Avatar of StarWight
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LoneSilverWolf
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1137 (0.28 / day)
  • VMs: 4
  • Username history
    1. StarWight 3 yrs ago
    2. ██████████████ 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current I JUST saw today that they are remaking Silent Hill 2 and releasing a new Silent Hill game!!! Wow, I thought Konami abandoned the IP! I am more excited than I can put into words!!!
2 yrs ago
I haven't roleplayed in so long, I am super excited to jump back into things!
2 yrs ago
Moving my interest check from advanced to casual in hopes of snagging some survival horror interest!
2 yrs ago
If anyone is interested in a Silent Hill roleplay, check out the interest check! I'm hoping we can capture a fun survival horror feel!
2 yrs ago
Are we *technically* alive though? I mean really, shouldn't you say unlives?


Former Enlisted Army, and very avid gamer. I have fallen hook line and sinker for Dungeons and Dragons, which has actually taken over as my preferred method to roleplay--as both a DM and a player.

However, my roleplay adventures started with writing, and I always will be interested in creative writing. I left for a brief 5 year stint (Hey, that's brief to an elf or dragon, yeah?) but am back and ready to dive into something (though what, I am unsure).

Happily married to my wonderful wife @PrimalArcana, whom I met at this forum (thanks @Mahz) and I can't be happier :D Love to RP pretty much anything. However, my time is much more limited than it used to be. My PMs are open if you want to roleplay, I'm known to do both 1 on 1 RPs and open forum RPs.

I may not be active anymore, but this still applies: All Green, all Army, HOOAH!

Most Recent Posts

Hey! I saw your group goal size was 4 and that you've reached that, but I figured I'd chance it and submit a character sheet just in case you were accepting one more!

Looking forward to having you in! Character accepted and good to go :)

@cloaked @dragonfly 9 Will you all be posting IC this week?

Awesome, character accepted!


I see what you did there in your post and I LOVE the reference! It made me smile :D
Map of Silent Hill (updated as we explore):

For full sized map (so you can zoom in and see buildings, etc) please see this image
"Through this fog they came along...dark creatures, singing a terrible song..."

Darren Linus stared at the rusted wooden sign in front of him, the paint starting to peel off, wood worn down and rotting. Turning his gaze up at the sky, he frowned, eyebrows furrowing and jaw clenched. The night was clear, but the sun had dipped low behind the mountains in the distance. Early evening, the darkness was fast approaching. But he couldn't leave her out here. Reaching down, he took the leather dog collar from his belt, looking at it, concern etched in his slightly wrinkled face. Kali, his German Shephard, was somewhere out there. He sighed, took a step forward.

The rest of the bar had laughed at the him, but I felt my hope grow dim. They found him dead, the very next day. "No more stories from him", I'd heard them say.

Daren Linus thought back to the bar where he sat, alone, drinking down a bottle of whisky. He'd overheard the conversation from those talking about the story on the news, a story apparently involving a regular patron.

They had blamed bad luck on his fate...but I felt terror...so great.

The man had disappeared around this town. The abandoned, derelict ghost town that Darren now stood before, his eyes glancing the sign up and down. "WELCOME TO SILENT HILL." A town where people go missing. A town locals call haunted. A town that has been cordoned off, and it is considered trespassing to enter. And this town is where poor Kali had taken off when she slipped her collar.

"Goddamn it," he muttered under his breath. Fastening the collar back to his belt, Darren sighed again and took a step forward. Then another. And another. Walking down the main road leading into the eerie town of Silent Hill. He just wanted to find Kali, and get back home, preferably before it got any darker. It wasn't that he was afraid of the dark or anything silly like that. Hell, he didn't really even know why he felt horrified watching that news story in the bar, overhearing the locals talking of the man that was found dead nearby. He just wanted to get home and go to bed, he'd been hiking all day. He was beat, tired. Worn.

And so Darren strode down the main road, seeing the decaying and worn buildings up ahead, the town casting it's silhouette against the darkening evening sky. Not wanting to spend hours searching for the dog, he yelled as loud as he could: "KALI!!! KALI, COME!!!" His voice echoed, trailing off into the distance. He listened. No familiar paw-steps could be heard rapidly approaching. The furry little bullet he loved was not dashing towards him at full speed like she always did when he called for her. He would be lying to himself if he were to say he wasn't concerned, worried for her. After all, she could get herself into trouble, rummaging around these old buildings--some of which were on the verge of collapse, as old as they were without anyone to maintain them.

