Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 6 days ago

Bes'eshe Sethokpara

The Sun rose over the proud city of Alexandria, in the wake of the Fall of the Egyptian Deities it had become a province. A word she despised. Though she was born under Roman regime, Bes'eshe was far nobler than the Northern Barbarians. Lifting a proud chin to the Eye of Ra. The most common symbol of her father's pantheon. Her thick auburn locks, something not overly common among the local populace, were brushed back under a white hood. Already people were in the streets, though that was never uncommon. Business was till noon and the people were loathe to work in the sun high heat.

Then again, most people weren't her. Turning from the stone steps of the domus, a Roman Villa, the sandals tapping down the steps. Her shendyt attracting stares from Romans and Egyptians alike. Men's clothing was never seen on a woman. Her robe flowed openly behind her, the top knotted close over her torso wrap in a modest display. Proud steps carried her down the through the streets and small alleys between houses. She passed 'justice' being done upon poor souls who spoke against the Romans or were judged fairly or not. She spared no glance for justice that should have fallen to Anubis's hands. Soon she stood before a small shrine, the great temples from well over a hundred years ago converted to the worship of the cursed Olympians. Kneeling before the shrine, dark hands laid a offering of a stone statue of a war chariot. It wasn't much, but he preferred battle to little trinkets. From the shrine she heard the drilling of the Romans and hatred blossomed in her.

The high apartments behind her were already abuzz, but no Egyptian would notice another at a forbidden shrine. A unspoken rule, a quiet rebellion. Bes'eshe cursed silently that they had been reduced to the level of the little cultists that popped every so often. Touching the statue of Ma'at, she quelled the need for battle. It was not time yet. "Not yet, first power must be consolidated." Looking to the shrine she faced she touched one of the many amulets of protection and safety she wore. She leaned back, sitting as she poked the statue of Set. Carving out settled pieces of sand, lazily, as she thought about the weakened Pantheon she called family. The tramp of Roman feet grew louder as they came down the street. Romans had turned cruel when a group had rose up in rebellion against them when they had tried to levy more taxes. Taxes, and laws, that was Roman iron. Green-grey eyes flashed in anger. They were the embodiment of Apep as far as Sethokpara was concerned.

The Morrigahn

Gods, how dare they do this? The Phantom Queen sat upon the great table that was center of the ancient standing stones set to adore her and the other ancient Gods. Black eyes closed in grief at the fallen warriors that should not have joined her so soon. For all her wont to have more fighters at her disposal, this was hardly the way. Roman's had a strong foothold in the Southern part of the land, but her Pict warriors were rebelling in the North. A savage smile graced the Warrior Queen's lips. Her fair and ancient face filled with a fierce pride. For the Romans feared the powerful and mighty Pict. They feared the ancient gods had granted them power. And they had.

Not in the conventional way, but when the battle horn sounded she walked with the charging warriors that battered at the Romans. Dragging down five of them before they were killed. Already her priests were spreading the unrest and unease, challenging those who had the strength to rise against the opposition. To restore the ancient ways. Looking out over the fields of the barbaric invaders she gave a shake of her head in mock amusement. How was it that such danger came from the same force that they could thrown seashells to recede the great channel that served as her people's best defense. How such foolishness and stupidity caused such harm amazed her still. But that was the human way. Standing she turned from the fields and the town far below. Crops shying away and withering as she cast her long shadow over them to look to the rising sun.

Now to have a word with a power that be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Qelhatat Apophka~


Ra's bright sun rose over the city, washing away the shadows and coolness of the night. The dark skinned girl known as Qelhatat walked down the street of the grand city, humming a pleasant tune to herself as she passed through the crowds of people moving through the street. It was always oh so lively first thing in the morning, and Qel loved it. So many people moving about, going about their day. So many chances for a little...chaos to happen. Not that she'd ever wish such horrid fates upon the people of Alexandria, quite the opposite. The child demigod had rather grandiose ambitions of driving out the Romans and reinstating the pharaohs.

It would be quite the shocking ambition to most, since she was the daughter of Apep, the serpent of Chaos and so called 'embodiment of everything bad'. She of course, knew those titles were nothing more than things tacked onto her father because the ignorant masses couldn't understand him. Sure, he had possibly tried to do so in the past. He's even tried to kill Ra multiple times. He also probably...would drown the world in chaos and darkness if he cold free himself from Duat, but he can't leave because that evil Ra had imprisoned the both of them there. And yes, him simply existing probably brought bad things to Egypt.

...okay, so maybe the others had a right to hate him.

But she could care less. Maybe one of these days she could kill Ra herself? That would certainly be fun. Hehe, the rest of the Egyptians would be completely hopeless if they saw their sun vanish before their eyes. A scheme for later, perhaps. For now...she should do something about the Romans. Destroying them and reinstating the Pharaohs should be her first step. After that, then she could kill Ra. Or, better yet - Reinstate the Pharaohs and have them worship Apep as the chief deity and Ra as the one to be shunned and worshiped against.

The girl giggled quietly to herself as she walked. Such a good scheme indeed! Going about it though, was much more difficult then just desiring it though.

First thing first: Stealthily get into Rome. The best course of action the fifteen year old could come up with, was to bring them down from the inside. It was the easiest way to win a war, honestly. Plant seeds of chaos in their ranks, and watch the destruction unfold as they tore themselves apart. It would be so much easier to reclaim Egypt.

