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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Starbright was a bit taken a back with the suddenly appearing girl. But before he could react she went on a tangent about legal sides, paper work and publishers, as if he knew anything about that. Though, he still considered talk out his ass about it to scare her a bit he always loved doing that. 'No, not now Starbright, this is not the time or the type of person to do it to' he thought to himself. It was clear the girl was very shy, he had dealt with shy fans in the past and he knew how to deal with them.

Starbright relaxed his posture and softened his voice while heading toward the opposite side of the room, taking a seat. "Legal stuff? Oh no I don't care about that. The more I hear my songs the better if you ask me." He started leaning back on his chair. "It's nice to meet you Eliza and, of course, you know who I am already. I just had to meet the person play that viola... violin." Starbright had his fore fingers and thumbs in a rectangle and looking through them with one eye closed. As if he were sizing up camera shots. "Tell me, are you a hero here? I assume you are with that power of spontaneously appearing, but I can never be sure."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by taylorquest


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Vivien laughed loudly at the thought of Executive Director Powers dressed up as Baby Spice belting out the lyrics to Wannnabe. "If you can arrange that, you better get me a front row seat. Got that, Scary Spice?"

The phantasmal young man was a lot more silly than people would have thought. It reminded Vivien of herself a little bit. Everyone assumed that she would be this uptight academic, and in reality she's just a goofy passionate weirdo. A waiter came by and smiled brightly at us.

"Hi my name is Nicky! Can I get you guys anything to drink while you decide on your entrée?" He asked with a perky smile.

"I'll have a Roy Rogers."

The waiter looked to the pale clawed boy and smiled just as brightly. "And for you sir?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Ristorante de Luce.

💀 Evening.

💀 @taylorquest

Azhar recalled the drink ‘Roy Rogers’. He had yet to imbibe, however. Perhaps somewhat unfair towards an otherwise excellent beverage. Cola and grenadine syrup did sound like a winning combination, something the spectral boy found incredibly appealing. It did prompt him to consider all the various, interesting options that continuously made themselves known before him, but Zee was far too busy extending a clawed hand towards that of which had grown somewhat familiar. Perhaps it was time to put aside that Java Monster Energy drink, and maintain focus on that which had yet to be experienced.

"I’ll have the same," came a spectral voice in response, Azhar’s sharp-toothed smile shifting towards their waiter. A young man dressed in the obligatory combination of dress shirt and tie, his winning smile the most important part of such an attire. It would be a lie to claim that Zee’s attention merely brushed past their water, before shifting back towards Doctor Vivien Valis. The phantasmal teen was nearly twenty years of age, and his thoughts of recent had been clinging to more intimate venues.

It was difficult to deduce whether these interests were founded in a desire to hold someone close, or simple curiosity. Azhar often claimed that a person in their position, a Hero, as it were, should not reasonably find themselves in such circumstances. Relationships for a Hero tended towards the same end, which appeared to maintain a similar theme. Chaos. Though Azhar was unknown, it would be foolish to claim that he didn’t have enemies. The boy was a high A Tier Hero, someone who had been sent on missions earning him notable rivals in the process. Involving a hapless lover in that constant battlefield was not only naive, but cruel.

"I think I have a more active singing career than Scary Spice," Azhar commented, changing the direction of his thoughts towards what Doctor Valis had stated. It was a joke, one met by jest, in turn, which was evident by Azhar’s lingering smirk. It was commonplace to consider the young man’s expression somewhat disturbing, those sharp teeth meeting an onlooker as a less flamboyant presentation of the Cheshire Cat. However, this woman, Doctor Viven Valis seemed far more interested in what resided beyond the mysterious surface which had managed to split an audience in two. Those who would rather avert their gaze, and those who found Azhar’s appearance intriguing. Claws, fangs, abyssal eyes, a tail, and his phantasmal voice all spoke of a less than family-friendly nature. However, it was something the young Hero wished to change. It was the reason why he wanted to reach some level of fame. Perhaps that way, he could prove to the world that being a monster wasn’t bad. He could teach both kids and adults alike that actions define you, no matter what skin you wore.

"And what about you, Doctor Valis?" Azhar continued, resting his chin against a slender hand. "What do you do for fun?" Zee asked, clearly enjoying their exchange. It had been a while since he was able to engage in a conversation like this. Work had confiscated nearly all of his free time, and ever since he was ordered by Powers to reach for a more social disposition, Azhar’s experiences with his fellow Heroes had been a hit or miss. Though, despite the boy’s more fun-loving personality, he would admit that interactions similar to this had more charm than trying to make himself heard amongst ten others, each one clawing for attention.

"I sing at the Red Lion Bar every Friday, if you want front-row seats," Azhar stated with a slight chuckle, "I’ve actually performed here, too," the boy motioned towards a vacant stage at the other end of the dining room. "I sang ‘Bang Bang’, a few weeks ago." Azhar finished, the expression on his face indicating a sense of longing. Singing was an escape for him, a time where he could forget about the surrounding world and just be the center of attention. A scene where he could abandon all of his issues in lieu of freedom. A monster on stage, someone who loved the spotlight, and someone who proudly presented all that he was. "Bang, bang, my baby shot me down," the mutant grinned, winking at the woman in front of him, reciting a line from the song.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amethyst


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interacting: Patricia @canaryrose, Malady @Hitman || Other Mission-mates: @KaijuBaragon@Danvers@Infinite Cosmos@Hitman

Angelica did her best to not be unsettled by the new girl in the room, breathing a small sigh of relief as Martino seemed overcome by illness. That was an incredibly unsettling power, however; she couldn’t even think of letting her guard down around this new girl. Still, the grateful smile she offered was real enough as they were paraded into the meeting room.

“Something like that,” she murmured back to Kat. Not technically a lie… heronappers, or something. Her eyes flitted around as they walked, taking note of the meticulously guarded exits. No way in, and no way out… This Gugliano man did not screw around.

Glancing around, her eyes locked onto Will a second before Patricia’s did, but she was marginally better at masking her expression, her jaw clenching so hard her teeth squeaked. Her eyes were wide; she lifted her eyebrows and set her lips into a smirk as though she was somewhat impressed, though her heart pounded. She let Patricia take her to a seat, letting out a nervous-masked-as-flirtatious laugh as she made eyes at someone standing across the room while her thoughts raced.

Still blushing at the tough, stupid-looking man she’d singled out, she leaned in in turn. “I – not text, it’s not secure. We’ve got to get her to not blow our cover. Fuck. I’ll – I’ll think of something.” She leaned back, readjusting her shawl around her shoulders and examining her fingernails absently, trying to gather up her thoughts. Brie needed a warning of some sort. A coded text? Privately, she doubted that the other woman would understand even the most obvious of cryptic messages – Brianna was known for her stubbornness, not her wit. “We’ve just got to get to them and warn her before they get in here and see him, is all. That’s what it’ll have to be. We can’t risk a miscommunication.” She bit her lip as she glanced at a different goon, still trying to seem flirtatious and airheaded.

Interacting: Starbright! @Jumbus

All the tension went out of her shoulders as Starbright brushed off her concerns about legal stuff. Thank god. She tucked her bangs behind her ear, visibly flinching as he likened her violin to a viola. But she pushed the concern aside, flashing a nervous smile at him – it certainly looked like a viola proportionately to the rest of her frame, so it was an obvious mistake to make. He had to know what he was talking about to be as famous as he was, right?

“I – yes, I’m a hero here,” she mumbled, staring at the ground and oblivious to how at ease the star hero was. “Murmur is my field name. Not that you’d have – heard of me. I’m only a C minus, so – I don’t get to do a lot of the fun things.” She giggled nervously, peering at him uncertainly. “Obviously you’re a hero here, too – I mean, yes, obviously! I – why?” She cleared her throat nervously, flickering around the edges as she glanced to Starbright. “I mean, sorry, why’d you – want to know who I am? Don’tgetmewrong it’s hugely – it’s a huge honor! I just – I’m not your usual musician by - by any means. I can’t dance. Or be on stage.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Blake smiled with glee as Rumi got suited up. It honestly was something straight out of Iron Man, or Batman, or one of those heroes that don't have powers but use money to build fancy suits. He watched as Rumi picked out a selection of gadgets, attaching them to his fancy suit, before finally giving the go-ahead. Blake didn't have to be told twice as he bounded out of Rumi's epic Batcave over to the car. "This is going to be so much fun, and I'm going to get paid so much." He smiled as he opened the back door of Jamie's mostly-destroyed car, waiting for Rumi to enter. "Alright, Jamester. Let's get rolling. It's time to hunt down some mobsters." He then turned to Rumi, leaning in to whisper, "Buckle up and hold the hell onto your seatbelt. And anything valuable." He then smiled at the rearview mirror, giving Jamie a thumbs up. "Let's go!"

After what Blake would describe as a "long, unsettling, and probably life-threatening" ride, they arrived at Sam's Fish Market. Blake stepped out of the vehicle to observe. To be frank, Jamie's beaten-down, battered car wasn't out of place at all at the fish market. The place had a sort of weathered look to it, with the dock being made out of old, splintering wood, the vendors tiredly selling fish in their beaten-up wood stalls, and overall a fairly dreary atmosphere present. Blake walked around as he looked for their target. The fish market was intriguing (and smelled terrible), but their target was a warehouse, which was where the beacon was linked to. After a few moments of walking, Blake found their target. Adjacent to the market was a large warehouse titled "SFM WAREHOUSE." The large, rectangular building was coated in chipped white paint and had a very small amount of foot traffic going in and out, but what stood out about the building was a large satellite dish and a jumble of wiring perched on top of the building. Blake might not have been a genius (very far from it, actually), but he was smart enough to know when something was out of place.

