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    1. taylorquest 5 yrs ago


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Driving home, Vivien thought again about the lighthouse. How long had it been since she had used her power for something other than research or a mission? Months? Years? She didn't want to use it at HERO One. She knew everyone there and there were probably unsavory imprints that she would rather not see. Instead she went to a large park in Kingsdale nearby her loft. She grabbed a Raspberry White Mocha from the Starbucks across the street and tuned into the time stream.

Most imprints were recent. Events that haven't been scrubbed off by something more important. Sometimes you get something that sticks for a long while. It's always sticky when two imprints are in the same spot. If they are far enough apart in time it's easier to determine which event happened first. The ones that are closer together are trickier. You have to know what you are looking for to find information. Other times its like you are standing somewhere with a radio that is picking up two signals. You hear a little bit of both songs but neither of them are clear.

Parks usually contained the sweeter moments of everyday life. As she passed a park bench she saw a young dark skinned man with a narrow face and short tight curls. He was on one knee presenting a ring to a young dark haired woman with olive skin and fierce brown eyes. She smiled and nodded her head. The two kissed and smiled. They walked away hand in hand speaking affectionate words in Portuguese. That was one of the things she loved about Castleburg. It was a city rich with diversity of culture. You heard languages spoken all over the world in the streets. The music scene was eclectic. The fashion was colorful. And the food... The food was what Vivien liked the most.

However, with a city this diverse, sometimes cultures can clash as she saw in the next imprint. A young black woman walked on the dirt path of the park holding her arms close to herself. It was dark past 3am. She was cold. Based on her dress she looked as if she were out at a club. Her clothes were dated. Late 70s, maybe early 80s. The imprint was powerful. She had bruises already on her arms and was crying. A few white boys came out from the trees. They started catcalling and throwing racial slurs. "Listen, I don't want any trouble. I had a tough night as it is. Let a girl just get home" she said trying to push past them.

The biggest of the three moved to get in front of her. "You get to go home when we tell you to." He pushed her to the ground. The boys started kicking her and she screamed into the night-

Vivien wretched herself out of the imprint tears streaming down her face and breathing hard. An older woman walking a dog passed by. "Are you okay miss?"

"Yeah." Vivien stood up once her breathing slowed.

"Oh! You're the lady from TV. The smart one. I'm so glad we have folks like you to keep us safe." She smiled and walked away.

Safe. Right? Are we doing enough? Vivien shook her head determined not got to go down that rabbit hole. Still, she thought of Powers away trying to prove that we are doing just that. Keeping people safe.

She threw away her half empty mocha and walked back to her apartment.

It would be a while before she used her powers recreationally again.

Vivien laughed loudly at the thought of Executive Director Powers dressed up as Baby Spice belting out the lyrics to Wannnabe. "If you can arrange that, you better get me a front row seat. Got that, Scary Spice?"

The phantasmal young man was a lot more silly than people would have thought. It reminded Vivien of herself a little bit. Everyone assumed that she would be this uptight academic, and in reality she's just a goofy passionate weirdo. A waiter came by and smiled brightly at us.

"Hi my name is Nicky! Can I get you guys anything to drink while you decide on your entrée?" He asked with a perky smile.

"I'll have a Roy Rogers."

The waiter looked to the pale clawed boy and smiled just as brightly. "And for you sir?"

Ristorante de Luce. Literally "Resturant of Light." An apt name considering the aura of warmth she felt upon entering. It was like walking into the set of a family sitcom. Behind the counter was a young man, who was probably related to the owners. The lighting was a startling orange hue, though it wasn't ostentatious enough to be annoying. However, it was probably a bad place to take selfies. All the better as it kept out the one dimensional Instagram types. Even if this place got great reviews, she would be shocked to find an influencer of any renown here.

She was only slightly less shocked to see a familiar figure with a thin frame and dark aura hanging about him. Vivien sat down next to him. She hadn't really ever talked to Zee. In fact, she couldn't remember seeing him talk with anyone. In every memory she could conjure of the boy he was always walking with his head hung down, or training on his own, or slouched in the corner during a meeting with a headphone in. She thought she saw him look at her but it was hard to tell the way his eyes were.

"Zee, Party of One." The boy behind the counter called. Vivien remembered that she forgot to check in.

She caught Zee's arm "May I join you?"

Vivien hadn't been back to her apartment in over 48 hours. She looked ragged, sitting in her desk chair overlooking the piles of papers on her desk.

She had begged Powers to let her accompany him to meet with ICOSA. This was the kind of thing she excelled at. He insisted she needed to stay back. According to him, her skills - superhuman or otherwise - were more valuable at home right now. Despite how much she disagreed with him she didn't put up a fight.

Instead she did what she does best. She worked. She prepared a file for Powers as he left that she hoped would help with the diplomatic process. She gave it to him shortly after the big meeting. He gave her a debriefing about things to be aware of while he was gone. Brie was leading the Gugliano mission, apparently. Vivien was surprised at his decision, but respected him enough not to press him further.

After that she had spent the rest of her time looking into every time H.E.R.O. had bumped heads with ICOSA, to see if she could glean some insight into how to make our relationship with them easier. Nothing clicked though. Which was a rare and frustrating thing for Vivien.

She pushed her glasses onto her head and rubbed her eyes. "Maybe if I take a break, grab something to eat, get some sleep, and look at this with fresh eyes..." She mused aloud letting her sentence drift into the air becoming immediately laser focused on getting something to eat.

She pulled open one of her desk drawers and grabbed a small moleskin notebook. She kept an extensive list of restaurants in the city that she wanted to try and crossed them off one by one. She flipped through to a random page and pointed:

Ristorante de Luce

It was a family style Italian place in East Flank. She grabbed her coat and combed through her hair with her hands in an attempt to look somewhat decent. Then she grabbed her keys, locked the office, and made her way to her car.

Hey y'all.

My name is Taylor. I'm over here on the west coast bummed out because of this quarantine thing. The only good thing it has done is give me loads of free time. I used to do play-by-post RP back in high school, but since college I haven't been able to find the time. Now I crave the creative outlet and social circle it provided.

As far as genres of games I'm looking into: Urban Fantasy, Dystopian, Slice of Life/Fluff, Western, Historical, Horror

I prefer not to play in fictional settings from popular media, though there are a few exceptions I would make: Oz, Shadowhunters, Forgotten Realms (D&D setting), Harry Potter

Other facts about me: I love theater, I have a cat, my favorite color is green, and I'm a caffeine addict

Looking forward to getting in on some games.


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