Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrance

Having held her eyes closed the whole time she'd been bowing, it was only once Kotori realised that the person before her was actually speaking to her that she opened them again. The voice tipped her off to the fact that the person she'd bumped into was a boy - the track jacket he wore showing him to be a student here at Warakuma High; though the low angle made it impossible for Kotori to see which year.

Hearing his words, Kotori stood up straight again before shaking her head, followed by a nod. "No, I'm sorry I wasn't looking. Yes, I'm alright," she said - only then spying the year badge on the jacket's collar, which turned out to be surprisingly high up given his height, identifying the one before her as a third year and, therefore, her senpai; making the entire incident even more embarassing. At the words he spoke thereafter, nodding at the paper in her hand, Kotori glanced down at the grocery list in her hand; having momentarily forgotten about it.

"Ah, I was just lucky, that's all, Senpai" she answered, truthfully - considering that it would probably have been next to impossible to pick it back up with the crowd all about them otherwise. Realising that she didn't even know her Senpai's name, Kotori bowed once again - not in apology this time, but rather in greeting. "I'm Kotori Shirohane, Second Year," she introduced herself before standing back up straight and having a brief quizzical look come over her face as she tried to place the Third Year's face to anyone she knew but couldn't come up with anything. "You aren't hurt either, are you... Senpai?" she then asked - with a brief pause just long enough to make it obvious that she was also asking his name by indicating that she didn't know it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Archery Range

Sato and a few other guys had just finished setting down an awkwardly stacked pile of boxes right next to the backdoor of the range when he noticed Rui approaching, waving as he made his way over to them. To be friendly, Sato motioned a generic hand gesture back, not quite sure how casual he could be with Rui without seeming weird. The boy seemed laid-back enough to not care about formalities, so Sato decided to just act like they had been friends for a couple weeks already.

“I see you decided to come by, Rui.” The few people that had been box-lifting lingered to see what was up, but quickly left once they decided that this new kid was an acquaintance of Sato’s. Out of the corner of his eye, Sato spotted Rokoru peering around a corner to glare at Rui. He couldn’t really tell if the club head was trying to some how communicate with him or was just trying to express a distaste or something, but regardless of what it was he was trying to do, it made absolutely no sense to Sato. “You can probably see that we’re already getting started. Most of our members were here last year so we felt like there was no need to delay everyone just so a few newcomers could learn the basics.”

He cleared his throat before continuing. “So, back to you. Is there anything in particular you’re interested in here, or are you just checking everything out?” The words came out like they were natural, yet rehearsed. That exact phrasing was what he typically gave to any newcomers that were introduced to the club by himself, but luckily it wasn’t memorable enough that anyone ever noticed that Sato used the exact same speech every single time. Absentmindedly, Sato played with a few of the pieces of wood and foam sticking out from one of the loosely-closed boxes they had put down moments ago.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Toma Tanaka - Warakuma High, Main Entrance

"Ah- Tanaka Toma," he said with a small bow, returning her greeting. "Nice to meet you, Shirohane-san. And I'm fine - I've taken worse hits." As he said this, he caught a glance of the paper's contents - it was a grocery list. Upon seeing this, Toma realized his new home had no food in it. On top of that, neither he nor his parents had had lunch; they'd be starving once they woke up. The least he could do was get them some instant noodles or something.

The train of thought brought him to another realization: he had no idea where anything was in this town.

He was at a crossroad: he could either use the legitimate excuse of him being new to ask a cute girl if she could show him where the grocery store was, possibly spend more time with her, and potentially be introduced to other students that she knew. Or, he could go meet with a bunch of stuffy teachers and be forced to explain his situation to each and every one of them.

The ideal choice was clear. He could just phone or e-mail the teachers, anyway - a little less personal, maybe, but it'd work.

Toma decided it was worth a shot.

"Are you going grocery shopping?" he asked. A faint, sheepish smile formed on his face, as he leaned into another small bow. "I'd hate to be a burden, but could I ask you to show me the way to the grocery store? My family just moved here today from Osaka - I kind of don't know where anything is."