"Why would a fish market..." he said, pointing up at the massive satellite and speaking to the two of them (though mostly to Rumi), "...need a giant satellite? If not to do some sort of lizard control." He smiled proudly at his accomplishment as he folded his arms, looking the building up and down. "Alright, I have a plan." Blake walked over to the back door of the warehouse, which was right along the waterside and was protected by one man wearing a black overcoat and a fedora. Blake had seen enough movies to know that this type of person was probably evil, so he wound up his fist and promptly socked the man in the face hard. Of course, the man was not expecting to get charge-punched by a random redhead, and so he was out cold on the floor in seconds. Blake waved over his friends as he slammed open the back door. He walked into the room, which was a large fish freezer. His powers instantly kicking on, heat began to pour from his body as he looked around. Everything seemed pretty normal until he saw two rifles trained on him, wielded by two men in similar get-ups as the now-unconscious security guard.

"Don't move, hero," one of the men sneered, levering his rifle at Blake.

"Hero?" Blake looked around, hoping his two companions weren't too far behind. "Me? Hero? Ridiculous. I'm just a...fish freezer inspector! With the Department of Frozen Fish! Just checking out your frozen fish! Making sure it's...frozen enough!" He tapped on one of the freezing racks of salmon. "Mmm, looks pretty frozen to me!"

The guard sighed. Why did he always have to deal with the lunatics?


As Tom KO'd his assigned thug, putting a dent in the ceiling of what Grace was hoping was a rental car, Grace knelt down, tracing her finger across the packed dirt ground. As she did so, the ground slowly turned into a shimmering violet purple, expanding outwards as Grace traced further along. After Grace had traced out an oval about the size of a desk, she moved over, dragging the unconscious goons one-by-one into the portal. After all 3 were deposited, she snapped, and the portal sealed itself shut. When the three awoke, they would find themselves laying in the middle of a woman's bathroom in a random Chick-Fil-A in New Athens, likely surrounded by the police. If they were lucky, they would be able to get a couple chicken sandwiches to-go before heading off to jail.

Grace nodded curtly as she looked up back at the mansion. "Alright, I think I found a good location for us to get in," she said, pointing at what appeared to be a small gardening shed in the right corner of the property with a dinky, dirty window on the side. She examined the area. "Alright, there shouldn't be any guards in there, or really around that area, so we should be all clear. Still, give me a few seconds through so I can give the all-clear. Just in case. If I walk through and you hear me scream or get shot, don't go through. Got it?" Without waiting for a response (it was a pretty simple question), Grace made a brisk downward slicing open with her finger, opening a large, person-sized shimmering portal in front of her. She took a deep breath and jumped through.

She emerged through the other side in a small, cramped gardening shed. She took a couple deep breaths as she observed her surroundings. No guards, and she was not fused with a shovel or anything. Good. She returned to the portal, sticking her head into it. On the other hand. Grace's disembodied, fedora'd head peeked through. "All good!" she said, giving the thumbs up before retreating her head back. She then crept over to the wooden door of the shed, slowly opening it, and upon seeing the entire area fairly empty ("well, that's lucky"), she walked out. She turned back to her companions, either ignorant or unsympathetic to the fact they were likely experiencing a good bout of nausea from the portal travel. "Let's get a move on. We have a meeting to catch."


Kat giggled as she moved over towards the head of the table, taking a seat there. "Enjoy the show," she said to the two girls with a peppy smile before she moved to the end of the table, taking a seat near the large, empty leather chair that was likely reserved for Vinnie.

Not long later, three figures emerged at the end of the hallway. One of them was a short, grisly, belabored-looking man with a scarred face and a tough, beefed-up build. The other was his polar opposite, a tall man with a gorgeous sculpted face, lovely curly brown locks of hair, and the thin but filled-out form of a Greek god. Lastly, the third man walked in, the man of the hour, that everybody in the room could easily identify as the macabre look of Vinnie Gugliano, which made the other two men his sons. The two sons made their way to the table first, Sal (the ugly, battle-scarred one) sitting close to Kat while Tommy (the easy-to-look-at one) moved over to the two girls, taking a seat next to Angelica. He turned to look at her. "If I may," he said quietly with a dapper smile as he sat down. "I'm sure this isn't the right time, of course, with the meeting about to start and everything, and with such a lovely lady like you probably being taken and all, but if you ever want to call..." He slid a business card with his number on it towards her, giving her a cheesy but seductive wink, before returning his attention over to his father as he made his way to the table.

Vinnie sat down on the leather table, hitting the table with an open palm a few times to get attention. "Listen up! Listen up! I'm sure you're all wondering why I've called you all here today. Some of my top tier hitmen, assassins, smugglers, spies, drugrunners, gunhands, fixers, lawyers, accountants, bookkeepers, and all that. Well, I have nothing but appreciation for your loyalty through all these years. I'd like to announce that there have been some major changes. The organization has gotten a massive donation from...well, I won't say who, but I will say it's a very generous gift. So, for starters, you're all getting raises." He grinned, looking over at the crowd, most of whom were obviously very happy with this revelation. "I'd also like to announce a new goal for the organization. For a while, we've been busy doing drugs, guns, that type of stuff. All that will continue, of course, under my son's watchful eyes. But I want to take a moment for each and every one of you to think. What's the biggest pain in your ass that you've ever had to encounter in your life of crime?" He paused for a moment, allowing them all to mull it over. "I bet just about every single one of you thought about heroes. How heroes always get in the way, how heroes always mess everything up, how heroes are the worst thing to ever happen to the common crook. Well, not anymore. With some help from our new benefactors, this organization is no longer just a classic mafia group. We're now an alliance. An alliance dedicated to getting each and every hero off the street, and sent over to our new pals, who have much better uses for them. In fact..." Vinnie smiled, showing rows of square, tombstone-like teeth. "We got a hero here for all of you today! Boys, bring 'im in!"

The two goons hauled in poor Will, bringing him around the table to the jeers of the entire table. Will was brought over in the Walk of Shame to the other end of the table, where Vinnie Gugliano stood to "greet" him. "Well, hello there, hero!" Vinnie chuckled. "You look hungry! Would you like something to eat?" This was not a question, as Vinnie stood, grabbing the hero by the back of the collar and slamming him towards the table, into a bowl of grapes, smashing the grapes across his face and sending grace juice flying everywhere. . Most of the table cheered, with Kat giggling hysterically, though Tommy seemed quite uncomfortable, muttering something about "barbarism" under his breath.

Vinnie laughed as he kept Will's face pinned in the splattered grapes. "We're going to take heroes off the street and turn the Gugliano family into the Gugliano empire! And let this be a warning to any heroes, or, God Forbid, any moles that have snuck their way into this meeting.. If, and when, we find you, we will show you just how powerful the Gugliano family is."

@Infinite Cosmos@canaryrose@Amethyst

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

By now it was night time at The Proving Ground, the regular unknowing members of South Brookside Boxing Gym had all but gone home. There were three fights planned tonight. Two new faces were coming in and testing their might against each other for the opening bit, then a couple more rookie fights would close the night out. The spotlights were on the ring welcoming in the new fighters. In the left corner, Gordon Lander. In the right corner, ... ... well Midas forgot his name. It didn't matter anyway he would only get to really know their names if they came out on top.

Midas looked upon all of it from the back office, sure he had more important things to focus on but he couldn't help but drift his attention back to the event. Back to the task at hand, Midas sat back on his chair feet kicked on top of the desk. He held a bowl full of popcorn slowly snacking on them and wore head phones wired to a device receiving transmissions from the bug. Midas's tech guy sat across of him with a less laid back posture. "Do you like the set up?" "Ya know I have to have it to you. This thing works a treat, out of such a tiny object." "Well that because of the new nano-technolo..." Midas' attention trailed of back to the fight.

But then Gugliano's voice came over the transmission and Midas was snapped back to attention. Waving the tech guy out of the room he was left alone in the back office. When Gugliano was talking about heroes being the problem and shoving that kids face in the grapes, he couldn't help but smile. It was the Vinnie he knew and the Vinnie he respected. But that smile and good will faded as he talked more and more about the Gugliano empire and a new ally?

Who could this ally be? Gugliano was the top dog of Castleburg, who would he need help from? Midas didn't like the idea of some unknown group coming in and trying to take over the place. At least Gugliano is someone people know and know his rules but giving power over to some whoever the f*** group wasn't going to fly. He flung the headphones off.

Midas was left in a room with nothing but a tape recording, likely the only one outside of the Gugliano's who know about this. A misstep with this information could cost him his life. Midas had doubts that maybe he was over blowing it, but there was no mistaking it some foreign group has influence over the Guglianos. He would need some force to resist it, but the few good pit fighters he had been recruiting just weren't going to cut it. No matter how Midas looked at it he would need to reach out to other gangs. He would sleep on it and tomorrow, if he hadn't changed his mind, Midas would make some calls.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Ristorante de Luce.
💀 Mission Start.

💀 Evening.

💀 @taylorquest
💀 None.

