Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Tuesday, April 21 2015 - After School
Looking around for a moment, Kotori found herself alone in the Clubroom - it seemed that no one was here after all. However, just as she began to wonder whether she should wait a little in the hopes that someone might yet come by or just leave for the day, she felt a hand upon her shoulder. Startled surprise caused her to instantly tense up; a sudden "Ee-!" interrupted after just a moment when she took a sharp breath from the surprise. It only lasted for another moment when a voice behind her spoke up: “yo how are ya? interested in joining?” Whilst the relaxing process was quite a bit lengthier and her eyes were still wide from surprise, she turned half-way around; just enough to see the wide grin across Matthew's face whose hand was placed on her shoulder.
"Haah..." A slow, calming if slightly trembling breath was the first thing out of Kotori's mouth as she clutched both her hands close to her chest to calm herself - evidently not the best at handling such sudden surprises. Following that, the tension slowly left as it took a second for her to realise that the words hadn't just been a greeting but rather a question, too. "Ah, uhm, good afternoon, Harvester-senpai," Kotori said, taking a step back before giving a polite bow. "I'm fine and yes," she continued - though given the rather evident shock she'd just been given, it was perhaps a bit of an overstatement. Nonetheless, she opened her school bag, taking only a moment to find the application therein and then handing it over - though she would first inquire as to when the Club met, exactly, and if it would be okay if she had to leave earlier sometimes. Ultimately, though, she would join.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Flowershop | Sunday, April 26 2015 - Morning
"Thank you, please come again," Kotori said with a bow as the customer left the flowershop. Standing up straight again, she watched him walk off - and breathed a small sigh of relief once he was out of sight. Even if she'd done it many times, she still couldn't really get used to talking and tending to customers; preferring far more to instead tend to the flowers of the store. That was indeed what she usually did - unless her mother was out shopping, delivering or otherwise not around to take over. Today was one such day, Kotori's mother having gone to the gardening store and leaving the shop in her care. Stil standing behind the till, she began looking about the shop - keeping an eye out in case any of the displayed flowers showed signs of drooping or other problems; if mostly to avoid having to keep up an inviting smile should anyone walk past - which mostly came out rather stiff in her case. Luckily her mother wasn't going to be out for very long.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District | Noon
Kotori stood blinking before the flowershop. She wasn't quite sure why, either - just a few minutes ago, her mother had returned, smiled and then pressed a ticket to the local amusement park into her hand and sent her off to get her jacket and whatnot with the words that it wasn't right for a girl her age to stay cooped up inside all day. And thus she now stood outside, turning back in slight confusion to see her mother smiling and waving after having wished her a good time and reminded her not to stay out too late. Deciding to not waste the unexpected gift, Kotori headed off toward Warakuma Amusement Park - a place she hadn't actually visited since it had opened up not all that long ago. Whilst she wasn't particularly fond of thrill rides and the like, she was certain there'd be enough other things there to have fun with - and just in case, she'd put a book into her handbag. With that in mind, Kotori set off.