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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 22 min ago

Character Sheet
Notable Parents: None
Name: Naisha
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Black
Eye color: Green
Appearance: 1.73m tall, her straight hair reaches down to her shoulders. Natasha is quite skinny for a woman her age, in fact many would say she is skin and bones only. Her skin is pale to the point she appears constantly sick… which is almost true. Just as her mentor, she wears a long black dress of interesting design.

Weapon: Somewhat thin and light looking staff, but in reality her real weapon is her magic.
Any Armor: A single sturdy crystal armguard on her left hand.
Biography: Born on Besaid island after the eternal calm, Naisha had a happy childhood. She grew up around the heroes who lived in the village and even grew up to love blitzball. She loved to swim and to run around waving sticks and wooden swords, dreaming that she will one day become a great warrior. One day though she came down with a terrible sickness. No one was sure what exactly it was and while magic seemed to help somewhat, she didn’t recover completely. The strong and energetic girl, became rather weak and frail. Ever since that time she fell sick, her body was constantly weak. After even small amount of exertion, she would be forced to stay in bed for at least a day. As such her dreams of becoming a warrior and a blitzball player were shattered. All of that happened when she was 5. For almost a year Naisha secluded herself in her room, not really showing her face out much. Her family became very concerned for their daughter’s wellbeing. Running out of options, they asked Lulu to teach her magic, hoping that once she realizes that even in her condition, she still had options besides warrior or player, she would at least stop locking herself away in her room.
As it turned out she had a natural affinity for black magic. It still proved somewhat tiring even if it was mostly mental exhaustion. The young Naisha fell sick easily, but slowly she made progress. Within a year, her body got a little bit stronger, and she at least was able to walk around town without much troubles. She was able to meet her friends again and even if she was no longer able to play with them blitzball or practice swordplay, she was at least with them, smiling once again. Still even now when she sees blitzball players, a slight note of jealousy strikes her, but even more than that, she is happy that someone’s dreams of becoming a player were accomplished. Sadly due her condition her movement is somewhat limited, she isn’t able to walk great distances as even a normal paced walk from one end of the village to the other makes her breath quite heavily and feel pain in her chest. That staff of hers has also the function of walking stick for when her legs get weak. Still only that staff isn’t enough so she has a special chair she uses to move around in greater distances. It’s moving on small scaled engine and some special magic crystals that make it float slightly above the ground. Naisha still has to charge the crystals with float magic every day, but otherwise it seems to be working reasonably well. .
Personality: For a person who appears so sickly all the time and easily tired, Naisha is rather noisy. She likes to talk a lot with her friends, likes to meet people and to hear stories from beyond Besaid island. She plans to leave to island to explore the world. She also likes to use her magic a lot. Even though it’s dangerous she likes to go hunt monsters and burn them to a c crisp… or turn them in ice cubes.
Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Living there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Notable Parents: (EX: Baralai and Paine or any main or supporting character in the games.*Note those two are taken unless you want a brother as a character in the story*)
Name: Bohdan Ronso
Age: 18 or the ronso equivalent
Sex: male
Hair Color: white
Eye color: blue
Appearance: A typical ronso. Slightly taller and more muscular than a human with blue fur and a medium sized horn.
Weapon: A lance
Any Armor: Ronso chest plate

Bohdan hasn't lived much of a life yet. He grew up with parents who were very sink-or-swim, because they believed that would make him a strong ronso. As such, he has always enjoyed a good deal of freedom and has become an experienced and strong individual relative to his young age. Not long ago he decided that there was more to the world than Mount Gagazet, and decided to go on something akin to his own pilgrimage, only instead of defeating Sin like a summoner would he intends to see the world and find useful knowledge he can bring back to his people.

Personality: Stoic, but not mean or unpersonable. Bohdan gives his respect to those who show strength. As with most ronso, his loyalty is hard earned, but incredibly strong.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?

He is if that will help the plot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Gippal

Notable parents: Baralai and Paine

Age: 21

Hair color: White

Eye color: Red

Appearance: 5'6 Wears black, like his mother. Black pants with a tight white tee shirt. He normally wears a black leather jacket. He also wears black combat boots.

