As Maximus prepared to fell the Fiend, it surprised him with expertly blocking his blow with it's staff. Twisting a simple movement to send him flying off to the side. He grunted as he hit the ground and rolled to his feet sliding a few feet backwards from the momentum still. He looked back to the fiend to see her unleash three Firaga's on some soldiers who ran in at the wrong time. Standing up straight he pointed at the three men, "Triple Shell!" It would protect them enough to stay alive, they would still get majorly burned though...nothing he could do.
He turned suddenly as he heard multiple footsteps behind him. Four dingo's came at him, slowly surrounding him as he looked. He stroke first, with the tip of his sword and a flick of the wrist he killed the Dingo on his right. The one two over from that first one leaped at him. He side stepped and arched his blade over his head to slice the fiend in two, with a quick strike to the right again at eye level to fell the third before pulling it back to block from the last one as it attacked. But as it had no weapon and his Katana was razer sharp, his block actually cut through the dango's leg. He quickly spun his blade to give it a quick death before looking back towards the larger fiend. Only to hear that it wasn't a Fiend, it was an Aeon, and it had taken over a woman's body? How horrific. He watched as a tall redheaded woman gripped on with all her strength, apparently trying to get through to her friend inside. It was about to cast a Flare, and He reached out to cast a shell, but it stopped as the man who was apparently called Thane, ordered it to grab a woman with strawberry blonde hair. He stood up a little straighter. A very beautiful woman.
Shaking his head, now wasn't the time. He looked back just in time to see the tall redhead try to punch the Aeon in the face, which only angered it, as it cast slow, he reached forth and yelled, "Shell" He would have rather have cast Haste but it would seem the woman wasn't going to let go, almost taking a Flare in the face in doing so.
He then sprinted towards the battle once again, He didn't know what to do to defeat the Aeon with out hurting the woman inside, So he decided to go for the source. He used one of the fallen arches as a ramp to be line for the Announcers box. As he ran he noticed the woman who controlled the Ice was now talking with the man, her weapon sheathed. His eyes narrowed, why would she do that?
He looked to the edge of the arch, and at his last step he leaped, it was a stretch but he was sure he could make it. As she approached the Box he was falling slightly faster than he thought, 'shitmaybenot' he did managed though just barely, he used his momentum to duck forward and roll back to his feet, tucking his sword so it wouldn't cut him or rip out of his hands.
Back to his feet now 'Close one...' he thought without looking back to the edge. He walked over, sword's tip pointed down and away from him. Stopping as he got close enough he noticed it was just a hologram. "Bastard..." he said softly before continuing. "You say you speak for Yevon? I highly doubt that. But I can make an arrangement for you to speak face to face with him in the Farplane's if you so desire."
He looked to the woman, but her only saw her black hair and very revealing outfit. "Are you alright miss?" He asked, perhaps he managed to gain control of her as well, It's possible but he doubted since he knew he was a hologram she probably just sheathed her weapon for the same reason.