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1 mo ago
Thieves are meant to albeit desist. It's a first-person Trait aside Role Playing "Roleplaying" when Role-Playing. "Friend" shan't be "Avenger" but "Ward" because Gal's ain't Girl till Damsel!
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3 mos ago
My first ever rp was larping as Vegeta in an Elementary School Recess Z-Fighter Battle Royal!


PMing me aught to be for advanced reasons. Leave a visitor message instead if you think I may become perverted through PM; never got to doing that for scriptures, instead I became zealy, having already been zany. So, I just may because I only like Barbarian, and Mercenary Medieval Nobility sense roleplays - with Militaristic Sci-Fy in my pocket. That was jive; because the 2nd worst surviving mercenaries are pervert gossip where I'm from, since I kept my wits about me. I'm now mature to appreciate it's sense for Guild Thief.

I dont role-play the opposite Sex; Damsel. Not like I thought "woman" originally, Im so virtuous first. Role-Playing a She is allocating ugly girls to narc. A juvinile narc... hah and if lucky puberty aliens- - whatever though. So, Im a Swordsman for myself and when it got to 'for the Princess' I ventured against "vanguards" prncpld to do so without Adventurer's-Pay intentions, and I never adapted Ranger to Ward as a Man-At-Arms to a other Boyfriend to make Envoy's of a Vanguard/Armiger. I bided to have my Knight-Errant effect be challenged to "Mad Swordsman" should the Harrowers tried me too without a Tournament. Role-Playing tried to nemesis male perverts, and female lead to vagrancy when metropolitaning, so I didnt rp. Played video and pc games with chat systems which brought my roleplaying out.

Had popculture invite me to a Halo 1|Halo 2 XBOX System-Link Party in Middle School before my Family moved closer to my High School.
When that happened I thought I'd actively pursue street to get to some hills and forests. Got to a Mall and platooned myself as a Rogue-Phaser not Gamer with Grunge-Street-Misfits, whose Click was older Sage-Gamers, so invitably I went Outlaw against Bogart-Cooties to keep the Sage technique. But I didnt Rebel, nah I protected the Girls I dated. . . Their vanguards, the Girls' I dated, I didnt accept as Phasers or Shadows, but as Party Animals! However grotesque.. earning 'boyfriend' Rangerhood for doing it Solo. That avenged my own Back. And SkateBoarding got me into contemporary Parties when I tried to gorge-through them into the High School with Board but they roved-by incredilousing me to deflect its adversity because thatd of been gay of me. So, I made Challenger Party Animal those next years making myself Renegade to suffice Avenger dignity... At about 23 I had the Hill and gave not to them, instead restituted against so to Soulmate, figuring my Animal to liken becoming an atypical Champion Knife-Fighter "Bopper" instead of a Jail-House Rock Champion styled Rank.

Now to blatantly disregard your feelings to Role-Play ruckus atlast--

I'd Witch-Kill, but as it were fantasy eveloped Girls tooo sexy. That's normal-Medieval(magick is heresy, especially fantasy-high-magic hehahaha) and adventure-group (where magic overpowers magick --heroicly without everyone has magic in their Soul. Since choice of magic vsing magic(k) is becoming their soul, or however its said why teleporting isnt time travel.)I'm going to keep my fantasy games secret, because I didnt seek them as a Kid, instead enjoying Warrior through doing so till I knew better. What I will tell you is Counter-Strike started my Humane legacy, to Rainbow Six Vegas after Halo 3 subsided. Turok for the 360 slew multiplayer out of the gambit for FPS' when I got to that. Black's got better maps than Counter-Strike though. And I'm at 30K+ Gamerscore.

The End.

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In Trove 25 days ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
@xxjessicaxx Will you be wearing Shoes?
"On" within here. Not on-off leaving a mess... like.@themadhatter420@Assallya
In MxF 25 days ago Forum: 1x1 Interest Checks
You need to say what you tried to say with pride, not as a stereotypical vagabond blander. I'm a Royalist - so No Italy was not Rome. France gave germany the hre.
I vote for Xandrya's!
@Excession I'll join as an Umbreon, when.
This would be a casual Slice of Life RP. Automobiles, Homes, but the Elementary School happens to be in a Plains-Type of Village. The Middle School isnt near the Elementary School it's at a Suburban Boundary of it's District. The High School is on the Burough of what happes to be the Town. No Cities near by locally but the Suburbs are now merging into a Vale thanks to Economics.

I dont mind having all generation of pokemon possible.
I picked casual and free writing styles for every Player to try being at ease about this. I'll be fulfilling being a Proctor for Teaching, and Referee when there. To begin with elementary would habe Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and half of 3rd Grade a spectating lifestyle. For that reason I feel an ease style of writing should be accomplished.
And when this is UP I'll be tagging every Person playing in the OOC section twice a week, Monday and Friday, for the casual writing style to feel in place.

Pokemon Elementary School.
Class Education. 4 Studious Subjects; Reading first, then Recess, Language second, Lunch, Math third, GYM, History last.
Typically Civilian Schools. Some Pageants Occurs giving Students options to have Pokemon Subjects in Middle and High School. Elementary doesnt have Pokemon Subjects, but there are Pokemon Camps for Boy|Girl Scout, and Fandom Groups created Yearly to aspiring Students and Personel with Pokemon. Several Pokemon is not allowed on School Grounds.

Pokemon Middle School. Beside the taught Subjects from Elementary Pokemon Battling Occurs 1v1 here Seasonally. These Battles help Coordinate with Citizen Jobs that allow Pokemon on their Frontier. And Double Battles. Pageants. So Class Subjects in Middle School are primarily Battle Field Types, and Pokemon Types. Pokemon Eggs can become Prizes, and since GYM is also involved Daily the Student may have up to 3 Pokemon Registered by the 3rd and last Year of Middle School. The maximum amount ever available.

Pokemon High School. High School returns to normal class subjects, having Pokemon Battling Subjects a procession of their time. Or Students can try the Gym Tournament. Students vs other High Schools with their Pokemon. The maximum is 3 Pokemon but as long as you haveva Record capability of 1 Pokemon you can try. Seasonal Winners can try the Elite Challenge after Graduation. Thats the Anime Gym Leader Crucibles, then. 8 GYMs across Countys within a 8 Month Conference. The Students who wait the full Four Years of High School as Rangers from each following Year's Season get to Register a New Pokemon; finishing to Six Pokemon. 1 Seasonal Loss though after the Initial 9th Grade Test and its done for that Student's Career as a Pokemon Trainer; a School Title. Back to Subjects and or other Contests theyre still Participants in.
So, 1 Seasonal win is acceptance to the Tourny if 3 Pokemon are actually Registered. Can be saved to another Year till those 3 are accounted for. These are Publuc Schools, of course. Not strict military schools, boarding schools, or private schools.
You got straight-edge types, there. Care to view my 1x1's?
At that moment Extreme Viper opened the door, enterred, and closed it. I addressed the peeping eyes of the denizens and said to Breath Of Life, the Mystic, and Breaths Family. "The orcs didnt follow us. And rather seemed interested in only the maneuver to the wagon. None pursued other ways, like the forest, or the path to the road routes." I got closer "Seems like 30 of them though. I dont think theyre working with the goblins. Likely those were the last goblins They were fighting."

@Assallya @themadhatter420
Er... @Assallya @themadhatter420 the new comer seems uneasy to me, I best just rp on. I dont like messes..
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