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Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Tuesday, June 9 2015 - After School

With both Matthew and Kotori denying any relationship other than being in the same club multiple times, it seemed that Shizuka's worries were finally laid to rest - at which point she seemed to instead start feeling rather embarrassed, judging by the way she hid her face whilst apologising quickly enough to almost stumble over her words. Kotori quickly raised a hand up to wave it off when she saw that the other girl immediately stood up to gather her things - almost throwing them off the table more than once in the rush. "Ah, no, it's..." Kotori started, but before she could tell her that it wasn't a bother, Shizuka was already halfway through the door - literally, as she'd be all the way through if she hadn't run into it in its closed state.

"Are you..." was yet another beginning that Kotori didn't manage to finish as Shizuka was already out of the door before she could ask if she was already. She was a little concerned - but at the same time knew that she most likely wouldn't be able to catch up to the other girl. Matthew, meanwhile, seemed to be similarly concerned - and not just for that reason, as he turned to wonder if Shizuka may perhaps have been scared off. Looking back to the door and thinking on how flustered the girl had been, Kotori didn't take long to shake her head - she had the feeling that scared would be the wrong word.

The phone call that interrupted Matthew's words meanwhile seemed rather important - as he asked her to lock up; quickly getting his things to head out to work - though not before nearly stumbling over something. Picking up the handkerchief that had come to rest on the floor beside the table, Kotori was just about to nod in agreement that he should go after Shizuka to return it - but at that moment, his phone rang yet again. Unfortunately, it seemed that his work appointment was rather important - whilst a little disappointed at development, Kotori could at least agree that work would be important too. When Matthew mentioned returning the handkerchief later, she nodded quickly with a "Please do" added for emphasis before he too was out the door and gone from sight.

Left alone in the club room, Kotori spent a moment looking at the open door - not even noticing that she still had the faintest of smiles on her face as she rather more calmly collected her things. Taking one last look around the flower-filled room after heading for the door, she gave a small bow toward the room before closing the door and locking up behind herself.

One detour to the teacher's lounge to drop off the clubroom key later, she stood near the school's main entrance; wondering what to do now that Agriculture Club had ended so unexpectedly soon.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Tuesday, June 9 2015 - After School

Matthew seemed to find the idea at least as silly as Kotori, judging by the way he too answered Shizuka's question before asking for her to confirm it. Kotori nodded at that before turning back to Shizuka, the older boy's mumble going unheard before he then went on to ask exactly how the other girl had come up with such a question in the first place. Kotori would have to be lying if she said she wasn't curious - after all, she didn't want to give anyone any wrong ideas. Shizuka in turn said that she didn't have any particular reason.

But as she mentioned that she thought that there was something else going on, Kotori briefly tensed up - that was almost scarily close to the truth, though perhaps for different reasons that what Shizuka had extrapolated from it. Luckily though, Matthew quickly answered before she could try and find something to say; letting her know that he'd just have said it with flowers already. "R-right," Kotori quickly agreed, adding a nod for emphasis before glancing back at Matthew before her eyes wandered on to the most recently planted flowers - and then stopping on them for a moment.

Purple lilacs. White chamomile. Purple sweet peas. She hadn't thought anything further of it at the time, but with Matthew mentioning that he'd say it with flowers, Kotori stopped to think of their meanings - which brought about a rather rapid series of blinking before she looked back at Matthew, currently telling Shizuka to look at things from his perspective, even if that may be a little dangerous. Looking back to the flowers, then him and then to Shizuka, upon whom his eyes were laid, Kotori was left to wonder only one thing: Was Matthew trying to fell Shizuka he liked her? Looking at things in such a light - had Shizuka perhaps used the opportunity to ask whether he was in a relationship because she too liked him but couldn't just ask outright?

Looking between the two, a small smile came across Kotori's lips at the thought, though she decided not to say anything on the matter - after all, if she was wrong, it would be rather embarrassing for all of the involved.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Monday, June 8 2015 - After School

The Agriculture Club meetings were slowly but surely becoming a routine for Kotori - checking on the plants, seeing the progress of anything they'd grown themselves and discussing new methods or ideas, even if the talking of the latter was done mostly by Matthew, all of them were starting to have an almost comforting normalness and regularity about them. It was quite a stark contrast to the events of the previous day - but not in the least bit unwelcome. However, it was still a strange situation to know that Matthew too was involved in the Investigation Team whilst Shizuka wasn't - though the same was true for Akane and the rest of Class 2-2, the difference in scale made the oddness of the whole situation rather more pronounced.

