Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

ANNOUNCEMENT: This RP is as of 28/3/2015, Full, until said so otherwise. Just thought should let you all know. Our Devil is almost ready to complete the roster, but as of the day stated, there will be no more submissions until I say so.

ALSO. If you have an NPC who is in a class, please state put them down to be put into class rosters. If you are a Player, please check the class rosters on the 1ST POST of the OOC, and let me know if I missed you.

Now back to our regular program.

The Kingdom of Me
19/4/2015 Sunday

"Garu!", the shadows within this forest looked a lot like monsters you would find in a classic light-hearted RPG. From bipedal fluffy sheep, to really short orcs and chickens. Rui's wind spell smashed through a barricade of the orcs, before he quickly followed up on it and personally cut down a few of them. Kami was faring quite well keeping the flanks covered, while Noboru would rush in whenever he could.

"You should move quickly if you don't want to be overwhelmed, more Shadows seem to be on their way", Rui responded with a simple 'roger' before he motioned to the other two to advance through the front line they just broke. The forest quickly thinned as they advanced, and soon they got to a clearing. There was a sigh of relief as they looked around and realized no shadows were here... Well, at least that's what they thought.

"I sense something strong there! Stay on high alert!", Rui immediately went into stance, but soon the party realized what they were going to fight was not in front of them... A shrill cry would give it's approach away, as the three jumped out of their position, to let a gigantic shadow bird land in their former position. It was... A chicken? A dark chicken, with a golden masquerade mask, and a jester hat.

"Start scanning, we'll engage in combat",

"Roger... Give me some time", she responded. If this were a game, this would be what you would call a mini-boss... Well, the chicken was waiting for their next move...

Warakuma Shopping Mall
19/4/2015 Sunday

The large man shopping for fabrics and crafting materials was almost done for the day, or so it seemed on his face as he eyed the counter a few times. After not long he paid for his things, and walked out from the area and checked the time. As he looked around he noticed a girl trip and fall. He was quite ready to go help her back up, but that turned out to be unnecessary, quickly did others help her up... All he could do was speak to himself for a bit as he walked away and towards the food court...

"Hmmm... Maybe if the young master had more friends like that... Oh well. I should buy some food, they ought to be hungry after the ordeal they have to go through".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kashiwagi Utaha - Warakuma Mall

April 19

Today was a good day. A good day for shopping in the mall. There was some kind of event and the place was bustling, even for Warakuma's standards. Utaha seemed a bit happier than usual, if that was at all possible, as she walked through the mall and singed a certain tune below her breath, something only a few people might be able to hear. It wasn't an original song, though, it was a song of her favorite idol, which she admired and was her inspiration to become an idol herself. Some people may be able to recognize it too, some people did, as they looked at Utaha while she got past them, wondering how Utaha could sing the song in a way resembling so much the original.

Still, her rhythm was interrupted after she saw a girl falling down. She was about to go there and help, but after seeing that other people were already there helping her up, she decided against it. Instead, she returned to her shopping. Of course, she was worried about what happened to the girl, but there was no need to worry, as long as someone was with her. "Happy happy happy crescent-o~" She resumed her singing, walking towards the nearest clothes shop. It would be great if she found some kind of clothes that would actually fit her, instead of having to order them through the internet. It was a lot more of fun seeing the clothes in the actual store than just browsing through the web page of some store.

After some browsing was done, though, it was obvious. They didn't have any sizes that would fit her well. All the extra large sizes were more meant for chubby and fat people, and made Utaha look like some kind of tent since she couldn't fill out the extra space. Well, that much should have been obvious. Utaha let out a sigh after getting out of the store. "No luck here either, huh~? Oh, well! I should buy some food now that I am here~ Food, food~!" Utaha hummed.

