Dr Mei Izumi
Homosexual (Lesbian)

Personality: An undying curiosity, it's the force that drives her existence. She wants to know everything, see everything, explore new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, boldly going etc. In her pursuit of knowledge she does her best to hold no opinions that aren't based on concrete evidence in order to avoid misunderstanding. She can be blunt at times, not caring much for social graces, but never insulting. In her line of work it's important to know the facts and act on what you know. Of course, the occasional gamble can be extremely beneficial. All in all Mei is flexible, inquisitive, and straightforward. Despite her generally professional demeanor, she does have a sense of humor and sarcastic wit that comes up whenever the mood is casual. Some even say she's actually quite the flirt.
Desired Job & Qualifications:
Director of Research & Development
Mei is a graduate of Tokyo University with a major in physics and a minor in engineering. She took her education to NASA where she was employed as an R&D specialist designing and creating new technologies. She's had a hand in designing much of NASA's current space technology and pioneered the control systems that made cryogenic chambers a reality.
Brief Bio:
Mei is an only child from a middle class family. She spent most of her childhood watching science fiction shows and taking apart everything to see how they worked. That childlike curiosity never wavered and instead matured into an inquisitive mind that yearned for discovery. She studied day and night until she was accepted to Tokyo University where she thrust herself into the world of physics. Later she was offered a position at NASA.
Reason for wanting to leave earth:
Mei doesn't really have any family left and her girlfriend left her so why not explore the unknown?
Anything else you want to add:
Mei is a nerd for everything science fiction and often spends what little free time she has playing video games. She also keeps her sexuality to herself, something she found beneficial when dealing with those who provide funding to her work.