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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 33 min ago

Naisha watched as suddenly the explosions happened, causing destruction, panic and dead. A pretty large piece of the arcs was actually heading towards the box where she and the VIPS were. Without much chance to think, in response, she raised her staff.” Barrier!” She shouted as a sphere of energy formed around the box protecting everyone inside. Then she quickly changed her focus. Targeting all the large pieces of metal and concrete that was flying in their direction.” MASS SLOW!” She shouted, causing them to love speed and when they met with her barrier they simply stopped and then fell down. After taking care of the raining objects, Naisha quickly looked around clearly very shocked to find what was going on around the box. Then she heard the voice. It was the man from last night! She didn't forget that he appeared... He was the cause of all this destruction!

The mage stood completely shocked, she knew there were still Yevon extremists, but she never suspected they were this bad. Even in the times of Yevon blitzball was the only time machina was allowed to be used. This man clearly didn't care for even that! His preaching was getting Nai very angry. Then suddenly Gippal showed up and started shouting as if he knew the man. The man simply replied with quite the normal tone then waved his hand stating there was a gift for Gippal. As that happened fiends started to appear everywhere. Some appeared very close to Naisha and the other people in the VIP box. Still in her chair, Naisha quickly pointed her staff in a direction with fiends and started to barrage them with magics. Then suddenly she heard screaming form behind her and when she turned, she saw a very grotesque creature part plantish part demonic, the VIPs were already torn apart and now it was directly behind her with stretched towards her arms. The mage didn't have time to react, nor to escape. The creature caught her with its arms then the unthinkable happened. It quickly turned into some form of energy and entered Naisha.

At first she tried fighting it, but she was still weak from the drinking and everything she did last night. On top of that the whispers she heard in her mind didn't stop remembering of what Gippal was supposedly doing the last 5 years. She held her head, crying from pain alone among the dead bodies around her. Tears were running down her face as she desperately was trying to maintain control over her own body, but she was quickly losing the battle. She didn't have the option of even casting a spell on her self to destroy herself before the enemy posses her because if she lost focus for even a moment it was going to be late to cast any spells before it completely took her over.
Suddenly Alex barged into the room with great speed... “ALEX RUN!” Naisha screamed as she was finally losing control over herself.” RUN!!!!!” She screamed as her voice began to change along with her body.

Suddenly Naisha was engulfed by light and shadows. Wind began swirling around her with great strength. The barrier she erected over the open space earlier shattered. The bodies were pushed to the corners of the room. When the light and shadows disappeared what was left there was no longer human. The humanoid figure still had Naisha's face, but it was about 3 meters tall. It's arms were extremely thin and bony looking, though they appeared covered in bark. Her fingers had long and extremely sharp claws. A multitude of glowing green veins were covering her body. A curved demonic horn was situated on the right of her forehead and on the left was what appeared to be antlers. Her hair was no longer black, now it was glowing green. Finally on her abdomen there was a huge hole. What should have been Nai, now looked like a monster. With a piercing shriek the creature waved it staff unleashing a gravija on some of the people who still haven't escaped the stadium. Then she few towards Thane.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 2 days ago

""It was flailing. Perhaps an exciting flailing, but flailing nonetheless." was what he thought as his mild antipathy to sport continued and he watched the game with a whole lot of disinterest that made itself apparent in his total body language. He was pretty sure some uber-fans were giving him the stink eye but he didn't care. Compared to that glorious sport of yore it was nothing before its magnificence. For Blitzball while having slams lacked the jams, hustle, and elegance. Such through ts would be interrupted by the contraption falling apart and some zealot shouting words.

