Avatar of sukikyoufu


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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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5 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
5 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Busying herself with the tea had helped, it stopped her thoughts from wandering and remembering every awkward moment so far from the wedding to now. It was continuously replaying in her mind repeating over and over and she knew it would drive her insane, so she had to make herself busy, but even that was hard as she didn’t know where everything was here. Maybe he won’t leave the bedroom, maybe he will stay there all day. Naive thoughts passed through her mind at the idea of not seeing him or talking to him because she didn’t know what to say.


Gasping at the sudden sound of a voice the china cup in her hand slipped through her fingers smashing against the floor as she jumped not expecting him to be there. Haru was clearly startled but her eyes widened at the smashed cup on the floor and she immediately bowed her head to Chunjiro, “S-Sorry… sorry, I… ah.. Let me clean this up.” Face heated up in embarrassment as she knelt down hurriedly trying to pick up the smashed china, but also being careful not to cut herself on any of the fragments.

Looking up from the floor she tried to smile but it came across as a little forced and she already started to berate herself for it. “Good morning.” Hesitating a little as she rose back to her feet with some of the china fragments in hand. I don’t even know where the bin is. Cringing to herself as she kept them in hand, she looked over at Chunjiro feeling herself blush at his next words, “O-Oh… well that’s fine. Or just Haru. I don’t mind, what would you prefer?”

OH. Wow I’m an idiot. He must think I’m such a klutz and… well stupid. I should address him traditional too? Why am I questioning everything? Biting her lip as she could still feel the heat in her cheeks from being embarrassed. “I.. would you like me to address you as Anata?” Glancing back at the broken china in her hands she looked for the bin in the kitchen to place them in, finally locating its whereabouts she dropped the fragments inside happy she had not harmed herself from the broken china but then she started to question how she must have looked like a fool in front of him for not knowing where it was initially.

“Tea?” Her voice was quite high at the offer of tea as she returned to making them, this time hopefully she would not break any more china in the process and cause further embarrassment. Grasping the cups, she placed his down onto the table and hers at the opposite end to him. Grasping at the kettle pale hands began to pour the liquid into his cup first, her hands trembled slightly because she was a ball of nerves but she served him first knowing it was the right thing to do before finally pouring out a cup of tea for herself. After Haru had returned the kettle she knelt down in front of the table opposite him hesitating before she spoke again, “I… will make breakfast of course, but I didn’t know what you liked and then I worried I’d serve you something horrible or you’d be allergic and I.. ah… sorry…” Mumbling out the last words as she realised, she had started to ramble in front of him and her cheeks began to darken at how embarrassed she was.

Haha that's okay!

Look at him, he is adorable!!
Omg even better. This is going to be so good haha
There we go! I hope that's alright :)
Arranged marriages were normal and hers had been just that, Haru had been betrothed from birth to a respectful family and grew up knowing that when she was of age she’d be married. A part of her was saddened at the idea of leaving her father all alone, but another part knew she had to get on with her own life as she couldn’t stay at home forever. Although she never knew her mother growing up her father had provided her with everything she could have needed or wanted, she grew up in a loving family and she couldn’t have asked for more but now her life had completely changed.

It was the day after the wedding and needless to say Haru felt incredibly awkward, she had never met him. Chunjiro was his name and the first time she had met him was at their wedding and even then, there had been little talk between them, barely any chance for her get to know him. Although she was awkward at making that kind of conversation in the first place.

Haru had awoken early that morning and was pacing in the kitchen, “Should I make breakfast for us? I… eh.” Feeling her cheeks flush in embarrassment as she didn’t really know what she should be doing. What he even liked. “What if he is allergic and I kill him. Or what if he hates certain food types.” Muttering to herself as she looked around the kitchen wondering on what she should even do.

Letting out a sigh as she tried calm herself she pushed down the fabric on her clothes neatening out any creases as she tried to keep herself presentable. Nerves started bubbling away in her stomach as she continued to pace in a circle in the kitchen. Pausing for a moment she looked towards the kettle smiling as an idea finally hit her. “Tea, I can make tea. That won’t cause any problems, right?” Even as she settled on the idea of making tea, she began to doubt herself and without realising her fingers began to fiddle with the sleeves of her simple pink kimono.

Biting her lip, she shook her head pushing back the doubts as she began to move around making some tea, it would at least settle the nerves in her stomach. Stop it, don’t overthink, you’ll drop and break something. Thinking to herself as she tried to focus on making the tea doubts already setting in on how she would be able to do a good job at being a wife.
Omg I really love your face claim!

