Avatar of Sugar and Spite


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1 mo ago
Current I'm also younger and in the south though. Mostly our older people are sticklers for "thank you/you're welcome" this way. Dunno if that helps, but there's my two cents.
1 mo ago
As an American waitress, I use "You're welcome", "no problem" and "no worries/sweat". Switching it up makes me feel less like a broken record, and thank you feels too... transactional, honestly. 1/2
1 mo ago
Can't wait until I have a laptop again so I can properly turn my profile into a shrine for Ethel Cain.
2 mos ago
Merry Chrysler 🎄
4 mos ago
We're fucking cooked, dudes.
1 like


Haley ★ 24 ★ Taurus ★ EST ★ Casual Level Group Writer

Welcome fellow writer. I go by many names, but you can call me Haley or pretty much anything else. I stick to causal level groups here on the forum. I have a soft spot for thunderstorms, dark humor, strong coffee, animals, pretty words, feminine rage, mythologies, and all things that go 'bump' in the night. I've lived in the same small southern Appalachian town my whole life, and aim to travel one day. I'm open to the occasional random conversation, but please do not message me asking to write one-on-one; it's simply not something I do these days.

Most Recent Posts


Taking a rip from her bong one more time this morning, Lilith flopped back down on her bed and stared at the ceiling while trying to find any motivation to go to school today.

Liberty would be merging with Rosefell. That meant that every face from middle school that she never wanted to see again would be floating around the halls of Rosefell like weird Prada wearing ghosts. Marcos. Juno. The Zabrecky’s. The school was going to be packed. Why couldn’t Liberty merge with Abernathy High? Why was Lilith being subjected to this hell?

Enough dwelling on how much she didn’t want to deal with it. ”Might as well go ahead and get Senior year over with. When I graduate that means I can pack my shit and move away from this fuck-stick town.”

With a groan, Lilith hit shuffle on her Spotify playlist before rummaging through her dresser looking for something to wear. As the familiar sound of Red Hot Chili Peppers filled the room, Lilith took another hit from her bong before resuming her search for clothing. She wasn’t worried about impressing the Liberty kids. They could suck her metaphorical dick for all she cared. Lilith just wanted to be cute and comfy for the day.

Settling on her favorite Nirvana shirt, Lilith slipped it on over her head. Grabbing a pair of fishnet leggings and denim shorts, Lilith tucked her shirt in before glancing in the full length mirror that she had hanging on the back of her bedroom door. There was something missing… Something else that today's outfit needed…

”Chunky black belt? Yes please.”

Once dressed, Lilith tried her best to make sure she had everything that she needed in her book bag for the day. Grabbing her rolling tray, Lil sat down on the edge of her bed and began rolling herself a blunt. This was part of her normal morning routine. Get high, shower, get dressed, roll a fatty and go to school. Her routine hadn’t failed her yet, so there was absolutely no point in changing things up.

Once she had packed her things, Lilith picked up some of the dirty laundry scattering the floor and tossed it in the clothes hamper before heading downstairs.

“Good morning, love,” her mother called cheerfully from the kitchen. “Do you need me to drive you to school this morning?”

”Nah. I’m not that high yet,” Lil responded, taking her spot on the living room couch.

Her grandfather chuckled. “Looking forward to your first day back?” he asked.

”Not really,” she replied, her expression going sour.

“Oh come on.” John was doing his best to raise his granddaughter's spirits, and you could tell it by his tone of voice. “You get to meet up with some old friends, meet a few new ones… It’ll be fine.”

”I appreciate the reassurance, Gramps, but… I just ain’t feeling it.”

With a sigh, the old man turned to the next page in his newspaper. “Heard.”

“Lilith, baby, did you want anything to eat? I have pancakes.” Claire’s voice rang out from the kitchen once more, the mention of pancakes lightning her daughters mood ever so slightly.

”I’ll take two with peanut butter!”

“Got the munchies again, eh?” John asked, smirking at Lilith from over his news paper.

”Me? Munchies? Never.” Getting up from the couch, Lilith grabbed her pancakes from her mother before pouring herself a small glass of milk. Checking the time on her phone, Lilith’s eyes widened. ”Fuck. I gotta go.”

Shoving the last of the pancakes in her mouth, Lilith gave her mother a quick hug. ”Love you guys,” she shouted before closing the front door behind her.

In the back of her mind, Lilith knew that she shouldn’t be driving. That’s why she did the responsible thing and took the bus. Her hair now mostly dry from her shower, Lilith tossed it up in a messy bun before boarding her stinky bright yellow chariot. Taking a seat right behind the driver, Lilith put in her earbuds and cranked up her music.

The ride from her house to Rosefell was short, meaning that Lilith didn’t have to spend much time on the bus. Rather that was a good thing this morning, she didn’t know. Normally it would be, but with each stop as they got closer and closer to the school, her anxiety rose. At least she knew the person that she was showing around. Sort of.

