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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin pushe the door open slowly and slipped into the room. The door closed behind him. He looked around and then he turned one the device that would send the message out to all the universes. He just hoped they would send help soon or his world was doomed. As he left the room he looked around one last time and sighed hopeing that this church would keep any help sent safe longenough for him to get back.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kroga had heard about it from the marsh scouts. They reported to the village council that a glowing being had given a plea to save their swamp and that the luminescent figure suddenly disappeared and that a swirling vortex was left in its wake. At first the council wished to send their best scouts to discover if the figure was speaking the truth, but it was decided that it would be foolhardy to send the to a potential trap. No, instead the village would send their best shaman to mitigate the potential cost sunk as well as send potentially valuable aid if the stranger was speaking the truth. And so old scaled Kroga was sent and she left with only her powerful concoctions, wooden walking stick, and a laugh. She was lead to where the portal was and she walk in with nary a word.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

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Shiro opened his eyes, the room awakening around him, he was in the hold of a Titen class starship, he'd been there for the past eight days, he was down here for one good reason, and two bad ones, the bad one's were he'd lost a bet and they needed a new chargeing loop for the plasma conduit, the good reason was there was a gravimetric anomaly in here somewhere. and it had just reopened infront of him, he stood and stretched.
warrior, weapon, demi-god, blood brother to the world eater prince, part of the matter network, and son of death incarnate in this universe. he seemed almost overqualified to be classified as a hero, and definitely overqualified for any job that didn't involve some sort of super-being as a foe. He let energy flow back down his arms, his gear powering up, the armour suit was more than just protective plating, it was light enough that he didn't seem encumbered, it carried two of his favorite weapons and allowed him to use one of his ultimate weapons without transforming his arm. he grinned, striding through the wormhole, letting his own power create a halo of gold and blood red energy, when he emerged on the otherside, if he was unexpected whoever was waiting would probably either shit their pants or (like last time) assume he was some sort of warrior god of legend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

kalin ran through the woods near the church and smiled as he heard the sounds of the men chasing him going in the opposite direction. Kalin turned back to the church and then started to walk towards the building. it was old from any standards. this building was said to pre-date time itself. Kalin opened the front door and then stepped inside again and closed and locked the door to wait and see if any help would arrive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Krosh stood 4 feet behind the large, sayian-like man, his spear in one hand, his other in the air pumping up and down. As he watched he shouted words of encouragement, his wire framed body seemed like a twig compared to the man, he could be crushed merely by being flicked, yet for some reason the man had refrained.

"wow, I must say you sure are looking godlike today, you masculinity and refined stature alone could defeat the greatest of foes,it's good to see you at your full power, now exactly what shall we be doing today sir" he said no closer, jumping around the goliath as if he was a child. Thought his words sounded like he was a huge suck up, and his country accent did not help, he really believed this man to be a hero, and one of the best.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Kroga was rather disappointed that she did not appear in another swamp. Instead it was in one of those buildings that smooth skins seemed to take pride in creating and inhabiting. Instead of the organic and alive architecture of the lizardfolk, it was instead the oppressive and lifeless walls of smooth skins. The company wasn't something to really take note of either. One was a simple smooth skin with a hood, another was a brute with wings, and the last seemed like a juvenile lizard kin. All and all, a trip into another plain of existence did not live up to expectations. She leaned on her walking stick and took out a pipe to smoke.

"It would seem as though I am the victim of a joke" she chuckled to herself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiro tapped the plate on the side of his helm, letting the metalic plates slide back and away, blinking a few times at the change of vision. his helm used a combination of low spectrum ultraviolet and high freequency infra red, he was now back in normal light.
"Why would that be?" he said, making a gesture and a small blue flame lighting in the air next to her pipe. "I assumed this was a call for help. I was board of my old universe, so why not a new one?" he pointed out and stretched, "human, ehanced stamina, medium strength, trained in blades. I'd say assassin off the top of my head." he next turned the gaze of his cold blue eyes on the Kolbold. "Kolbold, fireproof, low strength, non threat." he then looked at Kroga. "Lizzan-kin, walking staff, pipe, ceremonial beeds, I'd say witchdoctor, or quack." he observed and lent against a pew. "old building, possibly 17 eon's old, I'd say hand built. at a guess I'd say I was in a info-metric era planet." he sighed. "I'm shiro. no you don't know what I am or who I am. or even what I'm capable of, but from what I've seen, to you I'm probably classifiable as a demi-god."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kroshlooked at the big man with a bigger smile, fake as it was it showed he was trying his best to snap at the comment spoken about him, and the mans ego, even his only follower could get angry at him, still he remained calm.

"great analysis Shiro, you got them all down to the core, a man of both bronze and brains, I wish someday I could be the same, as for you 2, well met companions I hope to grow closer to you all" he spoke happily and with joy, and his usual accent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"A thousand gratitude for the light, Shiro. Perhaps when you get your own pipe I will smoke that one also. I'd also like to note that I am no duck. Or perhaps I am a duck and have been lied to all my life! My, imagine that" she took a few puffs from the powerful herbs in the pipe and blew out the smoke.

"You are wrong when you state that I do not know what you are. You are a living being, such as I, the smooth skin and the juvenile there. If you were not a living being, then you would be a spirit. All spirits are malevolent, and so far you seem rather cuddly. As for who you are, you are obviously Shiro! You stated as much yourself, or did you forget?" she chuckled quietly once again.

