Yuliya Ilyanovich Vasilieva

Drink deep, eat well, and dress to impress. This is the way.
16 | Female | Vossoriyan | Royalty | 8.26
❖ Curious
Imagine you were born hearing tales of your peoples founding, a land across the sea of great heroes and villains, of oppression and hope. It fades to myth and legend, only to resurface in the past 60 years as reality, vindicating your ancestors as truthful and giving legitimacy to your ancestors. Would that not inspire you to travel there and learn everything you could about this place of mythos? Even disregarding this though, Yuliya has always sought answers to her questions, and she is determined to get them.
❖ Witty
Yuliya has always been a quick thinker in all aspects of life and its served her very well. She's always able to break the ice in tense situations or lighten the mood with a well timed or a goofy joke, and doesn't often find herself lacking a solution to a problem regardless of whether it's a social or technical one. She's no genius or prodigy in this respect, but she's got a quick head on her shoulders.
❖ Jovial
A reveller at heart, Yuliya has always been one to enjoy a good party, a good joke and good company. She can be a bit of a rabble-rouser but she never really has bad intentions at social gatherings, and is usually good company to be around. Oddly enough, participating in Lednikrayva brought her some much needed humility and it stops her from being mentally crowded by the often unscrupulous court games that are played, for anyone can be duke upon the iceberg.
❖ Headstrong
It's hard to tell rich kids what to do. It's even harder to tell rich nobility what to do. It is no surprise then, that a crown princess of one of the most powerful kingdoms in Callanast is a very willful creature, and one that is very hard to control. Even her own parents had a hard time keeping her in check. She speaks her mind, she goes where she wants, she talks to who she wants to how she wants to and that's that. As far as she's concerned, if she's doing something wrong, she'd know about it and often times, this is the case, but it has caused problems in terms of recognizing authority. Whether this will become a problem among her fellow classmates, or in the school system is yet to be seen.
❖ Cold-blooded
Vossoriya has a troubled past and a rather extreme culture, especially among high society. Ethics have not come to the level they have in Constantia and Severa, and the brutality of recent events have left their mark on the young lass. It's rather alarming to most people how quickly she can go from one of the happiest people in the room to one of the most serious if she gets any ideas of hostility or danger. She doesn't flinch at gore, murder or torture if it comes about, and is very quickly able to seperate her feelings from the equation in a rather psychopathic way.
Imagine you were born hearing tales of your peoples founding, a land across the sea of great heroes and villains, of oppression and hope. It fades to myth and legend, only to resurface in the past 60 years as reality, vindicating your ancestors as truthful and giving legitimacy to your ancestors. Would that not inspire you to travel there and learn everything you could about this place of mythos? Even disregarding this though, Yuliya has always sought answers to her questions, and she is determined to get them.
❖ Witty
Yuliya has always been a quick thinker in all aspects of life and its served her very well. She's always able to break the ice in tense situations or lighten the mood with a well timed or a goofy joke, and doesn't often find herself lacking a solution to a problem regardless of whether it's a social or technical one. She's no genius or prodigy in this respect, but she's got a quick head on her shoulders.
❖ Jovial
A reveller at heart, Yuliya has always been one to enjoy a good party, a good joke and good company. She can be a bit of a rabble-rouser but she never really has bad intentions at social gatherings, and is usually good company to be around. Oddly enough, participating in Lednikrayva brought her some much needed humility and it stops her from being mentally crowded by the often unscrupulous court games that are played, for anyone can be duke upon the iceberg.
❖ Headstrong
It's hard to tell rich kids what to do. It's even harder to tell rich nobility what to do. It is no surprise then, that a crown princess of one of the most powerful kingdoms in Callanast is a very willful creature, and one that is very hard to control. Even her own parents had a hard time keeping her in check. She speaks her mind, she goes where she wants, she talks to who she wants to how she wants to and that's that. As far as she's concerned, if she's doing something wrong, she'd know about it and often times, this is the case, but it has caused problems in terms of recognizing authority. Whether this will become a problem among her fellow classmates, or in the school system is yet to be seen.
