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"If I ask a question, I expect an actual answer" Thaddeus stated. He noticed that she dodged his question, or at least he did not comprehend that she answered it in a different manner. He wanted to simply leave for he knew the risk of interacting with anyone. The more interaction there is, the more acknowledgment that they are human. Empathy is the worst handicap a soldier could have in Colonel Gaunt's mind. With empathy came hesitation and a whole host of other emotions to pour through such as despair, frustration, and anxiety. No, to acknowledge the humanity of others was the worst sin on the battlefield.

"I know only two things of you. That your name is Maria and that you are a Catlyst. I only needed to know one of those two things to pass judgement to you. And yet I find myself doubting" And It was true. After listening to what General Bishop and Tiger had stated earlier, he found himself doubting. He hated feeling doubt. He tried to transfer that hatred into her, but he found himself failing. When he first saw her, his vision was stained with a target scope. Now actually being next to her, he could see that she was a living breathing human being. And he hated himself for acknowledging it.

"I am Colonel Thaddeus Gaunt, callsign Chaplain 1. I have showed many of our enemies the burning radiance of our God . Prove yourself to the eyes of the Lord and you will prove yourself to me. Now what am I to call you? Or shall I simply refer to you as the Catalyst?" Even if he felt a tiny speck of empathy for her, he wasn't going to show it. He wanted to have at least a single shred of himself still.
"Noted" Thaddeus said in a decidedly uncharacteristic relaxed manner. He acted that he didn't care because he honestly did not care. He didn't want do do anything that involved her and he expected reciprocity. The Catalyst where an unholy combination of alien and man. She was no exception, even if her banner was of the Talon. In the end he who wields the Devil's Sword will be slayed by it. Though now was a good time than any to make introductions.

He noticed that she was finished making her test and was now simply sitting around her mech. Did she not know she was in the middle of a war? When the gaze of the Lord falls upon thou, be sure thou art at prayer. There were plans to make, litany of battles to preach, hatred to form for the enemy! Plans were useless, but planning on the other hand was indispensable! Yes, of course the damn Catalyst should know that, Thaddeus thought. He was being hard on her, and he knew that. But he just didn't care.

Thaddeus went over to the platform for her mech and climbed the ladder up. Just as when he saw her at the distance, he saw her still just kicking her feet and staring at the ground. This angered Thaddeus to no end. At this point he wanted any excuse to be angry at this woman.

"Are you making prayers to the Lord or picking out your grave plot?" he said in a snide manner.
Nah. To this day whenever animal themed heroes come out it's always inevitably a black dude as a panther, an Asian guy as a tiger, and white man as a wolf. And sorry for the long time fo rthe update, had to help out a pal yesterday loading and unloading things.
The words that Panther had for the Gazere somewhat unsettled Thaddeus. While much of it was true, it was rather blunt to say that God meant for the resources of Earth to fall upon the needs of faithful That was simply pure hubris. The Lord help he who helped himself, to expect more without any of your own action was unreasonable. The Gazere were people also, a fact that Thaddeus hated to acknowledge, with their own needs. If they helped themselves, then the Lord helped them. Perhaps in the end Talon was the form of aid the Lord was sending to the Gazere.

"I expect you all to treat our allies with respe-" Thaddeus then paused. He was commanding his squad to treat their friends with respect, but at the same time he intended to simply ignore the Catalyst. That was simply hypocritical of him, and he knew it. After a few strange looks from the other members of the Fourleg Squad, he continued.

"As I was saying, I expect you all to acknowledge our allies' call for aid. The enemy of our enemy is also our friend. As for that Catalyst woman...if she cares not for us, then she may expect the same in kind. Now under the watchful gaze of our Lord, go about the needed checks and test of your weapons of God. Idle hands are the Devil's playthings" the three men then went about their business.

The heat was finally getting to Thaddeus. The sun was peering down upon them like the angels of old, and sweat started to drip down his face. But still he needed to meet with this Catalyst woman, and he couldn't very well show her any signs of weakness. And so he elected to stand around and wait for her to finish her own testing, so that he could perform testing of his own upon her.
Kroga listened in to all the conversation with silent consideration. All this talk of gods and beings didn't really affect Kroga, for in her worldview there was no point in debating the machinations of higher beings. Instead she followed after the smooth skin without really having anything to say. If she was sent here to help, she would help.
"I see the badges of Grunts, and yet what I see before me is men who have already shed blood in the name of the Lord Almighty. Good" Thaddeus stated. He was happy not to be saddled with new meat, but that also came with the fact that from what he heard these were hot blooded men ready to break off formation to prove their strength for God. But who was he to criticize?

"At ease everyone" with that statement the men stopped their salute and faced him directly. Some stood as they were while saluting while others started to lean on a box that was filled with supplies directly behind them. Thaddeus addressed Panther, the man who was at the far right.