And then, she spotted Keiko. Utaha was happy to see her there, though in a town like Warakuma, spotting each other in somewhere like a mall wasn't such an odd ocurrance. "Keiko-chan~! Hello~!" Utaha waved happily at her, and loudly, making more than one person turn around to see what the fuss was about. Utaha decided to approach her, even if it was only to say hello, given that she still needed to finish her shopping in the mall. "Hey~! How are you doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Takaru
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Takaru Witting Instigator of Doom

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Mall | Sunday, April 19 2015

Whilst she was still debating on her next course of action - the shopping was already done, after all - Kotori absent-mindedly followed the hustle and bustle all around her as she sat on the bench; not really taking note of the fact that someone else chose the same place for a quick breather - or that she would recognise said person if she had. As such, she was almost of a mind to get back up and see if there were any less crowded shops - a hope she knew was somewhat faint, given the amount of people - when a familiar voice could be heard; the tall owner of said voice not being very hard to spot. Utaha, one of the two girls she'd met at the Agriculture Club, had spotted the other, Keiko, judging by her words and exuberant waving.

It took Kotori a moment before she realised that the girl was, in fact, coming closer - prompting her to take a look at the person sitting beside her. "Eh? Kobashigawa-san?" The surprise could be heard in her quiet voice, though given the ambient noise, it didn't carry very far. It had taken her a moment to recognise her outside of her school uniform - and long enough for Utaha to reach her intended. Barely stifling her suprise, Kotori got up from her seat on the same bench as Keiko to give a quick bow to the two. "Ah, good day to you, Kashiwagi-senpai, Kobashigawa-san," she greeted them - whilst at the same time hoping she wasn't interrupting the two in something they had planned for the day or whatnot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

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Rokoru Ishiara
/// Warakuma Mall


Rokoru’s head turned as soon as he heard it. Practically nobody called him that, except for a certain Saya Ueno. He scratched at the back of his neck as the shorter girl approached with her hand held up in a wave. As she approached, and while telling him the reason why she was so late, Rokoru gazed at her from top to bottom. He wasn’t pleased with the fact that she looked like she had done it all in a wind tunnel. And she was out of breath, which was likely a side-effect of her running late. Though, it wasn’t like he could judge, considering he had rushed to get to the mall as well. Rokoru had completely forgotten about the whole thing until literally minutes before he had to be there, and being the type of guy that despises doing laundry, the only “clean” shirt he had was the black tanktop, and even that had a rather large stain on the side. His jacket covered it rather nicely at least.

Don’t worry,” He interrupted her before she could continue. “As long as you follow through with that getting me something to eat. I’m starved.

[- - - - -]

The two came out from the first food store they had came across, and after having been mistaken for a couple twice, emerged with some fresh eats. It was pretty good food, to say the very least. Rokoru took a swig from a bottle of soft drink (he had just grabbed the first thing he saw, and he hadn’t fully registered what it actually was until later), and stifled a belch afterwards. As they consumed the spoils of the ordeal, the teen reflected on the day and, by extension, Ueno. She seemed nice enough but he just couldn’t get a solid opinion on her. Their interactions had been limited to her being incredibly nervous around him while they were both in the range, so it wasn’t like he could really draw from that. He had asked a little about her but that proved rather fruitless when Rokoru realized that there was a reason nobody he knew really had anything to say: Saya was a second year, he was a third year.

He cocked his head to the side so that it rested on his raised shoulder, and stared at Saya for a bit. What the day was going to exactly entail, Rokoru didn’t know. Obviously they were going to shopping, but for what? Where? Why? It didn’t really matter to him, but he felt like he needed to know for some reason.

Rokoru ran his tongue over his teeth before asking. “So what are we hunting for through this crowded mess for today, Ueno? Clothes, accessories, lady shit? Or do you just want to hang out under the guise of spending your hard-earned cash?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shizuka Otonashi || Warakuma Mall || April 19 SUN

Oh so they were siblings, Shizuka thought, which explained how they appeared to have come from a similar origin. As Elena introduced herself, Shizuka bowed politely before giving her own introduction, "I-It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you, Dragunov-san. My name is Otonashi, Shizuka." She wasn't sure if it was in their culture to shake hands during an introduction, like some foreign cultures she had heard of, so a shy smile was beamed after the bow instead.

