Avatar of Strange Rodent
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 658 (0.27 / day)
  • VMs: 5
  • Username history
    1. Strange Rodent 7 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current You couldn't even imagine it...
5 yrs ago
Why does saying "I love you" have to have so many romantic connotations? There are so many people I love in a way seperate from anything romantic. <3
5 yrs ago
I'm fucking back with a fucking vengeance, I just wish I had some wine
5 yrs ago
Bourbon and tea is a good idea
5 yrs ago
He's made of bones, he's made of blood, he's made of flesh, he's made of love. He's made of you, he's made of me. UNITY!


A thing that will die after eating rat poison

But really, a guy that likes to RP. Not too keen on sharing personal info in my bio, but after I get to know you, I may open up a bit more in regards to certain things.

I have been roleplaying for most of my life, but forum RP is newer to me than tabletop. I wanted something to do to kill time without putting wayyyy too many hours into Dark Souls 3.

I love music, historical fencing and re enactment, making shit, and just being cool with people. Talk any of these things with me, and you'll be cool with me. I have very strong thoughts on sandwiches. Ask if you dare.

Here's a list of cool people from this site that are just cool people that I enjoy talking with, and a quote from each of them. In no particular order, here they are:

"What the shit?"

"Don't quote me."

"Rodent is a little shit, I want to beat him up but in the most loving way"

"If you're feeling unimportant, always remember that every protagonist was an NPC before their most important story began"

"haha yeah"

"I'm just running an aux through my amp, Playing Van Halen at 05:50"

And that's that. There's not much else I feel like saying. Here's a list of bands I like (to be made soon)

Most Recent Posts

@Sedjwick @RumikoOhara

You guys still interested?
Ceiran Strivelyn

He saw Tholl scowling at him. The judgement in her eyes worried him. She'd seen it on the second day, which he was wondering about. His specific condition was fairly rare, so she must be well versed in this area. He was also worried about how he'd do in her class now. He wouldn't be able to focus. All things considered, he'd done terribly over the past two days. Oh, well. Not everything can go his way. As long as he learned something. That something being 'Always pack food for lunch. Always pack snacks in case.".

Had he known the girl better, he might've cared what she thought. He couldn't have held it against her, though. She had no way of knowing what he was dealing with, nor a point of reference. As far as he knew, anyway. He thought about spilling the food he had just cleaned up just to spite her, but that'd have hardly helped anybody. A shiver ran through him as the last of the pain vanished, but the dizzying high of an energy overload was still present. He'd have to discharge a bit if he didn't want to get noticed, not by the students, but by the teachers. It was probably too late, though.

He closed his eyes, and breathed in. He began to meditate, in an attempt to equalise. He had done this hundreds of times before, so it almost came as naturally as walking by now. He formed a pipeline of sorts, leading into the earth. After this was complete, he allowed his energy to be affected by gravity. This caused all the excess to fall out of his body, and disappear into the earth, ready to be claimed by anyone. Finishing this procedure was as simple as closing the pipeline and removing the false gravity. He opened his eyes, and felt a whole lot better for discharging. He no longer felt like a time bomb, ready to explode at any second.

He placed his cutlery on his plate in the proper fashion, side by side, and was about to leave the table before he saw Miss Mako approach. Looks like he had some explaining to do, and hopefully it'd only be for being late to class. She sat next to him, and consoled him about his performance in potions while reassuring him about rituals and incantations. Huh. He thought she hadn't noticed him enter. Funnily enough, he probably couldn't do either rituals or incantations, as he is incapable of consuming Mana, only controlling it. Then she asked him a question which worried him. He was fine now, but she'd obviously seen him eat. He mustn't go to the nurses office. If he did, they'd surely spot the demon and attempt to excorsice it. He'd tried that at least five times before. Each and every attempt had brought him and the excorsist close to death. This demon wouldn't leave without a fight, and it had rooted itself in his very soul. Removing it would not be dissimilar to attempting to remove a very large brain tumor.

"No, thanks. I'm alright now. Nothing I haven't dealt with before." He said, cautiously. He proceeded with a strange grimace on his face, "I probably won't be able to do spells and incantations. I'm unable to cast spells. However, I don't consider potions to be a failure. I may not have produced the results I wanted, but I did learn exactly how to make saltwater more salty. You only fail if you don't learn.". He said this while gazing at his empty plate.

@Silver Carrot
Laughs maniacally

But you have fallen right into my TRAP CARD!
You've been out damaging me so far, though

I saw that synergy the first time I looked through the deck, but didn't think I'd have to have used it until way later

that sentence was a mess >.<

Alrighty then!

Yeah, I felt very much on the back foot until that last turn. Definitely was also playing my deck wrong

Sure. I'll not post anything else until your next post comes up

Of course! Sorry, I forgot about that. Won't happen again. Do you want me to delete my old post and make a new one?

3 chuckled at 11's outburst. He broke into a full laugh as he said "Didn't you hear him? He said no fucken swearing, you cunt.". He struggled to his feet on legs that hadn't moved for several years, groaning a bit as he did so. He thought he was hilarious, but it probably didn't do anything to stop the fight, so he calmed himself down and said, "Seriously though. What do you hope to gain by fighting these people? They're, as you said, badass motherfuckers. If you have a deathwish... mate, go right ahead. I plan on making myself useful. Which I can't be if I'm dead... so... please don't kill me.". The last part was directed towards 9. She seemed like she could snap as easily as a twig. Her and 11. He made a mental note to not piss them off. 10 just seemed a fuckwit.

He looked at 2. She seemed reasonable, although he wasn't ready to confirm that yet. He took a moment to gather his thoughts, and finally spoke, "Thanks, by the way. For the gun and for answering our questions. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask why I don't remember anything?", he danced around the words, very much conscious that he wouldn't get any answers if he was dead. He massaged his eyes. This whole dingy place was a little overbearing. He was panicking a little. He had no control here.

He heard a man call out "Excuse me! What is this place?". He raised an eyebrow at the people watching all this, and said "So I don't suppose you know this guy as well?". He knew they didn't from the way he was asking, of course. He just wanted them to deal with it. Shouting out that there are people in here, while they were pointing a gun at him probably wouldn't go down too crash hot. Instead, he sat on his pod and began to work some feeling into his legs.
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