Much to his surprise his wish of something more exciting to happen did happen. Although it was not quite what he had in mind, but it would be an adequate change of pace. A spiraling warp manifested itself in his open grip as his sword materialized itself at readying his weapon much faster than drawing it. Plus it looked damned cool. Seeing as how there some people charging towards the source of the voice he'd lend out a helping hand to the panicking spectators. Charging towards a group of feathered reptilian monsters harassing he expertly imitated the blades of a blender as a flurry of pyreflies were released from whence they stood. "No need to thanks me, just get the hell out of here quickly." he said to the family being attacked.
Quickly he gazed around to find more monsters to kill off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maximus stood on the top floor of the stadium, looking towards the man who was preaching repentance to them, he couldn't help but feel angry. This was the Very reason he left the fold in the first place. The corruption and the power hungry fools who would step on anyone, no matter how many life's were destroyed, to make it to the top. His Left hand gripped the wooden scabbard of his Katana as he looked down to the exit below him.

It was a jam of people trying to exit though the doors, which left the people in the back open for attack... As if he thought it, and it came to pass. Two Large Lizards with hard scales came up behind them, ready to pounce. Maximus hopped off the top and landed in between the Fiends and innocent crowds. Slipping his left arm back through his Kimono, he freed it, allowing the right side to stay on his shoulder while revealing his fit upper body wrapped in cloth up to his chest. It was exactly how his Uncle fought, but that wasn't the reason he did it. He did it for the same reason his Uncle did.

He simply stood there for a moment but did not unsheathe his weapon as he watched the Fiends. He then simply walked forward as one made it's first attack, and last. In a blink of an eye Maximus had unsheathed his weapon and slashed upwards through the Fiend, The pyreflies exploding from it's body. He didn't even break stride as the second came as he twisted his hand and slashed downwards crossing his sword arm in front of him. The Fiend as well exploded into Pyreflies.

He then stood there, making sure the crowd behind him exited safely before moving onto the next fight. He heard a few older people who had watched say, "Is that Auron?" "Cant be..." He ignored it as He did see a woman who seemed to love Ice magic run towards the man who claimed to speak for Yevon. But after that suddenly a large fiend Shot from one of the Vip Boxes towards the man as well. It had unleashed a Gravita spell. He looked to the rest of the stadium to see Soldiers now pouring in and helping fight the smaller Fiends, and most of the crowds have escaped now.

He shot from his standing position towards the Announcers box now. Who ever that woman was she was going to need help.... Not to mention the Dragon that still stood behind the one called Thane? "Fool..." He muttered under his breath as he raced up the stairs to get to the same level as the announcer box. His blade low, almost scratching the floor as he ran. As he passed Fiends he would strike with a flick of his wrist, helping those along the way.

As he grew closer, he was still surprised that Aeon's are now coming back. He along with most of Spira thought the Summons were now gone forever, as no one knew how Fayth's were created. And with this talk coming from this mentally insane man... He could only guess things were about to get much worse.

He Reached a point where he could attack the grotesque Fiend that had shot from the VIP Box. It was facing the other direction and still below him making it's way towards the man. He leaped off the edge, pointed his sword down, aimed for it's neck. "Farewell!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eva screamed when she heard the explosion. Looking up She saw the Arch was broken in half, A look of terror came to her face as she saw it clash together. Looking back to the sphere she saw as all the players fell into the safety net below. She heard, even through the yelling and screaming Gippal yelling "MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE" But instead of making for the edge of the net he ran towards the center. She gripped the railing infront of her tightly as she heard the metal screeching and fall towards him. He helped a female player get untangled, and while looking up he threw her out of the way. "Gippppppallll! NO!!!!!!" She screamed with tears in her eyes as Urick flung himself over them, last thing she saw was the Arch land right on top of him. She started to cry uncontrollably, Freaking out and pushing against Urick's Chest to get up. She had to find him. He couldn't die! Not when she just found him again!

She finally gave up the futile effort of pushing Urick away, and simply cried with her hands over her face, going limp in her chair. She couldn't believe this happened, it had to be a nightmare. But the few minutes she sat their as the dust engulfed them and blocked out the sun. She truly felt like darkness was engulfing her whole. One of her best friends, just died. She never felt this pain before, or if she did it was lost along with her memories from before two years ago.

