Kotori Shirohane - Ueno Restaurant | Sunday, April 12 2015 - Noon
Kotori really didn't know how to keep up with the waitress - from her energetic self, she deflated into a slumped-over form only to perk back up just moments later. As she apologised for her sudden question, Kotori didn't even have time to say that it didn't really bother her before she already spoke on and gave a sudden cry about her remaining shift. Kotori was left to simply look between Hamada and her friend as they exchanged words that indicated that this wasn't the first time she was working on a Sunday - or, for that matter, the last. As Hamada then apologised for her friend, Saya's, exuberance, Kotori raised her hands to wave it off with a quick "It's no problem, really," whilst she at least had the chance.
Getting back on her feet with the threat of her mother catching her with her friend, Saya propped herself up rather quickly - before reminding her friend that she had promised to come over for a sleepover and extending an invitation to the same to Kotori. A quiet "Eh?" was her first reaction to that; complete with a surprised expression - which grew into one of worry as Saya went on to list the things they could do whilst there. Luckily Hamada was going to have none of that though - before returning the flow of conversation back to the original reason for which she and Kotori were here in the first place. Saya's interest seemed to wane for a moment when she realised as much - before turning to Kotori to both apologise for Hamada and to remind her that the sleepover invitation was still open.
"Ah, it's no trouble, really," Kotori said whilst shaking her head - whilst it wasn't quite untrue that Hamada had shown up quite suddenly and had a rather forceful way about her, it still had been her own choice to follow along, after all. As for the sleepover - Kotori was... a little apprehensive; if not a little suspicious even. "I'm sorry, Ueno-san, but I'm afraid I have some shopping to do later and have to help out at home," she said in an apologetic tone after bowing her head briefly as she refused the invitation - and whilst her reasons were quite true, she couldn't quite help but feel a slight sense of relief that she had them.
Either way though, there still remained the matter of Hamada's questions and lunch - both of which would be solved over the course of the next while; resulting mostly in one side asking questions and the other merely giving answers. Ultimately, Kotori wasn't sure if she could be of much help to Hamada - but the Drama Club President seemed thankful for her input nonetheless, if in her usual manner. Thus they spent a part of their afternoon at the restaurant - with an occasional showing of Saya in between and even more so after her shift's end - until Hamada was satisfied with what she'd heard. Thanking both Hamada for the meal and Saya for the invitation, Kotori would soon after have to apologise for having to leave; her shopping still having yet to be done.
As she was on her way to the grocery store, Kotori thought back on the conversation - Hamada certainly was quite an assertive person and certainly serious about her Drama Club whilst also being on quite familiar terms with her friend, Saya. They really were quite different, Kotori thought as she entered the grocer's.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Residence | Monday, 13 April 2015 - Morning
"Kotori? Could you drop these off? They're on your way to school," Tsubame, Kotori's mother asked as she peaked her head around the corner. Kotori, standing up after having just gotten her shoes on, turned to see her standing there with a small bouquet in her hand - a delivery request, no doubt. "Of course. Where to?" she asked, getting a grateful smile from her mother as she handed over the flowers and a small note with the address - it was indeed on her way to school. Usually Tsubame took care of the deliveries before opening the shop or later when Kotori could tend to it - unless a convenient address came up such as today. "I'm off," she announced, getting a wave in return as her mother sent her off. "Thanks. Take care," she said, waiting for her daughter to get out of view before turning back to get ready for the remaining deliveries - such as one order that would be going to the hospital.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Main Entrance | Morning
Having made the delivery - a surprise gift from the husband to his wife of an elderly couple, as it turned out - Kotori headed to school; arriving at the front gate safely in time despite the small detour. There were other students of all years already there of course; some standing about talking to their friends, many simply heading to their respective classroom. Kotori was clearly of the latter category - though she stopped at the main entrance to glance over the large notice board found there. Hung there she noticed a flyer for the Drama Club - and not far from it, one for the Idol Club; reminding her of the missing student, Noboru. She hadn't heard anything further on the matter since his brother, Aiko, and Toma had shown up to ask her if she knew anything; leaving her little more to do than simply hope he had shown up and was alright as she turned to head to classroom 2-2.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | After School
"Alright, that's all for today. Class dismissed," the teacher declared as the chime rang to signal the end of the school day. Much like expected, a huge ruckus broke out immediately as a majority of the students in class got up and headed out the room; speaking among each other as they headed off to clubs, friends or other places. Kotori, meanwhile, at hear seat much as usual; writing away in her notebook the last details of the class that had just ended. The small worry at the back of her mind, meanwhile, had vanished - as she'd heard a number of students talking during the breaks; among other things about the return of the missing Noboru. Though she'd only just met him on the same day he'd seemingly vanished, Kotori was still glad to hear he was safe as she packed her books and got ready to head out of the classroom; the largest hustle and bustle having calmed down by now.