Weapons: Two Ka-bar Knifes shown below.

Fighting style: Because of his athletic build he really quick on his feet and uses his surroundings to his advantage, also using his skills as a Blitzer to get around. He can throw any of his weapons with pinpoint accuracy, use both knifes to fight. Along who's his knifes he is very proficient in grappling techniques, as they go hand and hand with knife fighting.

Also as a secondary non leathal is a collapsible six foot metal bowstaff. Which he is also proficient in, but it is a secondary.

-Extremely Athletic
-Free runner

-Too Trusting in others,
-Does not Believe in himself, second guesses himself

Occupation: Ex-Blitzball star, Adventurer

Biography: Gippal was named after a family friend, the leader of the machine faction. He grew up in Bevelle with his parents because of his father who is still the leader of Yevon. His mother didn't want him to grow up as a brat so she took him to Besaid every year for the summer to lived and visit with Yuna and the rest of her guardians who did the same for their kids.

In Besaid he would grow to love Blitzball and often play with Tidus and Wakka to train as well as his friends. But when he was 16 he decided to go out on his own, make a name for himself and not under the name of his father as son of the leader of New Yevon. He took up work as sword for hire, helping caravans travel by protecting them. He also hunted down marks of Fiends that are dangerous.

He also made a name for himself playing Blitzball for the Zanarkand Abe's . He managed to get on the team when he scored five goals in a scrimmage in an open practice. He played for the Abe's for 4 years then left the team suddenly to Besaid to join the Aurochs in the upcoming tournament, which is a huge uproar In the world of Blitzball.

Personality: He is normally in the spotlight due to his fame but he doesn't like it, he tends to take the lead because people look to him as a leader. He cares for his friends and wants to do good and looks to help anyone in need.

Living or arriving in Besaid?: Arriving by airship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Urick ( Yur-ick)

Age: 24

Sex: male

Hair color: White

Eye color: Green

Notable parents: His aunt Paine cousin to Gippal

Appearance: Compared to his cousin he is massive, standing at 6'7 and at 280 lbs of muscle, he is as big as a small ronso, he looks like a bear compared to other people. He is shirtless with tattoos over his body and wears pants and boots.

Weapon: Himself he is a martial artist and has some training with multiple weapons but fluent.

Any Armor: He wears a metal gauntlet on his his right arm that goes up to his elbow. On his left arm another gauntlet along with a couter, rerebrace and pauldron (basically armor from his elbow, his upper arm and his shoulders like in the picture) he also wears greaves (metal shin guards)

-Master of Hand to Hand
-Highly intelligent, control over his mind.
-His strength

-Shy, barely able to talk
-Focus in battle becomes tunnel vision

Occupation: Body Guard

Biography: Urick is the son of the Sister of Paine. Who grew up in Zanarkand half of his life due to his father being in charge of over seeing the rebuilding of the ancient city, a job given him by his brother in-law. The other half was in Bevelle for school.

He and Gippal grew up together and spent all their time together and became like brothers. To the point where they knew each other so well that they only needed to look at each other and know what the other was thinking, even having conversations with no words to a point.

When he was 19 he went with Gippal on his adventures and they never left each other from that day on. Though he didn't join in on Blitzball, even though he enjoyed it very much he was never really good at it. He took on the role as Gippals "body guard" and always got him out of trouble from fans of girls fawning over him.

Besides following Gippal around they did stop at Mt. Gagazet during which he spent training with the Ronso at hand to hand combat. During which he was named hornless one because of his strength matched some of the Ronso which gained much respect among them.

Personality: Despite his massive and fierce appearance, he is actually a teddy bear at heart. He doesn't tend to speak much for he is shy, Gippal tends to speak for him. But once he is comfortable with someone he will speak more.
Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?: Arriving
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Cassius Alexandros Svent
Nickname: CAS
Race: Half Human, Half Ronso
Notable Parents:None.


Skin Color: Pale White.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Eye Color: Hazel Green.


Height: 5'11 to 6ft
Weight: 175lbs.

Personality: He is a Snide, Cynical, Sarcastic, Inquisitive, but a logical person who does rarely care for many. He does however try to be considerate, but has a grey sense of morality. Sometimes very leader like mostly because despite his weakness he is strong willed.