As had been established, Azhar sought to enjoy his day off. A pursuit of relaxation, and in this case, social interaction. He had been doing well in that regard, a development in which the phantasmal boy could pat himself on the shoulder. Indeed, the moment spent with Doctor Vivien Valis was a cherished exchange. Alas, all good things must come to an end, as they say. Where a desire to indulge in the blissful nectar that was a soda mix circled Azhar’s mind, the mutant was forced to yield. Despite what some may have thought, and beyond the boy’s own insecurities, a Hero presented himself, a young man with responsibilities. What did a day off truly mean? It meant that Azhar, or Zee, stood on standby, simply awaiting a call before being sent into the boiling pot, once again.

He could not recall the last official mission executed with other Heroes, but rather found himself on solo assignments constantly. One would, however, be mistaken in assuming Azhar’s longing for teamwork. The moments spent with his fellow Heroes had been disastrous. They didn’t formulate plans, they most certainly didn’t work together in a noteworthy capacity, and they bickered all the time. If anything, the deathly mutant was surprised that they hadn’t all found themselves at the mercy of a villain, due to lacking tactics.

Azhar was not an impressive tactician. He was not a leader, and he was not used to working with others. However, at the very least, he could admit towards attempting the feat. The others were, as Americans tended to say, ‘Loose Cannons’. Azhar adored maintaining a more relaxed disposition amidst the dangers of a life-threatening mission. However, betting his continued existence on fellow Heroes more preoccupied with property damage than a professional approach was not Azhar’s idea of a good time.

Mission - Neutralize and Capture.
Villain - Astral, further information included.
Rank - B+.
Location - Warehouse 9, location mapped.
Lethality - Non-Lethal approach.
Power Restriction - None, but discretion required.

Reaching for his cellphone in response to a beeping sound that trickled into Azhar’s ears, the boy’s eyes fell to the screen, which accompanied a heavy sigh. Indeed a day off meant nothing more than remaining ready and waiting, until eventual disaster struck. Such was the life of a Hero, no matter how obscure, or withdrawn. Within the message, a document had been attached revealing in-depth information on the target dubbed ‘Astral’ and his abilities. It was nothing Azhar could adequately afford attention, while at a restaurant when engaged in company, however. "I am so sorry, Doctor Valis," Zee commented, clawed fingers moving towards his forehead where they gently rubbed the boy’s pale-white skin. "I’ve been called for," came a sigh. Azhar couldn’t simply deny the request. It didn’t quite work, like that. If he was sent a mission, he was expected to deliver. The only acceptable excuse was being stuck in a hospital bed with blood leaking from open wounds.

Rising to his feet, Azhar showed Doctor Vivien Valis the text he had received. "Some guy named Astral," he explained, before slipping the phone into his pocket. If he was allowed to use the entirety of his powers, it meant that this villain was quite powerful, even if his rank was a high B. Underestimating this opponent due to a letter strung along the exact same downfall that Azhar criticized his fellow co-workers for. It was irresponsible. "We’ll have to rain-check this dinner," the mutant managed a soft smile, "it was really nice meeting you!" Azhar finished, before making haste in exiting the restaurant which would otherwise have offered him a lovely evening.

A Hero first, and foremost. It was something the mutant often stumbled across. The mission came first, always. It was why he questioned the decision of settling into a relationship when loyalty to your spouse came second. Perhaps a rather fanatical approach, but one Azhar truly believed in. He was willing to abandon his own desires accompanying a normal, everyday life, for the task at hand. There would always be an assignment present, and there would most certainly always be a villain seeking to harm others. A clouded or preoccupied mind had no place on the battlefield, something any soldier would have been able to affirm.

Upon reaching his home, Azhar slipped inside, closed the door, and proceeded to analyze the mission parameters on a more comfortable screen. His laptop. As per usual, a myriad of information was presented. Astral’s real name, his past, his skills, and powers. Naturally, his illegal operation was equally so afforded the Hero tasked with halting its progress. "A mind-controlling drug," the phantasmal mutant frowned "why is everyone obsessed with creating an army?" It wasn’t the first time Zee had come across something like this. Create a drug, disguise it as any common street substance, and gain complete control over whoever takes it. "I’ll be going up against a lot of mind-jacked civilians," the boy rubbed his chin. Hugo Powers’ demand for discretion made all the more sense, now.

Rising from his computer chair, Azhar approached his closet where everyday clothes were soon replaced by a suit, the thing that symbolized Requiem. An unknown Hero mainly considered ‘cool’ amongst teenaged outsiders, Requiem possessed powers far darker than the public had seen. Without that bracelet circling Azhar’s forearm, there was no way for him to maintain the role of Hero. Clenching those sharp teeth at the thought, Zee reached for his mask, a black skull, and covered his spectral face. Dark or light, it mattered little in the grand scheme of things. He had a mission, and Warehouse 9 was located in Brookside, the easiest location to manufacture and sell drugs. A location where eager buyers, and in this case, slaves, waited around every street corner. Placing his hand on the doorknob, Azhar turned towards his cat, the deathly mutant granting the creature a soft smile behind his obfuscating visage, before finally stepping outside.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Brie didn't really need to take any of the mafiosos clothes, the two conveniently being dressed extremely similar. She did, however, clear out her pockets; taking her phone, wallet and gun. Of course, Brie had no real use for a gun but she figured it would look better if she carried it around anyway...and she also pegged herself as a pretty decent shot, if she did need to use it. Placing it into the back pocket of her tailored trousers, she stood up, giving the mobster one last nudge with her foot to make sure that she was still unconscious.

"See you later Annamaria!" Brie pretended to wave goodbye to the three mobsters as Grace shoved them into the portal. A quick scan over her belongings hadn't given much information about the woman but it did tell her enough to know that her name was Annamaria Ricci & that she was 24 years old. Presumably, she was from some small family associated with, or more likely indebted to, the Guglianos. Of course, none of this was of much interest to Brie and she was far more intrigued by the fact that she'd also had several loyalty cards for Bloopers in her pocket. Perhaps she knew Mr. Impressive...

Pondering on this thought as she leaned against the hood of her now dented car, Brie watched Grace step into the portal, only to emerge a few moments later in the form of a floating head. Still giggling about this as she followed her through, Brie suddenly found herself in a messy, cobweb filled shed. She narrowly avoiding tripping over a large plant pot as she stepped outside, feeling terribly unbalanced. "Gimme a second." Brie managed to mumble as she rested a hand against the weather-worn wood, a strong wave of nausea overcoming her. Teleporting through space was definitely something that would take a while to get used to. When it had passed, and she thankfully hadn't thrown up, Brie turned to smile at her companions. "Well, I guess it's still better than travelling by plane!"

A quick glance around the manicured lawn had Brie spot a set of doors, which were conveniently unlocked. Making her way into the expansive mansion, she found herself in a well decorated and completely empty hallway. Someone more astute might have been concerned that this was a trap but this, whether to her detriment or not, was not Brianna. Instead, she just turned to her colleagues, giving them an enthusiastic nod of the head. "It's empty!" She declared before darting down the corridor, eyes flitting about for any signs of guards or security cameras.

After a couple of uneventful minutes, Brie had reached a crossroads and was pondering on whether to go left or right, when she heard a voice from behind her. "Annamaria! You're late." The voice sounded vexed and also like it had smoked twenty too many cigarettes a day. Reluctantly turning around, Brie quickly found herself face-to-face with a large mafioso who looked like he was trying to be intimidating. Unfortunately, it also looked like he had drunk one too many beers and consumed one too many burgers, so the overall effect was lacklustre. She opened her mouth to reel off some excuse about why she was here and not somewhere else (wherever she was supposedly meant to be), when his pinprick eyes narrowed at her suspiciously.

"Wait...you're not-...!" The guard exclaimed as he reached into his back pocket for what was presumably a gun. Brie was faster though, moving her leg to promptly and forcefully knee him in the groin. Letting out a low groan as he stumbled to the ground and clutched himself in pain, the man managed to mutter something that was incomprehensible to her. "Figlio di puttana...figlio..." He continued to repeat it as he squirmed on the floor, much to the chagrin of Brie, who knew she had made far too much noise already.

"Shh! Stop being so loud!" She put a finger to her lips as she quickly knelt down beside him, urging the distressed man to shut up. "I didn't hit you that hard." Brie rolled her eyes as she placed a hand on his chest, sending just enough voltage coursing through his body to knock him out. Turning to the others when she was content that he was fully unconscious, she shook her head in what seemed to be disappointment. "Jesus, can't anyone take a hit to the balls anymore?"

@hitman @kaijubaragon
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Jamie made a pouting face when Rumi slapped her hand but backed away anyways. The hologram had looked so cool, and she had only wanted to touch it! Even though she couldn't. Something about bio-mets. So unfair! But maybe she could get him to let her touch it later...? So distracted by this train of thought, Jamie missed the rest of their conversation, staring off into space and thinking about how she could get Rumi to let her touch it instead. Maybe she could seduce him...? Yes. Seduction was always the answer. And Rumi wouldn't be too bad if she was being honest. As stuck in her rambling thoughts as she was, she only picked up a couple of important things- Gugliano, Sam's Fish Market, control, Leftover- that kind of thing. She would piece it together later, in all likelihoods. Plus, it didn't really matter, did it? All she had to do was hold out her hands and blast.

Her attention was fully drawn back to the present when Rumi put on his Batman suit. Jamie watched in awe as the machines busied about, making whirring sounds as they attached armor to his body. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. This place was getting more and more like the Batcave by the second!

She belatedly registered Blake's request, only realizing that he had been talking to her a quarter of the way through Rumi's transformation sequence. She jumped and gave him a big thumbs-up.