❖ Cold-blooded
Vossoriya has a troubled past and a rather extreme culture, especially among high society. Ethics have not come to the level they have in Constantia and Severa, and the brutality of recent events have left their mark on the young lass. It's rather alarming to most people how quickly she can go from one of the happiest people in the room to one of the most serious if she gets any ideas of hostility or danger. She doesn't flinch at gore, murder or torture if it comes about, and is very quickly able to seperate her feelings from the equation in a rather psychopathic way.
Some nobles are recognizable due to the way they walk and act. Some are recognizable for the way they dress. Yuliya is both, she immediately stands out as someone who has never worked a field or a market. Lithe and of average height, her skin is immaculate and extremely pale, and her golden blonde hair is in excellent condition, being found in shifting hairstyles depending on her feelings during the day. One thing is for certain though, flowers are a staple. Black tulips, camellia and lobelias are among her favourites as they are a bit more favourable to her home climate, though many new additions have been made since arriving at Ersand'Enise. Her fashion is gaudy and definitely outrageously expensive, ranging from silks from the north to luxuriously soft furs from the Vossoriyan hinterlands. She isn't one to dress for comfort over style though, in fact, she's rather the opposite. She seldom is seen without cosmetics and jewellery, and lives by a mantra from her late mother. "Beauty hurts!"

❖ Vossoriyan - Native.
❖ Old Eskandish - Fluent.
❖ Avincian - Semi-fluent. Written is still a difficulty due to script, and she has a tendency to use old expressions, terms and grammar structures that aren't used anymore, but she is studying hard and it's quickly becoming her second best language.
❖ Habenaki Languages - Fluent spoken, advanced written.
❖ Sycari - Advanced spoken, intermediate written
❖ Hegelan - Advanced spoken, beginner written.
❖ Sawandi - Intermediate
Vossoriya is vast and holds a large amount of people and neighbours. There is no binding tongue in Callanast like there is in Severa and Constantia, and so nobles and especially royals are expected to learn a vast amount of languages to communicate with the wide variety of subjects in and outside of the realm.
8.26 RAS | Blueblood | Sanguinaire | Icevein | Leadvein | Sensemaster
While the royal has had some formal and private training, she's not received anything close to the education offered at either the Golden Star or Ersand'Enise. What she makes up for in that however, is a rather high RAS score and live combat experience. She's only recently began to dive into school mastery, particularly favouring the arcane and kinetic schools, but also taking a noted interest in Atomic since arriving at the academy and finding out she is eligible.
Magnetic - Neophyte - Has had interest but didn't really catch her attention like the other schools
Arcane - Apprentice - Used in live combat before, and is proficient with drawing and expelling heat. Has a noted interest in learning more so that she can better stay cool
Binding - Neophyte - Never took interest prior to her brothers ailment due to its restrictions regarding offensive capabilities but is interesting in learning if it has any chance of helping the tethered.
Chemical - Neophyte - There is understanding present, just a lack of practical experience and theory with the school. She may pursue it further given its inherent compatibility with arcane.
Kinetic - Adept - Her most used school in actual combat and the one that she has the most fun and compatibility with.
Atomic - Neophyte - Recent knowledge to the girl and something she's taken a special interest in.
Born in the Vossoriyan winter, Yuliya was the second child of Tsar Ilyan II, the ruling monarch for 15 years at that point in time. She was a later birth than her much sterner older brother, and seemed to inherit the carefree side of the ruler that he never quite got to express. It's very safe to say that she had a much easier upbringing than her sibling as well. While Andrei went through rigorous training, Yuliya had all the time in the world to pursue the hobbies she wanted. She was made to sit down and learn languages and court etiquette, but the level of free time between them differed starkly. Perhaps deep down, she wished their roles were reversed. For she cared for her elder brother deeply, and wanted to take the weight of responsibility off his shoulders. Some of her fondest memories are sitting beside him, watching him pour over mountains of documents, preparing for the day he would one day wear the oh-so heavy crown. He confessed to her that he didn't quite want to rule, but since he was going to, he would make the best effort he could.
When he went to study in the great academy in Sawand, it filled her with a deep loneliness and wanderlust. She was doted on by her parents, but she too longed for adventure. A different route perhaps, to lighten the load. Heading the same path would not lead to much, but she begun to take a great interest in the history of their land. Of their founding, and of the re-connection that had happened less than a 100 years ago. It was sparse, but occasionally she'd heard of a wealthy merchant or a higher noble sending their child to a similar great academy at court, one that might be larger than Golden Star - Ersand'Enise. She figured this was the route she would take, and she began to pester her parents to no avail. Her father would not have her go so far away, not at such a young age, when she knew so little of the real world.
