“Well if that isn’t a lot of responsibility on me.” Iris chuckled softly as she shook her head, sure she was versed in these districts but at the same time she didn’t know everything fully. Not because of her memories that were still faded at least. It was strange how she could weave through like she knew the area, it had to be muscle memory that is the only plausible reason as to why she could navigate the districts as smoothly as she had. That or it had just been potluck. So far, no rebels, that worries me, and I don’t like it at all. Grimacing at her thoughts she picked up the backpack placing it on her back after she had put back on her on jacket.
“Roadway it is!” It seemed the better of the options that were already limited, glancing over at Cas she could hear the anger, it was slight, and she almost missed it, but she couldn’t help but pity him. Sympathise with the fact he felt like his father had turned his back on him. “Hey.” Speaking softly as she walked over placing her hand gently on his arm, hoping to offer him some form of comfort before leaving. “You don’t know that. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors, he could be doing everything to find you. If he isn’t maybe there is a perfectly good explanation as to why.” Leaning up she kissed his cheek gently, “Hope is one of the most powerful feelings. If you give up hope what do you have?” Sighing softly, she knew that even a slither of hope could see her through the dark days, “I know it’s hard, but… don’t give up hope.” She had to believe that every father loved their child somewhat, they were family, blood so surely there had to be love there.
“Well… hopefully the rebels are too busy with something else, rather than your pretty face.” Chuckling softly as she teased him gently nodding to the door as she opened it up for them, holding the keys in her hand she locked it behind her happy that the backpack was on her back and they had everything. Jingling the keys as she made her way down the stairs, she could see the letter box and she dropped them in there as the barman had instructed to them last night.
“Right! Let’s get walking~” Trying to keep herself positive as she began to walk back the route they had come from; it was still early so barely anyone was around. It seemed quite eerie, ghost like but again it was serene and made it easier for her to spot anything unusual. Like rebels on a patrol. Taking a few steps, she made sure to be aware of her surroundings, she was more aware now back to full health and protecting Caspain was her top priority. Hopefully he was right, perhaps the rebels were no longer interested in him, but she couldn’t take that risk and not be alert. Knowing their current streak of luck, the minute she didn’t pay attention would mean the worse happening, the rebels finding them and killing them, her stomach churned at the thought.