And so he moved on, walking down the road, the sound of his footsteps on worn concrete the only audible noise breaking the stillness of the evening, as the man began the search for his trusted, furry friend.


Okay everyone, I'll post the introduction post at some point tomorrow and we can get ready to have some fun!
I'll have my CS in later today!


ooh very nice! Character accepted :D
Which faceclaims would you prefer, drawn or realistic?

Either is fine, whatever you prefer :)
Current Status: Closed

Name: Darren Linus

Age: 42

Profession: Retired 1st Sgt, US Army

Top 2 personality traits: Hates crowds, and will do what he can to stay away from them. Does not trust people easily, and is often short with people; he doesn't let people get too close

Biggest Fear: Absolutely terrified of explosions and loud noises.

Three items you have with you (Other than clothing-either profession based or related to your reason for being in Silent Hill): A dog collar that he wears around his belt (dog tags on the collar have the name 'Kali' etched in them). KA-BAR knife sheathed on his right side. Bear spray.

Bonds: Kali, his German Shephard who has a limp not unlike Darren.

Character Flaws (may be self-percieved): Swears--a LOT. Because of his distant nature, he seems uncaring and cold--and often treats people badly in order to drive them away and not let them get close.

How and why did your character get to Silent Hill: He was hiking with Kali on a trail not too far away from Silent Hill, when his dog Kali started dashing away towards the town. Darren almost caught her, but she slipped her collar. Following her trail, he ended up in the Town that Takes All.

Bio: Darren Linus isn't quite broken, but he is about as close as you can get. A military veteran, Darren lost his friends to the Iraq War. His first tour, his dog Kali was injured--saving Darren's life, almost dying herself. Because of a grievous injury to her leg, she forever walks with a limp. Darren couldn't let her be adopted by just anyone after that. He adopted her himself and brought her home. But he was deployed again barely a year later, so off he went while she stayed behind with a colleague.

It was in that second and final deployment that Darren's life shifted drastically. It was a dark night, when the ambush happened. His patrol was hit by a roadside bomb. Several died in the blast, but not Darren. He was badly injured, having taken quite a lot of shrapnel to his leg. Bleeding, his leg broken from the impact, he joined his unit in making for the nearby hills--gunshots and the enemy hot on their heels. His entire squad, including his best friend, Kyle Ward, was killed that day with Darren the sole survivor. He dragged himself, injured and bleeding, back to the FOB and was subsequently treated for his injuries.

Darren suffered permanent damage to his right leg and was med-boarded with full honors and given one final promotion from Sergeant First Class to First Sergeant. However, the scars of war left him a changed man. Suffering an injury not unlike Kali's, he grew closer with the dog, and leaned on the German Shephard for support. But he was afraid now. Loud sounds. Bangs. Fireworks. Large crowds. They all terrified him, threw him into panic attacks. Then there's the matter of his fuzzy memory of the time. The days he spent in the hills making his way back to the FOB were a blur in his mind. He has suffered no memory issues since, but he constantly picks at himself for being the only survivor. He should have done more, could have done more--and he blames himself for the loss of his friends. So he spends his days in a little shack of his own, on the cities edge, and spends a lot of time with nature--the only place he can find peace.

When he's not sitting by himself going about a dull and boring day, he is hiking with Kali, exploring the forests and trails, losing himself in the wilds before returning home to suffer more nightmares and memories.

Physical description (Can be a picture if you wish): A somewhat tall man at 5'11, he has short hair and a clean shaven, rough face. He has scars across his right cheek and next to his eye--parting gifts from the attack on his patrol that left lasting injuries to his leg. He typically wears blue jeans and nondescript black sweater, with a dark jean jacket. He still wears his dog tags around his neck-and the dog tags of each of the 7 men of his squad he lost in the war. He carries a carved dark oak walking stick, the head in the shape of an owl; his unit's symbol, and walks with a very noticeable and somewhat heavy limp.

Insanity Score (leave blank until you start gaining insanity points in game):
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