Job: Alchemist,Monk/Pugilist
Weapon: Atelier- A Handcannon developed by the Al-Bhed to extract minerals and combine items. Does not fire bullets.
And a Dagger to small Hammers.

Primary Weapon Function: It extracts items from the ground or water to air. Compresses said substances into balls, gems, and gels. These can be used as items that are defensive, offensive, or a restorative to some sort of debuff, buff, to being used by crafters to make new items or weapons.

Secondary Function: Can be used to charge up energy to attack with laser bolts or beams if charged up. Or can use some gems or items as a spray.

Armor: Light, typically blue and black, pretty much a wetsuit with a Harness of some sort to hold his items and weapon.

Weaknesses: Born Anemic, thus at times he is dizzy and or tired. Flat footed, thus his feet hurt and cramp up easily. Has Asthma; thus shortness of breathe at times. His weapon can be slow at times even if he himself is fast. Not very strong, and the Ronso frown on him.

Strengths: Very fast moving, silent walking and running do to him constantly walking using the tips of his toes. Surprisingly accurate. Pretty fluient in Al-Bhed because of his friend Vivvine. Wears a wetsuit for diving.

Backstory: Was born as the result of his mother being indebted to a Ronso. During the Pregnancy she established a connivance store with some of her connections; as a result business flourished enough for her in Luca with her secure shop and constant produce with her trade with the Al-Bhed and Guado.

When her son was born, the father had returned to his homeland, however she was not stricken with grief, she had the luxury of trade, friends, security, and welfare. Her child grew to not knowing his father, and he was okay with that.

She took her son to see Blitz ball games only to discover he rather be active than sitting in a bench watching people hold their breathe for extrenious amounts of time. So rather than make him sit stationary, he helped attend to the shop and run errands, of course he always had a Machina following him to make sure nothing bad happened.

As the years went on, and he reached the age of four-teen. He wanted to go with his friend Vivvine to the Highroads and use an Atelier with her to help mine and learn how things work. His mother was okay with this for she rather him have some experience.
To their surprise he was quite good at finding things to bring back, it did help increase profit with two people rather than just one.

By the age of 16, his heath had deteriorated due to his hereditary ailments he was born with. His mother decided to have him go to Beside to get fresh air with theory that he may find help and healers there to help with his ailments. To his surprise his heath improved as he lived in Beside for the next three years. Currently he is still procuring items with his Atelier.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The_written_John
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The_written_John Professor Screwball

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Notable Parents:
None. Auron, however, is a relative.

Name: Saina Cross

Age: ???

Sex: Female

Hair Color: Black and Blue

Eye color: Blue


Weapon: Black Katana, Magics

Limit break:
"Lance de Glace" - Several black ice lances form around Saina in midair, then with a snap of her fingers move to impale the enemy directly

Any Armor: Black Cloak

-Ice Magic
-High Agility
-High Speed
-An excellent dancer

-Only so-so with a sword
-Has difficulty forming relationships

Occupation: ???

Biography: ???

Personality: Saina is a mysterious woman who often appears to be aloof, yet when you look in her eyes there is some sort of deep understanding seen there. She is stoic, vigilant, and very blunt when asked for her opinion.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?: Arriving on her chocobo, Mercury
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Riona


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

No longer Playing

Character Sheet
Notable Parents:Lucil (Formally of the Chocobo Knights and now apart of the Youth League)
Name: Alora
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Red
Eye color: Green
Appearance: She wears tight black leggings as well.

Weapon: Katana
Any Armor: none
Biography: Alora is the oldest daughter of Lucil, Captain in the Youth League and Former Captain of the Chocobo Knights. She was born Very shortly after the events with Vagnagun, Her mother another Former Knight who was thought to be dead during the battle with sin of the highroad a few years before. But he had only lost his memory and was wandering Spira until he ran into Lucil in Kilika. He regained much of his memories but still till this day does not have them all.