The boy thought he felt himself turn the lightest shade of pink, causing him to internally kick himself. There was no reason to be embarrassed; he was simply asking for some help. The worst that could happen was that she said no - in that case, he'd just continue with his original, admittedly boring, plans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Archery Range

"Yeah...", he began.

"I'm here to... Give it a shot", he made a double gun point fingers motion towards Sato with the most not-ecstatic face ever, as in his expression didn't change one bit. Retorts and bad jokes aside... He was here to join, and then join Kendo, and then look into some other clubs. Oh boy, he was going to be quite busy. After signing the club registration, he turned back to Sato.

"So uhh... Where to start...?" he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrace

Following both her questions being answered in turn, Kotori returned the bow as the Third Year introduced himself, too - as one Tanaka, Toma. "Nice to meet you as well, Tanaka-senpai," she said before breathing an inaudible sigh as he reassured her that he, too, was fine after the small bump. Standing up straight once again, she looked up at the track jacket wearing third year - and concluding, even after a closer inspection, that she indeed did not recognise him at all. Not that she knew every student in the school - but she'd assumed that she might have at least seen him once or twice in passing before, but no such luck.

Judging by that, he was either one of the types that simply didn't draw much attention - a little hard to believe considering his height - or that he'd transferred in just recently. Her silent pondering came to an end when the one in question spoke up again. At his question, Kotori glanced down at the list in her hand - and probably the source of his inquiry. Before she could answer with more than a simple nod, he already bowed down - and both asked her if she could show him where the grocery store was and confirmed that he was, indeed, a transfer student; and one as recent as just today as well.

"Yes," she belatedly answered his first question in words rather than just a gesture before giving another small bow; missing the brief change in colour of his cheeks in doing so. "It wouldn't be a bother at all, Senpai. I was just headed there myself," Kotori said, truthfully and unsurprisingly, before straightening herself again. No sense in leaving a stranger to Warakuma to stumble about with his surroundings unknown, after all. "Shall we get going or did you need something first?" she then asked - only now realising that she didn't even know quite why the Third Year was heading toward school when it had only just finished, thereby making their little collision possible in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Archery Range

The fact that Rui had pointed finger-guns at him put him off a bit, for a lot of reasons. It was archery, not marksmanship. Sato brushed it off immediately and instead focused on Rui’s face to keep his focus. Apparently Rui really was going to join archery. It surprised Sato in a weird way; this boy looked so vacant the entire time they talked that he had figured that Rui was just feigning interest to get Sato to go away faster. If only Rui had joined earlier, though. Sato had looked into it and apparently Mika had only recruited two people into the archery club, which meant that Rui’s membership would make two for Sato as well. A tie was usually settled in a shoot-off in the range but something told him that the tie-breaker would have been “Who Can Recruit Someone The Fastest.” Mika was a little more charming than him (evident with the way she persuaded Rokoru to go eat lunch with her) so Sato decided that he’d be screwed no matter how it went. She was also a better shot, as were most of the other third years.

Sato eventually noticed he had zoned out, thinking about the club in general, and scrambled over to Rokoru to go fetch the registration forms. As soon as he had started to approach Rokoru, the older boy whipped out the papers shockingly quickly and pushed Sato back towards Rui. Were they that desperate for new members? Off the top of his head, he knew himself, Rokoru, Mika, and the other three third years. There was Ryouta and now Rui, along with the second years which Sato had never bothered to count. He remembered there to be one or two first years, but a majority of the half-dozen newcomers were first years, so that population would increase, assuming all of them joined.

He handed Rui the papers on top of some clipboard with a pen was attached to the metal clamp with a frayed string which he took from someone on the way back. Sato vaguely gestured to all the blank spaces in the wall of words. “Put your name in all the blank spaces, sign your name there,” He pointed at a long line near the bottom of the page. “and then put down a few ways to contact you. Emails and phone numbers work best, but anything will do as long as we can reliably get in touch with you.”