"S-sorry! I'll go do it now." Jamie rushed out of the lab just after saying this, skittering on down through the hallways and the waiting area and back to her car. It looked very out of place among the newer, less beaten-up models of the other occupants of the parking lot, with its duct-taped windows and dented, scratched sides. She opened the car door with a click and started up the engine, getting the air conditioning running and buckling up her seatbelt. Like Blake had told her, she set up her GPS- Sam's Fish Market. She clicked the first result that came up on Google Maps (thankfully, it was the correct one), put on some very upbeat pop, and laid back in her seat to wait for the guys.

It didn't take too long. They were out of the building and jumping into her car only a few minutes after she had started it. Rumi's suit looked nice, she noticed. The robots must have done a good job! She gave the two a smile and thumbs-up, and, when they had buckled their seatbelts (safety first!) she slammed on the gas pedal and sped out of the parking lot.

About 20 minutes later (the drive was supposed to take 25 minutes), Jamie pulled up to Sam's Fish Market. Luckily, they hadn't gotten into any accidents on the way. They had been close, though- Jamie's road rage was infamous among her friends. Looking around the parking lot, she noted with a pleased smile that her car actually fit in. Most of the other cars were old and beaten up too. Yay for equality!

Jamie followed Blake into the market, nodding at his statements. She almost asked if he wanted her to knock down the satellite. Wouldn't that disrupt their control of the Iguanosaur? But she stopped herself before asking the question because they were heading inside, so he obviously didn't want her to knock it over since she couldn't do it from inside of a building. Duh. She watched silently as Blake handled the man in the overcoat, giving him an encouraging double thumbs up when the man hit the ground.

At his ushering, Jamie followed Blake through the fish freezer. The two other men surprised her, but not much. From their faces, she could see that Blake's lies weren't going to work. They looked... skeptical. But, fortunately, she was hidden behind the door, so they weren't about to notice her. So, she stepped forward and raised both her hands, sending a blast of vibrational force rushing at each. Both went down in seconds with an audible crack of their sternums. They hit the floor of the freezer, one of them even landing in a pile of frozen fish and sending a few skidding across the floor.

Jamie held her nose and made a face. ]"Ewwww!" she cried. "That's so gross. I bet he'll wake up with one in his mouth!"


Patricia nodded her head anxiously at Angelica's reply. "Yeah, yeah, but the security's got the room locked down tight," she whispered back. She gestured to the guards standing around the perimeter of the room. "There's no way we're getting out of here to warn her."

Patricia let out a relieved breath as Katharine moved away from them and towards the head of the table. However helpful she had been, the girl seemed off, and perhaps a little too discerning. Their cover was good (or, at least, Patricia hoped it was), but with enough digging the girl could very well find out that they were liars. Her brown eyes trailed the red-eyed girl as she walked off, only breaking away when she sat down in one of the conference chairs. Patricia's eyes snapped back up when Vinnie and his sons entered the room, and she analyzed them silently. She was familiar with Vinnie and his sons from reading the file but had no intention of going near any of them. Especially the mind-reader.

Patricia's heart sped up a little as Tommy, the younger son, sat down next to Angelica and started to flirt. She gave him a cursory look over and a small nod of acknowledgment to conceal her nervousness. Why would he be flirting with Angelica? She hadn't turned on her power, as far as Patricia could tell. Well, she supposed the older woman was pretty even without her power, but Tommy Gugliano would surely have even prettier women at his disposal. Ones that would match his Greek god persona. Patricia pretended to be bored, examining her nails but was really waiting for the meeting to begin.

Her gaze shot up from her nails when Vinnie slammed his hands on the table and started to speak. Rather dramatic. She couldn't see why the man couldn't just start talking like a normal person. He had commanded the attention room from the second he came in. Patricia put her elbows on the table, leaning in to listen attentively. It would be amazing if they could get all the information they needed from this speech- but unlikely. She followed the grins at the mention of raises from the others with one of her own. She had nothing to be happy about- she wasn't on Vinnie Gugliano's payroll, and would never be.

She couldn't help it when her brows raised at the mention of this new goal. Listening, it sounded... foolish at best, dangerous at worst. Who were these people, and what could they be doing with heroes? A shiver ran down her spine, and she rubbed her toes together in her increasingly obnoxious heels. A dead hero was worth nothing. It was just a dead body. And it wasn't like they could get heroes to use their powers for the benefit of villains. So what could they be getting at? What did they want? Some fancy prisoners, maybe.

Patricia visibly winced in sympathy when they brought Will in. She had never been too close to him but felt bad all the same. She was just glad Brie wasn't there to witness it. What were they even going to do to him? Torture him? He didn't look too fucked up yet... She reluctantly joined the cheers when they shoved his poor face into the grapes, leaning back in her chair and clapping appreciatively with a smile on her face. She barely missed a splatter of grape juice, moving out of the way so that it hit her chair instead of her face.

At Vinnie's final warning, Patricia gripped the arms of her chair, white-knuckled. She had total confidence in their mission and the competence of her coworkers, but this might've been more serious than they had bargained for. Being captured certainly didn't sound pleasant. Or like it would end well. But they were going to take this asshole down, whatever it took. Speaking of her coworkers... she glanced at the door, anxiety increasing. Where were they? They couldn't have been found out already, right?

@Amethyst@Infinite Cosmos@Hitman

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
Avatar of Shard


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Brookside.
💀 Warehouse 9.

💀 Evening.

💀 None.

It had been a pleasant evening which proceeded down a path of increased frustration. What began with a trip to the store, thoughts of a cold, refreshing beverage circling the mutant’s mind, had now brought him towards the evening’s ultimate act. Leaving Doctor Viven behind wasn’t something Azhar could easily forgive himself for, either. He had abandoned good company, and delicious food, all the result of a villain’s schemes. They were neverending, and one would be forgiven for believing that the rise in Heroes demanded balance in increased crime. Where those with powers stood against injustice, there were individuals who sought to challenge the notion. It wasn’t always due to a contradicting ideal, but sometimes the mere notion of clashing with fire and steel was in itself a call to arms.

Exiting his car, Azhar gently closed the door. A sleek, black vehicle afforded him by HERO. It paid off, as they said, to be a high ranking soldier, but as Zee’s foot felt gravel brushing against its sole, the young crime-fighter’s gaze turned towards a large, red title. Warehouse 9, text which indicated his location in an assertive display, each letter twisting and folding across a ribbed wall.

It was an inconvenience but certainly expected. Seeing metal coating every surface removed the element of surprise. Azhar was required to enter the building through a door, where he much preferred a less obvious approach, there was little else that could be done. Circling the warehouse, Azhar paused before lowering himself to a knee. Hidden behind a large gathering of crates, the dark Hero peered ahead. Pistols and assault rifles, hostile targets had made sure to maintain care. They were guarding the loading bay, indicating that a shipment was imminent. The presence of trucks parked along a wide stretch further strengthened this assumption.

Yielding to patience, Azhar waited. He had to be considerate, and most definitely careful. Astral tinkered with mind-control. His drugs afforded him slaves, and a bracelet rendering the young Hero’s powers non-lethal was not enough to allow for a chaotic approach. They were still innocent human beings. However, no plan ever survived contact with the enemy, and Azhar was prepared to improvise. Forcing innocent individuals into unconsciousness for a handful of hours was preferable than putting them in the line of fire.

“Alright, let’s get this done,” came a masculine voice which trickled across the silent evening air. It was soon followed by several boxes loaded into a truck. A closer look would reveal that this manual labor was performed by individuals dressed in everyday clothes, with no weapons, nor notable trinkets available for combat. Further inspection indicated lifeless eyes, staring ahead dimly as each movement mimicked a routine.

"Astral’s using his drug-slaves as workers?" Azhar pondered, before moving from his position. "I need to stop that shipment," he decided. Turning his attention towards the driver’s seat, Azhar noticed how the window was open, with a man smoking a cigarette, and blowing the puffs out from the truck. "The first puzzle piece." Hiding behind another crate, the boy focused on his target and conjured forth a spectral force. The ghostly, emerald presence licked past its victim, following a cigarette that fell onto the asphalt, as the driver slumped forward. "That’s one," Azhar frowned, turning towards the remaining two guards who stood by the entrance.

“Alright, we’re done here. Get moving,” a gangster commented as he motioned ahead. There was, however, no response. Neither was there movement. “The fuck?” An annoyed sighed escaped the man’s lips before he ventured across the loading bay and approached the truck. “Dude!” He exclaimed.

"That’s two..," Azhar whispered, as Necrotic Force breathed itself into existence around the man’s shape. A mere moment later shifted his state into unconsciousness. "And three," the deathly mutant smirked, lifting his hand towards the third guard to mimic the very motions from before, preventing a reaction which would have given away the boy’s position.

Approaching a fallen guard, Azhar reached into the man’s pocket and produced a keycard. So far, the mission had proceeded smoothly. Patience was a virtue, truly. Raising the card towards a scanner, he noted a sound which was soon followed by the color red turning green. This allowed for Azhar to press a large, circular button that slowly lifted a cargo door. He made sure to open it just enough, before quietly slipping inside.

As he had previously expected, several civilians worked in packaging drugs. If he knew anything about these setups, every tightly wrapped block carried one kilo. Following the progress already started, Azhar continued to rely on stealth. Indeed, he could combat these guards easily enough, as long as he relied on cover from their bullets, but allowing that chaos to take place would instead result in the risk of innocent people dying. A mere look into the warehouse would indicate their presence.