Alora grew up in Kilika very happily. She looked up to her parents, they were her idols because of their courage and sense of duty they had. Her bedtime stories were of her mother or father and the adventures they had either by themselves or together. As soon as she could lift a practice swordshe begged her parents to train her. It didn't take much to do so and they began teaching her how to defend herself. She took after her fathers style with the Katana. Not the big one like Aaron but the normal sized one.

When she was 16 she was accepted into the youth league to serve under her mother. She became a body guard to her mother, partially because of her skill and mostly because her mother wanted to make sure she was fine. When she was 18 She convinced her mother to let her go on missions and to go on the high roads for patrolling to keep the roads safe from Fiends.

During her travels she became well known for her skills and her acts of courage while saving others when the odds were against them. She is now in Besaid on duty to protect the ship taking the Blitzball team and it's fans to Kilika, then onto Luca.

Alora is calm and collected usually, but it doesn't mean she is serious all the time. Her philosophy is "Work hard and play hard"Where she is serious on the job she knows when it is a good time to lighten the mood. she cares for those she works with and often takes the role of leader. even though she recently became a captain. she is kind and loving, kinda hopeless romatice, wanting a similar story of how her parents met.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? In Besaid waiting to perform her duties
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Sheet
Notable Parents: None
Name: Eva
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde
Eye color: Red
Appearance: Like the picture below, but her hair is strawberry blonde, (Couldn't go with pink sorry :) ) Though in the picture I'm guessing she is Half Guado due to her length of arms and fingers But i'm only making her human, with longer (Not as long as those) fingers. She is also a whopping 5 foot 4 inches.

Weapon: Staff (Like above) Help channel her white magic and Summoning.

Any Armor: None

- Can make friends with anyone, looks for the good in all
- Has knowledge of Healing and first aid

-Far too trusting
-Hate's fighting, so is a bit of a burden in a fight

Occupation: None doesn't remember

Biography: To be Revealed in the RP. Never liked writing this in a CS anyway. But she has Amnesia, and only remembers the last 2 years.

She is very kind and loving, she also is kinda Naive. She explains that she was VERY Sheltered and her parents kinda made her live under a rock...not literally of course. It is just a story, because it's easier to say that than say she has Amnesia, and only remembers the last 2 Years. She hates fighting and is often takes the role of Diplomat. She does remember always wanted to be a Summoner growing up, which is kinda hard because she has to fight, but she knew it would be better for everyone She does remember training to become one as well. But of course Sin is gone, and her dreams were in the clouds. So she tries to find out all she can About Aeons and Fayths, including the prayers and what ever she could get her hands on.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Arriving
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Notable Parents: His uncle Auron

Name: Maximus Cross

Age: 40 looks like he is in his early thirties.

Sex: Male

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Amber

Appearance: He wears the robes of a monk of Yevon, just like his uncle Auron. Though of course slightly different. He wears his haori in the same fashion as his Uncle, due to the fact he no longer is a Warrior Monk in Yevon. While in his forties he still has an extremely athletic healthy body as he spends his entire life devoted to the sword.

Weapon: katana
Armor: The blue shoulder guard on his left shoulder.

Biography: Maximus grew up with his little sister and his parents during the time of Sin. He and his sister had a uncle who was the role model for both of them, who later became a guardian for a shamed summoner. Despite this he and his sister adored him, though the same couldn't be said with his father and mother who were ashamed that Auron failed as a warrior monk of yevon after refusing to marry a daughter of another priest.

But this didn't affect him, he still wanted to be just like his uncle and became a warrior monk himself as early as he could. To help bring honor back to the family. Not too soon after he did this his little sister ran away from home, trying to meet up with their uncle somehow while on his pilgrimage. They never heard from her again. Maximus took this hard, because of how close he was to her. When able he would travel around to find any clues to her whereabouts. Only thing he could find out was that she was last seen by the calm lands with the chocobo Knights. After that nothing.

Ten years passed and lots of things changed. Maximus found out for himself the religion of Yevon was corrupt and left the fold. Just before Yuna took on her pilgrimage. He heard rumors of Auron appearing and spent his time following the trail, but was always a step behind them, and only to find out he passed on after defeating sin for the second and final time. Afterwards in the next twenty years he still looked for his sister, though he felt inside she was dead by now. So he traveled, doing the only thing he knew to do and that was to fight. He also still followed some teachings of Yevon, as it taught some good but he is not a believer. He is often confused with the legendary guardian since now getting older he looks like Auron did when traveling with Jecht and Braska. Often having to convince people he is not an unsent and the fact he uses a smaller Katana, not a heavy one like him. He currently works as a Body guard for hire.

