even though he smokes, he's in great health (He only smokes one cigarette every three days, unless he's stressed). Age 26
Height 6'4
Weight 214 lbs
Likes -Playing with Fourbidden City -Shine City -Lucca-his sweetheart -the Beach -his drums.
Dislikes -Women with absolutely no morals -Drunk assholes -Drunk assholes that are rude to women -grabby hands -Rap, but he thinks Eminem is okay
Party Trick Rixon speaks Gaelic, Hungarian, Russian, Italian, and French.
Profession Bass Guitarist in Fourbidden city, and has a part time job teaching foreign languages at the school.
Personality Calm, relaxed-until you piss him off by touching his butt when he's already taken, or if someone he cares for very deeply is hurt or insulted. You wouldn't think it, but he's sarcastic, and has a kitty named Bella.
Bio Rixon was twelve when Ryva and her family moved next door to him and his dad. Their parents were friends, and since neither kid knew anyone else in that nieghborhood, they became fast friends, and were inseprable. Then a few years after Ryva moved next door, tow other boys moved across from them, Jem and Salem. They all practiced one form of instument or another, and they'd have jam sessions. then as teens, they formed their band and moved to Shine City to do freelance work.
Moose Silverstone
Age 1 year
Likes -Cats -Long walks -The beach -listening to Ryva sing and play guitar -swimming -Pop Rocks (got into some one time. He'll hold his mouth open and listen to them pop) -Arty
Dislikes -Big crowds -Mean smelling people -People who hurt his people -Drunks -Cold feet -Carrots
Party Trick He does this thing where Ryva says "Gargoyle mode," and he sits where she tells him to-ears pricked, face serious, not moving a muscle.
Profession Being Ryva's furry little baby, and guarding her.
Personality Happy, bright, and clever, Moose sometimes lives up to his name when he almost knocks people over by leaning against them, or herding them with his head. But hurt his momma, and you might get bit-unless Ryva tells him to stop "Moosing around."
Bio Ryva found him on the side of the road when he was only about a month old. he was shivering in th icy wind, skinny, and dirty. She just had to have him. She insisted that Rixon get out from the passenger side and to go "Get that damn puppy in here right now, or I'll leave you on the side of the road." Rixon had no choice. He brought him back to the van and fed him bits of meat, until Moose fell asleep. the rest is history.
Ryva finished singing and bowed, grinning. She them proceeded to help the rest of Fourbidden City pack up for the night, carefully putting her guitar back into its blue velvet-lined case. She pulled on her jacket, thanking the person who had held it, then slung the case across her back and walked out to the van where Moose waited for her. He wined and stuck his head out of the window when he saw her, tail wagging. She laughed and cupped his head.
"Did you miss me, baby?" she crooned, opening the door and clipping the lease to his chain collar. "Are you hungry? Yeah? Come on, let's go say hi to Arty,"-Moose pricked his ears up, he liked Arty-"Then we'll go eat." His tail wagged again, and she stepped back to let him out. She closed the van door, then turned to the boys.
"We're going to say hi to Arty, then go eat at the Tiny Snowflake. Meet us there, Yeah?" She asked. Rixon Grinned.
"Aye, lass," he replied. "We'll be done in a few. I'm going to bring Lucca with me." Ryva smiled and breathed in the night air.
"Alright. See ya there, lads." She walked off to the front of the building, heading for the entrance. Then she stopped when she saw all of the people who had sort of mobbed Arty. She pushed her way through, and made everyone stand back at least three feet, with Moose giving little huffing growls to anyone that got too close-he didn't like crowds.
"Ay, give th' lad some space, people. He may be big enough to manhandle anyone who doesn't follow security guidelines, but he still needs to breathe," Ryva snapped, then turned to him, disregarding the people around them. "Good gods, Arty. looks like ye got your hands full tonight. I swear, ye do no' get paid enough for this." She paused. "Jus' came tae say hi, then me an' Moose are off to eat. But if you need help, we can wait." she offered.
I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.
Oh, and this, too.
I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm weird and love Adam Lambert.<br><br>Oh, and this, too.<br><iframe src="//youtube.com/embed/9u7hGkL57N8?theme=dark" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br>I'm good with nicknames. My friend has short blonde hair, and it's really spiky. It sometimes makes him look like a shark when we're swimming, so I call him Sharkie or SharkBoy.</div>