Barbossa D. Sid
Samurai Sid
5‘10“, 159 lbs
In a word, calculated would best describe Sid. At times he only appear in two flavors, confident and apathetic or uncaring towards the people and situations around him. Though he appears he is, his best interest is usually the interest of the people, he looks out for those he cares for and has clear and undying loyalty, though earning it can be a bit of a hassle. He can be a difficult guy to deal with as he tends to trust his own judgment until he trusts the opinion of another. He believes in his ability to analyze a situation and understand the depth of any situation he is placed in.
He seems to be perpetually calm, smirks are his way of communicating, though he often shows his emotion with his mouth when he is feeling social. His laughing can be seen as ominous as he has a very twisted sense of humor and is known for saying harsh things jokingly to his crew. Although he prefers being alone, he does also enjoy the idea of being around people he can call crew. When working, he trusts himself to carry on whatever task alone as he is focused and driven by his own motives, or the idea of his allies success.
He is an introvert at heart, he enjoys alone time under the pale moon or morning sun to reflect on his day, his objectives and his motives. He finds that it helps him clear his mind and settle any loose ends and remind himself all things happen for a reason. He is quite sensible and an avid reader, he also enjoys nature and being around wildlife, looking to protect the innocent to the best of his abilities. He tends to end things quickly, he is all about efficiency and hates drawn out fights, debates or discussions. He is all about being direct and to the point, though he is patient enough to know when to take his time and be comfortable with it.
Home Island/Sea:
Wano Country
To be blunt, Sid is the son of the Strongest Swordsman in the World. A tall legacy for Sid to live up to and his father would make it difficult for the boy to do so. His father, a fishman by the name Blade D. Silver , was an abusive teacher whilst his mother, a human named Barbossa D. Mary, maintained a somewhat gentle approach with her child since she had retired from the pirate life. His father would travel often and Sid was left to train under his father's firstmate named Pachi. Pachi taught Sid endlessly in the knowledge of his fighting style to mold him into the pirate he'd eventually become.
Tragedy struck Sid's life when a logia appeared with a crew of men. It had been years since a logia showed up in the Wano country. To think someone would attack a town in the Waizo Country, killing many including Sid's mother. Pachi managed to hide the two until the attack was through. Sid lost a part himself that day that he refused to give up. One thing they managed to find out was that the logia user possessed a marine emblem on his jacket. It had been years since the Marines dared to sail in Wano waters. That day Sid made a promise to become strong enough to destroy the Marines and best even his father, the man that wasn't there to save Sid's mother.
Several years passed and Sid finally decided to journey from his country. He was ready to achieve his destiny.
Explosive Explosive Fruit - By eating this fruit the user is able to produce a spherical grid around and object that takes the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive results. In doing so, the user is able to produce explosions on contact. However, by rapidly colliding oxygen and hydrogen molecules in a speedy manner, the user is also able to create explosions at a range.
The user is able to manipulate the explosive energy produced by this fruit in order to create two different types of explosives. The 'light' explosive that is produced is dispersed and far easier to control due to its linear increase in strength, and ideal for holding a stance or utilizing it to maintain hovering. The 'heavy' explosive, on the other hand, is a stronger, more dangerous explosive that is more difficult to control due to its exponential increase in strength; it is ideal for acceleration or raw power against an opponent.
Fighting style:
Sid's style of fighting is quite interesting, utilizing momentum, counters and a blitzkrieg offense. Sid is as comfortable charging his opponent to pressure them or create openings using swift hits and feints. Most blocks tend to turn to counters, returning the enemies strength to them and making his opponents feel a bit hesitant to go on the offensive. He constantly aims to control the entirety of the battle using his speed, and his Explosive Explosive Fruit to keep his opponent pressured.
Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Sid is a swordsman of masterful caliber despite not being "classified" as a master. He has the skills needed to keep up with most high-leveled swordsman, at the least in the terms of sheer skill. Yet it is his slightly lacking physical abilities that bring him down. Regardless, Sid's style is an agile and very active style. He doesn't use an aerial-oriented style, but rather simply moves as a snake would through the ground. Mimicking an opponent's moves with his own, he parries and counters, twisting and turning, he uses his powerful sword in battle with expert skill. Although his skill is truly very high, he has a single flaw, which is inexperience. He is unable to keep up with swordsman who have been fighting for years on-end, considering the amount of experience a masterful swordsman possesses, they are able to alter their movements in only a moment, causing a disruption in Sid’s own movements, thus, preventing him from being able to defeat them.
Enhanced Speed and Agility: Sid is in possession of a naturally lithe frame. Making him perfect for maneuvering through small areas of space at high speeds, and his high leg strength gives him the ability to use acrobatics without much effort. He is also shown to use this speed and agility very effectively in combat and the usage of his own fighting style, making for a deadly combination.
Sid uses a
Chōkuto, the meito Akatsuki, an O Wazamono grade sword. The sword, with its jet black sheath and guard-less hilt, is one of the twenty-one finest katanas in the world and is known for its immense durability and unnatural sharpness. It is said Sid faced off against a Marine Captain in order to gain possession of the blade after the pirate in possession of the blade was killed by the Marines which is a lie to garner Sid a bounty beyond just being from Wano when instead Sid received the blade from his mother.
The blade is said to tremendously augment its wielder's strength and the destructive powers of the user are greatly increased. Its durability is by far its greatest attribute and it was stated by Pachi that its durability is easily in the league of the twelve Saijo O Wazamono. Another specialty of the blade is that due to the nature of the metal with which it was made it does not rust, neither does it ever loose its sharpness. Due to this same materials unique properties it is lighter, stronger, and sharper than most blades.
Ship Positions:
Sid has a bounty of 1,000,000 due to the fear the Marines have in the samurai of the Wano Country and the belief that he could be as dangerous as his father if left unattended.