Personality: He keeps quiet and to himself usually, he speaks when needed. He has made a few life long friends along the way of his story. He's also a ladies man, often going out of his way to help a woman, as it's his Achilles heal
Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Braska Jr.



Hair Color:
Sandy Brown/Grey

Eye color:

Calabolg - A sword passed down to Braska by his father. It stands as a testament to how far Braska has came as a swordsman. He effortlessly blends his swordsmanship with magic to create something stupendous.

Braska has lived the life of stardom ever since he could remember. With his father being leader of the Zanarkand Abes, reconstructing Zanarkand, and his mother as the high summoner, Braska stayed in the spotlight as eldest of his siblings. Tidus raised his son to live the life of a blitzball player while also teaching him how to fight. Little did Tidus know that Kimahri and Yuna were both teaching the young boy in the ways of combat and magic. Taking after his grandfather's legacy, Braska went on to achieve spectacular stardom as a Zanarkand Abe but little did he know that fate would bring him into the same life that his father once lived.

Braska has been described as a lazy but confident man and someone you can rely on by his comrades. He is smart and has a great sense of humor. He believes in his own methods of doing things not abiding by any other methods, he is very laid back and only speaks words when he feels that he needs to. When people are in his presence they tend to find it hard to speak to him due to the way he gives off a natural presence, making them silent. Normally Braska is the one to start and finish a conversation, he is very hard to predict and tell his emotions due to him having a natural poker-face, he stands out in crowds and is very easy to notice and pick up on.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there?
Considering how far the rp is, Braska will be arriving where needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natsume Honnaji
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Natsume Honnaji Angel among Demons

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

-No longer participating however if you'd like to use the character as an NPC or something go ahead-
Notable Parents: Rikku and Gippal

Name: Tristan

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Hair Color: Dark Red

Eye color: AL Bhed Green

Appearance: He's usually seen wearing a tan cloak with the hood down and a pair of driving goggles usually just under his hair line. His hair is medium length and curls at the ends however theirs usually a few stray strand of hair that stick out and curl over in the front partially covering his goggles. He wears light brown light weight work boots. Under his cloak is a thin silk black longs levee shirt and thin black leather gloves as well as thick black pants with turquoise padding over the pockets and a sheath on each side for his twin short swords.

Weapon: He wilds two handcrafted iron short swords with [Xiead] (which translates to quiet) carved into the blade of his right sword and [Cfevd] (which translates into swift) carved into the blade of his left sword.

Any Armor: He currently doesn't have any armor but as time goes on he'll most likely acquire some.

Biography: Tristan stayed with his mother Rikku up until the age of ten when he left home to travel on his own. His mother did a pretty good job raising him and taught him how to speak languages other than AL Bhed, which he isn't fluent in because he spent most of his time with people who didn't speak AL Bhed, and his mom never taught him because she taught he was learning like all of the other kids. However he was quite the trouble maker and never stuck around to learn, when the others were learning he'd sneak away and roam the desert looking for treasures and sometimes stealing from others. After he left he traveled to many locations, mainly visiting locations were the temples were and learning as much as he could about them.

He had a very curious nature and never really left behind his rogue habits, such as stealing, and he became quite skilled battling monsters with his two swords seeing as how most of his travels took him to dangerous locations. He's quite reckless most of the time which gers him into some pretty tight spots but he always manages to find his way out.

Personality: He's a bit of a reckless wild child but when the time comes to be calm and think he can match wits with the best of them..although usually he doesn't. He's not hesitant to help those in needs or to rush off into battle. He's pretty friendly and usually nice however when someone crosses to his bad side he is not quick to forgive. He can also be pretty hot headed most times but has a suprisingly mild temper.

Are you arriving in Besaid or Living there? Besaid is the next stop on his journey so he'll be arriving there
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