As Thessalia ran, she was of two minds - one part of her wanted to simply turn around and run in the opposite direction, far away from the scene that was unfolding before her. Another, stronger yet, did not allow her steps to be guided away from the three players some distance before her. As she drew closer, she started to become able to recognise some features of the three - such as one being a two-handed spear-wielder that was about to attack the fallen player whilst the one who drew his sound was jumping in to interrupt the strike. This left only one interpretation to the situation: 'PKer.'
The thought sent a cold shiver down Thessalia's spine - she'd heard of them before, but never actually encountered any. She'd simply assumed that they stayed away from the frontlines, where the strongest players were gathered and insteady preyed on the weaker players on the lower floors. Not without a trace of guilt, a part of her was glad that it was so - she didn't know how she'd fare against a real, human enemy who was after her life and, in turn, whose death would mean the taking of a real life. Even so, however, she pressed on - be that as it may, she couldn't just stand by and pretend to see nothing now that she knew what was going on.
In the meantime, the spear-wielder had let off in his attack, instead focusing on the sword-wielder that was a direct threat to him. From what she could see, the sword-user was defending the fallen player from the spear-wielder - leaving the question open as to whose side the three players further back belonged to. Whilst Thessalia hoped that the spear-wielder was just a singular PKer, she couldn't help but feel that the three weren't about to aid the two others. Drawing closer still, she finally managed to make out enough of the combatants to realise she knew one of them - the sword-wielder turned out to be a curved sword user that she'd met just a short while ago: ReivaX.
"Re-" Thessalia was about to call out - but stopped mid-word when the blackhaired swordsman only barely dodged a spear strike; instead performing breakneck acrobatics to evad the attack and get a slash of his own in - causing the spear-wielder to briefly glow before suddenly exploding into thousands of shining fragments. Thessalia's speed slowed down as her heartbeat sped up at the sight - the first time she, in person, witnessed a player killing another. Unbeknownst to her, her hands began to tremble and cold sweat - or rather, the feeling thereof - spread all across her body as she watched both the unknown third player and ReivaX stand back up and then turn away from the three following players; heading toward town at a full run, and by extension, her.
The confused fear was only broken when she heard her name being shouted - causing her to make the sound split-second decision between trusting that ReivaX had been defending the other from an attacking PKer and that the two were now being pursued by three more rather than that they were the PKers. The sincere anxiety in his voice as he confirmed this with the next word made her pick up the pace once again; only slowing down when she reached the two before turning on the spot in order to meet them in their run back to town - if the pursuing three PKers did manage to catch up, three stood a better chance than two; a simple "Hurry!" being the only thing she said. Rather than demand any further explanation on the spot, Thessalia decided to wait until they were back safely - instead turning to look over her shoulder to see the PKers slowly gaining on them; making her take a sharp breath - not only from the sight but also from the constant running she'd been doing.