Suddenly the speakers came to life and a man began to speak. Almost instantly she stopped crying and her red bloodshot eyes wide, She looked around to see Thane Standing on the announcer's box. Her view of him quickly gone as Urick tried to hide her behind him from his site. She did notice the blood on Urick's back. She quickly placed a cool hand on his back and whispered a healing spell, but curled up into a ball and wrapped her arms around her legs as she now knew it was because of Thane, Gippal was dead... Burying her head into knees. Because of her.

But suddenly she heard someone scream Thane's name in anger. Her head popped up as well as her heart while Thane stopped speaking. Her hopes soared while she jumped up and looked down to the bottom of the stadium. She saw Alex, the tall red head with her arms around Gippal, both were kneeling but it looked Gippal was in pain. A relieved smile came onto her face upon seeing him alive, She was also glad his friend was alive as well.

Thane then said he had a gift for them, and waved his hand. Suddenly Fiends appeared and started attacking the innocent. Urick jumped in and quickly dispatched two fiends with ease, Saina saying they needed to get her somewhere safe. She shook her head violently. She wasn't going anywhere. Not while Thane was here, not with all these people in danger it wasn't right...especially because it was all because of her.

Suddenly Saina finally seemed to notice Thane, and her countenance seemed to change, she looked to Urick and herself and again said take her somewhere safe. But her voice was scary as it seemed two voices spoke at once. Then she sprinted towards Thane. "Saina! WAIT!" She yelled but it was no use, she was full throttle as the water below turned to ice steps and she raced up to Thane.

Alex suddenly appeared, pulling herself up with one arm and throwing Gippal over the edge, he rolled like a rag doll but was groaning. That was a good sign. She pulled him into her lap, seeing his head wound she knew immediately he must of landed head first. His head hot from the blood filling up his skull. She was surprised he was able to even yell let alone be awake with this kind of injury. She quickly said a cura spell and looked up to Alex who's blue eyes were looking her for a moment, panting...Before looking to Urick to say babysit them.

She suddenly got in a fight with a massive bird, and she lost sight of her...as much as she wanted to help she wanted to make sure Gippal was gunna be breathing first. A few more minutes before she was satisfied with the treatment. She looked to her left to see Alex again, all bloody now, and looking like she was in much pain from her breathing. Before she could run off to help her she decided to call her Aeon.

She laid him down and tried to focus on summoning Valefor. She didn't have her staff, as what she would use to focus the summon... that is...what she remembered she used it for, she never actually did in the last two years. She took a breath and prayed for the help of Valefor, straining to remember what she needed to do exactly, when after a moment it just clicked. A bright light came from the sky towards her at high speeds, but at the last moment swooped to a stop. She had closed her eyes briefly but when she opened them she saw the majestic Aeon before her.

standing up she looked over to Alex again but she Slipped into the VIP Box. With a fiend behind her with out her knowing. She pointed and Valefor quickly did it's energy ray attack, quickly killing the fiend.

She then ran to the box, to help Alex. as she entered though she heard a woman yell Run!!! She looked up just in time to see that girl from the temple in the floating chair suddenly change and fly out of the box. What in Yevon's name did she just see!? She saw Alex barely standing, First things first she had to heal her as well. " Don't move! " She said, touching Alex softly as she said, "Cura, " As she was casting the spell and her wounds healing she asked. "What just happened???"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After he yelled, he got really dizzy and gripped his skull. Alex had rattled off some profanities, something about drowning him? He didn't catch it as his head began to pound more and more. He vaguely remembered Alex helping him, while fighting off some fiends. But all the while he felt nauseated, and he couldn't see a thing... everything was so blurry.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and he was lying on Eva's lap. He noticed her eyes were bloodshot. Was she crying? She wasn't paying attention to him as she was focused on the healing spell. But as soon as she was done she quickly got up and called forth the Aeon. An amazing sight to behold, if there wasn't any fiends trying to kill them at the moment. Despite being healed Gippal got to his feet slowly, and a bit wobbly. His body was readjusting. He looked around the stadium to see it in chaos, people running, fighting, laying dead or helping others. He gripped the railing as held his head. Slowly he felt better, just in time as a Dango lunged at him. He evaded by leaning backwards over the rail. The Dango slipped right over him. Urick Grabbed him and pulled him back, even though he wasn't in danger of falling.