Tsar Ilyan would come to regret these words, as she began to roam. First the very large estate, then the streets of the capital. Something needed to fill the hole she felt, so she began to explore and get up to hijinks. This was also around the time she'd begun to manifest her gift, which meant that any altercations or trouble she had were swiftly dealt with. Conversely, it also made her a hit at Lednikrayva, even if she was probably a little too young to be there at the time. It did not stop her from developing a taste for wine though. It also shaped her sense of humour into what it is today though.
Not everything in her life was all fun and games. Vossoriya had been experiencing internal turmoil for quite a few years at this point, and the cracks were beginning to show. Many 'princes' wished for a return to the old ways, before Mikhail the Scourge, and a return to the elective monarchy of the past, where their high titles would matter. So they begun to plot and collude. With the very powerful heir to the throne away in a foreign land, they saw their chance and took it. Vast swathes of gunpowder were placed under the royal palace and amplified by a rather proficient chemical user. And fire spread through the surrounding area. They had killed one of their targets, but Ilyan had a diplomatic meeting on the day, and Yuliya was on the streets as usual. Many servants were dead, and the resting pregnant queen had passed in a single blow.
Ilyan was furious. Yuliya was livid. A casus belli had been given to them, and they enacted on it fully. While there was much fighting, it quickly became an execution as many who would have rallied to their side feared the wrath of the Tsar and stood down during the great purge that occurred. Yuliya had lost a lot of her free spirited nature, and bloodied herself well in the conflict, replacing sorrow for rage towards the offenders. They had taken so much from her, it was only right that she repay them in full. It's what their founder would have wanted. An eye for an eye.
Her father was never the same after. He had become a shell of his former self, and stayed in his quarters for days at a time, only leaving to meet with important delegations. As time passed, he became weaker, paler, gaunter. Yuliya grew into a healthy young woman, though she never carried the same joy and spirit that she did before. She still smiled, and laughed, and joked, but she had lost a part of herself when her mother and unborn sibling died. She felt a similar loneliness to the time her brother left, except this time she knew she wasn't going to come back eventually like her brother was. She distracted herself, taking on many of the matters of state that her father had abandoned in his sorrows. She was no expert, but his advisors needed royal decree and she was happy to ease the load of her grieving father. Before long, she'd become used to the lifestyle.
Her reality broke somewhat when her brother came home. But he was not what he once was. Eyes of black flesh and in a chair that moved him, he was no longer what he once was. He didn't stand taller than her, or have the stern but kindly gaze that he once had. It felt.. hollow. Yet, he wasted no time. He rushed from job to job like he didn't want to lose a second. And before long, she found out why. By all accounts, he didn't have long to live. Every magician at Golden Star had said so, confused as to how the tethering had gotten to him so late in his life, or how he'd lost his sight to powergazing long after his birth. It only made her old urges, to travel to Constantia come back. Perhaps there'd be a cure there. For where else did she have to turn.
Her father didn't have the willpower to say no, and her brother was ready to assume the mantle with as many years as he had left. So he gave her the go-ahead under the condition she travelled anonymously. She hugged him one last farewell, and set off on a grand voyage to Ersand'Enise, hoping to save her last friend.
Yuliya always wanted to travel to Constantia and Ersand'Enise to both experience things for herself, and make her country a better place. Her most recent motivation is a cure to the tethering, a mana type that has cut her brothers lifespan significantly. She figures if there's not a way to do it in Ersand'Enise or Golden Star, then there is no hope, but she will at least try. She's truly afraid of losing her brother currently, as he is all she has left in terms of close family. Beyond this, she truly wants to make friends. She has met with other nobles and made acquaintances but she's never really made a deep, meaningful friendship, someone that she can count on and that can count on her.
❖ A large chest of clothes. All are very fine and outrageously expensive. It also includes her hat and footwear collection
❖A jewellery box, featuring much of her late mothers collection and her grandmothers.
❖A very finely crafted flintlock pistol. A gift from her brother to keep her safe.
