Name: Alexander Thompson
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Witch
Rank: Leader of the Brooklyn Witches
Personality: Alex is a warm soul. He is always wearing a smile and greets with warmth. He has impressive analytical abilities that stretch to his well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though he is the judging type, he is often receptive to change and new ideas. He is often meticulous to the point of perfectionism, and though he procrastinates, Alex can always be relied on to get the job done on time. Alexander takes his responsibilities personally, consistently going above and beyond, doing everything he can to exceed expectations and delight others, at work and at home.
He has a tendency to underplay his accomplishments, and while his kindness is often respected, more cynical and selfish people are likely to take advantage of Alex's dedication and humbleness by pushing work onto him and then taking the credit.
Naturally social, Alex utilizes excellent memories not to retain data and trivia, but to remember people, and details about their lives. He will never forget who his friends are and who helped him along the way. Alex has a tendency to be underestimated because of this kindness he fosters, but in actually he is quiet strong will and can be bull headed sometimes.
Other: He got BA's in botany and biology and owns a flower shop off of Ocean and Parkside Ave. The entire building also doubles as a coven house that he lives in ans some other who need it.
Equipment/weapons: Nothing at the moment.
History: Alex was raised in New York all his life. He grew up with two magically gifted parents and had deep roots at the Brooklyn Coven. His parents had always preached to him about not misusing his abilities and being a upright citizen at all cost. It became so strict that he could not take it anymore, and left after high school. Alex went to college on the other side of the country and stayed as a guest in another coven. He wanted to see the world and meet other witches from all around and be exposed to something beside his "safety net".
Every year while in college he would study abroad unaware to the things going on back home not answering his parents calls while in Paris. Not responding to their emails when he backpacked through Italy. Not writing back to them while he received their letters in London. Alex had completely neglected his responsibilities to his coven and his parents and it was not until he was 25 that he came back to his home in New York.
When he came home he found that his parents had died when some Huntsman had raided their herbal shop. He went through half a year of grieving, feeling the true sting of guilt. His guilt came from ignoring their pleas and not coming home more often. He was grieving for not being here and being able to do something for his parents in their time of need. After he stopped crying he decided to make it up to them by devoting himself to the coven and sharing what he had learned on his ravels. for two years he taught his people in Brooklyn what he had learned from different parts of the world, from the spells to the potions to the enchantments to the curses.
After sharing most of his knowledge and showing his devotion, it was a collective decision that he be made Coven leader because of his strength, knowledge and oath he made to them. He just recently accepted the offer from the elders, and now he is filling in his new position. Trying his best to keep his people safe and rebuild what they once had.
He leads with a heavy weight on his heart due to his parents death and now he uses that to help him make decisions to help his people as a whole. But with the deaths and the imminent threat of war on the horizon, Alexander wants no part of it, it will only cause more death and pain for everyone. But now all he can do is prepare and wait for someone else to cast the first blow and hope for the best.