Ryva was sipping an iced mochachino on her couch, with moose snoozing at her feet, when her phone started playing Radioactive by Imagine Dragons-her ringtone for Arty. She pulled out her phone and unlocked the screen to read the text.
"Hey lass sorry for blowing you off last night, I was wiped by the end of my shift and just headed home. Let me know if you want to hang out." -Arty
Ryva smiled.
"O'course, boyo. I was pretty wiped myself, and my baby here was starting to get that starved look on his face, so I thought, 'Feck it, I'm going home.' Can you meet me at Mochavine in say, two hours? i figure it's enough time for you to wake up and feed your furry little angel." -Ry
She then stood, set her coffee down and went to get some clothes for the day. Ryva was still a bit drained from last night, so she just grabbed some boot-cut jeans, a three-quarter sleeved shirt, underthings, and padded into the bathroom. Moose took up his position in front of the bathroom door-he took his guard dog duties seriously. Ryva relaxed under the spray of the hot shower, and hummed until one of her songs floated to the front of her mind, and she sang, the acoustics of the bathroom making it sound as if she was in the studio.
"I saw a picture of you
Hanging in an empty hallway
I heard a voice that I knew
And I couldn't walk away
It took be back to the end
Of everything
I taste it all, I taste it all
The tears-again."
Ryva stepped out of the bathroom, gently nudging Moose out of the way as she grabbed her phone from where she had forgotten it on the counter. She quickly typed,
"Hey, Arty, do you have the number of the Club DJ? the female one, I mean. Not dangermouse. If you do, I'd apreciate it if you could send it to me-I need to ask her something very important. Thanks, love." -Ry