"Now, where is Astral?" Came a thought as Azhar continued to move through the massive interior. He did come across more guards, however. Luckily, silence lingered, and he was able to neutralize them without noteworthy complications. Turning towards the metal stairs by a corner wall leading towards a second floor, Zee fluidly moved up those steps until he finally found himself in a corridor. Several doors stretched across its narrow shape, and as Requiem delved deeper, he soon stopped.

“You took your time,” a voice struck at the boy, earning his attention before Azhar carefully opened a door which allowed sight of a decorated office. “My guards would have just let you come and see me, you know.” On a chair sat a man clad in what could only have been defined as an elegant suit. His short, blonde hair was styled, and a cigarette rested between his lips. Piercing blue eyes peered ahead, and Azhar’s focus found itself transfixed. “Please, have a seat,” the man who went by Astral offered, motioning towards the comfortable chair in front of his office desk.

"You knew?" Zee asked, stepping inside before he closed the door behind him.

“Of course,” Astral tapped his temple, “knowledge is my trade, my boy,” a small grin made itself known upon the man’s lips. “Besides,” he continued before standing, “a fight with you wouldn’t exactly end well for me, would it?” Astral chuckled, opening a wooden, mahogany cupboard and produced two glasses, followed by a bottle of whiskey.

"So you invite me over for a drink?" The deathly mutant raised a brow, spectral energy now dimly emanating from his frame. "You can save your speech."

“Come now,” Astral poured them a serving of golden brown liquid, “we both know what you look like, so why not take that mask off?” He exhaled a small puff of smoke, “this meeting will end at your behest, so the least you can do is entertain a conversation, no?”

There was a slight pause, before Azhar eventually pulled his hood down, followed by his mask. Zee had no secret identity, and as far as he was concerned, the whiskey wasn’t poisoned. Astral had taken a sip himself. "How proper of you," the boy offered, his claws clicking against the glass which had been offered.

“With a thought,” Astral began, “I can lay unconscious on this here floor,” he motioned towards the carpeted surface beneath them. “And perfectly good whiskey would simply.., soak in,” came a sigh. “You know this, so I do appreciate the mercy,” Astral took another sip. “You’re not a savage, Azhar. It is uncommon for Heroes to present.., civility.”

"Because trusting villains with a conversation tends to end well," Zee managed a dry joke, and raised an eyebrow. "But I can’t very well enjoy a glass of whiskey while they’re ripping your fingers off in Coldwater," Azhar brought the glass to his lips. "So you have until I finish this drink."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
Avatar of KaijuBaragon

KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 16 days ago

Tom snickered, also waving goodbye to the mafiosos as they were deposited by Grace into Chick-Fil-A via a portal. He would have paid good money to see their reactions when they woke up and discovered they were missing their wallets, sunglasses and were in a horrible fast food restaurant bathroom, and if they weren't on a cool undercover mission he would have gone there and set up some kind of camera just to record it. But they were on a cool undercover mission, and the cool undercover mission had to go first. Tom snickered again as Grace's purple-haired head poked through the portal and invited them to go inside too. Tom stepped into the portal and immediately shuddered, not used to the feeling of travelling through space using a portal.

Coming out in the shed, Tom kicked a broom out of the way before stepping out into the sun, taking deep breaths and leaning over as he got over the bizarre feeling of portal travel. "Christ... That's fucking rough..." He shook his head before standing up fully, the nauseated feeling slipping away after about a minute. His eyes flicked around the well tended to garden that he was now standing in, before focusing on the door that Brie was already heading it to. He walked quickly to keep up as the trio headed inside the extravagant mafia mansion. "Man..." Tom said, looking around at the gorgeous corridor. "These people are loaded! I bet some of this art is worth thousands. For a moment he considered taking some off the wall - stealing from the mafia wasn't morally wrong, right?

But as Brie darted down the corridor he remembered he was on a cool undercover mission, and so he shook his head and got rid of the idea of an art heist. He went in a different direction from Brie, just for a second, to see if he could find the entrance into the meeting. He went off into another ornate corridor, around a couple of bends, before he was suddenly met with the sight of another mafioso patrolling the corridors. Tom kept himself calm and simply looked at the man, who regarded him for a moment before nodding curtly. Tom quickly nodded back, then the man walked off in a different direction. Tom snickered a little. He supposed that he looked like a mafioso enough to not arouse any suspicion. Or maybe it was the sunglasses... Yeah, it was probably the sunglasses.

While Tom was internally gloating about his encounter, he heard a yell nearby and then something heavy hit the ground. He quickly rushed in the general direction of the noise, having to go back and forth through a few identical ornate corridors, before he discovered Brie standing above the body of another mafioso, knocked out peacefully. Looked like she had also had an encounter, but hers had not gone nearly as smoothly has his. He shook his head as Grace appeared at the scene a couple of seconds after he did. "Shit, I heard the body hitting the ground from a couple of corridors over, the dude I saw probably heard it too."

He glanced at Grace again. "We probably should get to the meeting right now. Grace, can you make this guy join the Chick-Fil-A gang?" Tom couldn't help but crack a small smile at his own words.

@Danvers @Hitman
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
Avatar of Shard


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Brookside.
💀 Warehouse 9.

💀 Evening.

💀 None.

“Purpose,” Astral stated, motioning towards the large window behind his desk, a circular glass view which allowed sight into the warehouse interior. “I gave all these people purpose,” he continued. “All of them would have overdosed by now,” the man exhaled smoke as he placed his cigar between two fingers. “So tell me,” came a short pause as Astral leaned against his desk, those bright sapphires meeting Azhar’s abyssal gaze, “how horrible is this, truly?”

"You’re asking me if turning people into mindless husks is morally preferable to drug-induced suicide?" Azhar raised a brow, and sipped his drink. "Really digging deep there, aren’t you?"

With a grin bridging across Astral’s lips, the man took another drag of his cigar. “Before you acquired that bracelet,” he motioned towards Azhar’s arm, “how much of a morally superior mess did you leave behind at the end of every mission, my friend?”

A faint frown made itself known on the deathly mutant’s face, his black gaze falling to the whiskey in his hands. "Enough to warrant nightmares," the boy offered, "enough to drill the scent of death into my head," he continued, shifting his focus towards Astral.

“A very honest boy, you are,” the man raised a brow. He did not quite expect that answer, it would appear.

"Were you hoping for a tantrum?" Azhar asked, before proceeding. "Or do you want to continue, Astral? My glass is still full, so I may as well ventilate my many regrets." Though the expression on Azhar’s face betrayed little more than apathy, there was a sense of jest emanating from the boy’s statement. However, Astral stared at the young hero, not quite sure what went through the teenager’s mind. Indeed, Astral’s power allowed him to peer into someone’s past and learn everything about them with a mere look. Their joys, their fears, their sorrows.

“Is that why your father hates you, then?” The man asked, “because you personify darkness?”

Unable to stifle his laughter, Azhar shook his head. "My father hates me," the boy explained, "because I’m a monster. You’ve seen it all," a claw tapped the side of Azhar’s head, "wouldn’t you say?"

“You’re someone who is trying to escape his true nature,” Astral motioned towards Zee’s bracelet. “Why?”

Enjoying another sip of his drink, Azhar would admit that this was a good trade for what had previously been taken from him. A perfectly good energy drink. However, very little compared to the marvelous splendor that was whiskey. "Don’t you know that, already?" The mutant offered Astral a small, sharp-toothed grin. He had read the documents and was well aware about what this man was capable of. Nothing was a secret.

“I know that you’re afraid of yourself,” the man analyzed, “and I know that you’re trying to look like a hero for everyone else.” Allowing the statement to linger, Astral took another sip of his drink. It could very well have been his last. “What was it you said during that camping trip with your friends? You want to become famous, as to prove that even monsters can be heroes?”

Before setting foot in Astral’s office, Azhar was already prepared to have his mind probed. He had made sure to read through provided documents, and he was also aware that Astral had driven people to insanity. However, the hypothetical ball was on Azhar’s side. "It was something like that," the boy agreed.

Again, there was a pause. A lingering silence which Astral eventually broke. “You’re enjoying this,” he stated, seeing the small smirk bridging its way across Azhar’s lips. “You never did shy away from an interesting conversation, did you?”

"You tell me," Zee leaned against a cupboard, nursing the glass which rested between his slender, clawed digits. "Dive deep into my self-proclaimed philosophical mind and extract every embarrassing secret."

“Because you truly don’t mind,” Astral tapped a finger against his drink. “It is an act of control, your desire to.., what was it? ‘Own your shit’? Yes, that was it.” The man gently stirred his expensive beverage, its price enough to warrant awe. “Because nothing offends you, does it? No insults, no mind games.., your greatest enemy is the struggle constantly raging in here,” he tapped his temple. “To give in and unleash the full extent of your powers, or maintain discipline, and fight to protect those who fear you.”

"You give me too much credit," Azhar commented, with a chuckle. "But you are right about one thing, Astral," the boy’s abyssal orbs fixed themselves on the blue spheres joining the exchange. "Mind games are a waste of time. I wouldn’t join any of you, and you already know that," Zee stated, taking a step away from the cupboard. "Not because of some code or bullshit Hero’s oath," Requiem extended a claw, pointing it towards Astral, "but because if I decided to give in and become a bad boy, the last thing I’d ever do, would be leaving a single one of you alive."

“That’s what you really want, isn’t it?” Astral smirked, “you want to kill all the villains. An Anti-Hero.”

"You probably know the feeling, don’t you? That sickening feeling where you want to puke when you kill someone?" Azhar slowly approached the man, "but somewhere deep inside, buried in your heart.., is satisfaction."