Thane watched as Saina ran up towards him, a smile came on his lips. "Oh my white frozen flower, Good to see you once again!" As she used the water below to make stairs to him. Not worried at all at the dangerous woman running towards him. He saw the runes appear in front of her and a dozen ice lances appeared. As she yelled at the top of her lungs "This again? You don't remember last time?" He said with a chuckle as the ice lances shot through him, his figure went statically and slowly came back before being slashed through again by her sword. Now mere inches from her face "Is this any way to treat the man who saved you?" He then simply raised a finger to bring her attention to the dragon which toward over her, it's mouth filling with fire as it prepared to blast Saina with it. Thane smile suddenly vanished though when a massive white and blue beam exploded when it smashed into the dragons face, knocking it back and over the edge of the edge of the stadium wall, Pyreflies escaping from it as it fell. Thane looked to the other side of the stadium and saw a woman standing directly opposite of him, with Bahamut slowly standing back up and crossing it's arms behind her. "What?!" Thane said in disbelief. "How is this possible? No way could they have returned." He spoke to himself.

Gippal looked to him as Urick pulled a spare dagger from under his Gauntlet. It wasn't his k-bar knife but it was better than nothing. Both of them then went to the VIP Box, but before they went inside they saw a weird humaniod fiend shoot out from the box and towards Thane. Gippal and Urick rushed inside to see everyone dead, save for Eva and Alex, Eva was looking terrified as she healed Alex. A terrible knot appeared in Gippal's stomach when he looked for Naisha...only to find her chair empty and her no where to be seen. Gippal ran to the window and looked up to the Fiend that escaped earlier. Before he could even ask what happened, He saw the dragon get hit by a massive beam, killing it in one shot. He looked to see Aunt Yuna standing just in front of Bahamut.

Instead of fear of the High summoner Gippal only heard Thane Laugh, as if happy his Aeon was defeated so quickly. "Wonderful WONDERFULL!" He said "It looks like Yevon has deemed it necessary to bring back the original Aeons he had gifted to us. Praise be to Yevon!" The hologram flickered as he raised his hands to the sky.

Then Remembering his gift he looked directly to the VIP Box where Gippal was looking up at him, and totally ignoring Saina, and the even bigger threat, Yuna. He pointed to the Fiend, which really was Nai and said, "look and see your gift from me to you...So you know exactly how it felt to me when you stole her from me." He smiled "Your loved one, is now the vessel for this Aeon's spirit. Turned against you like you Turned her against me!"

Gippal pushed himself away from the window. It couldn't be. How was that Nai!?" He ran out of the box and turned to run up towards Thane, leaving everyone else behind. "Let her go you Bastard!" Gippal yelled as he nimbly made his way to the higher floors. Free running up walls and over chairs for the fastest route to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Saina froze not in fear but in listening after her slashes went straight through the hologram. Her eyes locked on that of the hologram and her pale lips curled back over her teeth in a half-snarl, half grimace.


Her face returned to its emotionless state as she stood up on the final staircase. Her eyes travelled to the dragon charging up its beam and merely blinked when it was taken out. Looking behind her, a small feeling of butterflies fluttering inside her heart was acknowledged at the kingly presence of Bahamut. By the time she turned back to Thane, once again her face was blank, not appearing to notice how intimately close he was or at least apparently too used to it to be startled by it. She looked down at the others as they talked, her eyes flicking back to Thane as he made his own statements, finally getting around to speaking about Naisha. As she watched Gippal try to launch himself up to where they were, she looked to Thane, her piercing blue eyes narrowed.