Once Rui had finished filling out the forms, Sato quickly scanned them over to make sure that they hadn’t missed something or did something wrong. Fortunately, they didn’t, and Sato scrawled his name somewhere distantly below Rui’s, leaving a good space for Rokoru to sign at the very bottom. He hid the pen into the gap between the board and metal of the clamp and held it to his side, meeting Rui in the eyes for a bit in confirmation.

Rui vocalized that he had no clue where to start with, and Sato merely stuck his thumb into his pocket, looking around the range for no good reason. There was traditional archery that Rui should probably start with. But, Sato had pretty much no idea how much this boy knew of archery, so it would probably be best to get someone to teach him or let him watch some of the more experienced members shoot for a while. After a bit of searching he spotted Mika and Yuki belting arrows with a yumi. Rui could go get them to tutor him for a bit, but he likely didn’t know the two seniors.

“You should start with kyudo, since we’re required to do that first, and if you’d like you could get either myself or some other senior to teach you how to do it. This is, of course, assuming you don’t really know how to do it already.” Sato paused for a minute and rubbed his chin. Rokoru was out of sight now, which meant that he really was just there to make sure that it was a new recruit that was talking to Sato. “If you know anyone here, you could get them to help you out if you don’t feel comfortable with any of the third years. You can come practice until 6 PM every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Don’t be afraid to miss a day or don’t come to practice, since there’s no strict goal to meet right now, but we’ll tell you when a meeting’s mandatory to attend. There will be some punishments for not coming to the mandatory events so don’t think you can overbook your schedule.”

Sato let out a long sigh after finishing his spiel. Hopefully this guy knew something about archery already or was comfortable with some random third year teach him what to do. While wasn’t really a great teacher nor did he know how to teach kyudo well, and he had plenty of room for improvement (meaning plenty of reason to practice), it was his duty as the co-president and a third year member of the Warakuma High Archery Range to instruct this student on how to fire arrows out of a bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma High, The Archery Range

As the bell rang, signaling the end of classes, and the unfortunate end for his nap, Akira rose from his slumber, grabbed his bag and left 3-1's classroom. Walking down the hall way, he glanced out the windows. It's already been 3 years, hmm? Walking past the club board, his eyes immediately go towards the Archery Club and sees a familiar name name and laughs. "I wonder..." Moving again, he stops at the Archery Range. Seeing a group of guys standing around some stacked boxes, staring at a pair of guys, who seemed to know each other.

Next to them was a guy glaring at one of the two, one who Akira was all too familiar with. Rokoru Ishihara, apparently he was named as the new captain of the archery club when they graduated. While he was a great archer, his personality could use some work. He's not one to play well with others. Laughing quietly to himself, "I worry about their future with him in charge." He finished with a smile.

Moving closer to Rokoru, he leaned against the wall. As the others continued talking, he turned to Rokoru.

With a smirk, "Still playing 'leader', eh, Rokoru?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Warakuma Shopping Complex

Chiaki had been dragging Noboru around the shops, as usual, buying clothes and accessories. But it was a fir a good reason! The clothing stores had just released a new line. Well, that and she needed to buy some clothes for the idol club. Now that the deed was done she happily followed Noboru to the sports store.

Once the duo entered, Noboru greeted the clerk. Perhaps they knew eachother, more likely Noboru comes here often. Before they entered she already said to him that he needn't worry, she would find something suitable and show him once she had changed. Whilst in the changing room she swaped her current outfit out for a more suitable one. Dark red track pants, a gray sports top. Before saying bye-bye to her heels and slipping on some jogers, she... Undid her drills. Her long hair reached down a little past her hips, she used some hairties to tie them up into long low pigtails, namely, pink hairties. Once done, she exited the chang room to greet Noboru.

