This is also one of the simplest sheets on this website.
I know! Thats the scary part. I think I got it figured out though...
11 - virgo - 6th - 4'9" - Kevin Harper

“I don't think that's how you do it.”
Appearance Details
Small of stature Kevin has fiery red hair and a face full of freckles. He is often wearing jeans and some random T-shirt. He's missing his left front tooth from a bully though he told his parents it just fell out and thankfully the grown up tooth is slowly coming in. He is sporting several bruises but none are visable with his shirt on.
Kevin nowadays is a small timid child. He has often drawn the attention of bullies because everyone seems to hate gingers and he doesn't get why people hate him just because he's different. Though it's probably has more to do with the fact that Kevin just tells things like they are. Even though its not something he will do now because hes kind of drawn himself into his shell before if he disagreed with something he'd tell you and explain why he disagreed.
Kevin now enjoys sitting alone in library during recess or whenever he is given a chance to go there as it is usually a place where his bullies do not go. He is usually well liked by teacher's if no one else. His intelligence is probably a bit above average for his age because of all his time spent reading, but hes pretty socially awkward and is more happy to be quiet unless he's comfortable.
Kevin now enjoys sitting alone in library during recess or whenever he is given a chance to go there as it is usually a place where his bullies do not go. He is usually well liked by teacher's if no one else. His intelligence is probably a bit above average for his age because of all his time spent reading, but hes pretty socially awkward and is more happy to be quiet unless he's comfortable.
Character Notes
- Kevin's mother is not in the picture. She left when he was only a few months old so he doesn't even know her name.
- Kevin's father is a landscaper for a landscaping company outside of how Alpena Heights
- Kevin's father is a landscaper for a landscaping company outside of how Alpena Heights
Kevin has his bookbag thats full of pencils and papers.