Avatar of Taytay
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 526 (0.16 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Taytay 7 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Is that even a thing, it sounds gross
7 yrs ago
Coco Pebbles are the shit.
7 yrs ago
I gotta say, all that stuff you hear about missing your family after being away for a while is true.
7 yrs ago
I have a new found hate for snow.
7 yrs ago


Tay ♠ 19 ♠ Alaska->California ♠ Anime & Comics ♠ Full-time College Student ♠ Pm me music

Most Recent Posts

In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
@KatherinWinter its gotten pretty juicy what mission did u wanna take
Yeah sure idc jus thought it would be fun
In Fairy Tail 9 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'll get on its been waiting for a friend @KatherinWinter
Name: Alexander Thompson
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Witch
Rank: Leader of the Brooklyn Witches

Personality: Alex is a warm soul. He is always wearing a smile and greets with warmth. He has impressive analytical abilities that stretch to his well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though he is the judging type, he is often receptive to change and new ideas. He is often meticulous to the point of perfectionism, and though he procrastinates, Alex can always be relied on to get the job done on time. Alexander takes his responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything he can to exceed expectations and delight others, at work and at home.

He has a tendency to underplay his accomplishments, and while his kindness is often respected, more cynical and selfish people are likely to take advantage of Alex's dedication and humbleness by pushing work onto him and then taking the credit.

Naturally social, Alex utilizes excellent memories not to retain data and trivia, but to remember people, and details about their lives. He will never forget who his friends are and who helped him along the way. Alex has a tendency to be underestimated because of this kindness he fosters, but in actually he is quiet strong will and can be bull headed sometimes.

Other: He got BA's in botany and biology and owns a flower shop off of Ocean and Parkside Ave. The entire building also doubles as a coven house that he lives in ans some other who need it.


Equipment/weapons: Nothing at the moment.

History: Alex was raised in New York all his life. He grew up with two magically gifted parents and had deep roots at the Brooklyn Coven. His parents had always preached to him about not misusing his abilities and being a upright citizen at all cost. It became so strict that he could not take it anymore, and left after high school. Alex went to college on the other side of the country and stayed as a guest in another coven. He wanted to see the world and meet other witches from all around and be exposed to something beside his "safety net".

Every year while in college he would study abroad unaware to the things going on back home not answering his parents calls while in Paris. Not responding to their emails when he backpacked through Italy. Not writing back to them while he received their letters in London. Alex had completely neglected his responsibilities to his coven and his parents and it was not until he was 25 that he came back to his home in New York.

When he came home he found that his parents had died when some Huntsman had raided their herbal shop. He went through half a year of grieving, feeling the true sting of guilt. His guilt came from ignoring their pleas and not coming home more often. He was grieving for not being here and being able to do something for his parents in their time of need. After he stopped crying he decided to make it up to them by devoting himself to the coven and sharing what he had learned on his ravels. for two years he taught his people in Brooklyn what he had learned from different parts of the world, from the spells to the potions to the enchantments to the curses.

After sharing most of his knowledge and showing his devotion, it was a collective decision that he be made Coven leader because of his strength, knowledge and oath he made to them. He just recently accepted the offer from the elders, and now he is filling in his new position. Trying his best to keep his people safe and rebuild what they once had.

He leads with a heavy weight on his heart due to his parents death and now he uses that to help him make decisions to help his people as a whole. But with the deaths and the imminent threat of war on the horizon, Alexander wants no part of it, it will only cause more death and pain for everyone. But now all he can do is prepare and wait for someone else to cast the first blow and hope for the best.
@sassy1085 Its done now.

@Ally610 Thank you. yours is cool to and can't wait.
Gyro-AKA Brian Michelson

After getting everything he needed and setting his stuff in his room, Brian followed Tia to his area, and immediately watched her spring into action. He thought she might need some help but she handled the situation easily with only a missing led to boot. He went up to the guy after she left and looked down at him.

"Hey man, that was stupid, now you have done lost the leg, you do know you only get two right." As he said this the guy kept groaning in pain at ever word.

He decided it had been long enough and flew up into the sky he could see all that was happening, from the giant monster to the action going around. He did not know just how much this city need to be cleaned up. He saw some men dressed in red robbing a grocery store not to far from the docks and decided to take that. He landed at the back alley entrance of the store and walked in to the supply area. Brian could hear all of the scared screams and the bullets and the threats for the money.

He came onto the main floor and saw 6 guys in red so far, a woman and her son hiding in the meat section, and an old guy being yelled at from behind the register and two teens video tapping it all. He decided to start off easy and go for them isle by isle. The closet two were in the bread isle next to the door and Brian crept over to the guys eating some kind some sweet bread.