“Is that how you felt when you killed the Warden in Mexico?” Astral remained leaning against the desk, unmoving. “When you helped save the friends you’re forcing yourself to like.” Despite knowing how this meeting would end, there was a twisted sense of joy washing over Astral, being able to speak to someone who so freely expressed the dark desires within. “Oh, you were so delighted.., a man who could copy another’s powers and there you were, presenting yours as if a gift.” Again, there was a pause, but one which remained for a brief breath. “Before you watched him melt into a puddle in response to venturing upon the majesty that are your powers.”

Running those clawed digits through his bangs, Azhar enjoyed another sip. He would make sure to confiscate that whiskey bottle by the end of this. "You know, my biggest fear was expressing those pesky homosexual feelings inside," a claw gently placed itself on Astral’s chest. "Because I was afraid that my mother would cast me aside." Azhar’s slender hand moved, tracing a path across Astral’s torso and towards his cheek where it then lingered. "I was afraid that the other Heroes wouldn’t accept me for being a fucking monster, either," Zee leaned closer, his black eyes now inches from Astral’s own. "But in the end.., who gives a fuck? Right?"

“Own your shit..,” Astral commented, clenching his teeth slightly as his heart rate accelerated.

"Because no one else will..," the boy finished, Necrotic energy escaping his hand, before Astral fell onto the floor. Taking another sip of his whiskey, Azhar finished the drink. "Your conversation’s over."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
Avatar of Hitman

Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Hold on, buddy, I'm sure we can talk this out!" Blake protested loudly as the mafioso aimed his rifle at Blake's chest. "We don't need to resort to violence or anything! Maybe we can just have a nice chat over fish sticks!"

"Nice try, hero. But Mr. Gugliano is offering bonuses for kidnapped heroes. So you're going to be taking a trip with me."

Blake mentally delayed his escape attempt a little to ponder this statement. Kidnapped heroes? Bonuses? This seemed unusual. From what he knew about the mafia, they didn't really like to tangle with heroes at all and tended to avoid them, for good reason. Paying people to kidnap heroes seemed like a weird thing to do for an organization that wanted to avoid prying eyes. Before Blake could further mull over this mysterious statement, Jamie entered in classic Jamie fashion and blasted the two guards to kingdom come, sending them both skidding about the room and into a fish freezer. Blake was used to having Tom pin goons to the ceiling or something when he inevitably got into trouble, but this was a welcome change of pace. He turned to smile at Jamie. "Nice job, Jamester." He looked over to one of the goons, who was head-first in a pile of frozen fish, his legs twitching as he laid there. Blake chuckled. "Well, that's what they get for pointing a gun at me. Let's take a look around."

Blake walked across the freezer space over to a large metal door. On the door was a crappy bronze plate that read "Control Room." Blake did not work in the fish industry, but he did know that fish generally did not need to be controlled in a control room. This meant that this control room had to be for the satellite and leftover control. Blake stepped back, preparing himself. If Angie was here, she would probably tell him the pragmatic thing to do would be to find a vantage point or burn a peephole in the door or something, but unfortunately she was not there, so Blake instead went with his gut instinct- to enter with style.

Blake rushed the door, giving it a mighty kick on the side. Four, going five years of HERO experience had taught him the art of kicking down doors. After the first kick gave a loud rattling sound that echoed through the area and caused a great deal of scuttling inside the control room, the second door caused the metal door to slam open, revealing a large room full of computers and a bunch of scared goons. Blake lifted both arms, giving a wicked grin. "If you like control so much, how about you try and control this?" Blake quipped as he faced his palms towards the grunts who were rapidly scrambling for their guns. He then unleashed two torrents of fire that swept through the room as fast as greased lightning, causing a brilliant orange glow to emanate from the room. After a few moments, Blake stopped the fire, lowering his smoking palms as he looked about the room. The computers were (mostly) undamaged, and the goons were all laying on the ground, most of their clothes burnt to cinders and their bodies smoking from the attack. Blake grinned. Damn was he good.

He flicked on the light switch ("how do they work with so little light?") and examined the now-cleared room. The walls were lined with not computers, but control panels, all wired up to a computer tower in the middle of the room that Blake assumed connected to the satellite. Blake walked over to the computer, cracking his knuckles, as he tapped one of the keyboards. Upon seeing the [ENTER PASSWORD] screen, he gave up, turning to Rumi. "Rumester, this is your specialty," Blake said, pointing to the computer. "Me and Jamie will go investigate over there." Blake was pointing to a large series of cages on the other side of the room, and he left Rumi to the computer geek stuff as he walked over.

There Blake found several large cages against the wall. There were 3 MWEs inside the cages along with one large hawk-looking Leftover, and they were all wearing the mystery collar that kept them passive though still angry-looking. Blake knelt down by one of the cages. "This is pretty neat. Brie would probably want to keep one of them. I wonder where she is right now?" Blake shrugged. "Looks like the Guglianos were trying to do some fancy Leftover control over here. Interesting."


Grace walked into the manor, looking as inconspicuous as possible as she made her way through the building. It was a very nice manor, one that was clearly well taken-care-of and polished. As her two compatriots went in separate directions, Grace decided to do the same in search of the meeting they were supposed to attend. She looped through a couple corridors, looking around in search of the entrance to the conference room. The entire building seemed to be a labyrinth, with Grace passing by the same area multiple times, and she only succeeded in finding a few office spaces as she continued to look around. After a moment longer, though, she was able to locate a side entrance into the meeting hall. After pressing her ear against the door and determining that this was, in fact, the meeting, she heard a very loud thumping noise, like somebody falling to the ground.

"Figlio di puttana...figlio..."

"Shh! Stop being so loud...I didn't hit you that hard."

Grace recognized both the profanity and the second voice, and she promptly scuttled over to the source to find Brie having pinned a man to the ground, Tom appearing to have just run over seconds before her, and it seemed as though Brie was currently trying to shut the moaning man up. Grace sighed. This was not going quite as well as she had hoped. Grace stood over him, arms crossed, face etched with disapproval, as Brie released a powerful shock of electricity into his body, knocking him out cold. Grace shook her head, though she was pleased, at least, that Brie was able to take him out before he became a problem to their operation.

"Jesus, can't anyone take a hit to the balls anymore?" Brie said wittily, but Grace was not quite in the mood for too much humor. "You have to have a little more caution, Brie," Grace said in a Powers-like way, looking at the younger girl, before cracking a thin smile. "Good job taking him out, though. That would have been a mess had he been able to escape and inform the others." Soon after the mafioso was knocked out, Tom piped up with a suggestion, "We probably should get to the meeting right now. Grace, can you make this guy join the Chick-Fil-A gang?"

Grace nodded, keeping a very thin but serious smile on her face. "Can do," she said, opening a portal on the ground and roughly nudging the man into the portal. The man was promptly sucked in and roughly deposited on top of the other three. "Let's try and keep the number of unconscious witnesses down for the time being, though. There's only so many people I can transport via portal into a Chick-Fil-A bathroom. Now let's go. While you guys were busy trying to get us discovered, I found the meeting." Giving a wink to let them know she was joking (or at least, not being overly serious), she guided them over to the large set of doors she found. She quietly opened it, a single violet eye peeking in and scanning the room. She turned back to her group, concern etched onto her face.

"It looks like they have a hostage of some type in there, I think a hero," Grace noted before taking another peek into the cracked-open door. "Blonde guy, super tall, pretty face. You know him?" Grace asked, pulling her head back and looking at the two heroes.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
Avatar of Shard


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Azhar’s Apartment.

💀 Late Evening.

💀 @DClassified

Following the police’s involvement, Zee could leave. However, his mind lingered. Why did Hugo Powers consistently provide weaker foes for the mutant to fight? Was it to prevent a scenario where the boy abandoned reason in the face of struggle? Clenching his teeth, Azhar turned in bed, his arms gently wrapped around Dracula’s soft, dark frame. He was getting tired of stopping drug dealers, and barely combat-ready villains. It was starting to be reminiscent of an insult. The confrontation with Astral had been little more than a conversation, before the battle was won. If intel provided the villain's exact location, why didn’t they just send in the police, initially? Despite his frustrated thoughts, Azhar was aware of the answer. It was to prevent deaths, and that much could be handled by drafting a Hero with the ability to incapacitate without killing.

A rather ironic assessment in relation to Azhar, of all people. Shifting his gaze towards the bracelet around his forearm, Zee did little in stopping Dracula’s paw from repeatedly poking the device where he lay. "This is it, huh?" The deathly mutant commented, his recipient turning with a curious, four-eyed glance, before returning to a far more interesting venue of focus. Azhar’s bracelet. "Ever thought about us putting a cape on you, Dracula?" A sharp-toothed grin bridged itself across the mutant’s lips before he felt a tail slapping his face, which in turn warranted a chuckle. "We could be Death and his trusty steed!" Claws tenderly combed their way across Dracula’s raven fur, before Azhar eventually sat.