❖Rastvesti(Blossom) - A hegelan greataxe. Engraved with runecraft tailored to her taste, and also imbued with shiny gemstones and a ribbon. Definitely a weird looking weapon but highly effective.
❖A large range of cosmetics.
❖A finely crafted journal that she keeps her language practice in as well as notes she takes.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S
❖ Clever - She's no great prodigy, or genius, but she has a penchant for quick thinking and problem solving.
❖ Physical Specimen - Due to her mana and perhaps her physical training, she's absurdly strong and quick. Far more than an average girl or man her age.
❖ Hard Worker - Yuliya's never been a slouch, even though she's been afforded ample opportunity to be one. She's never abandoned her duty and now more than ever, she's incredibly motivated to find answers to her existing problems.
❖ Master of Parties - No-one throws a party like a Vossoriyan, at least according to Yuli. She's participated in many Lednikrayva and other such festivities, and knows how to make a good atmosphere. Whether these traditions will be as loved as they are back home is yet to be seen, but the skills of being a good socialite remain.
❖ Cold - Yuliya has live combat experience and has no problems striking down people or things she considers to be her enemies. She's capable of hardening her heart to make tough choices and is capable of separating her emotions from the equation if she thinks its necessary.
❖ Physical Specimen - Due to her mana and perhaps her physical training, she's absurdly strong and quick. Far more than an average girl or man her age.
❖ Hard Worker - Yuliya's never been a slouch, even though she's been afforded ample opportunity to be one. She's never abandoned her duty and now more than ever, she's incredibly motivated to find answers to her existing problems.
❖ Master of Parties - No-one throws a party like a Vossoriyan, at least according to Yuli. She's participated in many Lednikrayva and other such festivities, and knows how to make a good atmosphere. Whether these traditions will be as loved as they are back home is yet to be seen, but the skills of being a good socialite remain.
❖ Cold - Yuliya has live combat experience and has no problems striking down people or things she considers to be her enemies. She's capable of hardening her heart to make tough choices and is capable of separating her emotions from the equation if she thinks its necessary.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S
❖ Vengeful - It's something of a family trait to answer a slight with a slight. Yuliya isn't one for forgiveness and will always answer violence with violence. It's bound to get her in deep shit someday.
❖ Stressed - She's managed to keep it bottled so far in her life, but she's going to burst one day, and it's not going to be pretty.
❖ Heavy Handed - Sometimes, Yuliya doesn't quite comprehend how strong she really is. She's never been good with a pen in her hand, or anything that really required precision. Even handshakes are sometimes troublesome, as a firm grip to her is a vice to another person.
❖ Stubborn - Even though it can get lost sometimes, the spoilt brat from back home is still with her. If she wants something, she's going to do her damned hardest to get it. If she wants to go somewhere, she's gonna go. It takes a fair amount for her to see reasoning beyond her own and she's less than likely to compromise.
❖ Sunlight Sensitive - If there's one thing that Yuli really hates, its the sun. She's pale as a ghost and burns like a marshmallow on an open fire. Even Vossoriyan summer is a bit too warm for her personal tastes, and she's much better suited to the cold. Her hats have served as a mitigation to this issue, but she's going to need heavier duty equipment if she wants to stay outside for extended periods.
❖ Stressed - She's managed to keep it bottled so far in her life, but she's going to burst one day, and it's not going to be pretty.
❖ Heavy Handed - Sometimes, Yuliya doesn't quite comprehend how strong she really is. She's never been good with a pen in her hand, or anything that really required precision. Even handshakes are sometimes troublesome, as a firm grip to her is a vice to another person.
❖ Stubborn - Even though it can get lost sometimes, the spoilt brat from back home is still with her. If she wants something, she's going to do her damned hardest to get it. If she wants to go somewhere, she's gonna go. It takes a fair amount for her to see reasoning beyond her own and she's less than likely to compromise.
❖ Sunlight Sensitive - If there's one thing that Yuli really hates, its the sun. She's pale as a ghost and burns like a marshmallow on an open fire. Even Vossoriyan summer is a bit too warm for her personal tastes, and she's much better suited to the cold. Her hats have served as a mitigation to this issue, but she's going to need heavier duty equipment if she wants to stay outside for extended periods.
Color = Pink
Definitely more of a sweet tooth.
Favourite candy is liquorice.