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4 yrs ago
Current Just to inform all my partners I will be taking a short break whilst I move home. Responses and replies will return once I am settled.
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4 yrs ago
How do you write like you're running out of time? Write day and night like you're running out of time? (This darn song is stuck in my head T.T)
4 yrs ago
Welp, now to wait for the next patch of FFXIV ;A;
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6 yrs ago
Expect delays with replies as FFXIV Shadowbringers has come out <3


April 22nd
England/GMT time

If you have an questions or ideas please feel free to get in touch! I also work full time so sometimes my responses can be sporadic.

If I'm not on here writing I will most certainly be playing video games or sucked into a new world reading.

Most Recent Posts

Hahaha I think Iris is slowly starting to see he won't let her get away with it xD

That sounds good! We can do coronation day and I can set up the plans with Ethan then maybe skip a little bit.
“I can imagine, I’m sure it’s a welcome relief to have the bourbon though.” Iris mused as she continued talking over the phone to Cas, it felt strange this distance and as much as she tried not to think about it talking like this only had her worried for the future. Especially as they both knew she could not stay in that hotel room forever, but for now she kept quiet as talking about it would get them nowhere and would no doubt just upset them both when it wasn’t really needed. Iris knew she should just be grateful she was alive and had somewhere nice to sleep for the night, albeit it alone without him.

Grinning to herself as the compliment was taken well, she was glad she could support him even if it was from afar, she was thankful he appreciated it none the less. It was unlikely he had much support or even compliments about the way he did things, after learning about his father and the kind of relationship he had with him she felt the need to tell him he’d done good. Knowing personally just how much of a difference it could make if someone supported him and that was something, she found herself wanting to do.

Hearing him say the words that he missed her offered both comfort and yet sadness because it was a grim reminder that right now, she couldn’t be a part of his life. Iris didn’t even know or understand everything that he would now have to do, but she did know it would mean that they would be apart again for a little while. Already she could feel the sinking feeling in her chest knowing that it could be a while until she saw him again, the cheeky smile and warm eyes that looked at her with such care. Sighing softly to herself as she looked at the empty room before her phone against her ear as she thought on how lonely this was going to be, how she should maybe just duck out of the hotel and slip back into the districts so he needn’t worry about her and could focus on leading a country.

“You can’t know I skipped dinner!” Pulled from her thoughts as she took the defence instantly only to find herself inwardly cringing because he was right. Never had she been the one to take care of herself or even worry about herself because she felt her life was insignificant compared to others. “I’m sorry… I just kind of spaced out a little here zoned in on the programs I forgot. I also… well. I didn’t want to overstep and before you start to lecture me or have a go you know what I’m like when it comes to expense.” Nibbling at the bottom of her lip once more trying to explain herself, “I know you say it’s fine. I know that, but I also know it’s not cheap here… I can’t stay here forever, and I just hate the idea that I’m leaching off of you. Which I know you say I’m not and that it’s fine… I guess I just overthink it as I feel bad sometimes knowing I can never afford something like this or even dream of repaying it back.”

Pausing for a moment she sat up on the sofa pulling her knees up to her chest, “I promise I will eat what you’ve sent up though. Thank you.” Iris wouldn’t just let the food go to waste and whatever she didn’t eat she could save for later. Finding her eyes trail down to the floor she couldn’t help the small sigh that escaped her lips when he said he didn’t know when they could see each other, a cold hard truth she didn’t want to hear. It had been wishful thinking it could be soon, but he was right, there had to be so much going on that seeing her wasn’t something he would be able to do. “I know… I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up. Wishful thinking, I guess.”

Hesitating at her next words she could feel the lump in her throat, “Cas I…” Stopping herself before she really dropped herself in it she cursed at her own thoughts and completely changed direction on what she was originally going to say. “I love you okay… I’ll be here waiting for you.” Trying to keep her tone upbeat as she was honestly about to put her foot in her mouth by bringing up something that they had yet to voice between each other. If they could really have a future together and make it work with everything going on. Now wasn’t the time, not when he had just lost his father and was about to be King, she couldn’t bring up something like that as she had to support him.
Honestly I was just about to say damn Cas and calling out her bad habits xD

Though I think she is in denial that he is catching onto them xD
Finally hearing his voice at the other end of the receiver gave her a huge sense of relief, she could hear the raspy tones and for a moment she felt bad for calling and waking him but it soon passed as he began to speak to her. Happy that it was well received and for a moment she forgot about what had happened and was only somewhat saddened over the fact that there was now distance between them when all she wanted to do was hold him. “Yeah?” Listening to him speak as she leaned against the kitchen side tapping her fingers against the marble worksurface in the hotel room.