A brief pause from Shizuka, after an offer was given for an assistance of carrying her bags. Just before she could think of a response for her offer, her older brother had taken her place to assist Shizuka instead. As Elena was leaving, Shizuka told her a Thank you once more and waved her good bye. When she made up her mind on a response, her gaze faced downward in a timid manner. "Eh... Well... I-I suppose after that incident, it'd be unreasonable for me to say, I'll be fine on my own. I do not wish to bother you any further but... I-I'd like to take your generous offer, ju-just until I've deposited them to a deposit counter of some sort."

Making sure nothing else was left behind on the ground, Shizuka takes a quick search around the area then nods to herself, affirming that everything was indeed properly packed up, excluding the fabric being held by the white haired female. Seeing that it was being held up by her hand, she assumed it as a sign of giving the item back to the raven haired one. With a soft smile and a bow of appreciation, Shizuka takes it from her grasp and places it neatly into the plastic bag in her arms.

"A-Alright... I hope this is all...", the raven haired female muttered in a soft whisper while double checking the contents of the bag in her arms, as she started towards the nearest deposit counter. Realizing she had forgotten to ask the older Dragunov for something, she quickly turns back to the taller man. "O-Oh..! Pardon me, but I've yet to ask for your name."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

-Sunday 19th April 2015: Midday-

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma Mall

"Fancy meeting you here, huh Leiko?"

The all too familiar tone of Sieghardt Kasumi's voice reached Leiko's ears as she ceased rubbing the back of her head gingerly to shoot her clubmate a choice glare. As if to show off right in her presence, the boy reached up and picked out the material she was eyeing before handing it to her with a strange smile. What was up with this guy? Was he trying to prove something to her or something?

Before Leiko could reply, he made a rather poor joke about her gaining a concussion from the paints whilst examining the dent that the impact had made. Her head was stinging quite a bit from the strike, but it was hardly something to be worried about. It was possible that he was concerned, but then again, the male was known for his various 'acts' around school. Deciding to keep her guard around him for now, she returned his greeting with a small smile. "Well, it takes a lot more than that to take me down, Kasumi. You needn't worry so much."

She placed the roll of velvet in her basket before shooting the Drama club member a curious look. "I see you're out and about for the arts and crafts fair as well. I didn't take you for the sewing type."

-Saya Ueno: Warakuma Mall-

The day, despite having a rocky start, seemed to be going well. Rokoru had accepted her offer of paying him lunch as a way of apology, and whilst Saya's purse was considerably lighter, she had managed to find a way that both kept her senpai happy and assuaged her feelings of guilt. There was a persistent redness that stained her cheeks as they left the food outlet, particularly when people misunderstood her current relationship with her senior, but Saya couldn't help but feel that Rokoru was a little too quick in correcting people. But of course, lying and actually calling themselves a couple would just be wrong and....how would Hama-chan say it? Erroneous, that was it. So Rokoru-senpai was just being honest, and she couldn't exactly fault him for that.


Saya looked off into the distance, looking slightly lovesick as she sipped her bottle of fizzy lemonade. She didn't really notice Rokoru staring at her until she heard his words break the silence that had fallen over the two of them. "Hmm?" She turned her head sharply at the sound of his voice, focusing intently as he asked about the purpose of their shopping trip. Her stomach dropped at his last sentence, where he implied there was something more to the trip, and it was all she could do not to erupt into a fit of flames as she shook her head wildly and let out a loud and awkward laugh. "What? G-Guise? Oh Senpai, don't be silly!"

Saya was reminded of her own terrible acting skills as even her own laugh sounded painful to her ears, deciding to quickly end it with a clearing of her throat before swiftly focusing back on the subject. "W-Well, obviously I want to hit the shops and get some clothes and stuff. Hanging out with you just happens to be a bonus, you know?" Her fingers played with the bangles on her wrists as she spoke, trying to act more confident than she felt in the older's male's presence. "You're pretty strong, so I figured you'd be good for helping me with my shopping. And...well..."