Juno had always been one of the girls that Lilith was too scared to approach in middle school, but exchanged a few friendly hello’s with. Then there was the whole thing with Marcos. Lilith cringed just thinking about it. Would Juno recognize her? Would Lilith recognize Juno? Just thinking about it made her head hurt.
As the school bus opened its doors, Lilith was one of the first students to exit the yellow hell. She could make a beeline for her and Ellie’s usual spot, or she could be a good mentor and go look for Juno. Lilith reluctantly chose the latter.

Doubting that any of the Liberty kids would have taken the bus, Lilith decided to make her way over to the school parking lot. If she failed to find Juno there, then she would make her way back over to the entrance to the school. Spotting Spike’s Charger, Lilith decided she’d head over that way first so that she could check in on her friend before embarking on her quest. Once she was about twenty feet away, Lilith shouted at the young man.

”Yo Spike! What’s up, dude?!”

There were two girls standing nearby, but from what Lilith could tell, she didn’t recognize either of them - at least not from this far away. Maybe they were Liberty kids?

Only one way to find out.

First posting deadline is November 29th, btw.

Those of you who have *not* completed your relations, PLEASE do so ASAP or imma be blowing your messages *UP*.

Thanks. <3


Mr. James P. Jameson had woken up at five thirty this morning so that he could make sure that everything was right for the first day back at school. His suit was ironed, his tie straight, and his hair had been combed in only the special way that Mr. Jameson could do himself. Everything for today had to be perfect, and James P. Jameson was the man for the job.

At exactly seven thirty Mr. Jameson would be in his office chair, sitting behind his desk. His legs were crossed, his hands in his lap, as his assistant, Vice Principal Leanna Berkley went over her checklist to make sure that everything was good to go for the day.

”So… the emails all went out explaining the tour guide situation?”

”Yup. I made sure we have enough ’Hello! My name is:’ tags. All they have to do is write their names on them and like… pair up. It’s genius, right?”

Mrs. Berkeley laughed nervously and she checked the first box on the list. Mr. Jameson was a lot of things, but a genius was not one of those things. ”Okay and the cafeteria staff know that we’re doing burgers today?”

The look on Mrs. Berkeley’s face was clearly one of obvious confusion and concern about this. Burgers on the first day? The first day was always pizza day.

Mr. Jameson nodded his head. ”And not the cheap shit either. These Liberty kids aren’t used to this soybean stuff so I added some of my personal money to the food budget and we got something that… well, it looks more like actual beef, okay? I don’t really know what it is. I don’t think anyone does.”

”Riiiiggghhhttttt….. So busses are arriving, breakfast is in the lunchroom if they want it. I hope we have enough desks in all of the classrooms. Some of them are really crowded, but…””

”Don't even sweat it, man,” Mr. Jameson said, waving his right hand in the hair dismissively. ”I try not to worry about things until I actually have to. It’s how I keep such a cheery attitude.”

With a sigh, Mrs. Berkeley tried to hide the ‘what the fuck’ expression that was painted on her face. The big boss was an idiot and her list was practically pointless.

”So I guess we’re just gonna wing it and hope that everything’s going to be okay? No bloody noses or people getting pissed off because everything’s going to shit?”

”Right on baby! We’re gonna wing the fuck outta this thing.”


Meanwhile, the busses were arriving at the school. Students were gathering in small packs as they met up with friends. Car horns beeped in the student parking lot as insults were shouted from one person to another.

A strange feeling hung over the student body this morning. Tension was high, and so was excitement; However, general despair and disgust were also in the air. Bets were being placed on who would start the first fight, who would be the first to get pregnant this year, and who would get the first detention.

Life at Rosefell high was overall very simple. That didn't mean it was going to stay that way.

<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>

I have officially finished/added everything I needed to in editing. Wasn't sure if I post was suppose to post Samara in the Character tab now or not?

Yeah, that's fine. Go ahead and move her on over. <3
@HaleyTheRandom I edited Samara's history so now she is a Rosefell student.

That's PERFECT. Thank you so much! <3

Just edit in the faceclaim and color code in the misc section for me and you're good to go!

Don't forget to join the discord as well.
@fyeahmarvel Hey there! At this time, this RP is not accepting anymore female Liberty students. If you would like to somehow switch it up in Samara's history for her to be a Rosefell student heading into this school year, then I will accept her. Otherwise, I can put you on a waiting list if someone drops.
Just a reminder for anyone interested in joining that the due date for character sheets is November 3rd.

Any character sheet that is not completed and posted in the OOC for review by Midnight Pacific Standard Time on Nov. 3rd will not be considered for this RP.
Is this still open for joining?

Yes. The deadline for character sheets is November 3rd.
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