"So, what do you think? Will these be sufficient?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru-Warakuma Mall
While Chiaki looked around for clothes, Noboru decided to get a new workout outfit. He donned a smooth black undershirt, and it tightened against his skin. He found some shorts, with a nice dark green strip running down the sides. He paid for the clothes, and waited for Chiaki to find her outfit. When she stepped out, she was asking how it looked. "It looks nice. Something to start out in for sure. But don't get too close to your outfit. It'll wear down fast with the kind of training we're going to do."

Noboru pulled a map out of his pocket and drew an imaginary line around a small route. "We'll start out with something small okay? Don't want to get too worked up too fast. Hey maybe with this training, you'll be able to beat my 5 miles straight record. Anyhow, we need to get some water. You ready to go?"

Noboru's mind passed to the twins, hoping they wouldn't appear while him and Chiaki were training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Toma Tanaka - Warakuma High, Main Entrance

Toma relaxed upon hearing Shirohane agree to help. He flashed her a bright smile to convey his appreciation.

She then asked if he had anything to do at the school before they left. He looked at the school as he quickly made his choice. She was kind enough to help him out when she had no obligation to, and there was no telling how long it'd take him to find his teachers and speak with them. There was no sense in making her wait.

"Nah, we can head off," he said as he turned towards her, once again wearing his easy smile. "I was just sort of going to check the school out - it can wait 'til tomorrow."

He motioned towards the street, saying "After you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High: Main Entrance

As it turned out, the newly-arrived Third Year had meant to check out the school, seeing as it was his first day here - but decided to put if off for now with a smile, it seemed. Glancing back toward the school as he spoke, Kotori gave a small nod in understanding before facing him again as he gestured toward the street that just about every other student that passed them had been headed for. "I'll lead on then," she confirmed before stepping forward - this time without bumping into her senpai. Luckily enough, the crowd seemed to be dying down slowly, making the way from school a lot easier to navigate - though that didn't stop Kotori from keeping her shopping list gripped tightly and held to her chest, just to be sure not to lose it again.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping Complex

"...and that leads us here," Kotori finished, not being much of a smalltalker having instead simply pointed out the most important places and streets along the way until they reached the mall; stopping a few steps after entering and taking a small breath before turning to look back at Toma whom she'd been leading through town. "Is there anything else you need here, or just groceries?" she asked, as now would most likely be the most opportune time for someone who was new in town to get whatever they might still be needing, seeing as they were already in the mall; making it only a small detour for Kotori if there was such a need.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokoru Ishiahara // Warakuma High, Archery Range

After making sure that a few newbies knew the best way to shoot, Rokoru turned to face the rest of the range. The familiar "thwack" sound of arrows lodging themselves into the targets was such a pleasing sound to his ears. Memories of when he first learned how to use a bow flooded his mind in a very nostalgic manner. The first day of opening the archery range was sentimental yet no one would've guessed so from the look on his face. Running and maintaining the club was much more important than basking in his feelings, especially since his upperclassmen entrusted him with the well-being of the range enlisting him as the new president.

With an awkwardly suppressed half-smile, Rokoru turned on his heel and started to make his way down the side of the archery range, rubbing the back of his hand along an old and useless wooden plank across the wall. It wasn't long, however, he noticed that Hashimoto was talking to some kid that was entirely a stranger to Rokoru. He (in a very inconspicuous manner) leaned behind a box and glared at the pair. If this guy was a new recruit, he was obligated to make sure that Hashimoto wasn't sabotaging it.

The younger boy eventually noticed Rokoru peering out at them and approached with the intention of acquiring the proper registration forms needed for a new member to join up. A second year lingering around the area quickly retrieved the papers, handing them to Rokoru, who in turn passed it to Hashimoto. Without hesitation he returned to the new kid, explaining what to write and where.

Rokoru watched them for a bit longer before sauntering off with no general destination in mind. They had done everything they needed to do on the first day, yet there was no feeling of accomplishment. He furrowed his brow quite literally just as he spotted a familiar face entering the building. Akira Kirigakure. Nobody would be able to forget the face of such a massive assfuck such as him.