“Just don’t overdo it okay, but I’m glad. I hope it’s good bourbon at least.” Finding herself smile as she heard him chuckle, it had honestly been so pleasant hearing his voice finally after spending the day alone. It she was honest she hated being alone like she had, she hated being left to her thoughts without any way to keep her mind off of it other than watching the mindless television shows during the day which didn’t help too much. Something she wouldn’t tell him because she didn’t want to add to his every growing list of worries and concerns, already she had done enough, and she didn’t want him to think she couldn’t cope without him.

Pushing herself off of the side she headed to the living room part of the hotel and sat herself down on the sofa glad it was a cordless style phone, but it didn’t surprise her seeing as the technology was quite advanced in the wealthier areas like this. “I can’t imagine how scary it must have been, I’d never be able to speak in front of a whole country like you did and you pulled through even with everything going on. I was a little worried when you didn’t come on straight away, I though you may have bottled it and I can’t blame you, but honestly you should proud of that speech. You’ll be a great ruler.”

Kicking her feet up on the sofa she laid down as she kept on the phone looking up at the ceiling as she happily listened to him on the other end of the phone, “Don’t apologise, it’s only natural and I’m lucky I still have somewhere quite decent to sleep. It’s not the same without you of course and I do miss your company, but you have far more important things to deal with right now than worry about me.”

Iris felt her smile falter for a brief moment because she was about to lie to him, tell him she had eaten and looked after herself, but she hadn’t expected his claim to spotting her tells. “Oh Cas, you don’t need to worry about me. I’m fine.” Eating hadn’t really been on her list of things to do today, not intentionally but when she was wrapped up in other things it hadn’t really crossed her mind. The loss of appetite hadn’t helped much either, but he did not need to know that. “I can safely say that the television programs haven’t gotten any better, but somehow I’m hooked on these dodgy reality TV shows.” Chuckling herself as she skirted around the question smoothly, it wasn’t technically lying if she didn’t answer it. It was just delaying the truth.

“Do you… know when you might be able to visit? Or see me?” Trying not to sound too hopeful because she didn’t know how long it would take, or how soon he would be able to get away with everything going on. A King couldn’t exactly just disappear for the night and she knew that, but she wanted to see him one last time before she decided on what the best course of action for herself would be whether it meant returning to the districts or not.
I'll focus on Ethan tomorrow! Rather than use his stuff up now :3
Iris had watched the whole speech her eyes never leaving Caspian as he stood and addressed the country about the fallen King, his father. Listening to Cas only reaffirmed her belief on him being a good leader, the fact that he addressed everyone just hours after finding out with to her what seemed like confidence was astounding. There was no way she could have done anything like that, whether she had been trained or not she knew she would never have had the courage to do such a thing. Coupled with the fact not all memories had been great with her own father and she knew that Cas had experienced a bit of a rocky relationship also, but he had spoken about the triumphs his father had done. Not that she agreed with everything he had said.

It was strange to think how only last night his father had arranged for him to be sent to a mental institution because he was certain his son had something wrong with him all because Cas had stuck up for her and the life he had seen beyond the Capital. Now Atlas was dead, and she knew she would be lying when she said she was sorry for that because truthfully deep down she was glad he was dead. Sure, it had been the wish of the rebellion and she had wished it too, because the King had not once thought of the districts and not once bettered their area for the good. Not a dime had been thrown their way, so of course it was no wonder the people had rebelled and the only thing she was sorry for was the fact that Cas had lost his father as that was a blow no one could understand unless they had experienced it themselves.

Even though she had lost her own father it was still different circumstances, her father had been crazed in the end and lost his mind. There hadn’t really been a father daughter relationship between them for quite sometime and it only took until recently for her to admit that fact. It was partly her being naïve to it, that her father wasn’t obsessed with the rebellion and rising above his station. Shaking her head as the speech was over, she settled down on the sofa watching the clock, it wasn’t ten yet, but she couldn’t wait to finally call him and make sure he was okay. Iris would be lying to herself if she said she wasn’t worried about him, they had been through so much recently and she didn’t want this to be that final nail in the coffin for some sort of mental breakdown. If she were to list everything down that had happened, she wouldn’t even believe it herself.

Tapping her fingers against the edge of the sofa she mumbled to herself waiting for the time to pass, “Come on…” It felt as if time was going by so slowly now that she was clock watching, the day had passed by in an alright fashion, but this last half an hour was almost torture. Standing up from the sofa she began to pace around by the kitchen glancing from the time to the phone on the wall and then finally to his number. Would it look to eager of me to call dead on ten? No… surely not. Though maybe? Letting out an exasperated sigh as she picked up the paper in her hands that contained his number she glanced once more back at the clock feeling her heart do a little leap seeing it had finally reached ten o’clock.

Without hesitation she dialled the number into the phone feeling her heart race as she waited for the other side to pick up, hearing the rings she started to doubt herself on if it had been the right time to call. Hearing the line connect she smiled relieved that she could finally hear his voice, “Hey Cas, how are you? Is everything okay? Well… stupid questions really, you don’t need to answer that… I'm sorry.” Amidst the excitement of calling him she had completely forgotten that he probably wasn’t okay, and it was a silly question to ask him, but she was glad she could at least talk to him. Grateful that this phone was in the hotel room.

