Avatar of SweetOwlette
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. SweetOwlette 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I admit, change is something I need and this is the place to start.
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5 yrs ago
I'm back! :)
6 yrs ago
Due to recent events, I am finally home and will be replying alot til the 3rd! :) Sorry for no responses for the last week! <3
6 yrs ago
Readdy to have some fun!
6 yrs ago
Sicker than a dog currently, trying to ger caught up! Sorry for late replies!
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I have been RPing for going on 10+ years. I took a small hiatus due to a ton of personal/work issues. Now that things are settling down for the most part, I am able to get back into my RPing and gaming!

I currently work for a prison. I do work the graveyard shift (8pm - 7am). So please bare with me and slow responses. I work 6 days on, and 3 days off. On my 3 days off, I will be most active, but I will also hop on to reply to any roleplays I have joined.

I enjoy 1x1's (hard to get my interest though. Once I got a 1x1 going.. I have a ton of fun). I also LOVE group RP's. I have managed some with a little help with friends and they always turned out wonderful. Currently, I am just working on one Group RP. I am not looking to over load myself, so the one RP I have going is all I am wanting to do at the moment. But, feel free to chat with me on any ideas, I might start another soon! :)

Most Recent Posts

@SweetOwlette@XxLyraxX I'll probably take control of Orion and Estelle if we don't get a post soon. Just a warning right now, they will probably die before too long.

No problem. I understand. It's been four days. @XxLyraxX, you need to post something in 24 hours. If not, Tancuras will take over! :)

yay dead people!

LOL Is it sad to say, I thought the same thing.. hehe I hate to admit it.. but it brings the whole thing into a different direction.



Tuesday Night, I will be posting a announcement about our RP. Something very exciting. I would suggest we all get established in either our groups OR in a place. ;) Doesn't matter who is paired up, this announcement affects everyone. Things shall get very interesting. BTW, has anyone seen Z Nation by chance?
Sorry for not posting. Im starting a new job and I was dealing with stuff yesterday. After I do a few things today, I'll post! :)
@omerta AH! I knew I was missing one, I couldn't figure it out! LOL Thanks working on a reply! X)
Sarah turned back to check on Marcus, feeling less overwhelmed. Seeing Marcus and the young man, she smiled. At lease someone wasn't hostile for once. She looked a that guy and smiled more at him. She noticed that he was looking at her. She quickly looked back at the cat and smiled softly to herself. She petted Pepper, wondering what he was thinking, and why Marcus was so easily distracted with the young man.

Marcus watched Sarah turn away. He took another puff and slowly let it out. "I swear I thought I would never taste one of these again." He took another and listened to Micah's reply. "Pretty nice weapons. Do you know how to get there by chance?" Marcus was interested in his plan. Maybe, he could work something out to get the three of them there together and get some nice stuff to stay a bit more protected.

<Snipped quote by SweetOwlette>

Can't really post til I get a response... o.o

^^; Sorry! I kinda forgot about that! LOL

sorry ive been MIA, just had a lot going on. Will post ASAP

No problem! Just let us know if its going to take a while to do replies. :)
@The Kraken & @Wintergrey; Please post something in the next 24 hours. Thanks!
Marcus sat down next to Micah and was facing towards Sarah and his cat. He looked over at Micah and smiled when he offered a cigarette. "I quit when I was younger, but I doubt that matters now." He said with a low chuckle and took on for himself and light it up. Inhaling it deeply and letting it out slowly. "Ahh.. Taste of death is amazing." He laughed. He listen to Micah's response about being older than he really should be. He nodded, understanding that statement. He watched Sarah grow up way to quick for her age too. He also watched over children who lost everything, saw some stuff that no child should ever see.. to loose them to those things. He sighed and dropped his head down to the ground and sighed. "Ya... I think this whole thing has made everyone more.. wiser." He took another puff and looked back at Sarah. "Are you going anywhere, or wondering?"

Marcus noticed that the little girl was smiling when petting Pepper. His cat always seemed to bring the best out of people. Sarah smiled and just let the little girl do what she was comfortable with. She wasn't going to push anything. Suddenly, a beautiful dog jumped out and the little girl instantly hug the dog. Sarah stood up, cuddling Pepper a bit closer. Sarah had a slight fear of dogs, but wouldn't show it to the little girl. Sarah watched the young girl handle the dog with care and give it commands, she knew she would be ok.. someone knew how to care for the dog. "Is that your dog?" She asked when the dog sat down and looked at Sarah. She began to pet the underside of Pepper to keep her purring. "I can help you find your brother. We won't hurt you." She said in a calm voice.

I would be interested in this, and possibly help you with everything. I've been wanting to start a HP RP! :) I would love to try to be the Co-GM!
I'm going with a nation that wasn't burned by nuclear fire, which means that they'll probably be the leaders in terms of technology, because they have the more recent old-world stuff. And because they weren't blown up, those that were seeking civilization and a new command structure to follow would find them, though there would be disorganization, resentment, etc., because of the war.

Great idea! I happen to think the same thing. We could always have our nations close by, working together?
Marcus chuckled for a moment. "Oh Sarah? No.. no.. she's more like a daughter to me than.. a girlfriend. I knew her mother before the outbreak. Sarah was a problem child growing up. She landed herself in trouble a few times and I was always the one coming to her recuse." Marcus turned back and watch Sarah kneel down and offer the cat to the little girl. "Change girl now. This whole new world has changed her.. in a positive way." Marcus looked back at the young man and nodded. "Sorry, Marcus Carwhile." he said watching Micah roll up his sleeves. He looked at the tattoos for a slight moment, before looking back at his face. "Your quite young to have all those tattoos." He stated. "What brought you here? Or more importantly, ready to kill us." He said with a slight chuckle.

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