"Another... "

Her blade lowered and was slid back into its sheath, her shoulders straight as she continued speaking with the man who had saved her so long ago. She could not hurt a hologram, even she knew this.

"You will not break them."

She of course, spoke about the strangers below. She barely even knew them, but her eyes gleamed in knowing. She turned to look below at the citizens running from the remaining fiends, and the fiends attempting to get to the running Gippal. Her hand raised up and an alchemy-like circle once again formed at her fingers. The Ice stairs shattered and flew in all different, seemingly random directions. The large ice shards flew into many of the of the fiends but did not hit them all, killing off the weaker ones in one hit while causing others to only be injured. One particularly focused blast took out a dingo about to leap for Gippal, knocking it off course with a whine. Not killing it but harming it enough for it to flee with its tail between its legs.

"You... have only angered them."

She said this, turning her head slightly back towards the holographic Thane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Every single thing seemed to just freeze into place, the spell of slow on everyone around her, while she herself was frozen into a stop. Alex used her right hand leans against the door frame in order to support her weight. Blue eyes wide in utter shock as she witnessed her friend standing there around dead people and was writhing in what appeared to be pain. Agony, terror, and desperation stretching across the tear stained face of Naisha. The mere sight left any resolve she had just to get here, seem to disappear. The once strength in her legs now felt like jelly, ready to collapse under her.

Alex tried to say something, anything, to break out of her body's frozen state and say something. Utter dread and unease filling the pit of her stomach, clenching tightly and feeling like the feelings were trying to rip her apart from the inside. Managing to stumble foreword a few steps closer, and despite Naisha's screams for the red head to run, Alex outstretched her right hand. Fingers desperately pointing toward the black Mage, craving to quickly touch the black haired woman and assist in whatever was happening.

Yet, she hesitated, blue eyes widening as she witnessed a transformation. Her gaze squinting a little at the mesh of light and shadows to only replace her friend with a demonic looking creature. It let out a shriek and faster a gravija spell on some people before taking off towards Thane.

"Nai! Wait! Please!" Alex shouted as she tried to wobble after her transformed friend, but ended up stumbling to leaning against the wall, coughing a little, taking deep desperate breaths, her chest heaving. The red head wasn't sure if it was from her injuries, or for what she just witnessed.

Naisha... Had just turned into what looked like a fiend right before her eyes. And she had hesitated. Maybe if she didn't, she could of made a grab at her, tried to stop this. But how would she? How could she stop this? She just couldn't punch Naisha to her senses. But she had to do something. Anything. Damn it! If she had just been a little bit faster... Maybe she could have prevented this. But no, Alex had failed to protect her friend. Dread, shock, dismay, terror, and almost felt like she was about to regurgitate everything that was in her stomach.... Alex had a bunch of mixture of thoughts and feelings that just made her feel worse.

Focus being completely on Naisha, she only noticed the strawberry blonde when she ordered Alex to not move. Not being able to really complain, Alex turned her gaze toward the strange girl as she felt a gentle hand touch her before the mystery girl used Cura. It took a few moments, but the spell worked its healing magic. The injuries closing up and soon fading away, the strength in her legs returning and allowing her to stand up straight again, and her breathing at a normal rate once again. There was still a sense of soreness, but even that felt like she just took a painkiller and was slowly dulling any pain.

"Thanks." Alex said, her blue eyes flicking toward the Aeon, Valefor, that was close to this strange girl. A look of surprise entering her eyes as she looked at this 'friend' of Gippal and Urick. A summoner?! Well no wonder those two wanted to be with this girl if she was always a summoner. But if that's the case, she'll punch them later. For now, there wasn't anytime to worry about who this girl was her relationship to Gippal and Urick. By what Thane said yesterday, maybe this was the girl he was talking about.