I want to get to know you better...

"You're the nicest guy in Archery Club, so of course it had to be you!" She finished with a flashy smile. "So if you don't mind, should we get going? There's a boutique nearby here that I quite like..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru Yamamoto-Noboru gets...Cocky.

WOOOHOOOO! Noboru yelled, bringing his fist down onto the large chicken.

Whatsamatter? Am I not egging you on enough? Feel a bit chicken? Am I "hen"dering your progress? Ha ha!

Noboru brought up a tarot card from nowhere drifting it betweem his fists. Smashing it between his fists and grinding it he yelled out.

Eggsona! Atlas! Let's do this! Kill Rush! Ha ha!

Atlas began punching, his fists becoming a blur of greys and reds. The Chicken staggered back, only to rear back into where it was. Noboru spoke up again, refusing to close his mouth.

What's wrong you big cock? Are you eggstremely furious yet? Wanna play some chicken?

Noboru motioned to Rui, indicating him to take lead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The Kingdom of Me
19/4/2015 Sunday

"Uhh...", Rui pointed back to the chicken while Noboru was facing him. Wondering what he meant, Noboru turned back and the chicken was up faster than expected and charged right at Noboru, smashing him back while clucking with the fury of a thousand suns. It wasn't very happy. Taking advantage of that moment, Kami struck the chicken with lightning to keep it from following up on it's onslaught, while Rui moved to a better position as Noboru recovered.

"Alright, I've got it. Aim for the mask", Rui nodded,

"You heard her, attack the mask. Noboru, get ready. Me and Kami will use our spells to stop it from moving, and you move in for the mask", he commanded. After having a nod of confirmation from Kami and Noboru, a blast of Garu and Zio spells struck the giant chicken at the legs, knocking it over, opening a moment of opportunity to strike the mask at it's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru Yamamoto-An Eggsellent Blow-19/4/2015

Noboru flew back with the blow from the chicken, stumbling back. He climbed back up and pointed an enraged finger towards the giant bird.

Hey you! Yeah you fucker! You really did it now. I am extremely "hen"-raged! Bring it on you big future dinner!

Both Kami and Rui blasted the chicken at the legs, watching it topple over. Noboru laughed, deciding to make another pun.

Ha! I bet you're really Hen-dered now aren't you? Oh wait shit I already used that one. Dammit. Oh well! Here goes!

Noboru rushed in like a boxer would. He dipped to it's mask, and reared one big fist back and Threw it into the mask. His other fist dove in, striking it again. He began punching over and over and over, hoping to deal serious damage. The blows kept coming, as he was ducked over hammering in. He leapt back after one giant blow, and pulled the tarot card out again, grinding it between his fists.

Persona! Atlas! Kill Rush!

Noboru felt the life drain from him a little bit, feeling a bit weaker. Atlas popped up again, his fists becoming a blur for the second time now. Once Atlas disappeared, Noboru stepped back waiting for the commands of Rui.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanazawa // Warakuma Mall // Electronics Store
Sunday, April 19th, 2015

After spending about 30 minutes picking out new clothes (she was never one to care much about her looks or anything fashion related), she walked out of the store. Looking at her watch, she grinned and took a left and proceeded to the shop that just opened. It was a new electronics store so she's been curious at what kind of things they'd be selling along with their prices as compared to other local electronic stores. Either way, she needed a new music player and for awhile now, been thinking of getting herself a laptop.