Which was why she was heading to the docks. A few people gave the girl some odd stares as she walked, no doubt a little questioning of the thick cloak she was wearing as her sandals patted in the road. Her scepter was concealed nicely on her back, unable to be seen, and so were most of the odd markings on her skin, concealing her true nature for the most part.

The girl took a turn down another street, as she did so she noticed a group of Roman soldiers heading down opposite end of the street heading towards her direction. The child of Apep looked at them with curious blue eyes. Hmm...perhaps a little fun with them on her way to procure a sailing vessel wouldn't be too much trouble.

With a mischievous giggle, she headed towards the group of soldiers, a small hiss could be heard from under her cloak.

"Shhh, silly. I'm not going to do anything too dangerous. Just go hide somewhere." She said quietly to herself, earning another low hiss from under her cloak, but nothing else was heard as she approached the group of soldiers, starting to walk alongside them.

"Hi!" She greeted them cheerfully. "So I heard there's a lot of gods I've never heard of where you're from!" She looked up at them with a smile. "Like this really old white haired man that throws lightning at people because he's too much of a coward to fight them!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hamstrong


Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Fear and anger.

Feelings and smoke thick upon the air as she gazed down with disbelief from her perch. They dared... THEY DARED...

The Romans have much of Egypt under their control at this point of time. It didn't really concern her, since there were more people at her festivals, and more things to eat and drink. Plus, none of them have really done anything to her specifically. They were people, and she was a goddess. None that concerned her unless they prayed to her for something. But this... outrage...

Her temple was burning.

One of her temples, but one that she was sleeping in at the very moment. The culprits seemed to be... some sort of peoplen rebelling and shouting about her being a pagan god, unworthy and without strength. Useless... one that does not answer.


In the space of but a few moments, a rebel who was trying to topple one of her statues burst into a fountain of blood, torn apart by her claws. The rest rebels, emboldened by their success thus far, stopped upon the death of their comrade. Sekhmet stood there but for a moment, illuminated only by the fires burning her temple and what torches the rebels had brought. There was no words, no speech as she simply walked towards them, only a low snarl. Her pets, empowered by her, rushed towards the group, shrugging off weapons as they mauled the rebels. A few of the Roman guards tried to rally around her, but the Egyptians and those who knew of her legends simply fled instead, opting to hide until her rage subsided.

Tonight... she and her pets would feast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Rune_Alchemist Decimus marched along the street leading the column of soldiers through the ancient city. He'd read about Alexandria back home when he was a boy, a city built by Alexander the Great of Macedon a mighty hellenic warrior. He smiled, even back then his people had been the world's dominant power and they remained so, his mere presence here proved as much.

He continued down the street the various soldiers with him were singing and joking as usual as they marched. At the head of the column he laughed to himself. How strange we must sound he thought, he was obviously use to Latin cadence, but the people of this land were used to songs that were much older. Ahh well he thought they'll get used to it soon enough.

He turned a corner and his men followed, they'd been marching since sun-up. Though not a mandatory part of Legion drill Decimus preferred to keep the men fresh and ready for anything. Both his fathers had taught him the importance of regular drill, and the importance of setting a better example to one's troops. He thought of his divine father as he marched. Mars the Roman god of war, second only to Jupiter in power, was surely smiling upon them today. The heat was exhausting to most people, but Decimus knew harsh conditions made for harsh men, and he barely noticed the heat himself.

Then he heard some commotion at the back of the column, he raised a single fist and the entire unit came to a halt in perfect unison. Decimus marched back down the line to where the disturbance had come from and saw what appeared to be a young girl standing there addressing some of his troops. At first Decimus was going to pay it little mind and move on, many civilians spoke to the soldiers, especially children, although usually it was young boys that asked them about their home. Then the girl said something she'd swiftly come to regret, "Like this really old white haired man that throws lightning at people because he's too much of a coward to fight them!"

When Decimus heard that his entire body tensed, to insult Jupiter was no small crime, especially as it simultaneously mocked the entire pantheon of Rome. He marched towards the small figure, 'Clearly then girl you know nothing of war if you think striking from a distance to be cowardice' he laughed and looked to the men stood around him before turning back to her. 'It is a foolish man who fights in melee without attacking at range first' having said this he drew a pilum from where it rested inside the arc of his shield holding it so the girl could see. 'Hit a man with one of these before he gets close enough to hit you and even if you don't kill him you've got the advantage. Mighty Jupiter clearly understands the same logic that any soldier does.'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 7 days ago

In the sky above Rome

The wind rushed through his hair, whipping his short golden tangle about wildly. He held his helmet crooked under one arm, enjoying the feeling of the wind on his face, in his hair, in his eyes. He was running, faster than fast, through the clouds over Rome, toward the lower provinces. He was too high up to be seen, at least by mortal eyes. Hermes, though he had never been a lover of 'the rules', knew that revealing himself too openly to mortals would, at best, cause a panic. The thought made him chuckle through swift breaths. It was tempting, as he reached the Nile, to head down and run along the water. He wanted to feel the spray of the river he had conquered in his duel with it's patron god, Sobek, years before. And yet, he had prior engagements. All speed was necessary, and if he ran this fast anywhere near mortals, they would likely perish, fragile as they were.

As the sky grew hotter, evaporating the clouds around him, the land below him gradually gave way to barren desert. Soon, there was not a mortal soul as far as his eyes could see. Celerity, his great hawk flew beside him, and screeched loudly as Hermes came to a sudden stop above the sandy desert.