But then again, Kotori definitely preferred Shizuka remain oblivious to the whole other world ordeal, lest she too would have to go through the same thing as the other kidnappees - that wasn't something she'd wish on anyone, no matter the ultimate outcome. "Um... Shirohane-senpai, Ha-Harvester-senpai..." The sound of the other girl's voice brought Kotori's eyes over to her as she gingerly spoke. "I-... I'm just curious but... Are you two seeing each other?" Following her words, Kotori blinked before turning to look over to Matthew, then back to Shizuka. Without a word, she lifted a hand, pointing first at herself and then at the older boy; seemingly perplexed at the question as she still had a blank look about her: "Eh?"

At least until she fully realised what Shizuka was implying - at which point a rather odd sound came from Kotori: a small amused chuckle. The very idea of it was just absurd. Not only would such a development have been far too fast - they'd only met a few weeks ago after all - but she couldn't recall a single instance where Matthew had treated either of them as anything other than fellow club members. Of course there was the fact that they shared a certain secret - but the same was also true for some of the far more popular girls in school such as Leiko or Chiaki. "No, not at all, Otonashi-san," Kotori reassured the younger girl, giving a brief shake of her head while she spoke before glancing over to Matthew; waiting for him to tell her much the same.
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

Kotori followed the events that unraveled closely - not only because she was afraid of what might happen if Ayano did not accept her other self, but also because her own memory wasn't all too clear on what had happened to herself immediately after the same incident. As she spoke on, a small smile came over Kotori's lips - the words Ayano was speaking sounded familiar in a way. Though she couldn't hope to think she'd understand another person from so little, she still felt something almost like pride for having been able to help her find her own resolve, no matter how small a contribution it may have been.

A short while later, back in the real world - it still felt a little strange to refer to it as such - Kaminari immediately excused himself to bring Ayano to the hospital. The rest remained behind, at the behest of Megumi - who informed everyone of the fact that Ayano's Persona, into which the twin shadows had transformed, had similar abilities to her own. However, with nothing more than a preliminary scan, they had little more to go on and thus decided to leave all that for another time as the group split up; no doubt glad to be able to head home for some rest - at least Kotori knew she was.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, June 8 2015 - After School

As the bell rung, signalling the end of classes and the start of the usual race for the classroom doors, Kotori once again remained at her seat as she finished up the day's notes; letting the room begin emptying out in doing so and only briefly looking up to give a small bow of goodbye should Akane happen to walk by. As Kotori put her pencil down, she stifled a sudden yawn before briefly lifting her glasses to rub her eyes for a moment - after the events the day before (and making up a story about a study group with a classmate or three for her mother once she got home), she'd felt like little more than taking a shower and then just laying down in bed until she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately for her, however, the sheer heart-pounding excitement had still been far too fresh in her mind as that she'd have any chance of actually getting to sleep at any reasonable hour; instead laying awake for hours - the consequences of which she'd been feeling the whole day now. Putting her notebook together with her writing utensils back into her school bag, Kotori thought about what was still to do for the day. Her mother had said she didn't need any help or shopping done today, so she was free for Agriculture Club - or she could visit the girl, Ayano, in hospital. A wry half-smile came across Kotori's face at that thought - whilst it would perhaps be both polite and a nice thing to do, she already knew that she didn't actually want to go near the hospital if she didn't absolutely have to; even as she already headed out of the classroom.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

A faintest of knocks resounded from the door to the Agriculture Clubroom. A second or five passed before the door slowly opened and Kotori peeked inside in her usual way of entering. The room itself, meanwhile, was a similiarly usual sight by now - with dozens of potted plants and flowers of various sizes, shapes and colours strewn about the room. "Good afternoon," Kotori greeted whilst looking about for the usual occupants of the room, even as she already made her way to the table in the middle of the room; placing her bag besides the chair she sat down in - not just coincidentally the one before one of the newest additions to the veritable greenhouse of a floral panorama the clubroom had acquire.
[...] yeah um. did you copy paste, Sho? [...]

