But I haven’t forgiven myself for what I did. Iris couldn’t help but think to herself even as Cas tried to steer her away from that notion, with not much luck but she had already spiralled when it came to her thoughts and feelings. Even when he said how they wouldn’t kill her she wanted to believe him, trust him, but she didn’t trust his father. Feeling his lips against hers still made her heart flutter, it was still just as amazing the first time to even now when things seemed bleak. It still gave her a slither of hope that things could be okay, no matter how far fetched it seemed. The words he spoke, the compliments from his lips did offer some comfort. It made her feel good if only for a second, to know that he thought she was amazing, incredible and beautiful. It was enough to bring a smile to her face if only for a second, but the brief glimmers of hope were not enough to pull her out of her inner turmoil.
Looking down again as there was a knock at the door, she flinched hearing Jacobs voice at the other side of the door reminding her of her place here. Though he had done nothing to her the security team still struck fear because of their close connection to the King and he was someone she still feared to this day. The smile dropped from her face as she focused her attention to the hands on her lap trying to stay positive for him, but she couldn’t. “I just don’t think it will work Cas.” Whispering as she felt herself shake gently, “They know Cas. They know.” Biting her lip as she shook her head blinking away the tears, so she didn’t cry again, “They… asked about you in questioning. I… I-I couldn’t lie. They know I love you.”
To her them knowing that she loved him was dangerous, his father would be told about the information from the interrogation and if he knew she loved him it would only make things worse. It would spell out trouble and he would probably claim how it was all fake, how she led him on from the beginning which wasn’t true, but she felt like his father would make sure they’d never be able to see each other. That coupled with the fact she was from the Scourge, had aided in kidnapping the prince and her father was the leader of the rebellion he had more than enough reason to have her killed. That would end any sort of relationship they had, even if she was sent back to the districts to lead whatever sort of life there was to be had there.
“I’ll try… to stay strong. For you.” Whispering as she glanced back at Cas offering a pitiful smile as she was unable to bring a true one to her face. Pulling away from him she nodded to the door knowing it had to have been a minute and she didn’t want him getting into trouble, not with this security team who would report directly to the King.