While to some it might be strange considering she already has a desktop, but it can really be inconvenient at times, since you can't really take a desktop with you anywhere. Sometimes you just want to go somewhere else and relax when working on something right? And plus, she can sneak a laptop into school and get a lot of writing done.... It's not that her main goal is to sneak it into the club room and watch some anime to help pass time, Definitely not! Well.... Anyways, she walked into the electronics store and began looking around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 31 min ago

Ito Ishioka- The Velvet Room

As he slowly regained his vision Ito looked around the room at all the others that sat around the table looking equally confused. He didn't know anyone that sat at the table but that couldn't have been much older than he was since he thought he saw the emblem of a school on some of them. A slight noise made Ito turn to face behind him to be met eye to eye with the sullen and sunken face of a girl he knew. He could feel his face slowly drain in color as the sudden realization of who she was and his heart began to race....

”Now arriving in Warakuma Town."

He looked around and he was back on the train as pulled into the station. With his heart still pounding Ito grabbed his things and slowly made his way off the train, shaking the events from his dream as just that. A dream.

Ito Ishioka-19/4/2015-Warakuma Mall

The hustle and bustle of the mall surprised Ito, the fact that such a small town had such a large mall really surprised him. As he walked around he kept thinking about his dream on the train, the face of that girl, no one knew about that here which was one of the reasons that he agreed to move. As he sat down in one of the appointed sitting area he began people watching trying to find the oddities of the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieghardt Kasumi: Warakuma Mall|April 19th Sunday

Sieg noted her cautious behavior at him, or rather annoyed behavior. He could understand why, rumors float around and with how he is, no one knows if he is showing his true emotions and not some fake ones. With how she reacts to him it was most likely the same as others. Unsure if it is an act or not, or possibly she was still annoyed at how he was during drama. Well at least she smiled back, his smiles were sometimes true ones, this one being one of them. "I guess we aren't close enough to use first names yet huh? Oh well I'll hear you say Sieg one day. And fair enough maybe I did overdo the whole worrying thing, but I did mean that I hope you are okay you know."

He again smiled, more friendly than cocky or teasing though. A true smile would be simple to say. He watched her take the kind offer and place the fabric in her basket without giving him hassle about how she could have done it. Instead commented on his own purchasing of fabric, yet at the mention of this his face frowned a bit as he looked at his own purchase. He quickly changed it back to a big grin however. "Well of course, how else am I going to get these awesome shark hoodies?" He said flipping the hood up and chuckling slightly before putting it back down. "Nah one of my families tailors asked me to grab this since I was going out." Sieg said now doing a fake smile while really he was annoyed inside.

Well since she commented on his purchase, its only fair for him to do the same. The telling sign was a more devious grin as he looked at her. The look that just shouted trouble. "And what about you? Are the fabrics to make costumes for drama? I expect my dress to be dazzling oh dear little sister of mine." Sieg spoke mentioning the events at their first little ramming of the heads. Well more so her ramming and him just teasing. He did play a damn good female though if he said so himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Keiko Kobashigawa - Warakuma Mall - Sunday, April, 19, 2015

Keiko was pleasantly surprised to see Utaha at the mall today, Keiko waved back to Utaha with a smile on her face. "Hello Utaha, I'm doing good just doing some shopping." Keiko replied to Utaha's question.
Another surprise happened when Kotori walked over to them and greeted them. "Good day to you too, Kotori, what a surprise to meet you two here." Keiko replied with a smile.

Keiko placed her bags to the side so they won't get in the way of the girls, it was nice to meet up with these two, it was nice to have friends her own age again. "Are you two doing some shopping too?" Keiko asked the two, it has a pretty obvious answer but she was still curious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokoru Ishiara
// Warakuma Mall

His inquiring sent Ueno into a fluster so quick that Rokoru couldn’t help but be a little entertained. It reminded him of the first time he’d met her. It’s not like she had that much of an improvement in how she behaved around him (namely, how she got laughably tied up in herself when he did anything to or with her), but at least she didn’t whip off at high speeds when he talked to her. There was always that nervous edge to her words whenever they did talk though. Like she was a kitten facing a rottweiler.