As he was contemplating whether or not to deal with the prick, Akira had wondered on over to him. The infamous club legend himself replaced his spot next to the boxes and grinned at him before uttering an insult to greet him. Rokoru ran his tongue over his upper teeth and quickly came up with a retort. "Nice to see that you recognised me, Akira. Came back to suck dick to get back in or are you just here to piss all over everything like last time?"

Rokoru's body instinctively tensed to match the aggression, and despite starting rather hushed, his voice rose to almost a shout by the end of the sentence. A year back, Akira and him had became practically archenemies through a conflict between some then third-years and Akira. Rokoru supposed Akira was going to throw a tantrum over the fact that they chose him to lead the club after all the third-years graduated, but that would probably be giving Akira too much credit; he'd probably just knock someone out and then get suspended or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru-Warakuma Mall
Noboru laced up his shoes and was ready to go. He checked his water, and his backpack. It was weighed down perfectly, enough to slow him down so Chiaki wouldn't get left behind. He turned to Chiaki and acknowledged that she was ready to go. "I guess the training starts now, huh?" Before they could walk out the door, it came like a shrieking hawk. That same laugh that he had heard countless times before.

Aiko and Akari-Warakuma Mall
Aiko was wandering around innocently with his twin in tow, when he saw the perfect opportunity. Noboru looked like he was readying up for some sort of training, along with some girl he hadn't seen before. Akari rarely spoke up, but this was one of those times. "Psst." She said, whispering. "That's some famous model. I can't remember her name, but some of the girls are always talking about her, being jealous and all. "Oh?" Aiko thought. "Well then Akari, I think as Noboru's favorite siblings, we should introduce ourselves, don't you think?" With that, he let out a loud laugh, briskly walking towards the two.

"Hello there miss." Aiko said, quickly getting down one on knee and taking her hand. He raised it up and gave it a slight kiss, putting it back down to introduce himself. "Hello there Noboru, how are you today? You seem to be getting ready for something eh? Going running again? You know it's never going to do anything. You'll just tire your self out. Why even bother? And excuse me miss, I forgot6 to introduce myself. My name is Aiko, but you may know me better as Noboru's sibling. How are you doing today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akira Kirigakure // Warakuma High, The Archery Range

"You'd know all about that process, after all, you 'sucked' up quite a lot in the last year to make a corner whore seem normal in comparison." He then started speaking loud enough in which the others can hear, "I understand your feelings man, but I don't swing that way. Try the guys in the wrestling club, they seem into that thing."[/b He laughed quietly as he began walking toward the two guys from earlier before stopping and turning towards Rokoru. [b]"As in regards to the club, Seeing you squirm seems like an amusing enough reason. Not much you can really do about it."

Walking back back to the others, and headed straight towards Sato, waving a registration him. "Hey"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Kaminari : Warakuma High-

As the boy walked down the hallway, he decided to head back to where the board was with the class assignment. The boy made his way down the hallway, taking quick glimpses at each of the students he passed before making it to the board. As he starred at it, he scanned for a specific name, pondering about some inexplicable thing within the compounds of his mind. As he looked, his eyes perks up as he found the name he was searching for. He quickly made his way down the hallway, and up different stairs. He was a bit giddy as he made his way up the stairs, staring into the confines of the school.

"(I hope she's still there, I need to talk to her... Wait, what do I talk to her about, uhm, clubs, how are things going, uhm...)"

Kamis thoughts raced through his mind fairly quickly, matching the speed that he was going at in the hallways. He quickly sidestepped a student, avoiding an accident that could delay him, and rob him of precious time. As the boy made his way down the hallway, he finally came to that oneclassroom that hopefully still contained one of his friends.

"(I hope she's still there... Please let her still be there.)"

Kami nervously took in a breathe, and let it out from his lungs. He became calm and abit collected, he stuck his head into the classroom, searching for Ayano.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XLegs
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XLegs Genuine Donkey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Toma Tanaka - Warakuma Shopping Mall

Toma listened intently to everything Kotori said, committing to memory the places she pointed out. Despite any other motives he may have had for asking her to help him, he really did need to get familiar with his new surroundings - and besides, he liked the sound of her gentle voice.

