Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Amusement Park | Noon
Before Kotori stood a rather large board, upon it a map which represented the amusement park. Dozens of numbered dots were scattered all throughout, a legend describing each of them with some of the bigger attractions being highlighted and given some more prominent artwork on the stylised map. Having only arrived a few minutes ago, she had yet to actually decide where she wanted to go exactly. There was the large roller coaster, seemingly the main attraction, a haunted house, a mirror gallery, a ferris wheel and an assortment of smaller themed rides about the park, all interspersed with various food stalls and restaurants; perhaps not unlike one she'd passed in the shopping district on the way here but had decided was likely not a place she'd fit in very well.
Instead, she mentally crossed off the places she really wasn't all that interested in - the roller coaster looked rather wild for her taste and the haunted house was quite quickly off the list as well. Placing a finger to her lips, she mulled over the remaining attractions - what did she want to do first?
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Afternoon
With a small smile still remaining, Kotori stepped out of the ferris wheel cabin, giving a small grateful bow to the ride attendant who was making sure that the guests got on and off without a problem. The view from above had been quite the sight indeed - both of the amusement park itself and of Warakuma all around. Looking about, she quickly located one of the many boards showing the park layout - after the second time she'd had to look for one, Kotori started to wish she'd not have reflexively turned down the small flyer at the entrance. Still, it wasn't exactly difficult to get around, so she wasn't too bothered by it.
Throughout her stay, she'd already seen some familiar faces, even if she wasn't on the lookout for them - though she'd usually have to take a second look when such a case arose, as her schoolmates, much like herself, were wearing their own clothes rather than the more familiar school uniform. That thought in turn brought to mind the recent kidnappings of which yet another had occured, but Kotori quickly shook her head to rid herself of the thought. Not that she was very successful with that, given that she had actually met and talked to the girl, Leiko, just some days before. Still, she at least managed to push the thoughts back to a mere worry at the back of her head as she instead tried to enjoy the day. Looking back at the map, she quickly found the 'You are here' point before gazing over the nearby dots and what they meant in order to decide on her next stop.
A few minutes and a bottle of oolong tea from a nearby vending machine later, Kotori had decided to take a brief break before continuing on. A good hour of intermixed walking and enjoying the rides was quite tiring after a while as she glanced about to find an unoccupied bench or table about. Thankfully, she didn't have to look very long as a small group of what looked to be middle-school aged girls vacated a nearby bench, giggling amongst themselves as they went their way. Seeing as no one was headed for it, Kotori sat herself down with a small measure of relief at catching a break; taking a moment to look about the park. Should could see the roller coaster wooshing along its tracks at worrying speeds, pulling rapid turns as it did, before her. Turning her head she could have seen the ferris wheel that she'd just come from.
What she didn't see, however, was a group of three boys her age who were - rather unsuccessfully - trying to chat up any girls they came past. A click of their tongues and a few muttered words under their breath followed the departure of yet another girl - though they could perhaps have chosen a better person than a classmate of their from Warakuma High who was quite aware of their ways. Standing about in an attempt at smug superiority - which, even to the casual observer, was just them trying to salvage their 'pride' as self-proclaimed hot guys - they eyed the passing people for a new target until one of them nudged the others, pointing towards a nearby bench and the girl sitting on it, her eyes behind her glasses focused on the book in her hands. A few wry glances were exchanged between the boys - but with their absymal success rate, they decided to go with it.
Having put her bottle by her feet, Kotori had decided to extend her break by a little and had produced the book from her handbag; quickly finding the place she'd last left off. It was a mystery novel she'd heard was quite good and she was starting to get to the good bits when a voice interrupted her reading. "Hey there, Missy. You alone here?" It took Kotori a moment to realise that the voice was speaking to her - and, upon looking up, that the voice's owner was not alone. Glancing between the three with a quizzical expression, she nodded - and then scooched over a little to make more room on the bench before looking down at her book; presuming that the three boys were looking for a place to sit too.
Indeed, one of them did sit down - a little more closely than she'd really have liked - whilst the other two remained standing. They exchanged glances between each other before grinning - this was the first girl today that hadn't taken one look at them before storming off. "Hey, what do you say we grab something to drink and have some fun, hmm?" the boy sat beside her asked with his best ladykiller smile - or rather, an almost comical grin. "Uhm..." Kotori started, glancing between the three again - and only now recognising the three as a trio of more-or-less well-known wanna-be casanovas from Class 2-3. Her discomfort started to grow as she started glancing about for a quick excuse to leave; her fingers nervously moving up and down the book's back. "N-no, thank you," she tried to refuse with evident uncertainty in her voice; wholly unused to such a situation - even if the ambient noise wasn't easily enough to drown out her rather quiet voice anyway.