Avatar of Tally Dor


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1 day ago
Current Do you know the muffin man?
5 days ago
Little added humor. His name is a rift of Chanteclair. Which is french for Rooster. So hes literally a chicken summoner named Rooster.
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5 days ago
Got this really weird idea to make a character who is a chickenmancer named Chanticleer. Who can become a humanoid chicken man as a power form when he isn't summong chickens.
7 days ago
The dreamers of the day are dangerous. For they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.
8 days ago
youtube.com/shorts/F5I4H4yOQv8 I do enjoy youtube shorts like these. The feels.


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This is also one of the simplest sheets on this website.

I know! Thats the scary part. I think I got it figured out though...

Hello all! I'd love to join this but I'm not going to lie I dont really know how to do the character sheet like everyone has it. Kinda stopped me from joining some RP's cuz I dont want to seem stupid. I really like zombie stuff though! If anyone wants to help me I totally have a character ready!
I..I might reopen this

Do it.
*blows dust off the thread* bump!
Hello all! I am looking for a writing partner! I consider myself high casual to low advanced and am looking for someone similar. I've been bitten by the writing bug for a potential fantasy setting mystery/adventure that's open for plot ideas and exploration. I play a male characters although I have no problem playing females and can play multiple characters to help move the story along.

Lately I was inspired by a song that could easily be translated to a rather interesting story to roleplay as a mystery for the Priest/Paladin/whatever holy themed character you wish to play. To figure out why a necromancer has been frequenting a small towns graveyard for the past fifty years and has not been driven out by the local church or authorities. The local priest of the light has passed away due to old age/sickness/we figure that part out and you are now here. I am preferring my writing partner to be female or to play a female as I have a small eye towards some romance in the plot. IF anyone has any interest feel free to drop me a PM.
Is this still open to applications? I have an interesting idea for a character.
I think most of the people are at the furniture store "Wall" I think my guy is the only one not, as hes on guard duty at the church.
Weigh your worth. Before her majesty, the Veridian River.

There exists a large tribe of wolves that exists by a large emerald green river. Water so pure and clear, you could probably see into its depths if sunlight traveled that far. The River is so wide and vast that one cannot even see to the other side of its banks even with your wolfen sight. The tribe known as Wolf-totem has two leaders, though one has long since vanished. The Eldest who was the embodiment of might and strength who led the wolves from the deepest of the wilds hundreds of miles away to this valley of paradise. Then there is the Wolf-Father, the oldest living member of the tribe who is supposedly around three thousand years old and was best friends with the Eldest.

The Wolf-Father now leads the tribe in it's daily decisions and also leads the worship and the reverence that the tribes god deserves. The Veridian River. One might ask why this beautiful and other worldly large river gets worship. It is because of the magic contained within it's waters and Lady Veridian who was the one who blessed the wolves in turn for their service. Her magic combined with natural magic of the water has caused the wolves to live much longer then physically possible as well as allow them to change their forms into more humanoid forms though at best they would be described by humans as Werewolves or Lycans. Some might be more humanoid then others while some might be more beastly but it would be impossible to ever mistake one for a human. Not that the wolves of Wolf-Totem would even know what a human was outside of old sketchings of them. Humans haven't been seen in thousands of years and most of the wolves are ignorant of such a race.

Something sinister has been afoot in the last few months however, the neighboring Kobolds far to the south in their stone city Chicory have stopped trading with Wolf-Totem and any scouts sent on the long journey to investigate have not returned. Much the same can be said of the forest trolls that reside west of Wolf-Totem. It seems they have all but vanished from their homes and dark effigies hang from the trees that seem to emanate strange whispers. Even worse Lady Veridian has not been seen months despite the Wolf-Father's best efforts to contact her.

What will become of Wolf-Totem at this rate?
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