She asked him if there was anything else he needed to get, and he thought about it as he looked around the mall's entrance.

"I guess some supplies for school would be a good idea, since I'll need them for tomorrow," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

A sweet smell caught his attention, and caused his stomach to rumble. Further into the mall, he spotted a donut shop, and realized he hadn't eaten since breakfast. Donut's probably weren't the best thing to replace his lunch, but his mind was already made up.

"Hey, Shirohane-san, what's your favorite kind of donut?" he asked as he took a few steps backwards towards the shop, signalling his intention to head over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada- Warakuma High

It was the longest thirty minutes of Leiko's life.

Wordlessly, she was tugged along by her overzealous friend to the various club rooms and advertisements that littered throughout the school. Honestly, Leiko was merely feigning interest in joining another club for the sake of Saya's enthusiasm; she was the Drama Club President after all, and that took number one priority.

As Saya started to chatter loudly about how fun volleyball was last year, Leiko's mind started to wander to the clubs that at least had piqued her attention. Art Club wasn't bad per se, but Leiko vastly preferred physical expression over paintbrushes and charcoal. Music Club was okay, but the membership was fairly lacking, and with the rising popularity of this newly constructed 'Idol Club', Leiko had a feeling that it wouldn't last for very long.

Overall, she was fairly underwhelmed.

"Why don't you just start a Cooking Club, Saya?" Leiko's words caught the violet-haired girl off guard, having become accustomed to Leiko's begrudging silence. "You clearly have a skill in the culinary arts. I don't understand why you don't pursue it."

Saya's bright expression became gradually duller as she let out a low sigh. "Hama-chan. You know why. Just because I'm good at something, doesn't mean I want it to define me, you know?"

Leiko's response was nonplussed. "I really don't understand what you mean."

"Well..." Saya shook her head softly. "It's kind of hard explaining it to you. You're so passionate about what you do. You put 110% into it. It's just...not the same for me."

Leiko still couldn't comprehend Saya's way of thinking. The freedom to pursue one's talents was something that should be nurtured, not cast aside. But then again, they were somewhat polar opposites...

How did they become friends again?

"So we're finished searching, right?" Leiko moved on with a hint of hope in her tone. "It's a real shame that nothing really caught my attention. You can always stick to volleyball, and maybe go for that 'Idol Club' yourself if you're so inclined-"

"Nah, it wouldn't be any fun if you weren't there," Saya's answer was quick and succint as she looped her arm over Leiko's, an action that made the affluent teen somewhat uncomfortable. Why did Saya always insist on being so touchy-feely? "Actually, there is a club I've been meaning to check out still...but I don't really want to go on my own..." Her expression became pleading, a sign that often spelled trouble.

Leiko felt her mouth open reluctantly. "...What club?"

"Archery," Saya responded tentatively, causing Leiko's eyebrows to disappear beneath the fringe of her hair. That was it? She had expected something more shameful, like wrestling, or that creepy nerdy anime club. But Archery?

"You'll come too, right?" Saya urged, the grip on Leiko's arm tightening ever so slightly. "It's run by some third years, and I'm a little anxious about just walking up to them by myself. I mean, they seem to be a pretty tight clique..."

"So why do you want to join?" Leiko asked plainly. "I really don't understand why I have to be there-"

"Moral support?" Saya answered with a soft whine. "Please Hama-chan, it would really mean a lot to me. I wanted to try out last year, but I never got up the nerve..." She tugged her bottom lip with her teeth. "And by the time we're seniors, it'll feel like it's too late.."

"..." Leiko groaned. This girl was eliciting her ire a lot more as of late. "Fine. I'll come with you. I won't be staying though..."