"Sorry, friend, but you don't want to be where I'm going. Return to Olympus. I'll bring you a gift." He reached out to poke the bird in it's chest affectionately, which earned him a warning caw and a nip from the bird before it flew off.

"Right then," Hermes took a deep breath and donned his helm. "Time to pay the creepy uncle a visit."

On visit, Hermes started forward again, building speed until he was running as fast as his godly legs would take him. When he reached a speed that strained his body to the point of pain, he abruptly angled his run straight down toward the mortal world, toward the desert below. As he shot out of the sky, a streak of fire, the sands below began to shift and twist, until Hermes was running at top speed into what appeared to be a whirlpool of Desert sand. In the very Center of the whirlpool, there was a hazy, purple circle, ringed in black fire. Hermes, as a god who prided himself on being able to break any boundary, found it relatively easy to break into the Underworld. Even so, it was never an enjoyable experience. Hermes' clothes caught fire as he descended toward the portal, and would have burned up, had they not been of Olympian make. The desert sands had become a raging storm as the god bent nature to allow himself passage into the realm of Hades. Red fiery streak met purple portal in the ground, and suddenly, as suddenly as it had begun, the strange, mystical desert storm ended.

Hades, The Underworld

Hermes shot out of the portal he had created, and crash-landed hard into a rocky outcropping he hadn't anticipated. The pain of the landing was jarring, but the overwhelming sensation he felt was cold. He was freezing. Only this place ever made him feel this way. He rose to his feet, steam billowing off of him from the sudden shift in temperature. As he rose, he looked around, taking in his grim surroundings, but looking specifically for Hades' palace. Not that he needed to actually find his uncle. If he knew Hades at all, the other God already knew he was here, and exactly where to find him. So, Hermes stretched his aching muscles, and then plopped down where he was,sprawling himself out comfortably, and removing his helmet.

"And now we wait."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


-Duat, Seat of the Serpent-

Deep within the underground of Duat, resided that which would one day possibly bring destruction upon the world. Usually, the creature would duel with Ra every night, attempting to swallow him whole and absorb his power for his own. That was their relationship for the past several hundred, if not thousand years. Fighting, fighting, and more fighting. Not that the creature minded, really. That was his goal in life, after all. To bring utter destruction and chaos to the world. As such, he wasn't exactly a popular deity. In fact, he was actively worshiped against.

Didn't matter. Chaos and destruction would reign for everyone and everything in the end. All he had to do was outlive the rest of the annoying gods and then watch as the world crumbled before him. Watch them fight among themselves, destroy each other. When they were tired from battle and at their weakest, he would strike and devour Ra along with the rest of the gods and drown the world in chaos himself.

The humanoid figure sat upon his throne, resting his cheek against his fist as he rested. This human form of his, he didn't like so much, but he had grown used to it when he was raising his daughter. He had tried to refrain from showing her his actual form. As much as he liked to think his little Qel was immune to his abilities, she was a bit on the both ambitious and naive side. His chaotic heart was worried that one day she might get hurt.

...if that happened, then he dearly hoped whoever did it was prepared to be tortured in Duat for all of eternity, until he decided to end the world.

The Chaos Serpent was brought out of his musing by a servant of his winding it's way up his leg. He regularly had his serpents keep tabs on Qel and inform him of her activities, among other things.

"Hmm...she intends to travel to the land to the north." He mused to himself, his somewhat apathetic voice resounding off of the halls of his cavernous home. He never bothered to fill his residence with much, aside from some recent additions in the last few years. He had to make sure Qel was comfortable, after all. "Dangerous to travel to the land of the Romans and their so called gods."

Indeed, it was. Her plan was probably to attempt to bring it down from the inside somehow. A good plan indeed, but one which also carried a lot of risks. If the other gods so much as learned of her presence among them, then that'd likely be it for her.


His hand gripped the edge of his throne, breaking a piece of it off.

"Follow. Assist her, and if anything at all happens," He looked at the piece of the throne he had broken off, tossing it into a nearby pool of water. A large serpent the size of the man leaped out of the water, swallowing it whole.

"....end them." With that, the serpent left its master, and the serpent of chaos returned to his waiting for Ra to show himself traveling through Duat.

Perhaps he might actually win today.

-The Earth shaker, Poseidon-

High upon mount Olympus, sat Poseidon. He was visiting as he usually did though it wasn't on any important business, really. At the moment all was peaceful in the realm, and none had slighted him so the god of the sea, was as peaceful as the calm seas. He wore a friendly smile upon his face as he walked the realm of the gods, trying to find something to entertain himself with. Perhaps a good drink! Or even a woman to sate his other thirst.

Perhaps visit his wife, Amphitrite for a little fun. Whatever he did, for now, he'd just enjoy the relative peace. The barbarians to the south and north were behaving themselves, so he'd relax today and return to his civic duties tomorrow. To the sea, then! Neptune rose from his seat, and in an instant he was standing on the shore just outside of Athens, taking the form of a less impressive mortal.

Now, where should he look for his bit of fun?

~Qelhatat Apophka~

'Clearly then girl you know nothing of war if you think striking from a distance to be cowardice' Qel turned her head to the new voice, another soldier from the looks of things. Something...was different about him, however. He carried an air of danger about him. Something that made her think that this was probably a much more dangerous game she had just gotten involved in. How fun! Perhaps he might make this a little interesting, then! He was definitely a little angry, though.

