Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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eddieddi said
Shiro watched the arrow hit Kalin and grinned "I'll deal with them" the voice intoned in their heads, he said striding out, the feathers following him, there was very few sounds, though one sounded very distinct above the others, bones being rent from flesh and a inhuman, insane, manic and without a doubt demonic laughter, though the night sky was clear the flash of lightning lit the chruch through the windows. Shiro walked back inside, normal again, licking blood from his fingers, a huge black blade over his shoulders. "that it?"

Krosh welcomed shiro back with a happy face and a loud hurray which he followed with an assault of complements.

"well done mister shiro, they were no threat to you, you fought well, I must say you must be the strongest man ever seen"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Careful Krosh, if you keep fawning over him like that you might either inflate his ego or show you're interested in him as a mate!" she said in a joking manner as she observed the smooth skin perform his healing rituals. All and all it wasn't all that different form the healing rituals of the smooth skins back in her dimension.

"So tell me, what exactly is the plan, smooth skin? From what I can gather Shiro over there could just ask politely for him to leave and our mission would be finished"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

kalin sighed and then looked to the ground as he started to speak " the last plan i had was to take a large force and attack shadow's army while having a smaller force go after shadow himself. that plan failed horribly as i'm the only one left who knows what shadow really wants. all he wants it full control of all he can reach." kalin turned and then walked over to a window and started out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Teach said
"Careful Krosh, if you keep fawning over him like that you might either inflate his ego or show you're interested in him as a mate!" she said in a joking manner as she observed the smooth skin perform his healing rituals. All and all it wasn't all that different form the healing rituals of the smooth skins back in her dimension. "So tell me, what exactly is the plan, smooth skin? From what I can gather Shiro over there could just ask politely for him to leave and our mission would be finished"

Krosh's eyes twitched when he heard the comment, but still maintained a smile. Part of him wanted to say he could never be shiro's mate, but realized that sounded like he want to, so he just shut his mouth, looking around he realized how diverse they were, and unfortunately he was of the weakest race.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Shame..." Shiro grinned, still cleaning the blood off his hands, the huge blade dissolving in to runes and disappearing in to wisps of light. "he'd never get command over some of the forces that exist" he said pausing his motions and grinning "they'd devour his sanity before that happened" the grin was a horrific sight, the blood dripping over his teeth and his teeth seeming far to sharp and long. "so, here's the question, how strong is this lunatic?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin never looked away from the window but still sighed " there is no one alive that knows shadow's true strength. Take you self for example we had one much like you he charged in to challenge shadow on his own and he was killed with in moments of entering the room. Shadow is a military genius and a master of traps. he can take out a large army in a few hours and not lose more than 20 men."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Shiro paused, and then cracked up laughing, he almost fell over from how hard he was laughing. "Just like me?" He wiped a tear from his eye, smearing blood across his face. "The horsemen only had one child. and he stands before you. Son of Death. Student of War, Apostle of Famine, Heir to Pestilence." as he spoke each name the chosen weapon slammed in to the ground, embedding itself in to the stone floor and cracking it, a huge scythe, a flaming sword and sheild, a pair of scales that doubbled as a dagger, and a bow that dripped with foul puss. "and Bearer of The Essence of Khaos. Fifth Horsemen." his armour rippled and shifted erupting in cold fire, the armour was no longer advanced but it gave off an aura of utter power, the air became so cold it burnt. and from within the helm two pits of eternity opened, to gaze in to them was to stare in to the void and risk one's soul. "but.." he laughed again and the world returnd to normal, shiro was once again in his lighter armour. "that isn't all, if all else fails, we can just send the sun supernova. Don't ask, its how I feed."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin spun in his place and glared at Shiro and then said " I dont give a damn if you a god or the son of one of the horsemen Ven was by far stronger than any of you could hope to be. he was the around at the dawn of time he fought to bring this world into the light. he was the only one who had a chance against the old gods the ones no one ever talks about. your gods are nothing compared to what the old gods were. these god would have looked at you and you would have never existed that is the power they held but Ven found a way to get around this and he killed each of the old gods. You think you are the strongest thing in any universe well let me tell you one thing. SHADOW KILLED VEN THE STRONGEST BEING TO EVER HAVE BEEN MY FRIEND. YOU ARE BUT AN INSECT COMPARED TO HIM" kalin started to cry thinking of how ven had been killed and then he ran out of the church dropping the disk he had been holding in his hand.

as the disk hit the ground the image of a pure dragon in his human form was displayed. the bing spoke in a kind soothing voice. " Shadow... I know where he came from but not why he is here that is what i hope to learn when i meet him but i doubt this meeting will go over well. if this is the last time i get to say this then let it hold true to you Kalin. You are no fool but you have very little hope against shadow alone. good luck if i don't see you again in this life." the disk image faded and then the disk it self crack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Krosh's smiled stopped at the moment the tears fell from the man's face, even humans harassed him and tryed to kill him, he still felt sympathy for them, they constantly fought each other and lost many, thought many were killed in his mine, he never had to understand that his freinds were killed by his own kin, he wished he could make him feel better, but would probably make it worse.