“I don’t know why you were ever worried about being a leader, you should be proud of that speech. To get up there and address everyone after what has happened lately. You did good. I watched the whole thing.” Iris knew she was already rambling, he probably didn’t need her to ramble but she had been worried about him throughout the day and the mind numbing TV programs hadn’t helped.

Oh gosh! I hope you are okay? No worries like Is aid I’m pretty chill and happy to wait! I did enjoy my holiday! It seems so long ago now xD

Oh of course not! I loved the idea of it and think it will make things interesting!
Ooo okay, maybe I'll save Ethan for tomorrow. Like briefly touch on him now then proper go into him tomorrow as I doubt Iris would do much other than watch the TV listening out for news on Cas.
I'm planning to go more in depth with Ethan in the next few posts! But honestly push it as far as you need, I'm only going to expand on his twisted mind a bit more :3
Falling in and out of sleep for the past couple of hours hadn’t been exactly smooth for Iris, it seemed every time she was on her own or not with Cas the nightmares would descend and disturb her. Snippets and memories of her father plaguing her, but also Ethan. For some reason he had started to crop up in her nightmares and she hated to admit part of it was fear that she hadn’t seen the last of him and she knew the next time she did she was going to pay gravely for what she had done. That crazed look in his eye and the manic grin was not easy to forget, nor was the way he looked at her disgust. That and the memory of his hands around her throat was hard to forget especially when they repeated themselves in nightmares, it was like she could still feel his fingers wrapped around her windpipes choking the life out of her.

Iris wasn’t sure how long she had spent in this dazed state, in and out of dreams and nightmares on the sofa. It was very comfortable to sleep on that was certain, but anything was better than that cell she had been inside or the hospital for that matter. A place she didn’t want to see again, but then she hated the damn things regardless on whether she was well or not and the times she had been there had not been down to her own choice or free will. Rubbing her eyes as she sat up on the sofa her eyes began to adjust to the various lights flashing from the TV and the soft setting of the lights in the suite now that the sun was setting. Glancing back to the TV she could see that it looked like they were on the news and some report seemed to be going on and it looked they were all setting up for something, trying to read the text she sighed as she saw the words go across the screen.


It felt surreal seeing those words, that the funeral was about to happen because for a split second she had forgotten all about it. Sitting forward on the sofa she avidly watched the news report waiting to see the funeral so she could see a glimpse of him and how he was doing, deep down she wasn’t worried as he had Jacob, he had his friends so he would have support around him that he would need and she would keep her promise by calling him the minute it struck ten. Confused for a moment she frowned as she watched the program, there was no sight of Cas and she was certain they had said he was due on now. Gnawing at the bottom of her lip as her heartbeat quickened, she couldn’t help but feel concerned, was he okay? Was he unable to do this? Thoughts raced through her head until she finally saw him step out and she let out a breath realising it was okay, she had panicked for no reason.

Finding herself smile as he began to speak, she watched him begin his speech addressing the country as now thousands relied on him to rule them. Cas would become King; he would honour the legacy to the throne, and she knew he would look to make changes well she hoped he would because who knew maybe he was going to follow exactly in his fathers footsteps. No, don’t even think like that, he wants things to change, he wants everyone to be better. Gasping as she felt the bottom of her lip split, the taste of blood hitting her tongue as she noticed she hadn’t stopped nibbling at it from the nerves.

At least he gets to say goodbye, albeit in front of all these people but he’s doing well standing there. How did he doubt himself as a leader? Iris couldn’t help but think to herself as she watched him deliver the speech realising just how far away he was, how far away their status was to one another and she couldn’t help but think at how she probably shouldn’t be in his life as she would only bring him down.



“What!? Will you just leave me alone, I’m in the middle of planning do you know how hard it is to get past their fucking security? Those woods have been fucking closed off since everything.” Ethan growled as he slammed down his pen onto the table glaring at who dared to disturb him mid planning. Some would say he had become quite obsessed.

“No seriously, the news. You have got to see this! The King… he’s well dead.”

Dead…” Ethan whispered as he moved towards the living room, they had managed to set up a new base of operations and even been lucky enough to get his hands on a TV. One of the perks of ordering everyone else around, frowning as he looked at the screen, he could see the headlines and they were currently filming at a funeral live. “What?” Scoffing as he folded his arms watching the spoiled brat of a Prince talk about his father, he honestly felt sickened, this was what his ex-girlfriend had chosen over him.

“This changes everything, all those plans were focused on killing the King, but now he is dead. Now it’s that childish Prince who can barely keep his emotions in check!” Letting out a laugh as he threw his hands in the air towards the TV his mind already running through various options on how he would kill this one. Ethan knew that he wanted to plan this one out perfectly, he had something against the Prince so killing him was going to be oh so special when he got the chance.

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