'It is a foolish man who fights in melee without attacking at range first' True true! Incredibly logical. She hated close fighting herself, since she wasn't incredibly good at it. Following that logic, though, wouldn't it be better to avoid open conflicts at all? She kept her mouth shut, however, and continued listening to the man.

'Hit a man with one of these before he gets close enough to hit you and even if you don't kill him you've got the advantage. Mighty Jupiter clearly understands the same logic that any soldier does.' Jupiter? Was that his name? Hmm...what a funny name. She had to resist giggling at that. But then again, all these Romans had funny names to her. At least the ones she heard in her studies were funny.

"True, true!" She replied to the soldier, giving him a smile. "Weaken the enemy first and then attack them. That's basic strategy, isn't it?~" She giggled, her voice sounding a little condescending despite agreeing with him. This was going slightly better than she expected, wasn't it? "I guess that's how you Romans defeated us, isn't it?" Her smile slowly turned into a twisted grin, full of nothing but hatred as she looked up at the soldier. "After all, you're nothing but tools to your idiot gods, aren't you? They care nothing about you and sent you to fight their battles. Nothing but idiot tools for idiot gods who care nothing about you~" she finished with a giggle.

Her goal here was obvious. To rile them up, make them angry. Perhaps a bit of a short sighted goal, but a goal nonetheless. A little bit of anger and hatred were easy for her to use. Especially if she could incite some discord among the ranks of his own soldiers.

Like say...having a serpent crawl silently up one of the soldiers next to him. Through their entire conversation it had been slowly crawling up the soldiers armor, making it's way to his neck. It's goal was simple. Bite the soldier, and kill him with it's venom.

If, by chance, Decimus struck her with the intent to kill, she'd simply scurry away using the shadows, and watch from a distance. It would probably work, since he wasn't expecting such an action from a child like her.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hades Palace

Hades was standing in his enchanted library reading a book on what he likes to call the good old days. During the great war with the titans Hades was not looked down upon by anyone, in fact many looked to him for wise wisdom, but now he the situation is different. The library itself was able to keep up with the times, it magically copied every book made on earth, it was a gift from The Muses to Persephone.

Hades was taking a day off today, he had over worked himself for the past few months dealing with the influx of souls caused by this War his little brother was waging with the other Pantheons. At first he was going to go to Olympus when it first started to convince that big-headed idiot sitting on the throne that this was a bad idea, but when the souls started coming in and the punishment started to rain all over he left it alone, the war would die out eventually. But for now business was good and he did not have to lift a finger to change a thing.

Hades put the book back and teleported to the Fields of Punishment to watch what was going, morning screams always seemed to be a good sign for the rest of the day. But something threw him off, whenever someone not dead crossed over into his domain, it sent a chill down his spine. There was a few people who could come and go into the Underworld as they pleased, and Hades could bet which once this was. He teleported to a cliff near the Gates of Hades and came in font of a glowing form that stood in contrast to all the dark Obsidian, and Coal mix.

"Hermes, what have I told you about showing up unannounced. Your one of the few members of our family that I can still tolorate. Now I am a busy man, What do you want?" Hades said this as he summoned a throne made of skulls to creep out his nephew. He really only liked two of brother's children, and it was Ares and Hermes. Simply because one was a main stream of death and destruction, while the other was the God of Thieves. He looked upon Hermes waiting for an answer to his intrusion.


Shores of Athens

Aphrodite often walked along the shores of Athens simply taking in its beauty, she had named it one of the most beautiful places in all of the Roman Empire. She was walking with one of her many mortal flings that had attracted her before but was now starting to bore her to know ends. Most mortals did that to her, they started off looking good and well but in the end turned out to be a major disappointment and a waste of time. She had only ever been satisfied by one being and it was Ares, but he had been ignoring her as of late because of this petty war, and she surely was not going to go to it for comfort and warmth so she had to find it else where.

She stood in the form of young and pretty brunette, at least more pretty than mortals could ever comprehend, listening to all the promises of whoa and grandeur that this man, Alddes was his name, was promising her. Right when she had reached the epiphany of boredom she felt the presence of another god appear on the beach, and with this presence the tide rose. Aphrodite new it was Poseidon, she could feel the vibration of power come off from her uncle.

"Go away now I am done with you." She said to the mortal who instantly began to leave. Aphrodite walked a little bit further until she saw him, and he had a look she knew all to well, a man with idle hands.

"Well hello. You here to reminisce something that could have been but never was?" She said from behind him. (She is referring to how Poseidon lost to Athena in becoming the patron deity of the city.)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


As the girl spoke Decimus noted that there was something off about her. He was about to say something when the next thing he knew Romulus had bounded forward and knocked one of the legionaries to the ground. The legionary was rightfully terrified and started for his sword, before noticing that the great beast had swatted something off of him. The wolf growled as the snake slithered on the ground, Decimus looked at the creature. Without hesitation he raised the pilum he was holding and threw it skewering the snake, as it writhed in the dust he laughed at the girls comments before replying 'We did weaken the warriors of Egypt first, but that wasn't our only advantage.' He paused for a moment collecting the pilum from where it protruded from the ground and handed it to the legionary that Romulus had saved, who was now getting to his feet. 'We had many advantages in conquering this land: better training, better discipline, better weapons, superior numbers, superior tactics, and of course we were lead here by the divine Caesar's themselves, who in turn were guided by Jove and Mars in their wise course'.