Ueno had said basically what he had thought she’d reply with, but with some compliments thrown in, and Rokoru was not one to complain when his ego got stroked. He nodded at both of them, and when she finished with a smile (and a push towards actually getting started on that shopping), Rokoru couldn’t help but reply with his own toothy grin. After throwing in the remnants of what they’d been eating into the trash, the teen found himself up on his feet and already a few steps towards where all the boutiques were. As he waited for Ueno to lead the way, he decided that he should strike up a conversation that revolved around something other than how he knew she just wanted to spend a day with him, a fact he was pleased with despite his aggressive tone he’d used. Something to talk about would stave off the boredom of shopping Rokoru anticipated.

The boy shifted his weight onto one hip and folded his arms. He eyed Ueno down once more as he tried to think of a good topic; something they’d probably have in common. That wasn’t archery, considering that’s all he’d basically ever talked to her about outside of a few occasions…

Do you play videogames? Or like work out… or anything?” Rokoru blurted out. His interests could be counted on less than one hand, and, if you excluded archery, he wasn’t quite confident that Ueno would share any of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The Kingdom of Me
19/4/2015 Sunday

The chicken upon taking a beating to the face, or mask, clucked in agony as it in it's brief frenzy of pain, stood up, only to fall over once more from the damage caused to it. It fell to the ground trying and struggling to get back up again, but with far less energy than before. It was a chance.

"Come let's get 'em!", exclaimed Noboru.

All Out Attack
> Yes
> No

> Yes

With Rui's command, the three charged down the chicken all together, smashing at whatever they can get their hands on, creating a comical dust cloud in their efforts. As the dust cloud cleared in a skull shaped explosion, the chicken vanished the same way any other Shadow would, into black mist and dust, and quickly into nothing.

"Good work! That was an excellent fight", praised Megumi. The team did a brief nod of acknowledgement to each other before they decided to keep moving through.

The upcoming area was a wider pathway, they can see the village just beyond the trees... It looked like it had a pretty big farm too. They've been walking awhile, and Megumi said that there were no Shadows coming for them in this segment, so this might be a good time to rest up just a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 31 min ago

Ito Ishioka-Warakuma Mall-19/4/2015

The overwhelming sound of the mall cluttered his thoughts as Ito sat on the bench there in the mall watching the throngs of people march along their routines. Finally getting bored he stood up and began wandering around himself thinking of his life in Tokyo. For those first few years he was king of his middle school; he was the top of his class, he pretty much ruled over any and everyone and anyone who didn’t get in line were left in his wake. The sudden thought of the girl who was actually left in his wake suddenly weighed his thoughts down, while he enjoyed the sensation of power over people’s lives that he had Ito never wanted to anyone to actually get hurt. He had shut himself off from the world for a long time, even to his parents, because of his actions and in doing so withdrew into the persona of this person that he never wanted to be.

His thoughts were interrupted when he ran full force into someone causing both of them to fall to the ground. Once he regained his bearings he took a look at the unfortunate soul that he ran into and what he saw caused his nose to crinkle up in a snobbish manner. The greyish blue hoodie with what appeared to be a cartoony looking shark for the hood seemed overly childish to him which instantly formed his opinion of the boy wearing it. It was not his intention to sound so arrogant and snobby but his mouth moved on its own conditioned over years of his façade,

”Sorry, I didn’t see the no swim zone sign warning of sharks…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

-Sunday 19th April 2015: Midday-

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma Mall

Kasumi's declaration of reaching first name basis with Leiko was a little..odd to the club president, particularly when her own first name was off limits to all but her own blood, but then again, Sieghardt seemed keen on challenging her patience. His intentions, however questionable, appeared to be good as he flashed an honest smile at her, and it was enough to crumble Leiko's hostile aura around the older male.

The boy went on to answer her question regarding the materials, and Leiko was briefly surprised by his answer, until she remembered that the Kasumi family were quite well off, from what she heard. There appeared to be quite a few higher class families moving into Warakuma recently, which was a little strange, but considering that Warakuma was currently caught in a wave of renovation, it wasn't too strange an occurrence.