Placing the cat on his lap, Zee expressed a deep sigh, his eyes closing as he leaned against the wall. "I wonder what the others are doing," came a quiet statement. "Some mafia thing, wasn’t it?" Azhar murmured, his black claws continuously moving across Dracula’s shape in a constant, albeit absentminded manner. The comfort of his bed had overtaken them both, and yet, the mutant managed little in regards to rest. Turning his attention to the cellphone at his side, Zee paused. Part of him wanted to call Powers and halfway scream at that man. ‘Let me fight some real villains, I won’t go nuts and turn into a fucking horseman of the apocalypse,’ Azhar frowned. Perhaps he was digging too far into this. It could have been that he was simply the only available Hero, considering how his co-workers were tangled in a mess he honestly had no interest in. Too many Heroes on one mission tended to end in disaster. Abilities clashed, plans failed if there were any, to begin with, and allies stumbled over one another. The mutant still recalled those scarce missions he had, in fact, participated in together with the others. Only one of them was in any capacity a notable display of teamwork. That trip to the maximum-security prison in Mexico. It worked because the right people were there, and a tactical approach was, for once, entertained.

Embracing the monstrous cat on his lap, Azhar planted a soft kiss atop Dracula’s forehead. It was impossible to deduce how long he continued to sit in the same position, those large, black eyes aimed towards a ceiling with no actual sight in mind. He had recently noticed how a previously chipper and outgoing personality was slowly fading in lieu of a more reserved disposition. Perhaps Astral was right in his attempts at taunting the boy. Perhaps the phantasmal teen was forcing himself to like others. Though, the very same man was trying to seed doubt within the Hero’s mind with every statement. "I’m not forcing anything..," a frown returned, presenting itself upon Azhar’s face. Reaching for his phone and a stylus, both of which rested undisturbed at the boy’s side, Zee scrolled down his list of contacts until he reached the letter S. Moments later, letters were tapped in rapid succession.

’Hey, Sam. Want to hang out? Doing Hero stuff? Need any help?' The stylus hovered over an intimidating button titled ‘send’. With a deep breath, Zee finally tapped the button before sliding onto his pillow.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Now, I know what you might be thinking." Joseph said to the still very much unconscious reptilian man slung across his shoulder. "You're probably thinking something like 'No way man, I don't wanna go to prison, it's all boring and cold and shit!' But you don't need to worry about that. I hear prison's actually pretty nice this time of year. Not that I know for certain though, because the only time I've been to prison, I was being held illegally, and it was basically one big rat king of human rights violations. Compared to that, this'll be a walk in the park!"

It might have been strange that Joseph took the criminal to a normal prison rather than Coldwater, but honestly, from the stuff he'd heard, both in and out of his own dreams, he felt like he shouldn't condemn anyone to something like that. At least here the most unpleasant thing he'd have to deal with would be the three canine cops.

Speaking of whom...

"Hey Copberus." Joseph called to the three, who were already in the lobby for whatever reason. "Got a guy for you. Tried to rob a cornerstore, out by... Brookside, somewhere... Anyway yeah, I'm sure you'll figure it out. The investigation's your job, I'm just here to pawn the guy off to you. Think fast!"

As he chucked the guy to Officer Bulldog, because out of the three he looked like the one who could probably take it without being knocked over, he turned to see a... kind of familiar figure entering the precinct.

"Oh, hey... I wanna say Tarzan?" He greeted Samson, who to be fair, hadn't had an interaction with Joseph in a little while now. Maybe the point where he was delirious in the helicopter flying back from Mexico, but with his mind the way it was at the time, he didn't really think that counted. "Anyway, my rapidly dilapidating memories aside, whats up? Don't say Tom, that's my joke and I'll have to arrest you if you try to steal it. WHICH, speaking of, is why I'm here myself, as I was just passing by to drop this guy off after he decided to rob a cornerstore and got beaten up by the Cashier. After that, I can return home to rest in peace and-, shit, I left the groceries at the sto-"

And at that very moment, he heard a small, high-pitched whine in the back of his head, and looked dpwm to see the rune in his pocket activating.

"Oh wow, nice timing..." He mumbled to himself, before sliding his hand over the runes. "Well if it isn't my good friend Cashier, to think you were that desperate to see me again... Well I'm sorry to say, but I'm afraid there's only room in my heart for one, and that spots already been taken by one particularly unfortunate colleague of mine. Very flattered though, honestly."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Brianna looked up as the others arrived, pouting a little when Grace chastised her. "I was being cautious. That's why I-" She gestured kneeing him in the groin, "hit him where it hurts." Sure, it had been a bit of a messy takedown but the guy was knocked out, wasn't he? "And I'd never have let him escape. I'm real good at tackling people y'know." This was said with surprising confidence for someone who was several times lighter and much shorter than the man in question. Unfortunately, they would never find out if this was true as the mobster was soon dumped in the Chick-Fil-A women's bathroom.

Ignoring Grace's quip about getting discovered, she followed her to the meeting room, impatiently bouncing on her heels as the other hero took a peek in. "Woah, a hostage! I wanna look. Let me see!" Brie whined almost childishly, standing on her tiptoes as she tried to take a glance over Graces head. "Grace, your head is too big!" Luckily she was still speaking in a hushed tone or everyone in the nearby vicinity would have heard her.

Brie's head tilted to the side as Grace described the kidnapee, wondering who she was talking about. "But that sounds like..." Her eyebrows furrowed as her brain finally caught up with the significance of the description. "No way! It can't be. Maybe Thundering Whisper just dyed his hair or something!" Brie surmised confidently before unceremoniously wedging herself between Grace and the door so that she could see for herself. It had sounded like the Korean hero was describing Will but it couldn't be. She'd seen him only this morning and he definitely had not been kidnapped then. It was probably just another hero or maybe even some civilian that happened to look hero...ish. Yep, that was definitely it.

Peering into the room, she momentarily wondered why it was so dark before remembering that she had sunglasses on. "Oh, right..." She muttered under her breath as she propped them atop her head again, now able to actually see the room properly. Her gaze scanned over the very full and suddenly much brighter room, barely acknowledging anyone else until her eyes focused on the super tall blonde guy with the pretty face.

It actually was him.

Her stomach dropped as she stared at her boyfriend, who did not look at all like he was in a good state. "Will?" The words slipped from her mouth surprisingly quietly, her eyes widening as she saw him there. Letting out a quiet moan as she dug her nails into her palms, she tried and failed to keep calm. Anyone with a phone, or similar electrical device, would notice that they had suddenly started to power on & off, screens flickering madly. Perhaps someone of a more level headed disposition would have taken a step back, considered the situation calmly...logically, and realised that the mission was the priority here. Unfortunately, that person was not Brie...

"What the fuck!? Those bastards - I'm gonna kill them!" She finally exploded, her voice loud enough that anyone in the adjacent room would have clearly heard her. Unfortunately, Brie's upbringing had also left her with questionable emotional self-regulation and before the logical part of her brain could catch up, she had slammed the door wide open, knocking over a very surprised looking guard in the process. In any other circumstances it probably would have been amusing to see a 6ft something tattooed mobster sent sprawling across the floor, however, now was sadly not that time. Instead, she charged into the room after him, about to demand that they let Will go when she suddenly became acutely aware that everyone in the room was looking at her.

Fuck again.

Well, if the Guglianos didn't kill her, she knew that Powers definitely would.

"Sorry I'm late?" She ventured hesitantly as she came to a halt, her voice breaking through the stunned silence. "We, er...ran into some heroes on the road and had to take care of them. Total assholes y'know!" Brie smiled gingerly as she spoke, her gaze flitting between Vinnie and Will. To her merit, and despite having likely ruined the mission completely, she did not seem much intimidated by the situation she had landed herself in. Afterall, she'd definitely gotten herself out of worse scenarios before...sort of.

@Hitman@KaijuBaragon@Canaryrose@Amethyst@Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Blake and Jamie handled the guards with ease, allowing Rumi to hang back and watch as the action unfolded before him. The mention of kidnapping heroes made him raise an eyebrow, realizing he had obtained another piece of the puzzle that was the Gugliano family's plans. Following the two into the Control Room, Rumi examined the damages Blake caused within it. He whistled, and said, "Goodness me, you're either getting better at controlling those flames, or you're really lucky that nothing vital got damaged." He looked down at the goons on the ground, wondering if he should check for vitals, but decided that he need not bother.

Placing a hand on one of the control panels, he wondered just how many secrets this one room held. Looking over at the computer Blake pointed out, he walked over to it while saying, "Leave it to me. I'll crack it open." He pulled out a black box with a wire attached to it, connecting it to the computer. The programs within it began to work their magic, bypassing the computer's security and unlocking it. Opening the folder named "Hero Plan", he opened a "missionletter.doc" where it talked about the change in plans. Rumi began to search for more details involving the hero abductions and come across a document labeled, "ZERO". He began running his decryption program, only to be greeted with a popup window. Rumi was surprised to see it pop up, as it had seemingly been prepared for him, and then the computer began to force a shutdown. Knowing he had hardly any time to act, Rumi forced his brain into Overclocking, having his nanobots form a pair of hands. He entertained the possibility of halting the shutdown, but decided there wasn't enough time for that and instead began to make a copy of the "ZERO" document and save it into his black box's storage.

After the computer shut down, Rumi sighed and disconnected his black box, placing it back into his utility belt. "I've done what I could," Rumi reported. "And whoever these people are, they're going to regret insulting my intelligence."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"How's it going over there, Rumester?!" Blake shouted back as Rumi was busy doing some fancy-schmancy computer stuff, while he examined the Leftovers. They looked...very angry. However, it was not the Leftovers that had piqued his interest. What had piqued his interest was what appeared to be a folded piece of paper inside one of the MWE cages. Blake tentatively poked his fingers into the cage, the dog-like Leftover snapping aggressively at his fingers. Blake pulled them back immediately, glaring into the cage. "Hey, listen, guys, how about you stoppit and learn some personal space?" Blake vented, quite irritated, at the dogs that definitely were not about to listen, snatching into the cage a few more times. Eventually, she struck cold, snatching on the piece of paper just before one of the three-headed canines tore Blake's finger off. Blake stood, walking over to Rumi, who was currently putting a black box of some sort onto his utility belt.