Haru (formally) Yoshioka


• Gender |
• Age | 17
• Height | 5'
• Weight | 126 lbs
• Ethnicity | White
• Hair Colour | Blonde
• Eye Colour | Blue with hints of purple when hit by the sun.

Appearance Details:

Elegant, carefree and rather cheerful, Haru is a humble girl who adores her family. At times she can appear quiet, shy almost, but she is around new people. Finding it awkward at first to make conversation Haru tries but often flusters, however once she opens up you see another side to her. A fun, passionate young lady who has strong beliefs.

Character Synopsis:

Haru is the only child of her family, her mother Hanae passed away in childbirth leaving her father Hiroshi to raise her on his own. They were a well respected family in their village and Hiroshi had promised his daughters hand to the first born son of another well respected family in the village. As soon as they were of age they were to be married.

Growing up Haru was well educated by her father, he wanted nothing but the best for her and always put her safety first. Needless to say the loss of his wife had him holding onto her as much as he could and if it meant money or food out of his own pocket he would do that for her.


Setting up~
Amongst all the madness Iris had found her phone, it had plenty of missed calls and messages from various different people with all different dates. Sat on her bed she began to scroll through her phone catching up, there was messages from Ethan starting out how he loved her, he worried for her to now she was a cheating bitch and didn’t deserve any happiness. It made her wonder about his mental state and if he was really okay because she had noticed the fluctuating moods of his, it did concern her but after everything she just couldn’t bring herself to message back. There were also messages from her father, again having a similar range of how he was proud of her, he missed her, and he loved her to don’t talk to the prisoner. Don’t give him food or water or else. Frowning she shook her head as she looked at the messages, she knew her father could be temperamental, so it made sense. Especially with the amount of alcohol he usually consumed on a day to day basis.

One message did catch her eye, the sender was called Maisie. Gasping she clutched her head as more of her memories returned, this time it was all about her best friend Maisie. Memories of how they used to hang out together, play in school. Sleepovers, laughter baking cakes and goods that they ended up burning. All innocent childhood memories and she knew this was her best friend, her best friend who worked with her father David in one of the bakeries here. How could I forget? Rubbing her head as she read the messages on her phone.

Omg, you are the talk of the town missy. Cosying up with a Prince!!! You’ll have to tell me all about it. Was he a good kisser?

Hey, your father and Ethan don’t want me visiting. Something about amnesia. I hope you’re okay. Let me know.

Iris. I’m worried. Ethan is in such a rage about you. I honestly don’t think you should be with him. That temper is nasty, you’ll get hurt. He hurt you badly before, I don’t know if you remember that, but trust me. He is not good for you.

Me again, Iris. You’re not a killer. I know you want what’s best for us, I know that’s the point of Hope. Not like this. Plus… I think you really like him; I know it’s your family on the line, but for once put yourself first. I’m here if you need me.

“Oh Maisie…” Iris sighed heavily looking at her phone, it was good to know she did have someone here on her side supporting her. It did also give her an idea.

Maisie, I need your help. You’re right, I can’t go into details, but I’m going to do something. I need supplies. If I get them it will raise suspicion. I’m going to follow my heart on this one.

Sending the text back to her friend she began to rummage through her wardrobe looking for something she could put Cas in, something that would hide him whilst running. Her mind had been made up, she had to break him out. She had to make this right and get him back alive even if she was killed for it. I hope he will trust me on this though. Shaking her head as she got one of her back packs packing in important things they would need; Maisie would get her the rest of the supplies she was certain of it. She could count on her. Feeling her phone vibrate she saw the message of her friend and felt the relief.

Say no more. I’ll disguise it with the trash. Iris. Be careful, I wish I could do more.

Smiling at the confirmation Maisie would get the supplies she returned to putting in what little supplies she did have; she would keep this hidden until the right moment. It would have to be tonight.

Regis on the other hand was making his way back home, he was quite merry already because it was going to happen. They were finally going to kill the Prince and be rid of the monarchy that had squashed them down. His daughter was behaving, she hadn’t caused any trouble and although she had refused Ethan he could work on that once the Prince was out of the way. “Everything is looking up.” Sighing happily as he stumbled into his home, merry for the alcohol he had already consumed today. Glancing at the time he assumed his daughter was in bed, unless she was with the Prince and had disobeyed his orders.

Anger swept through him at the idea of her down there with him chatting like the other day, giving away their family secrets. “He deserves no pity.” Growling to himself as he shut the door behind him, eyes looking at the door to the basement knowing he would have to go check to make sure she hadn’t disobeyed him.
Omg it's all getting very exciting! However Regis will not be happy not one bit when he goes down there. Poor Cas is going to get hurt.
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