He ignored her quip about the gods not caring for them, and even ignored the insults she levelled at them directly. He didn't need to make an example of her to show the true power of Rome. If he wanted to he could put this entire city to the torch, he could kill anyone he cared to, and all because he was a Roman. The thought filled him with pride as it always did, and he ordered the company onwards at double time to make up the time they'd lost. He looked at the girl one last time before rejoining his troops at a brisk pace, he trooped along the line easily coming to the head of the column, Romulus following at his heel.

The troops carried on at this brisk pace until they entered the forum, here Decimus brought them to a halt. 'Legionaries!' he shouted in Latin 'Today has thus far been a good day, I say make offerings to Mars and Jupiter then return to the camp and test your arm at the post.' His men dispersed swiftly, some heading straight to the various shrines, others heading to the market stands to buy fitting offerings.

Decimus meanwhile marched straight towards the temple of Mars. As he did so the great doors leading into the temple, swung open seemingly of their own accord as he approached. Decimus entered, and was immediately hit by the smell of blood. An offering had been made, and recently. That should please father he thought, before proceeding to an alcove to offer prayer, and to commune with his father in peace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sutekh, The Angry Lord of Sand.

One of the last few remaining shrines to Set. Alexandria

Quietly the shadows stir about the forbidden shrine, the air around the shrine taking on the smell of sand and dust, as the new visitor looks over the many statues, with a grim sigh. " Too many of us have fallen or given up. People have forgotten the power we once had, that we can take it again. Besides, how many times have the Greeks been put under heel themselves? Just giving into a rival nation to continue their little Dreams of might and power." The man just chuckles lightly, not in Bes'eshe's view, off to the side next to the statue of Set. He comes into view with a smile- an Egyptian man, with a fearsome grin, red hair, and a red mantle that only warriors and wanderers, who would dare to commit the worst of crimes and harms to any man, would wear. Set, in all his subtlety. "Hello my dear child, how have you fared lately?" he seems rather calm for being in a place filled with rivals and foes- statues of others and the presence of enemies not far off.

He has not forgotten what he did. But then again he knows his families and friends powers. They are not weak, nor is he. These Roman invaders. They assimilated the Greeks- fallen pray to petty ambition. Or did they? The Romans. Fools, however, it is not uncommon for mortals to fall prey to the politics of Gods. He would give credit where it is due, the Greek Gods have done well. But they do poorly to forget. The World forgets. Egypt herself forgets. His brother, his sisters forget. He will remind them. He will remind the world who was First. The Egyptians stood before any other Empire. And he was proud to be worshiped by strong, god worshiping people. Even if he turned evil in their eyes, He respected the for being wise enough to pay heed and honor to his rivals and family alike. It is the time for the Sands to Rise, and despite if his kin is ready or not- War has been declared- The romans seek to keep his people in check, and this May be the lands of soil near the Nile where Ra reigns- but only HE dare say he is Ra's equal. he is the god of War and his people, worshiping him still or no, require someone to waken the sleeping empire. He will wake them. In time.

All In Time. And Bloodshed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Severe Triage
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Severe Triage Dark Spirit

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Temple of Sekhmet

Appearing in the annex, Osiris looked around to see flames and destruction. Romans running past outside. Speaking quietly to himself, "This is outrageous. What has happened here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 6 days ago

Bes'eshe Sethokpara

Grey-green eyes gleam in welcome as Bes'eshe gives a soft smile up to the God of the Red Sands. "Well enough, Papa. Though, I grow sick at the sight of Romans." Set looked as he always did. A air of threatening and deadly power, and ridiculously tall compared to her five feet three inches. Moving to stand she looks to the statues, 'How long must the Gods wait in the shadows like Apep?' Dusting the sand from her shendyt and robe, Bes'eshe raised a brow at the God as she turned to walk towards the alley leading to the street.

The air was not dry, not like the desert she knew so well that laid beyond the great walls of the city. The sea brought a cool breeze that gave relief and was most likely the reason the Romans here were able to stand the Egyptian sun. Glaring unhappily at the sound of Latin chatter, the sand about her stirring. Her hand fisted slowly, knuckles whitening as she headed towards the street. "Are you coming? If I stay here someone's liable to get angry about me worshiping 'fallen' Gods." She sighed and closes her eyes walking into the street as a the booted feet she heard pass by. Reopening them after they passed she glanced back with another raised brow at Set, one hand on her hip.

The Morrigahn

"Dagda!" The Morrigahn called sharply as she appeared within the ancient Scottish forest. The great trees rising above her hands as the moss beneath felt like carpet. The steady sunlight falling in beams through the canopy and brush gave a peaceful feel to the forest. 'Dagda! The Romans are becoming a nuisance and encroaching on the Pict! I have my priests calling together warriors to drive them from our shores.' The Phantom Queen's features were etched with annoyance. "How could human stupidity cause such damage to our dear people?"

She looked about, a crow calling in the far off distance. War was coming, fast as the crows fled the storm. And she was bringing storm and war. Her heart tugged at the thought of her people torn by the coming battle. But it would bring her power, more than she had seen in the more recent years.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Severe Triage
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Severe Triage Dark Spirit

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Dagda

The currently lumberjack looking man rose from a log to greet the Queen. "Ah, mi'lady. So I have i'Romans to thank fer sending a beauteh to mah prescence. Oh, those silly wee upstarts won't stand a chance against our forces. The weather'll be too much for them." The rotund man raised his tankard of ale. "Now relax, there's nae need to worry. Don't you have faith in our beautiful worker ants?" The Dagda proceeded to voraciously drink.