Once again just like the time first meeting this summoner and Valefor, Alex felt a sense of calmness and the pendant growing hot like molding iron against her flesh. Despite how moments before, her emotions were in a chaos over Naisha's transformation.

As Gippal and Urick entered, Alex turned her gaze toward Thane, watching as Lady Yuna's Aeon, Bahamut, obliterated Thane's dragon alongside a red clad man. Yet Thane just seemed enthused to see Bahamut before talking to Gippal about taking a loved one. Motioning to the fiend that was once Naisha. The white haired man grew angry and bolted out and toward Thane.

Eyes narrowing as she growled, Alex glanced toward Urick and the mystery girl. Whoever this was, she now wasn't definetly handing her over to this Sin spawn known as Thane. But she wasn't about to just let him have Naisha. Alex was positive, that if she got her hands on him, she would kill him. Quickly scanning the outside to oversee the situation, she saw people screaming and fleeing for their lives while some brave souls fought. She was sure she could spot Tidus and Wakka joining into the fray, slaughtering fiends with amazing precision.

"Uri, protect her. I don't know what is going on, but he seems to have some sort of thing with you. So stay low." Alex said to the two of them before moving over toward the wall and reaching for a displayed sword. Brotherhood, a old sword Tidus used to use. It wasn't her sword, but it was better than nothing. Charging, she ran through the stands, slicing through any fiend that tried attacking her. Mostly the lower fiends like dingo's and condor's. While she promptly avoided the flan.

Her anger starting to boil now she was away from the summoner and Valefor, rage filling her eyes as she glared toward Thane's figure. Yet despite going directly to him, she trusted Gippal to handle it and so she wall runned up a wall before kicking off and aiming to make a grab at the fiend that was/is Naisha. Alex didn't really have any plan. The red head wasn't sure if she could bring herself to hurt her friend, and Alex wasn't the best at magic so she had no idea if there was even a spell to help this. But, she had to do something. Even if it was dumb and reckless.

"God damnit Nai! Don't you let that piece of Chocobo dung control you! You're tougher than that!" she barked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 33 min ago

Naisha was screaming inside, but not a single sound was made. Her body was completely out of her own control already. She couldn't even try to move her own eyes or close them. She watched helplessly as the monster used Gravija on some people, causing the already weakened concrete to crumble along with them. She screamed and shouted, but the aeon had no plans on stopping or even pay her any heed.

The thing not only had complete control over her body, but it also seemed to be able to access directly into her own memories and skills. It was using her own magic to cause people harm! She felt it as it was digging in her memories to find even more things to use. As such the black mage desperately fought to keep the thing away from Flare.” I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO KILL PEOPLE WITH THIS!” She was shouting her mind, shedding invisible tears.

Suddenly she heard someone shouted “Farewell!” Using her own skills and memories, drawn directly from her mind, the monster quickly waved it's staff towards the directly of the voice. Just in time also as the blade got caught in the intricate curves of the staff. Then using just a simple movement, the creature redirected all the energy from the attack of the man towards the side, throwing him into the air. As in response to his meddling, the creature quickly turned towards some of the soldiers that were rushing in the stadium.” Triple Firaga!” The creature shrieked as three powerful fireblasts descended upon the soldiers.

Just before the creature reached it's master, suddenly a beam of light hit the dragon, quickly bringing it to an end. The possessed woman looked over to see Yuna and Bahamut behind her. Deep withing Naisha's mind a light of hope appeared. If it was lady Yuna, then she would be easily able to stop the rampage that she as causing.

