Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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1 mo ago
Current I'm also younger and in the south though. Mostly our older people are sticklers for "thank you/you're welcome" this way. Dunno if that helps, but there's my two cents.
1 mo ago
As an American waitress, I use "You're welcome", "no problem" and "no worries/sweat". Switching it up makes me feel less like a broken record, and thank you feels too... transactional, honestly. 1/2
1 mo ago
Can't wait until I have a laptop again so I can properly turn my profile into a shrine for Ethel Cain.
2 mos ago
Merry Chrysler 🎄
4 mos ago
We're fucking cooked, dudes.
1 like


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts

On the subject of children - I do want kids one day. I just feel like I need to be in a way better financial spot than I am right now, and I need to travel to a couple more music festivals first while working through my own shit. I've always liked kids, but they cost so much money, and heaven knows I do not have enough for a box of Pampers right now.

On the subject of quotes - I have this little blue book (sort of like a journal thing, I guess) full of quotes. I need to start writing them down again. Mine are from poets, actors and the like.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

You, of all people, know I am not fit to become a father. And never will be due to my anger issues.

An accurate point. I just think it would be cute to see you with your hypothetical non existent son.

<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

But looking forward to see you become a mother, Hales.

Not for a while, my friend. Not for a while.
I have never been a fan of babies, or children. But I do admit that when my little niece was born, I had a soft spot for her, despite the fact her father being a dickhead.

#MakeChaseADaddy when?


"When will you learn... when will you learn.... THAT YOUR ACTIONS - HAVE CONSEQUENCES," Eli whisper shouted as Mr. Henderson announced that the arts programs would be receiving even less funding this year. Turning to Minty and Lana he rolled his eyes. "Like seriously. As if teachers didn't already have to decorate their classrooms with their own funding. And yeah, sure. Totally great that we can get the football team new helmets to protect their last brain cell, but what about replacing the text books from fucking nineteen eighty-five."

Grabbing his bag and standing up from his seat, Eli said good bye to his friends before exiting the auditorium to head to his first class.

Going to Rosefell wasn't his dream, but it was the best his family could do. It was the nearest school where he could ride his bike or take the bus. Any other school and his parents would have to drive him. The gas bill for the family car was already high enough. With the funding being cut for music class again, Eli wasn't really looking forward to his chosen elective. Normally the thought of sitting around for over an hour with some friends playing guitar would have been a nice thought, but some of the kids in music class weren't lucky enough to have their own instrument. Maybe he could use the money from his summer job and get some supplies.

That wasn't his responsibility though! Why couldn't they just give the students what they needed?
I use faceclaims and written descriptions.

I can't stand anime FC's. I will use digital art or a really nice drawing to match what the GM and other players are doing though.

At first, using someones face was a little weird. Now I'll be watching movies, see someone and be like: "Yes. You. Your face. I'm gonna use it.

Using an real life faceclaim lets me do a lot for aesthetics. I have been working on conceptualized faceclaims like this one for Serina, this one for Chelsie, and this one for Serina that's a little more in detail.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>
Makes sense


I was revenge baby.

My bio dad is not the best man, and cause my mom to have a miscarriage before she had me. Mom was ready to be a mom, but my bio dad wasn't ready to be a dad. So when mom has the miscarriage cause by my bio dad, she thought that he owed her a baby. So mom poked a hole in the condom right before the revenge sex.

Said revenge sex was had in a McDonalds walk-in freezer.


"Born and raised right her in Columbus," Aria responded to Cami. "Funny," she began, her eyebrows pinching together in thought. "I wonder if we ever had any classes together when we were small? Surely I would have remembered someone like you."

It would be at that precise moment that the timer she had set for the assembly went off on her phone. With a roll of her eyes, Aria stood up from the table, grabbing her empty Taco Bell bag and slinging her book bag over her right shoulder.

"I'd be more than happy to finish this conversation later," she stated. "As a matter of fact, I'm hosting a lake party with a friend of mine Friday. You're invited. I'm sure Lud can give you the directions." Aria pointed to Ludvig in a manner that suggested she was only joking about her seriousness. "And you need to help me pick out my outfit for said party. I'll catch up with you guys later!"

With the picture of Camila burned into her mind in the best of ways, Aria tossed her food wrappers into the trash before making her way to the auditorium. Being one of the last to arrive, she didn't get the best seating, so she ended up having to squeeze in between some of the loud jocks and the acne covered nerds. Said loud jocks kept wanting to mess with said nerds, causing her to miss almost half of what Mr. Henderson said. What she did hear, she wasn't happy with. Funding for the arts yet again? Oh, but you managed to get the football players new helmets and buy electronic dolls for a shit ton of students? Right. Keep lying, old man.

With the assembly over, Aria was relieved to get out of the jock vs. nerd situation. While she was considered to be one of the jocks, she had never really been one to engage in anti-nerd activities.

Pulling up a picture that she had taken earlier of her schedule, Aria seen that her first class was Honors Biology. Meandering through the lines out of the auditorium, Aria headed down the hall to class.
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

Your hair doesn't take time to grow. I have noticed. Some people cut and BOOM! Karen haircut forever.

I wonder what you would look like with a Karen cut...
<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

You always dye it, never cut it.

I did cut it last time, but I had to because the bleached part was dead.

This time I'll just get rid of the dead ends. I can't wait until it gets long again.
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