Halfway through drinking Dagda abruptly stops and walks over to the cliff on the aft side of the clearing to see smoke rising over the horizon. "That's not right, none of ours would let a fire grow such." The Dagda frowns and screams loudly transforming his Druid form. "I didn't think they would get so far so quickly. Monsters!" He turns to look at the queen. "How many?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unoedipal
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Unoedipal Something

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Only the gods can dwell forever with Shamash. As for human beings, their days are numbered, and whatever they keep trying to achieve is but wind!"

"Mountain, bring me a dream, a favorable message from Shamash."

"Before the Preeminent God Enlil hears, and the ... gods are full of rage at us. Enlil is in Nippur, Shamash is in Sippar."


A being with the build of a child looks out over the World, eyes and soul shaped into tools to view Truth. Countless points, countless stars of shifting black and white fill a vacuum. The boy waves a hand, cutting through the naught.


Ambiguity is collapsed. The stars thrum harshly as they settle into a single defined state. Countless existences, countless individuals and lives, regimes and laws, ruled as black or white in the span of an instant. Declaration. Sentence. The world starts. The world ends.

The boy smiles lightly, appearing like rain only to ice over, appearing like a clearing sky only to spark a thunderstorm. His compartmentalization has taken an unhealthy turn. It isolates any 'unclean' feeling that may arise when dealing with others. Each mental box he creates holds a judgment.

A gap between stimulus and response to ensure peace. However, he ignores it completely if he believes nothing can ever come of acknowledging it. He stops it from affecting everything. Everything that happens in and outside of him.

This system has stored- or numbed- anything that wasn't part of the regime. It is a war created in his own head, which spread like arcing flame into the rest of that world. There is one goal: Convict anything guilty. The strength to cover a wound that does not exist. Every being is placed into a category without prejudice or arrogance. Evil. Good. These are two slots each existence falls into as a whole, and this ruling cannot be changed.

Catharsis to collapse. Kenosis to expansion.

And that...that is precisely why.

Out of those countless stars that had collapsed into black, collapsed into guilt, he chooses a single one. Space bends. It is not mere teleportation, but a right to connect two points in continuum for the purpose of transit. Not moving from A to B, but moving through A to B.

As such, it it only reasonable that he appears there. At the temple of Sekhmet, where two already are.

"Hard work is only of value if it isn't done with haste. If you act so hastily, it invalidates your efforts."

Lecturing the owner of the temple even as he appears, the God let out a soft sigh.

Most of these Egyptians really had gotten too emotional lately. It made convicting that much harder.

@Hamstrong @Severe Triage
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Qelhatat Apophka~

Was that it? Was that it? Qel blinked, her eyes briefly taking a serpentine appearance as she watched the Romans trot off. That was boring. Utterly boring and useless. It made her a little bit angry. She had half a mind to kill them on the spot, but that wouldn't achieve anything. A small hiss escaped from her throat as she turned towards the snake that ignorant man had skewered. How dare he kill one of her fathers creatures? She offered a small prayer for the serpent, a small sense of regret forming in her stomach. That one had been with her since she had made it to Alexandria. She had saved it from some ignorant Egyptians attempting to kill it.

Well, that was that though. No sense in dwelling on it. Instead, as the Romans left, the girl turned to face them once again. She grabbed her staff, slamming the butt of it into the ground as she shouted out to the legionnaires.

"Be happy now, cowards! Enjoy your rule! Numbers and discipline matter little before the might of the gods of Egypt! You and your hideous gods will bow before our might! Soon, one of these days, you will all tremble in fear and beg for your lives as your useless gods are killed!" Unfortunately her declaration seemed to fall on deaf, roman ears, for they had already left.

Bah. That hadn't been any fun at all, but at least she got the last word in. At least maybe some more of the more faithful to the gods would have heard. Perhaps this would be useful in gaining a few allies before setting off for the Romans homeland. It certainly would be advantageous to have a few instead of going herself. She doubted any of the people in the roman mainland would be so easy to convince.

She was just about to leave the street herself, when she noticed two people stepping out into the street. She was fairly certain that was a place of worship for the gods of Egypt. She...well, wasn't exactly welcome in such places but she could at least have a little fun with this woman who was coming out of it. So, Qel approached Bes'eshe.

"Hello!~" She cheerfully greeted. "I was wondering-" It was then, she noted a man who was with her.

She'd recognize that man anywhere. Her father had described him quite perfectly.

"Oh. It's Set. You're set right?" She said, her voice turning to a tone of disdain. "Well...I can't exactly be picky with my allies, now can I?" She sighed, as a snake started winding it's way up her leg. "So. Let me ask a question: You guys wanna go watch those Romans homeland burn? I'll even overlook Set's crimes against my father if you do! Aren't I nice?~" The snake had by now, wound its way up to her neck, resting as though it was a necklace around as it observed Bes'eshe and Set.


As soon as he appeared, the tides of the ocean rose ever so slightly, welcoming the presence of their ruler. His feet sunk into the wet sand as he gazed out into the ocean. Perhaps he'd go visit Athens, see how well Athena was running the place without him, though he knew such a thing was useless. Besides, he was almost as important as she was in the city, and had no qualms about being second. His anger at losing their contest had long since subsided for the most part, though he would always likely hold a grudge over the loss.