The creature finally landed next to Thane. As Gippal was already dashing in anger towards them. What was supposed to be Naisha, quickly raised her staff, as it began to glow with energy.” Lightning fall!” The creature screamed in it's piercing voice. The energy in the staff was released as lightning strikes began to rain from the skies towards Gippal in great numbers. The blitzball player was nimble and fast though. He managed to avoid and dodge a lot of them. Using his fast movement speed to escape each of the dozen or so lightning bolts. Still as Gippal approached the creature began to laugh madly and charge even more attacks. Then when Gippal was just a few meters away, the creature smiled.” Focus! Aero!” The creature shrieked as it unleashed a powerful whirlwind towards towards Gippal to push him back away from Thane. Then it proceeded to unleash a powerful earth based move” QUAKE!” The creature shouted as it unleashed the powerful move at Gippal.

Then she also noticed the red head who was jumping towards herself."God damnit Nai! Don't you let that piece of Chocobo dung control you! You're tougher than that!" Alex shouted as she was trying to grip the creature Naisha had become.” NOOOO ALEX! RUN!!!!” Naisha herself was screaming in her mind, but nothing was making it's way out. She still was prisoner of her own body and now the creature pointed the staff at Alex. It had finally broken through Niasha's protection and aquired her Flare spell.” FLARE!” It shrieked at Alex. ”NOOO!!! STOP THIS!!! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS! SOMEONE STOP ME! PLEASE!!!” Naisha was crying, but no one could hear her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Incoming broadcast!" Helios seemed to project an image of the Blitzball stadium.
"That looks like here... but a broadcast?" Cassius stood up from the sand.

He saw a great deal of events unfold, there were large explosions and screams of death- Pyreflys and the mighty Bahamut.

"The... The legends... I only read about them... The fayth...This isn't... this is happening right now...?" He felt the waves of the beach confirm that the crashing was true, the sound of the explosions echoing. These were not for entertainment- these were real and there were people dying. The hybrid somewhat shook his head in quick rapid disbelief... But now was not the time,no, now was the time to get there to help control the situation. His faith wasn't in what this made called "Thane" believes. All he saw was a madman destroying his home and the innocents that helped build it with their sweat,blood and tears. He wasn't about to let it all go.

"Bohdan... I'm going to help these people. You're free to follow me." Cassius quickly composed himself as he readied his handcannon of a weapon. Rohzar's dagger in the underhand, his thumb was against the top of the grip as the blade was glistening in the sun, it pointed to the sand. He had all the strength and determination he needed to fulfill his selfish need of protecting what he considered his homeland. He began to run up the path, his arms to his side to prevent his own weapons from hitting him.

As he made his way up the path, he took in the scenery of the peaceful waterfalls and dirt. He stopped as he took his Atelier and began to make water and earth gems from the resources he had; he'd need them for what he was about to do.

He ran twords the smoke of the village to see people scurrying to get back inside.
Rohzar saw Cassius and charged to him.

"Why in the world did you come back!?" Rohzar than saw Helios buzzing.
"To defend my home." Cassius began to march beyond him to simply get his hand snatched.

"Take these." He placed a sack of gems into Cassius' hand.
"What is it?" He stared to see the assortment of elemental gems.

"It's weapons. They are extremely powerful- especially against living things!"
"What about you Rohzar?" Cassius folded his arms.

"I have THIS!" He held up a large spear that looked liquid like at the blade tip; it was made from the same material of Tidus' blade, not that Cassius would know.

"Right..." Cassius than charged forward, his gum charged to bursting with energy.

Upon reaching the stadium, he walked over a few bodies.
"Helios. Check their status."
"Master, they've been dead for sometime now."

"Well isn't that a nice way to know I was taking my time..." He held his weapons ready to see the fighters in the stand, as well as bleeding out stragglers.

"Helios, prioritize the healing of those we come across. Exclude the fiends as well as identified threats to myself." Cassius said as he saw what looked like a wild canine; to which pounced him.

He saw not man; but death... These fiends were not that of life- but the life unfairly taken from people, those possibly without sin to their name... it pained him to do what must be done, but he wasn't doing what he was doing for them, but for himself.
Quickly he raised his dagger, jabbing it into the side of the head to watch the fiend dematerialize.