"As for you there, Juvenile, it is also fine to meet you. Shall you give me a title to call you, or are you content to be called Juvenile? I am Kroga The Witchdoctor of Ducks!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiro laughed and shook his head "I don't smoke, or if I am smoking, run. because it'll be pre-shift." he shook his head and looked at the Kobold "you seem hyper." he then looked back at Kroga. "That which is not dead can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die" He said and smiled. "if you are a witch doctor, you can see past peoples skin. look at my spirit and soul Kroga and you will see." He grinned and held his hand out. "I am not as I seem." he waited for a responce, then smiled "but, why are we here is the real question!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Yes yes I too can rhyme! If the gods themselves can die, what does that say for you and I? And please do not insult me with these talks of souls! Souls do not exist. I am a shaman of actual facts of spirits a not a peddler of lies and misinformation" she then also turned to the smooth skin.

"Tell me smooth skin, often it is they who do not speak that say many volumes, so why bring these imperfect parts together?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin smiled and the took out a small holo disk. He set the disk on the ground and it flared to life. The image in the holo gram showed a dragon lile man holding a huge 12' lance in one hand and in the other he held a small silver stone. " this is the reasom you have all been brought here to the nevermore. This man is shadow he recently came to the nevermore from a universe where he and a band of others had been chassed down and killed. He had only just gotten away himself when he found his way here. He is raising an army to lead back to his and then to all other universes he want to rule all and will kill all who get in his way. The stone that he is holding is an ancient relic that can be used to travel between the realms with ease. With each day his army grows larger. Please we must stop him before the end of this year or all will be lost to a time of darkness." kalin stepped away from the holo disk and then looked at the door hopeing he has truely lost shadow's men.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Dragonkin. full breed at a guess." He said stretching and then he lauged at the shanwoman. "Really? then you are no shanman at all. maybe, in time you'll learn." he tilted his head "So what was he running from, and why can't we call it here?" he asked, and then touched a plate on his arm, a glowing blade of incandescent plasma formed. "lets see how tough he is when medevil lance meets high energy plasma blade."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Is that all this is? A simple game of seek and destroy? One would wonder what the benefits of swimming in this direction would be. Tell me, why should we assist you when it seems more beneficial to simply join with that male. He seems like a nice enough scaled one" she took a few more puffs and blew the smoke. She was sent here to help, the council did not specify help who.

"And you Shiro, surely you must doubt the existence of souls. It is nothing more than the lies and manipulations of spirits who wish to gain power over the living through manipulation"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiro sighed and stepped back from the group. "No, I do not doubt them. spirit's exist, they are what give a person validity upon the solid relm as a entity, they disperse upon death, souls are the bearers of sin and charity, they pass on to the netherrelm and I am one of the guids for those misbegotten souls" he closed his eyes and spread his arms. "If you do not belive me. allow me to show you" the building was filled with a rushing black cloud of feathers, from the depths of the featherstorm two red eyes glowed like pits in to hell. a voice rang out, echoing through their sculls, it bypassed their ears. "I am the Son of Death Incarnate. I think I know about Souls." the fethers were fading as they hit the ground, the figure became visible, huge, weilding a scythe, black feathered wings, horns curling round his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Krosh looked to the lizard with his happy go lucky face and chuckled alittle at his joke, but also very happy to be able to talk to someone who didn't mindlessly want to kill him. Maybe these people were actually hero's.

"please please call me krosh, and what shall I address you as"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

at the question kalin sighed and then said " do as you will but let me tell you that shadow has no feelings for those that are under him. he will get what he wants and then he will kill anyone who steps out of line in any way." Kalin then drew one of his blades and went back to the door and then unlocked it. he slipped out into the night air. he noticed that there was something off the moment he set foot outside. it was only when he was hit in the arm with an arrow that he knew he had been followed. he slipped back inside and ripped the arrow out of his arm. he cursed his luck and then went to the back of the church to find something to clean the wound and bandage it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eddieddi
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eddieddi The World Builder.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shiro watched the arrow hit Kalin and grinned "I'll deal with them" the voice intoned in their heads, he said striding out, the feathers following him, there was very few sounds, though one sounded very distinct above the others, bones being rent from flesh and a inhuman, insane, manic and without a doubt demonic laughter, though the night sky was clear the flash of lightning lit the chruch through the windows. Shiro walked back inside, normal again, licking blood from his fingers, a huge black blade over his shoulders. "that it?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Teach


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Smooth skin, just what are you doing? Allow old Kroga to take a look at your wound!" she stated as she finally put away her pipe to address the wound.

She forcibly took his arm to examine the wound for anything truly serious. She let out a little laugh.

"Haha, is this all? If you were back at my swamp, we'd have to already amputate the arm due to all the flesh eating bacteria already making their assault. Still I suppose only wounds of the heart should be laughed off. And only if it is the third heart that is hurt!" Kroga began to make some noises in her mouth as if she was about to spit, but at the last moment she realized that she was't dealing with the wounds of a lizardfolk. Instead she decided that perhaps the two physiology were perhaps entirely different after all.

"Hmm...perhaps it would be best to perform your smooth skin rituals of healing instead of my traditional lizardfolk performances"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by kalinsovrin
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kalinsovrin 3rd commander of the 8th fleet

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Kalin sighed and then took his arm back and then used some water from the well to clean his wound. he thoroughly washed the wound and then tore one of the towels in half and rapped it tight around his arm. he went back and picked up the arrow and looked at the tip and then noticed the small hole in the tip where there was a tiny drop of poison left in it. he kept this fact to himself. he figured that he had very little time left if it was a good poison.
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