Avatar of Strange Rodent
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  • Posts: 658 (0.27 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Strange Rodent 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current You couldn't even imagine it...
5 yrs ago
Why does saying "I love you" have to have so many romantic connotations? There are so many people I love in a way seperate from anything romantic. <3
5 yrs ago
I'm fucking back with a fucking vengeance, I just wish I had some wine
5 yrs ago
Bourbon and tea is a good idea
5 yrs ago
He's made of bones, he's made of blood, he's made of flesh, he's made of love. He's made of you, he's made of me. UNITY!


A thing that will die after eating rat poison

But really, a guy that likes to RP. Not too keen on sharing personal info in my bio, but after I get to know you, I may open up a bit more in regards to certain things.

I have been roleplaying for most of my life, but forum RP is newer to me than tabletop. I wanted something to do to kill time without putting wayyyy too many hours into Dark Souls 3.

I love music, historical fencing and re enactment, making shit, and just being cool with people. Talk any of these things with me, and you'll be cool with me. I have very strong thoughts on sandwiches. Ask if you dare.

Here's a list of cool people from this site that are just cool people that I enjoy talking with, and a quote from each of them. In no particular order, here they are:

"What the shit?"

"Don't quote me."

"Rodent is a little shit, I want to beat him up but in the most loving way"

"If you're feeling unimportant, always remember that every protagonist was an NPC before their most important story began"

"haha yeah"

"I'm just running an aux through my amp, Playing Van Halen at 05:50"

And that's that. There's not much else I feel like saying. Here's a list of bands I like (to be made soon)

Most Recent Posts

Bump bump :/
I'll give it a shot but will insist on playing the guy that's useful but always causes problems, because that's kinda what I feel like right now
Augie Clevenger

Augie had driven tour buses before, but nothing like this. Sitting at the wheel was awkward. It obviously wasn't made for wiry people. The engine let out a thin rumble as he turned the key, which escalated into a meaty snarl as he pumped the accelerator.

The vehicle lurched forward, jerking to the right as Augie attempted to avoid a large rock. The scrubland parted for them, cowering under the destruction of the... car. He felt very far from home piloting this, but they needed to get out of here somehow. He marveled at their luck so far, but didn't complain.

"So what's our plan then? We have some kind of magical powers and a crippled woman, no offense intended."

He had driven up to a road and turned left without consultation of the others. It just felt like the right way to go. He had only just noticed the sharp pain in his gut

"Oh, and food. I'm sure I'm not the only one here who could eat a fucking horse."

Let's do this shit. Slide into DMs?

The first two, yeah. I've... never had much luck with girls even as a rabbit though. So no.

But it can lead to other awkward situations. One time, when I was a shrew, I was having dinner with a mate. I transformed halfway through and no longer fit properly in their house. The Fire Dept. had to rescue me :(

I like that idea. Very much.

Fuck yeah. We could even gather power and attempt to take over the world, only to find some other odd power attempting to stop us. That'd be long-term though

And no, I'm not stainless steel. I've got a genetic disease which changes my physical form every month. Basically, in a few weeks I'll be a totally different rodent. Naming one type of rodent didn't seem right to me because of this.
Eh... still waiting on Apollo. Anybody want to collab in the meantime?

I'd be quite keen to actually get in this.
Do you want to do a story prompt, or shall I?
Glenn Strivelyn

Glenn knew it. He had just beaten the rush hour. The pub filled up quickly, and a few people he knew were among them.

The first one here was Alex. No doubt he'd just sped here from his work after overworking himself. He came here when he could. He didn't say a word to Glenn, but touched him on the back. He attempted to flirt with Jennie, to which Glenn rakishly waggled his eyebrows. He took a sip of wine, savoring every drop and aroma available. He sloshed the deep red liquid in the glass, gazing into his reflection. He noticed that it wasn't quite the appropriate glass. He wasn't quite enough of a prick that he'd demand the right one, but he was seriously thinking about it.

He turned his head to face Alex, and in his Irish slur, let the words on his mind spill out; "How do you feel about... practicing tonight. I have a few new signatures in mind, and I'd like some company.". No later than the words had been put to air than the uptight cunt Brandon walked in. He took some paper out of his pocket, wrote down a time and a place, and slipped the note into Alex's pocket. "Be there.".

Glenn reckoned that Brandon had a stick stuck so far up his vag he'd need it to be surgically removed. Glenn visibly cringed when he made that elongated "Eeeeevening folks!". His optimistic thoughts brought thoughts of destruction to Glenn's mind, if only to prove him wrong. That being said, he wasn't too bad to hang around if you weren't drinking or doing drugs. Quite pleasant, actually. Glenn raised his glass by way of greeting, taking a sip on the way back down. "Can't get drunk off Diet Pepsi, Brandon. Grow a pair and drink up.", you could tell he was only half-joking. He followed with another half-joke, "Hey, I got a gift for you. It's green and plant based, so it's safe. Safer than that Diet Pepsi, anyway. You seen the fucked up shit they put in that?".

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