"Oh thank you!" Saya pumped the air excitedly, causing Leiko to stumble a little as she was still attached to the girl's arm. "Oh, sorry!" Saya smiled sheepishly. "Come on, let's go. They're holding this meeting thing at the back of the school."
Leiko and Saya: Warakuma High- Archery Range

The range wasn't all that difficult to find; Leiko and Saya merely followed the way to the back of the school through the door leading to the fields and soon the sound of metal pelting against wood told them that they were inching closer to where they needed to be. Stepping through the open entrance to the outdoors, Leiko noticed that some members were stacking some shabby-looking boxes near the door, whilst others were practising with some basic-looking bows, arrows sailing through the air as they either hit or shot straight past their targets.

Basically, it was exactly what she expected Archery Club to look like.

"The President for Archery Club is Ishiahara Rokoru..." Saya explained in a hushed whisper, her eyes scanning the area fervently as her fingers played with a stray seam on her uniform. "He's a third year, and a lot of people say he's the best president the club has had in a long time..."

"You seem pretty knowledgeable on the subject," Leiko murmured back dryly. "You still haven't explained why you feel so compelled to join this kind of club..."

Saya's answer was merely a sharp intake of breath, as if she was struggling to find the right answer before her eyes finally fell on the well built senior. She brushed a strand of hair of her ear nervously, glancing sideways at Saya before rolling her shoulders as if she was limbering her body for some big event. "Wish me luck," she smiled weakly, before heading straight for the third year President with as much confidence as she could muster.

Leiko watched her go, resisting the temptation to join her and observe the situation more carefully. She really shouldn't get involved with Saya's affairs too much (after all, she was the one who had been dragged to the range in the first place), but she couldn't help but feel the need to control the outcome. As strong and confident as Saya tried to come across to people, she could very easily crumble under pressure.

Deciding to hang back and watch from afar with a wary eye for now, Leiko's attentions eventually focused onto a familiar face. Wait... Her eyes squinted slightly. Wasn't that Shinichi Rui standing over there?

True enough, her classmate was at the range as well, seemingly occupied with some kind of form in his hands. So he was thinking about joining Archery too, hmm? Leiko's lips pursed. He had shown some interest in the Drama Club that morning, so she had written it off in her mind that he was a dead ringer for sure. But if he was joining other clubs...would he have the time?

Well. Rolling up the sleeves of her angora sweater, Leiko approached the stoic male, taking advantage of the fact that the other male he had been speaking to was busy being approached by someone else. "Shinichi-kun," Leiko's voice was smooth and sweet like honey, her lips curling into a pleasant smile that betrayed only the faintest hint of ulterior intent. "What a surprise to see you here. Are you thinking about joining Archery?"
Meanwhile, Saya was on her way towards approaching the President of the Archery Club, Ishiahara Rokoru. Cold sweat clung to the back of her neck, her fingers pulling at that thread on her sleeve more and more. She was making this a much bigger deal than she needed to; after all, it was only a club. However, several things factored into it, and the more she dwelled on them, the more flustered she became. Ugh, why couldn't she just shrug them off and be as cool as Hama-chan sometimes?

She came to a short stop in front of the senior, his gaze fixed angrily at something ahead of her, which made her blood run cold. Uh oh...he looked severely pissed, and she hadn't even opened her mouth yet. Taking an audible gulp, and praying that this wasn't to be her last words on earth, she steeled herself with a breezy smile. "H-Hello there, Ishiahara-senpai! I know I'm a little late, but I'm here to ask about registration?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokoru Ishiahara // Warakuma High, Archery Range

After throwing out some more insults to more than just the Archery club, Akira took a copy of the registration forms from the same dude that got them earlier and explained to Rokoru that his biggest reason for rejoining was to piss him off even further. The very idea of that guy getting back into Archery made him livid, and Akira knew it. Yet, the senior just sharply exhaled from his nose and tried to regain composure, but the look of pure anger never left his eyes. As Sir Douchenozzle himself turned to leave to get Hashimoto (since Rokoru would obviously never approve it) to register him, Rokoru called after him with pure malice laced into his voice. “I swear to fucking God, if you try any of that shit you pulled last time, I will get your ass fucking expelled!”

