Watching the irritation Regis felt nothing but glee, he knew he had been getting on their nerves with his consistent claims and crazed allegations but that was something that only fuelled him on. Eyes narrowing as he watched Jacob fold his arms over his chest showing power over him. Regis knew he was at a disadvantage, he was the one locked up at their mercy but the only thing he had over them was the fact there was no body and that was a secret he’d take to the grave.
“That’s a shame, it’s the only information I’m willing to give.” Regis spat out his words watching Jacob from the other side of the cell bars. Shifting in his cell her heard the rattle of chains that bound him to the wall, it kept him from being able to fight back or run. Ankles were shackled together alongside his wrists and it was painfully tight, so much so bruises had appeared around the bindings.
Sighing as if Jacob was bothering him, he looked away at the walls of the cell as if he was bored. As if he had the upper hand in this situation, but in his crazed mind he felt he had. “Why should I tell you were the body is? There is nothing in it for me.” Shrugging as he didn’t even look at Jacob, bartering as if he could under the current circumstances. Chuckling away to himself in his crazed stated as he couldn’t help but smirk, he had something they so desperately wanted, and he wasn’t going to give it to them. Not that he actually knew where the body was, but they didn’t know that.
Looking back over at Jacob he could see the poisonous look in his eyes, the glint in his own did not disappear. The fire in his own eyes grew just as the sick smile did on his face revealing his unkempt broken teeth. “Me? So far out of my mind. You don’t even know the half of it.” Cackling away to himself as he winked at Jacob only knowing it would further the guard’s anger, he wanted to get under his skin. “Well, he would make quite the trophy on a pitchfork. I could mount is head on it.” Considering that option as he paused, “Or maybe I could have him stuffed like some taxidermy animal…” Another pause as he let that option simmer with Jacob, “Shame I had him burnt to a crisp. That wasn’t dust you walked over in my house but the remains of your beloved Prince.” Spitting out the last of his words as the smirk did not leave his face, the look in his eye proving that he was a crazed man who had clearly lost his way in life.
“Pathetic, couldn’t even save him in time. Some military you have.” Regis laughed as he poked holes in the Capitals defence, “It was like you were begging us to do something. Now all I have to do is wait for the King to keel over and die. Maybe this break that cold heart of his and kill him off like he deserves!”