"if we are nothing to him, then why gather us?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiro narrowed his eyes. "ever to have been, in this universe. You speak of the old gods as if they were the only great power." he disappeared and then reappeared beside Kalin "Son of the horsemen. Blood brother to a World Eater Prince. Grandson of Azerthoth. You speak of the dawn of time to one who beheld it. You really have no idea." he said raising one hand and flexing his fingers a small spark of energy appeared, flickering from side to side. "if you don't beilive my words....Let me show you. show you all." and the ember exploded, consuming the world in fire, all went black and then the four of them were standing above a massive, ongoing explosion. "This is the fight between Nyx, Hypnos, Thanatos, Athus, Erebus and Eros. This fight never started, and never will end, it is what birthed time itself." He gestured to a particuarly large ripple of energy erupting from the fight and coalescing into one solid entity "My creation. From what I've discovered I hold Nyx, Thanatos and Eros as my 'creators.' I was formed a few moments after the horsemen, and so am classed as Their son. however before I met them..." He grinned and pointed to a rapidly approaching shadow. "The Whisperer in the Darkness. The Shadow Out of Time. The Elder God. people call them the 'Other Gods.' They are who raised me." he smiled and held up another glowing ember. "not convinced?" he narrowed his eyes and the ember exploded again and they stood afore a galaxy in ruins, suns exploding in sequence, stellar fire eating up all matter. "This is the first time I unveiled my true power. I burnt a Galaxy. and in the process befriended a creature called Azure Flame. in your language at least." he clenched the fist that had produced the sparks and they returned to reality. "If your dragonic foe is so strong as to defeat one who can fight gods. then maybe I have at last found a challenge. You have been fooled though, he wishes you to think that he is so strong so that you have no hope." Shiro grinned and rubbed one arm. "and demoralise all around you. so in short, make you work for him, and thus, you have fallen for another of his tricks."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin drew the blades of his mentor and then said " these blades are called the god killers. these are the blades that Ven used in his life but now they have lost their old glow of power. ever since he die i have been lost in this world trying to fight back but being crushed at every turn. How am i going to be able to lead any one to fight this threat that killed the one who trained me. tell me that"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Shiro smiled and sat in mid air. "You close your heart to stress and pain, you shut all else out but your goal, you cease to think about the what ifs, and 'why didn't I?' You start to focus on 'how do I?' and 'would this kill him?'" He touched a shoulder plate and his armour slotted away in to a point just behind and to the right of him, the glitter of a pocket dimension shimmering. "Since you got to wave your sharp sticks about, how about I do the same?" Shiro closed his eyes and drew a blade, it was midnight black and glowed with hell red runes. "This is called the Soul Eater, It was a gift from a long forgotten creature, one we called the Puppet master. It does not have its own power, or glitter of days long gone. The puppet master possessed beings after destroying their own power. This blade catalyses magical, spiritual, and electrical energy in to a solid form. watch." he tossed a fireball in to the air and struck it with the blade, it hit the ground and shattered, shards of crystalline fire bouncing across the ground. "Tell me this. how would one defend themselves from a blade that devours the very energy used to stop it?" he tapped a rune and the crystalline fire melted away in to nothingness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

kalin sighed and then started to put his blades away when he noticed a faint glow from deep within one of the blades. he quickly put the other blade away and stared deeply into the blade he still held and then to his shock he realized just what the glow in the blade was. " Tell me one thing have you ever seen someone transfer their whole being into the closet object that they could find in the hope of coming back to fight once more?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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kalinsovrin said
kalin sighed and then started to put his blades away when he noticed a faint glow from deep within one of the blades. he quickly put the other blade away and stared deeply into the blade he still held and then to his shock he realized just what the glow in the blade was. " Tell me one thing have you ever seen someone transfer their whole being into the closet object that they could find in the hope of coming back to fight once more?"

"Often enough to know it works more than it should" Shiro said and tossed his own blade high int he air and catching it. "only issue is you often need a vassel to let your soul lose." he said tossing the huge blade again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Yes that is the problem but not only do you need the vessel but you need it to be willing to give you form once more. luckily for Ven i know where his body is and i know that it has been healed so he may just be able to help us in the end." Kalin said as he started to walk back to the church.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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"Oh goodie, a third superbeing on this plane of existence. thank the gods I'm trans dimensional." shiro griped and shook his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"you will get used to it." was all kalin said as he walked back into the church and went into the back room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kroga listened in to all the conversation with silent consideration. All this talk of gods and beings didn't really affect Kroga, for in her worldview there was no point in debating the machinations of higher beings. Instead she followed after the smooth skin without really having anything to say. If she was sent here to help, she would help.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

kalin looked at the body of his old friend and then sighed he walked over and put the blade right across his chest and then waited. soon the light from the blade faded and Ven's eyes started to open. kalin sat down and then sighed again seeing that his friend was back to help in this trying time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin stood up and then left the back room. as he entered the main area of the church he looked around and then said " I'm sorry for what i said before but it just seemed that none of you cared to help in any way." he looked down and then sat down.
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