"Well hello. You here to reminisce something that could have been but never was?"

"Hmph. An old grudge, but a grudge nonetheless," Poseidon gruffly replied to Aphrodite. He recognized her almost immediately without having to even turn his head. "Besides, I showed them my fury and they show me the respect I deserve, so I cannot stay all that upset with them." He chuckled as he turned his head towards his niece. He had flooded the entire city with water from the sea until they had agreed to make him a major part of the city as well. "I was thinking about paying it a visit though. Those barbarians to the north and south are not a problem for me and aside from watching over the cities and ports, I've little to do."

"But with you here," He said. "I can think of several things I can do." He took a few steps towards Aphrodite, it was probably quite obvious what Poseidon wanted. Aphrodite was a beauty, after all, and it appeared they both had nothing better to do, so why not spend a little...time together?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zahrale
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Zahrale Seven Hungry Maws

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sutekh, The Angry Lord of Sand

Set's smile was eerie- the kind of sickly smile a psychopath lets slowly spread upon seeing something amusing. He turns his calm gaze to the newcomer. "You have not earned any such right to be so Bold around me, oh Viper. But I will not punish you for it. I respect it. Just as I respect Apophis." He chuckles "Though I do suggest, unless you want to be acquainted with my child Anubis, that you too learn some respect. and to you, my name is Sutekh, or Seth, unless you learn that respect. I am still your Elder, despite being a rival of your Father. Besides, only a fool would focus on the Roman's homes so soon- first we return Egypt to the Pharaohs. Then we burn the invaders colonies. Then we take the war to them... But home always comes first, Home is where family lies."

Oh yes. Apophis. The snake. A vicious creature- but honestly, Egypt is a snake, it lies in wait for its time to strike. Perhaps one of its first defenders besides himself will be his old foe. he could think of no one else more suited, Set and Apophis, a terrifying team to be sure, but if only he could convince or coerce others into joining. Talking to that 'Cat' may even further things still! Yes. Gather all the 'vile' and 'violent' gods, what better response than to show thee invaders True destruction.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Shores of Athens

Aphrodite laughed at her Uncle's notion. This was not the first time she had tasted the god of the sea and it would not be the last. She took some steps towards him and closed the gap between them.

"Well if we are thinking of the same thing then that would upset two already angry women." With every word she trailed her fingers down his chest. As she did this an idea popped in her mind, one that would keep her satisfied for a while.

"But who cares, I think it will be fun. But I do one question, why is Ares not answering my hails?" She knew if anyone had answer it would be him, and she can also get the godly edge she has been missing for a while now. She looked him in the eye awaiting his answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 6 days ago

Bes'eshe Sethokpara

Bes'eshe looked in alarm as the shouted challenge was cast upon Roman ears. Was this girl a fool? Did she wish to bring brought before the Roman's twisted and morphed justice. But then, as the girl approached her and a speech to rank this girl over the coals for her foolishness, the child addressed her father. Stunned and more than slightly angered she reached out to snatch the girl up in a grip of iron and yank her into the alley, even as the large god replied with that sadistic smile. Half listening to the god with one ear she firmly placed short statured self between the girl and escape, lest she tempt to dart past a full god. Something most were not successful at, though they had tried.

"As my father says. But I have more to add, you foolish child!" Her eyes narrowed as she propped her hands on her hips, sounding very much like a scolding aunt to a misbehaving youngster. "What were you thinking of drawing Roman wrath?! You are but a child and no Goddess! Draw their wrath, and their God's wrath and Egypt will suffer. Have you merely the brains of a goat?! No! That's a insult to goats! You disrespect a full God, and you challenge a full group of Roman soldiers! There are more plans than yours at stake by your actions! You-I!" With a curse that would turn the sands of time back Bes'eshe gives Set a look of pure annoyance. "Is Apophis this annoying? This foolish?" Grey-green eyes turned back to the girl with a dangerous gleam. The unspoken command for her to explain herself.

The Morrigahn

The Morrigahn rolled dark eyes as she swore a silent oath to the powers that be. For all his powers Dagda was rather a dense and stupid god. "The Romans have taken over all of lower Britannia, they have slaughtered our druids and burned our sacred groves. You are just now noticing this?!" She raised her hands to the bright heavens as she gave a exasperated moan of defeat. Dagda was beyond a fool. "Do you notice nothing beyond your tankard Dagda?! Did you not hear the cries form our people when the Romans trampled their children and took their woman?! When their men were slain in battle and merely for taking the side of their native homeland and people?!"

Her robes twisted into dark black, feathers of crow and raven forming the sleeves' cuffs and the high necked plate. The cloak behind her was ragged from battle as she gave a wordless cry of despair and misery for the burning of her country and her ancient lands. How could this God be so foolish? So ignorant! She would see him dead herself! But first, to rally him to this mess and then to pay a visit on another power that would answer for bargain and payment offered.

@Rune_Alchemist@Severe Triage
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Severe Triage
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Severe Triage Dark Spirit

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Dagda

The Dagda winced at her words as they cutting right through him like a knife, he knew when his primal desires and near-sighted obliviousness had killed his followers. Kneeling before The Morrigahn in despair and spoke with penitence, "This was my fault alone, in my arrogance I have allowed these scum to seize what is not theirs and I shall pay for that, in time. For now; we must drive the poison from these lands." He stood and looked out over the forest to the lands cloaked in fire and smoke.