Before Leiko could comment on it, the conversation was quickly drawn back to Leiko's own reasons for purchasing the materials, in which she was inclined to agree with his reasoning with a short nod. An amused smile pressed on her lips as he followed up with a 'little sister' reference, to which she answered with a small chuckle. "Not quite. Although you did make quite a convincing Ismene," she replied with a coy tilt of her head. "But you would be correct in assuming that these materials are indeed for Drama Club. I'm hoping to designate a few members for more backstage tasks. We can't have a good school production without the artists behind the scenes, you know," she said matter of factly as she headed over to the till where she would make her purchases. "Being a President certainly has its responsibilities like these, but it it is a duty that I take on wholeheartedly. I want our club to be memorable this year, to make our mark on Warakuma. I trust someone with your...enthusiasm feels the same?"

Saya Ueno: Warakuma Mall

Things began to feel more...relaxed, Saya began to note, as the tension in her body and general mannerisms started to release a little more in the other boy's presence. She still couldn't bring herself to make complete eye contact without getting a bit flustered, but the big, intimidating Club President was definitely starting to soften a bit, at least in her eyes.

And then, as they started to make their way to the cluster of stores that Saya knew so well, Rokoru started making some small talk. His questions in particular were about her and her interests, and despite her efforts, Saya couldn't help but feel pleased that he wanted to know her better too. A small, cynical voice in her head warned her that Rokoru was probably just wasting time, but Saya, the ever-optimist, chose to ignore her darker thoughts and focused on Rokoru's question.

"Umm, video games? Not...really," she answered with a brewing feeling of dread at her own honesty. Dammit, was that an opportunity for common interests that she just dismissed? "B-But uhh, I hold the high score for Dance Dance Revolution at the Arcade! That counts as a video game, right?!" She answered with an earnest smile. "And it counts as working out too, you know? Venting out all my energy with physical activities always feels good, so I try to hit the gym at least once a week. I used to go to volleyball in school too, but I gave that up this year, because it kinda clashed with Archery and stuff. But I still try to at least work in some exercise somewhere in my schedule..." It took a moment for Saya to realize that she had been talking at a fairly fast pace, and that she was dominating the whole conversation with mundane facts about herself, so she quickly closed her mouth shut and instead focused her intentions on Rokoru, and the things she really wanted to know. "What about you, Senpai? What do you like to do besides Archery?" She asked with a keen cock of her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokoru Ishiara
// Warakuma Mall

Rokoru nodded along as Ueno talked about herself. And DR, and whatever physical activities she did. He was especially pleased to hear that the girl had specifically chosen Archery over Volleyball. Considering she’d joined during his reign, he considered it a success on his part. The club’s state was something he prided himself on; it became a lot more organized when he assumed position of president. The other third years— he had asked them about it— had said the difference was, if there was any, was marginal to them. But there was an higher number of recruits when the season started, which could only mean that he was doing something right. He’d liked to think he was doing all of it right, but even he couldn’t fool himself into believing that. For example, Ueno herself had basically panicked herself half to death when she tried to hand in her forms. Was he really that intimidating? Maybe it was just the fact that he was a third year and she was a second year. Older students are intimidating.

Rokoru was drawn out of his thoughts when she asked him a question about himself. He’d really only been sorta paying attention to what she was actually saying beyond the DDR thing, which didn’t actually mean much to him. Rokoru hated games like that, and it only struck him, as Ueno was still waiting for him to answer her question, that she might try to rope him into playing it. Possibly with her. It’d be embarrassing in more ways than one.

“Besides Archery?” Rokoru started, as he shuffled through a rack of shirts he had stopped by. He hoped that the store he had started browsing through was one of Ueno’s destinations, since by the time he had continued, he had his eye on two shirts already. The shopping fever had hit when he remembered that he really needed some new clothes. “I dunno. I go running sometimes, and I suppose I like it. I really do it more to keep up with myself— you get what I mean? Ehh, forget it.” His words were slow in contrast to hers, and he only looked back at Ueno after decided he didn’t actually want anything from the rack. “I’m into music and shit. Rock’s pretty sweet. You like it? Rock?”