"Tell me Panther, what is our duty as proud soldiers of Talon?" Thaddeus said in usual serious manner.

"To serve the will of God" Panther said in a calm tone. Panther stared directly into the Colonel's eyes, unafraid of anything this executioner of men would throw at him. Which was actually quite an impressive feat considering the sun was directly facing Panther's face.

"A fine answer, Panther" Thaddeus stated. The rest seemed to agree with him and that was enough of a test of faith for Thaddeus. Colonel Gaunt took his attention to the mechs that the pilots used in their duty that were directly in front of him. Thaddeus never really hated Gazere mechs, so as much as he simply found them to be a curiosity. If God made man in his own image, why choose to base your weapons on a weaker form? Gazere mechs at least weren't the unholy hybrid abomination of human and alien design, such as the Catalyst and the Kruth war machines. Thaddeus spoke to the men again.

"I will ask all of you two questions and I expect honesty for fear of God's retribution for dishonesty. What is your opinions on assisting the Gazere and what is your opinions on that Catalyst woman who is a part of this squad?"
Alright so I assume that Maria will be exclusively controlled by you. How about Wolf, Tiger, and Panther?
What the general said was logical and sound to Thaddeus. True, the Catlyst were heathens but they were peaceful heathens who spent their days scheming instead of taking action. But the one point of contention Thaddeus had with Bishop's argument was that while children did not choose their parents, God chose the parents for children. And yet this contradicted his view that humans did have free will, that they could walk freely along the many pathways to god. Thaddeus created more logic to contradict his own earlier logic. He would have to take time to digest what the General said into his own worldview, but for now his anger subsided. While some hate still remained, most of it would be directed to his soon to be squad mates.

"I can not find fault in your words, General. While I must be honest and tell you that I will not enjoy fighting alongside her, I will tolerate her. Truly God's light penetrates even the darkest of veils upon the mind. May the eyes of the Lord and the inquisition fall upon us!"

With that Thaddeus left the side of the General without permission to be dismissed to meet his new squad mates, yet another rather rash action to a superior. Thaddeus was eager to see what his squad was really like. If what the general was saying was true, he expected bold soldiers with enough zeal and fury to match his own. Though there was always the chance he was wrong, for only God was truly infallible. Boldness could come from many things including strong faith, emotional arousal, or even overindulgence of a vice of an alcoholic nature. He went up to the three grunts while the Catalyst was performing test on her mech. Perhaps subconsciously it was to avoid contact with her for as long as possible. He crossed his arms and addressed the grunts of his new squad.

"I am Colonel Thaddeus Gaunt and my callsign is Chaplain 1. I am to be assigned to this squad. Under the watchful gaze of God, all I want to know is your callsigns. Or at least I assume all of you have already been given callsigns" he said with a stern tone without any hint of actually wanting to create a connection with them. If every single member of this squad was considered expandable, then their survival rate was already projected to be rather poor. It'd be best not to get too close.
Colonel Gaunt listened to the General with silent attention while following him. He didn't disagree with anything General Bishop stated expect that perhaps the General gave him too much credit. He did not lose men because of the fault of the men, but rather Thaddeus believed he lost men due to his own failings. In his vision, it was not the fault of his comrades at arms that they themselves did not have the same level of zeal for the Lord as he did. A servant is always willing to admit his own misdeeds, and the misdeeds of his own was that he was no leader. Thaddeus saw himself as a tool of god, and nothing more. A tool is to be used and discarded when the time came. A tool did not care if others cared for it. And a tool did not think for itself. Still he showed respect to Bishop with his silence. Then he saw the General's plan. Anger set in.

More specifically anger that he would be fighting alongside a Catalyst. Faith is not learned, it is given! This above all was what set Thaddeus away from the modern view of god as forgiving and loving. To him only those born and raised under the gaze of the Lord could truly be the redeemers of humanity, the purifiers of God's wayward creation. And naturally only the Talon had their citizens raised under these conditions. This Catalyst, this Maria Vestes was simply UNWORTHY of being a holy warrior.

"Sir if I may be frank, why are we allowing that Catalyst woman", Thaddeus said as he pointed towards the woman, "to even BE in the presence of those who hand down the Judgement of God?! She should be in one of the re-education camps praying away the Catalyst filth within herself under the watchful eyes of the inquisition! You know better than anyone else that the Catalyst are a hideous insult to God's image to man. A Gazere, a Steel Hawk, and maybe even an EDF would be more worthy of salvation than her!"

He waited for the General's reply. If he was to be expelled from the squad before even been given command of it, then so be it. It would be more preferable than fighting alongside a Catalyst. Still, if he wasn't expelled he would accept his post in the squad he decided. What he really wanted was the General's opinion on it, and in effect his view of god.
And now I realize the downside of not having regular squad mates to talk to is that I have to do a lot of internal monologue to fill up post space. While it does create opportunities to expand my character's thoughts, I know it has to be pretty boring to read through.
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