"It ends."

Smashing his staff into the ground and sending reverberations throughout the forest. The Dagda began to speak in tongue, clouds formed, the trees creaked and moaned, the heavens broke and rain poured out on the flames below. The trees in the distance, using the water as a protective shield, brought themselves down to smother the fire. "My Queen, I am blind no longer. You have my power to use as you wish." He put his hand on the wood of an Oak and used the roots to see if there was cinders remaining but instead saw Romans trying to reignite the forest elsewhere bringing with them machines built only for war, what purpose could see a nation bring so much destruction with its creations? "No! Apologies lady, I must go. I shall do my best to stall as long as possible, they will pray for forgiveness by the end. I know you seek to gather others so don't leave me waiting too long."

The Dagda crouched and lunged himself far into the woods, jumping from treetop to treetop determined to salvage his blunder.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Qelhatat Apophka~

Qel simply laughed at both of their reactions. Delicious. She let herself be pulled into the alley by Bes'eshe.

"Oh yes, sorry sorry, my dear Sutekh," She replied in a very patronizing way as she gave the god a bright grin. "Do forgive me. I meant no disrespect, of course." She sighed, shaking her head as her grin turned to a slightly more serious expression. "I can't help it. It's a little...difficult to not to cause a little trouble! Wouldn't be any fun otherwise~" She giggled, turning to Bes'eshe. The girl made some good points of course. Offending the Romans were not a very good idea, was it? Her giggling stopped as she looked at Bes'eshe, deciding she should probably explain herself a little before she actually did anger them. She didn't wish them for an enemy, after all.

"Hmm, foolish? My plan was a bit foolish, maybe." Qelhatat replied, a smug smirk forming on her lips. "But well, I thrive and chaos and if those soldiers would have gotten a tiny bit angry at me, then I could have had a bit of fun with them." She gave a disappointed sigh, doing a little twirl to face Set. "It's not like I would get killed, and they'd have slaughtered themselves anyways. If the Romans decided to punish people for it, then I would have done something about it. Alas, twas not to be had, however. Their leader was a bit to even minded. If you're wondering why I shouted the things I did...well, I was thinking that anyone who still brave and was strong of faith would come forth given some time." She shook her head, no no, now wasn't the time to be going about explaining her attempting to have a little fun. That wouldn't accomplish anything.

"Not that it matters. Nothing came of it,so nothing has happened!" She giggled, before taking a serious tone, looking up at Set with an equally serious expression.

"Sutekh, it is well and good to wish to defend our homeland, but with as Rome as strong as it is, fighting them head on without any sort of plan would be foolish, short sighted, and reckless. I apologize if this offends you, but it is true." She calmly told the other god. "What we need...is to weaken them from the inside." A dark grin spread upon her lips once again as she spoke. "Make them fight themselves, destroy their leadership. Like the venom of a poisonous serpent weakens a man. Even if it isn't enough to kill them, it will leave them even more susceptible to other things. We just need a little...patience."

She looked around the alley, unsure if she should continue in such an...open, air.

"I have a bit of a plan in the works, but I would like a little...help. If perhaps we could go somewhere where we wouldn't be overheard..." She looked up at Bes'eshe to see her reaction, waiting to see if she would approve or not. If she didn't, then she'd just continue alone. If she did, then...well, she may have just gained two very powerful allies, and it was always a very good idea to have powerful allies that would likely be loyal.


"Ares? Probably off scheming some war or something. You know how he gets sometimes." Neptune replied as he wrapped a hand around Aphrodite's waist, holding her tightly. In truth, he hadn't heard much from the god of war for some time. Well, as long as it takes a god to consider it some time. Either way, war was not his problem nor his forte, and he could honestly care less about the god whose sole focus was such a thing. He had better things to do, and watching over the cities and ships of Rome was no small task.

Of course, he could always make a little time for Aphrodite or any other woman or man who was.

"What we both know, is that Ares isn't here so he can't interrupt us." Poseidon replied, not giving her time to reply as he kissed Aphrodite. It wasn't their first, and chances are it wouldn't be their last. Either way, he was going to make the most of this before he returned to his civic duties.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hamstrong


Member Seen 9 yrs ago



Blood and guts.

It was far too late for the Jewish rebels trying to overthrow the Romans. In their own blind anger and zeal, they have desecrated the temple of one of the more violent of deities.


She who mauls... a nickname she was definitely living up to. The city would soon be rid of the rebels if she continued on fighting. However...

She had already seen blood.

She had already drew blood.

She had already tasted blood.

Now she had reverted to her old self, drowning gleefully in bloodlust, killing regardless of whether they were Egyptian, Jewish or Roman. The only ones who would escape her wrath would be the ones who had hidden themselves so well that she and her pets could not find them. Even then they would have to the escape the fires, as well as the scorching wind kicking up due to Sekhmet's excitement.

Not even the sight of Osiris or the unfamiliar god was enough to break her out of her bloodlust.

Odd reddish flames burst around her, sparking but for a few moments, before exploding and engulfing a large area in fiery death. Those still alive would soon wish they weren't as they burned alive. Left unchecked, she would reenact her feat as the Eye of Ra, except now she might actually kill all the humans on Earth.
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