Wait, you guys thought we were joking when we said Kotori was secretly the cult leader and not actually part of the Investigation Team?
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

Despite being the cause of the bright flash, Kotori still flinched as the Shadow was momentarily illuminated - even in the brief time that the cave was in darkness, though it hadn't felt like such a short time, it had thrown off her sense of distances so that the creature appeared far closer and bigger than she'd expected. But that wasn't the only cause - though it was only visible for a moment, the spider-shadow was cleary preparing to lunge once more; targeting Akane once again. "Ah...!" was all that Kotori could bring out, a mix of surprise and a fearful warning, before things went dark once more. Starting into a run, despite her body making its protests known, she got close enough to barely make out the silhouettes in the dark against the electricity running through the cable-web - and breathed a sigh of relief when she realised that it wasn't the sight of the Shadow preying upon Akane but rather her classmate hold her own and a smaller silhouette punching the enormous Spider.

"Ki... Kikuri-hime," Kotori spoke, out of breath, intent on preparing a healing spell - but even as she did, the punches were making enough of an impact to cause the spider to flip over and suddenly brought light back into the cave in a disorienting fashion after everyone had just started to get used to the darkness. Covering her averted eyes at the unexpected brightness, Kotori was caught by surprise when the Shadow proved itself to be no less dangerous just because it had been thrown on its back and unleashed a many-coloured attack. Crossing her arms in front of her reflexively, she closed her eyes tightly in expectation of the incoming hit - except that it never came as upon gingerly opening one eye and peeking out through her glasses, she saw the backs of Kami and Rui charging straight at the shadow; having rushed right past her and somehow deflecting the attack.

Rather than relief, however, worry overtook her as she hadn't seen if the others had similar luck - and ordered Kikuri-Hime to cast "Media" just to be safe as the group pounced upon the seemingly helpless Shadow. A quick glance to each of her companions showed that they were indeed still standing and fighting - so Kotori returned her attention to the Spider. Despite feeling rather weary at this point, she summoned Kikuri-Hime's assistance yet again as she called down a bolt of lightning to aid in the onslaught - in the hope that this really was the final push; a hope which was slowly starting to take a turn for the desperate.

Under the heavy assault of blade, fist, wind and lightning, the Shadow was toss up - and with an anguished cry that resounded throughout the whole cave fell to the ground; bursting into a quickly-dissipating black cloud at the heart of which lay the form of the original Shadow Ayano before the transformation. Rui had spoken words of encouragement to her before - but neither knowing the right words to say nor enough breath to speak them, Kotori's wish to help the girl through the ordeal remained merely a wish. Everything rested on the girl now - even as Kotori sank to her knees trying to catch her breath after the sheer exhaustion of the fight took its toll. If the Shadow transformed into its twisted combat form once again, she doubted she'd be able to put up much of a fight - even as she also doubted the wisdom of sitting out of gym class so often.
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

The heavy assault seemed to be working - the shadow was reeling under the many direct hits with no way to use its usual speed to dodge out of the way. But just as Kotori began hoping that they might be able to finish things here and now, the creature broke free and quickly scuttled away - meaning that the fight was going to drag on even further; an unappealing prospect to say the least. Still, if they managed to hold it down once, then maybe-

Before Kotori could finish the thought, Megumi's voice sounded in her head - a concept she still found a little odd - to inform the group of the purpose of the webs and the surges of electricity that went through them. Looking at the spider-shadow and its movements with this newfound knowledge, things did indeed become clearer - with the speed of their opponent, it might not be much of a warning, but every little bit would help. Rui called the information out loud - directed in Noboru's and Akane's direction it seemed; Kotori only then remembering that Megumi had mentioned there was a limit to her telepathic abilities.

She averted her eyes as quickly as she had glanced over to the two though, given the still shirtless state of one of them - Kotori did wish he'd put a shirt on, if only for some basic decency. Unfortunately for her, however, her wish was granted - but not in the way she would have liked as a darkness descended upon the cave, obscuring anything further than a few meters away. It was hard to make out any details - but at the same time, the lightning contrasted more noticeably. Still, not being able to see the others if they were too far away made Kotori more than a little nervous - not only because she was afraid she might accidentally hit someone but also because she wasn't sure if she'd be able to accurately pinpoint them if they were in need of healing.