The boy took a step towards Ueno, closing the gap between them a bit. People kept rushing past them and in between them, so he felt that it’d be best if he was close enough so that people would not do that. Just an arms reach away, close enough so that she could see his tongue run over his front teeth like he had just eaten peanut butter. But not quite close enough to notice the very slight raise of the corner of his lip. People walked around them instead of through them after he took that step.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieghardt Kasumi: Warakuma Mall|April 19th Sunday

Sieg put on a face that looked hurt at hearing he wouldn't be getting a dress before chuckling himself. "True, costumes would be needed. As much as I would say my shark hoodie is awesome, I doubt people would take it seriously." Sieg said with him following along, listening to her upbeat hopes for the club. "Why of course, I do have a love for the ar-GAH!" Sieg shouted as he went face first into the ground. Well this was slightly ironic in a way. He had meet Leiko with herself being injured by something, and now he himself fell, by someone bumping into him. They also were quite the smart ass by their comment on his hoodie. Standing up he rubbed his face as he looked down at the male. It was only fair if he replied back with a smart ass comment himself.

So Sieg took a look around the store before shaking his head. "I know man, these damn lifeguards suck at their job don't they. Not warning the people about sharks. What if I was a mean shark and not a adorable shark? I could have destroyed so much fabric." Sieg spoke smirking as he picked up the fabric that fell from his basket when he fell. This was a little too ironic for him, so much that he looked over at Leiko and did that smile she hated. "The guy within me wants to say I fell for you, but the smart ass within me thinks we should make getting hurt in this shop a tradition!" Sieg then looked over at the male that bumped into him and extended his hand. "Well the shark should be nice and introduce himself. I'm Sieghardt Kasumi, and that's Leiko Hamada. We are sisters." Sieg said laughing knowing full well he would not get the joke at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kashiwagi Utaha - Warakuma Mall

April 19

Utaha clapped after seeing both of her adorable underclassmen in the mall too. Well, it seemed as if the mall was bustling with everyone from their school too. It was good, since she could see everyone she got along with that day. Utaha's cat-like smile grew even bigger, while she approached the two girls. "Oh~! Kotori-chan is here too~! My, what a great coincidence! Both of my cute kouhais are here! Yay! But don't call me 'Kashiwagi-senpai', it sounds sooo uncute~ Just call me Utaha, Kotori-chan, or Utaha-senpai, if it makes you feel better~" Utaha said, hugging both of them yet again and rubbing her face closely to theirs, almost like a cat would do. She would have loved to hang out with them for a bit longer, and told them so too, but unfortunately, she had to get to shopping.

"I'd love to stay and talk for a bit more, but I reaaaally need to go and buy some things for tonight's dinner~!" She sounded truly disheartened at the thought of it, but soon, her dishearted-ness was changed by another big smile after she got what she thought was an incredible idea. "Oh, why don't you come with me to buy some food for the week? Maybe I can fix something up for you too, if you want! I might need some help, though...." Utaha said, laughing a bit. "I'm not accustomed to making large servings, you see, so I'd like to know how much I should use~" Though she said so, she still felt a bit embarrassed having to admit that. Well, it was true enough that her family wasn't larger than just 2 people for a while now, and she just started cooking after she and her father started living alone.

Utaha then turned around and started making her way towards the supermarket, where she could buy the food for the rest of the week. It was at times like this that she was glad she had such a big body, so that she could carry all of he bags. And then, she tripped over a little gap in the floor. "A-Ah!" Utaha fell down, face first yet again. And it was at times like this that she wished her body was a bit more smaller and that she was a bit less clumsy. At least no bags could be crushed, since she was carrying nothing. It was better that it happened now and not when she was carrying everything else, otherwise, it would've been disastrous. Regardless, it was just bound to happen at some point of the day.
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