He simply watched on in silent saltiness as Akira waltzed over to Hashimoto. It took him an awkwardly long while, however, to realise the sorta cute girl standing in front of him. She looked like she just witnessed a murder and it put him off a bit. The girl stuttered a greeting, apologized for being ‘late’, and requested to know about club registration. The visibly older boy sighed deeply, and after he did so he hoped that she wouldn’t take it as an offence. Rokoru turned 180 and took the second-last sheet from the guy that was still loafing around. The guy grunted before marching off to go print out more copies, passingly staring at the girl that wanted to join. Seeing the look reminded Rokoru that they had gotten a lot more new members than suspected and thus needed to close membership soon, so he made a mental note to announce that fact next morning.

Rokoru cleared his throat before starting his run-down. “As you apparently know, I’m Rokoru Ishiahara, the third-year in charge of taking care of this club.” He handed the forms to the girl after he had underlined all the places where she needed to sign. “Just put your name down where I marked and write down two pieces of contact information in the empty space. After that, give it back and I’ll handle the rest.” Rokoru took another deep breath once he finished speaking and slipped off the coat part of his uniform, revealing his sloppily put on white shirt.
Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Archery Range

Before Rui could answer with what he wanted to do, an unfamiliar student approached him with a registration form. Why he had chosen Sato to get registered was beyond him, but it didn’t really matter to him in the end. Sato waved farewell to Rui and flashed a smile before walking over to the person approaching him. The guy greeted him in an exceptionally casual manner and waved the papers, indicating to Sato that he wanted him to do something with them.

In a rash decision, Sato matched the level of formality the guy took and assumed a relaxed stance before taking the papers. They were apparently already filled out to the proper specifications, so he put them on top of Rui's form and looked back at the guy. There wasn't really much to do or say besides get Rokoru to sign his name on it as well, which meant two new applicants from Sato. The wistful regret of not getting these two to join earlier passed through his thoughts; he really wanted to get that prize. Money was a bit tight. "Thanks for joining, though I don't really know who you are." It was probably one of the other third years who enlisted the dude since it would've have Rokoru's signature on it if he had done it. "I'm Sato Hashimoto, class 3-3. I believe you're a third year too, right...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Warakuma Shopping Complex

There was a breif moment of confusion in Chiaki's mind.
'Did that just happen?
Who the heck is this guy?
Noboru-kuns brother? I can't see the resemblence...'
She had been used to flattery, but when it gets a bit physical, she become unnerved or aggravated.

Snapping back into reality, she responded to the newly aquatinted Aiko.
"Yes well, not to sound rude or anything of the sort but... I wouls appreciate it if you never suddenly kissed my hand again. I must say it was quite unnecessary... Excuse me for being so rash with my words."
Chiaki took a sip from a pink water bottle she had bought earlier. Looking at Noboru she said; "I get that you're family, its nice to meet you, but if we do not begin our session we may finish later than I had planned. No offense of course but we should be going, no?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping Complex

After a moment's thought, Kotori's Senpai did find something he was still missing - in the form of school supplies, as he answered - judging by that, it seemed he really wanted to get himself ready for school in his new town. Giving a small nod in understanding, Kotori turned to look for the small stationery shop that she occasionally frequented for her own school material needs - but before she could point it out, Toma spoke up again; bringing up a question that caused Kotori to look back at him with a rather puzzled look - what did donuts have to do with anything, much less her favourite kind?

It was only when she noticed that he was stepping backwards toward the donut shop a little way in that she realised why he was asking - considering that she lived here, she would most likely know exactly which kind of donut would be the best to choose; the stomach rumbling having gone overheard on her side. Though she did enjoy the occasional treat, Kotori wasn't a frequent customer - leaving her with just three or four kinds that she'd actually tried before. "The cinnamon-topped ones are quite good, Tanaka-senpai" she said, still looking a little confused at the question, even as she turned to follow the apparently eager Third Year toward the shop. "Why do you ask?" Kotori wondered aloud, slightly tilting her head to a side as she did.
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