With a lot more uncertainty than before, Kotori followed the patterns of lightning streaking through the dark - the lack of any real visible surroundings throwing of her sense of perspective a little, leaving her to wonder if it hadn't just become even faster - as she whispered her persona's name once more; not only because the fight was proving to be most arduous but also because it just seemed natural to not speak too loudly when it was dark. Said darkness was briefly illuminated when the next command was spoken as she took aim at the moving lightning pattern: "Zio."
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

It was astonishing how quickly relief could turn into fear when the dynamic duo's entrance was cut short by a blast of web being flung in their direction, catching Akane and pinning her down before she could even take a single action. Worse yet, the Shadow rapidly scittered across the web, pouncing on the helpless girl. Out of breath and too confused at the whole event, Kotori was too slow to mount any effective help as the Spider-Shadow raised its vicious stingers for an undoubtedly heavy blow.

"Kikuri-Hime!" Kotori called - but even as she feared that any help may be too late, Rui proved to have kept his cool and summoned Askr to step in and hold the creature in place for at least a momentary respite as he orderd everyone to attack right away. Seeing that several of the group were rather battered by the lengthy ordeal and the new arrivals had already had to contend with an attack themselves, Kotori used the opportunity to let Kikuri-Hime cast Media to make sure no one would be taken down by any unexpected counter-attacks.

"Medi-ah?!" Kotori's voice rather quickly peaked upwards in tandem with the how red her face turned as, for no apparent reason, Noboru suddenly tore his shirt off himself; leaving him bare-chested and madly tearing at the webbing surrounding Akane. Torn between trying to preserve some sense of decency at the sheer absurdity and keeping up with the fight, Kotori half-covered her face with one hand as Kikuri-Hime cast the healing spell even as Noboru flung Akane directly at the shadowy figure atop the spider; much to the displeasure of the flingee judging by the sounds being made by her.

Taking a deep breath - the exertion of it reminding Kotori that she couldn't continue this for too long - she focused (or at least tried to) back on the shadow itself. Between the barrage of Akane's attack, Noboru's punches and Sato's persona-assisted arrows, she wasn't very confident that she'd be making much of a difference - but Askr seemed to be struggling harder with holding the creature in place, so there was not time to waste in this opportunity.

"Kikuri-Hime," Kotori called - her voice only barely not wavering from either embarassment or exhaustion - as she held one hand out toward the shadowy figure atop the spider's body. She didn't even need any words as her persona turned the unspoken command into a bolt of lightning which struck the shadow - even as Kotori herself was left feeling ever more drained by the lengthy fight.
Taka "Or rather, had been as the webbed-up door was thrown open in a violent crash - and through stepped Akane and Noboru, Matthew and Leiko standing in the door behind them"

As far as im aware only Akane and Noboru went in

[...]"Two of you should stay outside to keep the door from getting webbed up again, the other two should go and back up the main party"[...]

Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

In between trying to get out of the way of the webs being slung at them by the giant spider-shadow, keeping an eye on everyone to make sure no one was in too dire a need of healing and also trying not to step on the webs in what would seem like the world's highest stake game of hopscotch, the opportunities to actually have Kikuri-Hime summon bolts of lightning to tear at the webbing all over the cave were few and far between - and even when they ecame, the damage was far from spectacular; leaving Kotori to worry if her offensive power might be insufficient to make a difference. Stealing a glance at the others' handiwork, however, she saw that they weren't faring much better, it seemed. But before she could lose heart at what that meant for them in the long term, Rui already spoke up with a new plan: splitting up.

Kotori blinked in surprise - though mostly because splitting up when faced with some large threat usually ended badly for at least one of those involved in all the books she'd raid. Still, those were books and this was the real world - or real other realm, however one wished to called it. Furthermore, he was more experienced with these kinds of battles, so that she quickly nodded to show her understanding and then headed away from the others. Whilst it did relieve each individually a small measure by virtue of the shadow's attacks no longer being fired at a group but rather a single combatant, it didn't make much of a difference. Kotori was already starting to feel her breathing become heavier and more ragged as the constant exertion was starting to make itself known.

But now wasn't the time to falter - and as if to renew her resolve, a momentary crackling sound seemed to come from inside her head. It took her a moment to remember their telepathic support - and their other allies who were still outside. Or rather, had been as the webbed-up door was thrown open in a violent crash - and through stepped Akane and Noboru, Matthew and Leiko standing in the door behind them and keeping any attempt at re-webbing at bay. Relief washed over Kotori at that sight - though the small smile of respite quickly turned into a quizzical look of confusion when both Noboru and Akane both took one look at the creature and outright taunted it. More than just a bit unsure about what do do with their sudden appearance, she glanced between them, the shadow and Rui for exactly what to do.
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