Avatar of SuperNova9000
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 58 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SuperNova9000 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Sometimes when I think about how I used to RP years ago it make me glad the guild lost my old stuff, shhhh don't tell Mahz!
8 yrs ago
My fellow guildmates I have returned finally!
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I'm a queer English trans lady and I'm also a Guild veteran from way before guildfall (if anyone still remembers that terrible day). I've just come back from a long hiatus and just looking to enjoy myself and make some cool stories together

Most Recent Posts

Sexuality: Very Hetero, raised that way, Looks down on Homosexuals as mental inferiors

So what kind of technology do we have available? It wasn't really discussed OOC.
All her years of work would finally amount to this. The culmination of decades of Research, countless hours testing new technologies, and finally it was time to launch. As Director, she had the privilege of remaining with the bridge crew until they reached escape velocity. It was exhilarating, the roar of the engines, being thrust into space, the feeling of weightlessness once they reach the lower atmosphere. Of course, she had trained for all of this but nothing could prepare her for the real thing.

Helmsman: "Well Director? It's a long trip ahead of us. Any last words before we all catch some serious shut eye?"

Director Izumi: We're doing it. Going where no one has gone before, exploring new worlds. I can't wait to see what wonders awaits us in the unknown. Transfer all controls to automated systems and report to your stasis pods, good night everyone."

The ship chirped a confirmation and she headed to her own pod situated in the bay reserved for department heads and higher leadership. Once all remaining crew were asleep she started the sequence for her own pod. She muttered to herself "Third star to the right, ahead full." just as the automated systems initiated a burn sequence. As she drifted off she imagined new worlds to explore. Were they teeming with life? Would they meet sentient extraterrestrial life forms? Maybe not the latter but it was a sweet dream.


She awoke from stasis in a haze. It was expected of course but still disorienting. She would have to make a note to look into ways to make the process less jarring in the future. She checked the monitor on the pod as her door came open. Her vitals looked normal, at least she assumed since she isn't a medical doctor. It was a bit difficult to breathe but otherwise fine. The security head and his deputy had woken up moments before she did. Head of Security Daniel Monroe, a seasoned veteran of the US military and a good man from what she'd been told. She never did get any support in changing the security uniforms to red, for the best probably.

Silly thoughts aside, they had just awoken in new space. Far away from the old world in search of a new one or even possibly, several new ones. It occurred to her that she had been sitting in her pod for some time now and should probably get moving.
I changed Dr. Izumi to Initiative Director. Since this is a NASA venture I think it makes sense to have a scientist leading the expedition.
We don't actually have any military on board from what I can see. There's a stunning queer physicist, a young agricultural undergrad, a seasoned former MP-turned-civilian contractor, an opportunistic engineer, an ivy league programmer, and a young layabout.

I was hoping to have Dr. Izumi head the entire science department but I wasn't sure what to call that. Any ideas? Maybe keep it simple like Department of Science (DOS)?
This is sort of a rough draft and I still haven't decided on her appearance but the content will be the same once it's polished and ready.

Hey not exactly new just coming back after a long break and forgot my old account stuff lol. Can't wait to get back in the swing of things. I'm on my phone so I'll add a CS to this post when I have time to type it up properly.
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