Snowpaw seemed to be looking into the distance, deep in thought about some mysterious subject, until she snapped her embarrassed gaze back to her mentor. Tabbyfur relaxed her position, rolled her eyes and smiled. "
I said, could you stand there as if you're about to attack me, so I can demonstrate this move?" She looked at her apprentice and how off-caught she seemed to be. The sunlight that beat down felt as if it has been intensified just by entering the Sandy Hollow, and she imagined that her apprentice would feel this way too. "
Are you sure you want to train today? We could do something simpler if you're tired."
'Could this be a result of a bad dream, or something else?' She looked down at her small apprentice and licked her head sympathetically. Tabbyfur remembered how she went several weeks without proper sleep after the death of her parents, and this somewhat made her feel empathy for the apprentice.
Duskclaw looked sympathetically at Hawkstar. He knew that the queen's rage was beyond enraging, yet he had to keep his temper under control at the same time. The she-cat was a feisty one, but at the same time, this rage allowed her to be one of the best warriors of ThunderClan. Well, maybe not right now. '
I certainly hope her kits don't grow to be quite as pugnacious as their mother.' He looked thoughtfully at the Nursery and didn't utter a word.
Duskclaw snapped out of his train of thoughts and shook his head. Turning to Hawkstar he nodded and smiled politely.
"Good, good." He was just about to start speaking again when the young apprentice Honeypaw wandered up to the pair, and greeted Hawkstar. She seemed to be somewhat anxious, and he guessed as to why. Hawkstar sighed and meowed,
"Why don’t you go and get some new bedding and moss for the Queens? If he comes back, I’ll tell him to come and find you. Do you mind going with her? I’d like to have a fair amount of moss ready in case one of the Queens kit early." The large warrior nodded.
"Perfectly fine. Let's go, Honeypaw." He smiled down at the black furred apprentice, and he realised as to why her name was so appropriate - her eyes were the colour of a dark honey. With another nod to Hawkstar, Duskclaw started to make his way to the camp entrance.
"You ready to leave?"