"Psssst! Hey guys you know there is some stuff down here on sale 2 for 5 bucks." He said as the three dropped it and turned around. All three of them raised there guns, and pointed them at the man dressed in purple and black. "Whoa! Guys lets not be hasty I was just trying to get you a better deal. But if you want I can show you what it feels like to hit the floor." As he said this, with his hands up, Brian snapped his fingers and and a red aura outlined the isle and Brian's eyes turned red. Immediately you could see the packaged foods and breads start to crush and, deflate flattening out. Brian had increased the gravity of the area x5 and made everything fall under a pressure except himself. All three of the dudes where still standing, but you could see them shaking having trouble staying up on there legs. Then one by one they started to drop like flies, each one still holding up their guns as they came down to their knees. "You see fellas, when you increase the initial gravity of earth, things start get flat and it becomes hard to hold up your own weight. Now because of this your organs are gonna start to fail because your body is no used to so much weight....wait am I doing a monologue?" As he said this he had turned around and began to pace. When he looked back all three dudes had already passed out.

Brian snapped his fingers again and moved on up the isle. When he peaked out the other three were now crowded around the register and the old man was on the floor knocked out. Brian sprang into action and jumped onto the conveyor belt the next isle over in front of them. Freeze villain! Justice has come in the form of Gyro!.......Nawww I'm just kidding but I do need you guys to stop stealing this hard earned money." All three turned around and started to fired at him. Brian ducked behind the counter and grabbed a snickers bar. His palm glowed red and he increased the weight of the bar until it felt like a baseball. When the shooting stopped he popped up from behind the counter and threw it at one of the guys, it hit him in the head and he fell back, his friends started to shoot again. Brian smiled and grabbed two butter fingers and when they iron rain broke and the culprits had to reload, he threw his other to and it hit them in the head as well. Brian then walked over to the old man and kicked him until he heard him groan. "That is a nasty bump pops, just take to Bayers and put some steak on it when you get home." He then looked at the three "Red Hots" and saw they wore some kind of red bandanna with a black eye spray painted on it. He took one and tied around his arm so that he could show the Boss Lady later. Brian went to the phones they always keep at the register and turned on the intercom. "Ummmm....People its safe I guess, so come to the front of the store and get out. Yeah...also there is an online survey going around to see who saves the best, my name is Gyro and please give me the rating I deserve..a 10. Thank you for shopping and have a nice night!!"

As the people inside started to file out of the store Brian left with them and contacted HQ. "This is Gyro reporting in. There is some creepy cult, wearing red going around and they just robbed a grocery store, but its all fixed now. Over and out?" He said this as he flew back to base and went into the lobby and laid face first on one of the couches.
Shores of Athens

Aphrodite laughed at her Uncle's notion. This was not the first time she had tasted the god of the sea and it would not be the last. She took some steps towards him and closed the gap between them.

"Well if we are thinking of the same thing then that would upset two already angry women." With every word she trailed her fingers down his chest. As she did this an idea popped in her mind, one that would keep her satisfied for a while.

"But who cares, I think it will be fun. But I do one question, why is Ares not answering my hails?" She knew if anyone had answer it would be him, and she can also get the godly edge she has been missing for a while now. She looked him in the eye awaiting his answer.

Name: Richard Jameson

nickname(s): Dick

Age: 15

School Year: Junior

School type: High School

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship Status: Single (Never been in a relationship)

Likes: Video Games, Reading, Baseball, Flowers and Plants, Pink, Night time

Dislikes: Grey, loudness, little kids, Spiders, Pushy people

Personality: Dick is a laid back kind of person. He does not take much of what other people say to heart and is not easily bothered. He loves human interaction though, he likes being a social with others but not in an aggressive or loud way. Some people have even accused him of being a "drugy" due to his nature. He is always the peace keeper when it comes down to his friends, and hates when they fight with each other.

Bio: Richard grew up as the baby of the house hold. He has two dads and sister, and a dog named chip. As a kid he would always be seen out side playing in the water, throwing a ball around or hanging out with his friends. As he got older he, go more interest in sports and found a love for baseball, he has been playing since he was five. His sister went off to college soon after he started middle school. He got into a lot of fights while in Jr. High, mostly with kids who he did not know and for no reason, and then after disappearing for 8th grade, he came back acting the way he is now. Now in high school he is a catcher on the baseball team and is a pretty cool guy....on the outside.

Weapon: Baseball Bat

Skills: He has a calming affect on people and makes them comfortable.

Club: Baseball Club, and the Lazy Club

Other: Likes Chocolate a lot, and hates white chocolate
Should I wait for the post or should I just jump in for the fight scene
I am gonna get my cs up rn sorry for the wait.
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