"Great, great. While you were busy failing with your dumb nerd stuff, I actually managed to advance the ball," Blake said, holding up a pamphlet. He looked at it, very irritated. "...it's in Italian. God damn it, they used the best possible code- another language. Rumi, do you have Italian in that big noggin of yours anywhere?" Blake asked, handing the pamphlet to him. Even if Rumi did not have Italian in that big noggin of his, as Blake so eloquently put it, Blake reasoned that the pamphlet would be better in Rumi's hands than it would be in Blake's hands anyway.


Grace nudged Brie back, a little annoyed. "My head is of very normal size, thank you very much. I think you're just too tiny," Grace said, though Brie was probably her size and probably weighed more than Grace did (though that certainly was not saying much). Grace tried to accommodate Brie's look as the electricity mutant wedged herself into the open doorway. "It's not Thundering Whisper. Thundering Whisper is, like, 50, has gray hair, and is fat and ugly. It's gotta be something..." She trailed off as she observed Brie. Something was not right with the girl. Grace didn't need to be a genius to figure out what was happening. She saw somebody she recognized in that room, obviously, somebody that wasn't Patricia and Angelica. Grace vaguely recalled that Brie was seeing somebody back when she had first come to America. Just their luck that her namja chingu was being held hostage by the crazy super Mafia. What were the odds?

"Will?" she heard the younger girl say, and then Grace felt her phone begin to vibrate in her pocket. She recognized this danger immediately. This was not good. "Brie Brie Brie Brie Brie, you don't have to do this, Brie, quiet down, it's OK," Grace whispered quietly, gently grabbing her colleague by the shoulders. "Let's just think about this from a rational perspective. We can follow Will down to wherever they're taking him and after the meeting is over and then we can find the other missing heroes and put an end to the whole Mafia thing and-"

"What the fuck!? Those bastards - I'm gonna kill them!"

"Briannayoufuckingbitchdon'tyoudareblowthemission!" Grace hissed quickly into Brie's ear, but she had went full rampage mode, swinging the oak door opening hard and clocking the guard on the other side of the door roughly, causing him to fall to the ground. It would've been funny in any other circumstances, but Grace was currently in panic mode. She dove back out of sight as Brie stormed into the room. Grace hissed as she pressed against the wall, out of side from the mafiosos currently attending the meeting."Geu nyeon-eun modeun geos-eul mangchilgeoya!" Grace hissed again in a very angry, Korean, profanity-laden curse before looking over at the room again, where all hell was starting to break loose.

Vinnie Gugliano looked over at the intruder, startled, as she burst into the room. There were several audible gasps, Tommy included, as Brie took out the guarding mafioso and entered the room after releasing a suspicious outcry from outside the door. Some of the mobsters went for their guns, but Vinnie Gugliano, to his credit, regained his composure very quickly. He looked over at Brie, smiling, his arms folded. "Nice recovery, of course, but you aren't fooling anybody, intruder." He lifted Will out of Grapeland and threw him into the arms of two goons. "And that is not a very polite way of introducing yourself! Malady, how about you teach our guest some manners?"

"Can do, Mr. Bossman," the teen girl said, turning to face Brie as a red, miasmic smoke began to emit from her body, floating towards Brie quickly and wrapping around her, darting up her nostrils and into her mouth like smoke serpents. Almost immediately, Brie began to experience terrible, terrible stomach cramping and a great bout of nausea overcome her as the mysterious red smoke took over the air around her, as if it had a mind of its own. As Brie was overtaken by the spontaneous illness, Katherine examined her nails, before turning back to Vinnie Gugliano. "That should be her all taken care of, sir."

"Excellent. Take her and the blonde one to the compound. Before we send them off to Zero, I have some questions I'd like to ask. Maybe you'd be off assistance, Katharine?" He looked over at the teen girl, who shrugged nonchalantly. "This intrusion, while fortunate for now, cannot stand. Sal, I want you to organize a lockdown on the promises. Nobody comes in and out until I can verify the IDs of every single person here. Guests, I encourage you to enjoy the amenities of the villa, maybe sample some of our Gugliano Wines and fine cheeses, and simply wait until this procedure is over. With luck, none of your are dirty, stinking heroes, but in case we have a bad infestation of spies...the exterminator is in." The mob boss guffawed. "Well, meeting dismissed. Sal, bring the men around to check everybody out. I want to know every single person in here is on my side. If they can't figure out who they are, send them down with the heroes."

Sal nodded as he and a couple goons began to question some of the many guests for the meeting. Meanwhile, as Katharine sat down, still looking at her fingernails, one of the goons knelt down next to Brie with a needle of isolene. He gave her a (very) painful shot to the back of the neck full of the fluid before pinning her arms behind her back and pulling her to her feet. "You can let her go, Malady," the grunt said, with the teen girl nodding and snapping her fingers, relieving Brie of her illness but leaving her very much powerless. As Brie was forced by the imposing grunt over to Will's side, some other goons were checking IDs as the guests began to scatter across the mansion. The meeting had ended.

Grace looked over at Tom in a panic. "They're going to find us soon! We have to get out!" she whispered to her one ally who was not in danger. "I'm a little low on steam right now but I think if we can get Patricia and Angelica I might be able to take us off the premises, at least. What do you think?" Her nervousness was clear as day as she stared at Tom in panic. "We have to go. I don't want to find out firsthand what they do to heroes. Whatever these pieces of shit are doing, I can't imagine that it's anything positive."

@Danvers@KaijuBaragon@Amethyst@canaryrose@Infinite Cosmos

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 16 days ago

Tom snickered again as the fourth mobster was pushed into the portal to wake up to an unexpected fate later on. Tom amusingly wondered if when they did wake up, they'd go and order a meal out of boredom. It was an amusing image. But Grace had found the location of the meeting! The cool undercover action could continue! The meeting's discovery was undoubtedly a good thing, Tom didn't think he could get away with nodding at any more mobsters he encountered in the corridors to make it look like he should have been there. The corridor leading to the big doors into the meeting was just as ornate as the last, perhaps even more so, a small chandelier hanging from the corridor ceiling. Tom also thought he noted some kind of hatch on the ceiling as he looking around, but of course that was the least of his concerns right now, as Grace peeked her head into the meeting hall.

"Blonde, tall, pretty face..." Tom muttered as he scratched his chin. That sounded familiar... who did he know who was blonde, tall, and handsome. He knew Samson who was tall and maybe handsome depending on who you asked, but he of course wasn't blonde. Tom continued to rack his brains. He knew that he knew someone by that description, dammit! But who? He didn't really register Brie and Grace talking as he tried to think about who the hostage could be. He shrugged internally and turned towards the door, as he watched Brie slip her head inside. Then it suddenly dawned on him... He knew who that description fit. But surely not, it couldn't be. That would be the most unfortunate set of circumstances possible, Tom knew that Brie wouldn't be able to hold herself composed if the hostage really was...

Tom heard her say the name, and he hissed loudly. "Oh, fuck! Brie-"

But of course, both Tom and Grace were too late, and Brie went barging into the meeting like a goddamn passionate idiot, now leaving Tom and Grace along out in the corridor. The cool undercover mission had come crashing down around them, and Tom heard the wave of noise coming out from the interrupted meeting, and then he heard Vinnie's booming voice commanding the rest to search the property. He also heard what sounded like Brie screaming, or maybe a yell. Whatever it was, Tom knew that Brie had most likely just been taken out. But how? Unless there was a powered individual in there, someone who was pretty powerful.

Tom put his head in his hands and groaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit, no, we can't leave. We can't leave Will and Brie here to get kidnapped, we have to stay and get them back somehow... but we can't bust in there, we'd be fucked immediately." Tom glanced upwards and his eyes widened. He once again noticed the hatch. "Okay, okay, here's what we do. We hide out until the lockdown is over, then we come back out and bust everybody out. Okay? Okay, Angie can probably use her power to make herself look like somebody who doesn't need to be ID checked, or some shit, and then she can cover for Patty. Fuck, if they hurt Patty they're absolutely getting slammed into the ground..."

But Tom didn't wait for answer, and he grabbed Grace's hand and flipped gravity upside down, hitting the ceiling a couple of seconds later with a thump. He opened the hatch and crawled inside, then extended a hand to help Grace through as well. Once Grace was through, he flipped gravity back up the right way and closed the hatch as quietly as he could. "You got a torch, or something?".

@Danvers @Hitman
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Yeah, sure, give it here," Rumi said, taking the pamphlet. Early on, Rumi had thought it good for business if he was multi-lingual, so he had taken it upon himself to learn every spoken language he could think of, from Spanish to French to Cherokee. He had given up after learning 12, though, considering it to be too much of a waste of time at that point. Opening the phamphet, Rumi began reading its contents out loud, translating it into a language Blake and Jamir could understand. Much of it was nonsense, as it was quite clearly a poorly-disguised front. The phone number and address, though, was of notable interest to Rumi. "15 Running River Lane... I believe we have just found our next destination," Rumi said to Blake and Jamie. Gesturing at the Leftovers, Rumi added, "I'll call the proper authorities to take care of this. We'll continue investigating the Gugliano family's plans after they arrive." Taking out his phone, he speed-dialed the number and began to report what they had found in the warehouse.
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