Brain was laying face first on the couch in the lounge. He was trying to knock out but people started to file in one by one and started to make more noise. There was a TV turned on a drink being made and someone else who was string the pot of the room. When things started to leave, Brian got up and sat right and turned the TV on, and flicked through the channels. He looked over at Jess and Mike in the door way while he was still flicked and chuckled. As he continued his search something caught his eye, it was the news network, showing live news of a battle between some supers and living statues made of stone and metal. At first he saw Tia and some other guy but did not really recognize who they were until they pretty news lady said San Fran-
"HEY!!!!" He jumped up, and looked at the two in the door way.
"Guys we have a problem, I think the boss lady is having a party without us and they need our help. What do we do?" he asked.
Brian got up and walked over to them, waiting for an answer, he looked back at the TV and it was getting pretty dicey out there, and Brian was getting jumpy.
"Oh excuse me, my name is Brian or you can call me Gyro, whatever you want, now while you guys round up the rest of the gang I am gonna go help them out." He said that then went back outside and flew up high into the sky.
From the sky you could see the smoke from the battle and some of the heads of the statues. He flew down next to the SUV and looked in to see an unconscious Tia. Then looked over to the giant moving slab of concrete hold two pieces of a bus, and was about to throw them over its head. Brian leaped into the action after the first piece was safely dropped on the ground. But the giant had already thrown the other one, Brain flew right were it would land and and held up his arms like he was gonna catch it. The moment the bus came in contact with him he glowed blue and so did the bus and it became as light as a feather. He help it up over his head with a smile on his face.
"I...HAVE...THE POWER!!" He yelled with a chuckle, then Brian noticed some concrete statues coming and set the bus down gently.
"Okay people find cover I gotta go do some community service...get it, because the statues belong to the community, never mind just don't die." He said this as he got tackled by some stone goddess looking chick with only the shell to cover he lady parts. There were two more who jumped over the piece of the bus and in front of him.
"Now ladies, there is enough of me to go around, but at least take me to dinner first, I am a gentleman." Brian said, when two of them took swings at him and the last one landed a kick to his chest. He flew back about ten feet and hit the ground. He got up quickly and focused on his hands, they started to glow red and the red got deeper the more he focused. This meant that the weight was increasing and his punches would pack more of a "pow". The first stone lady was to his left and she threw a punch at the same time as Brian but his broke her hand, the he back handed her in the head and it shattered, He moved on to the other two, punching a whole in the chest of on and crushing the head of the other.
He looked over at the guy who save the first half and waved at him.
"Hey!!! My name is Gyro, I think we are team mates, and ummmm....kinda saw you guys on the news so I thought I would fly over and help out." His yelling got the attention of the giant who split the bus and it started to come at him. Brian flew right at him with a blue glow, he dodged the one armed beasts' first only fist and grabbed its arm, the beast glowed blue and Brian took him up into the air. When they got up with the clouds the giant had been thrashing but it hit Brain and he let it go, it dropped right back into the park and shattered into hundreds of pieces of rock and rubble. He flew back down and glided next to the guy.
"Ooops, looks like I did not hurt anyone though." @Blop@Dark Light@Wick@POOHEAD189