"The difference between pussy and pizza is nothing; I eat both." - Internet Meme Gods.

Billie Jean Grey

- Just Billie. Not Jean, not BJ. Just Billie.
- Little Grey

Eighteen || June 5th || Gemini


Pansexual Polyamorous


Jock, Thespian, Prep, Band Geek, you get it.

- Hair: Dark Brown | Wavy | Billie always tries to do something with her hair. Her daily haircare routine is practically her religion. Billie usually styles her hair for perfect beachy waves. Her other go to styles are braids or space buns.
- Eyes: Brown.
- Height: Five feet, two inches.
- Body Type: Thin Hourglass.
- Clothing Style: Casually Rich | Billie dresses for three things: style, cuteness, and comfort. While her outfit might look like everyday norm, make no mistake that everything she wears is name brand. Billie's style is all over the place. One day she'll be dolled up in pastels, the next she could be dressed like a goth queen. Billie's outfits tend to match her moods.
- Makeup Wise: Mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow... just like her clothing, Billie's makeup is determined by her mood. While she tends to go for more nude colors most days, she has no problem stepping out and rocking a red lip.
- Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings:
- Her nipples are pierced. As soon as she turned eighteen, Billie and her older sister snuck out and got their piercings together. Their parents don't know.
- Earlobes are pierced.

- Protective: Rather it be her friends, siblings, or belongings, Billie will go to the ends of the earth to protect what she cares about.
- Passionate: Billie is passionate about nearly everything in life. She feels freely and to the fullest extent, sometimes making here appear and feel dramatic.
- Blunt
- Aggressive: 10/10 will hit a bitch. Billie has no problem starting or finishing a fight, and enjoys it more if the person she's fighting is larger than her. More often than not, Billie will pick a fight for nearly any or no reason at all.
- Competitive
- Stubborn
- Ambitious
- Confident: Once Billie sets her mind on something, she can do anything. From the way she walks to the way she talks, it's clear that Billie is a very confident person. Sometimes this confidence can stray into arrogance, as she has a minor superiority complex.
- Determined
- Flirtatious
- Witty

"There's honestly not that much I can tell you about my life. I grew up between New York and Florida. Florida's where my parents are from, so they had a lot of friends and family down there that we visited pretty often. The Diedrikson, MacMillian and Drake families, mostly. We were all just like a big ass family. Christmas was always hell... but fun.
Uh... let's see. I have a twin - Nicholas. Light of my life. Don't tell him I said that - It'll go straight to his fucking ego. There's my older sister Fiona. She was always the good kid of the family, but she's done some shit that mom and dad doesn't know about too. We all have. Speaking of mom and dad, I guess you could say I have pretty famous parents. Mom's a music producer and dad's a soap star. Neither of them ever had that much time to spend at home, but when we all got together... it was great. Fi would be in the living room playing the piano. Nick would be dancing or some shit. Mom and dad would be laughing and cooking in the kitchen.
School was always cool, I guess. I've never excelled in class, but I've never been a failure, either. All of us kids have always went to private schools. Dad's job brought us to Ohio. Why fucking dumbass, grungy, dirty, filthy Ohio I will never understand, but whatever. I spent Junior year at Liberty and now I'm going to be spending senior year in some cesspool called Rosefell.
Guess I better go get drunk."
Uh... let's see. I have a twin - Nicholas. Light of my life. Don't tell him I said that - It'll go straight to his fucking ego. There's my older sister Fiona. She was always the good kid of the family, but she's done some shit that mom and dad doesn't know about too. We all have. Speaking of mom and dad, I guess you could say I have pretty famous parents. Mom's a music producer and dad's a soap star. Neither of them ever had that much time to spend at home, but when we all got together... it was great. Fi would be in the living room playing the piano. Nick would be dancing or some shit. Mom and dad would be laughing and cooking in the kitchen.
School was always cool, I guess. I've never excelled in class, but I've never been a failure, either. All of us kids have always went to private schools. Dad's job brought us to Ohio. Why fucking dumbass, grungy, dirty, filthy Ohio I will never understand, but whatever. I spent Junior year at Liberty and now I'm going to be spending senior year in some cesspool called Rosefell.
Guess I better go get drunk."

Ariel Grey - The glue of the family, and full time music producer. Ariel works for Fallen Angel Records.
Kavi Salvador - The most supportive father anyone could ever ask for, Kavi is known for his work on Broadway and his leading role in the Daytime Soap Opera With or Without Love.
Fiona Salvador - The older sister, and golden child of the family. Fiona is an aspiring musician currently attending Meadow University.
Nicholas Grey - The eccentric twin brother who just so happens to be Billie's best friend in life.
Kavi Salvador - The most supportive father anyone could ever ask for, Kavi is known for his work on Broadway and his leading role in the Daytime Soap Opera With or Without Love.
Fiona Salvador - The older sister, and golden child of the family. Fiona is an aspiring musician currently attending Meadow University.
Nicholas Grey - The eccentric twin brother who just so happens to be Billie's best friend in life.

Christina Nadin | 93E9BE
- Billie wants to become a Hollywood star. If that fails, then she'll just got to college like a normal person for a degree she hasn't settled on yet.
- One of Billie's passions is her graffiti art. Billie will spray paint just about anything can get her hands on.
- Her favorite show is Grey's Anatomy. It's a Thursday night tradition for Billie and Nick to watch the new episodes together.
- She sleeps with a giant version of Grumpy Bear.
- Has a bad habit of staying up until at least three or four in the morning.
- Billie's two biggest habits are biting the inside of her jaw and rolling her eyes.
- Billie is a lover of night time, peach soda and dark humor. She hates mint chocolate anything, the smell of pine, and coffee. Her favorite drink is lemonade.
- Much like her sister, Billie goes braless whenever and wherever she can.
- Can speak French, Italian, and Spanish.
- Drives a red 2020 Honda Civic Sport.