Hades Palace
Hades was standing in his enchanted
library reading a book on what he likes to call the good old days. During the great war with the titans Hades was not looked down upon by anyone, in fact many looked to him for wise wisdom, but now he the situation is different. The library itself was able to keep up with the times, it magically copied every book made on earth, it was a gift from The Muses to Persephone.
Hades was taking a day off today, he had over worked himself for the past few months dealing with the influx of souls caused by this War his little brother was waging with the other Pantheons. At first he was going to go to Olympus when it first started to convince that big-headed idiot sitting on the throne that this was a bad idea, but when the souls started coming in and the punishment started to rain all over he left it alone, the war would die out eventually. But for now business was good and he did not have to lift a finger to change a thing.
Hades put the book back and teleported to the Fields of Punishment to watch what was going, morning screams always seemed to be a good sign for the rest of the day. But something threw him off, whenever someone not dead crossed over into his domain, it sent a chill down his spine. There was a few people who could come and go into the Underworld as they pleased, and Hades could bet which once this was. He teleported to a cliff near the Gates of Hades and came in font of a glowing form that stood in contrast to all the dark Obsidian, and Coal mix.
"Hermes, what have I told you about showing up unannounced. Your one of the few members of our family that I can still tolorate. Now I am a busy man, What do you want?" Hades said this as he summoned a
throne made of skulls to creep out his nephew. He really only liked two of brother's children, and it was Ares and Hermes. Simply because one was a main stream of death and destruction, while the other was the God of Thieves. He looked upon Hermes waiting for an answer to his intrusion.
Shores of Athens
Aphrodite often walked along the shores of Athens simply taking in its beauty, she had named it one of the most beautiful places in all of the Roman Empire. She was walking with one of her many mortal flings that had attracted her before but was now starting to bore her to know ends. Most mortals did that to her, they started off looking good and well but in the end turned out to be a major disappointment and a waste of time. She had only ever been satisfied by one being and it was Ares, but he had been ignoring her as of late because of this petty war, and she surely was not going to go to
it for comfort and warmth so she had to find it else where.
She stood in the form of young and pretty brunette, at least more pretty than mortals could ever comprehend, listening to all the promises of whoa and grandeur that this man, Alddes was his name, was promising her. Right when she had reached the epiphany of boredom she felt the presence of another god appear on the beach, and with this presence the tide rose. Aphrodite new it was Poseidon, she could feel the vibration of power come off from her uncle.
"Go away now I am done with you." She said to the mortal who instantly began to leave. Aphrodite walked a little bit further until she saw him, and he had a look she knew all to well, a man with idle hands.
"Well hello. You here to reminisce something that could have been but never was?" She said from behind him. (She is referring to how Poseidon lost to Athena in becoming the patron deity of the city.)