Quickly he got back up, staring at his dagger. "Right. They are not living... They are no longer people..." He was saying what he needed to bring comfort to himself.

"Master, I found someone." Cassius quickly faulted over a hurdle that was part of the broken stands.
"Heal them." Cassius commented as he saw three fiends staring him down.

All he thought to himself was "Oh shit.
Quickly he shot what looked like an eyeball monster with wings, it staggered back as a canine lunged forward to be parried by what was a somersault flip. The last being looked like a jelly monster where he knew his blade would be not the most useful to him.

He reached into his pouch to pull out what looked like a yellow gem; it buzzed with energy which was his big indication it was an elemental shot. He placed it into the Atelier and saw the Energy that was normally white change into a yellow.
"I'm really not in the mood for this shit." He said as he pulled the trigger- energy blazed forth as it engulfed the three.

At this point the Atelier was out of energy. "I really need a new one..." He sighed as he held the trigger to recharge. He looked over to see a Red head yelling.

"HEY!" He yelled out before shooting a bolt of energy in hopes of hitting the creature that was now the mage that was previously helping the Party he had yet to meet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eva tired to show an encouraging smile as she said thanks. Alex must be going through turmoil. She knew from Gippal's and Urick's stories of here was clear that Naisha and Alex were very close. She didn't know what to say to comfort her. She only gripped her shoulder to try and showed she cared, but she was sure that it went unnoticed as they were in a middle of a battle.

She saw Gippal run in, he seemed just as worried. Suddenly though a blast came from the other side of the Stadium, She then saw the Aeon Bahamut standing up behind High Summoner Yuna. She looked in Awe at the majestic power of the powerful Aeon. But she couldn't sit there and watch as Gippal ran out, cursing Thane to let Naisha go.

Alex then looked to Urick to tell him to stay low, that this has something to do with them. 'If you only knew...' she said softly as she ran out, following Gippal.

Eva sighed, Everyone was telling her to stay low. To get to a safe place. She couldn't fight, it was super hard for her sure. Gippal and Urick took care of her...protected her from him, and risked their lives and put their lives on hold for her. She lowered her head as she heard the screaming and cries of Fiends attacking the innocents.

She looked up to valefor infront of her. The aeon was on the ground looking at her. Now she was a Summoner. She had the strength to fight, and she was going to use it. "I'm done hiding." She said as she looked to Urick. She stepped out of the box and made her way towards the fight. Valefor raised into the air and followed, She looked to Gippal as he dodged all the lighting bolts with his athletic talent, while that happened Saina covered him by sending shards of ice, knocking away any threat to him. Alex managed to grab ahold of the aeon that was controling Naisha. She thought to herself how can she defeat it with out harming Naisha's body? The woman had seemed so frail, She was sure any attacks on her would be deadly.

She then saw that it was performing Flare, at Alex..the attack would surely harm Naisha's body as well. She couldn't let that happen...not to Urick and Gippals friends. Not to anyone. "THANE!!!!!!!" She yelled hoping to get his attention. She wasn't going to hide anymore. She had to stand up to him. though after she said his name she whimpered to herself... Holding her hands tightly. She was still scared out of her mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Urick nodded at Alex as she told him to stay put. He had planned on it. He wasn't going to allow Thane to see Eva. But when he looked over to Eva with her head down...he could tell that she was having an internal battle. She looked to Valefor and then to him saying, "I'm done hiding."

Urick looked her in the eyes as she said it. Determination was there, new found courage as well. He only nodded as she walked by. He didn't think it was a good idea...but he will let her do so. Facing one's greatest fear head on with out prodding is the greatest step to overcoming it. He turned and followed her as she moved towards the announcer box. She thought for a moment before yelling out Thane's name. Urick closed his eyes Here we go. he thought to himself.

When he opened his eyes he could see her quivering still. He smiled a little before placing his hand on her shoulder. Before looking up to the Aeon which controlled Naisha, Alex trying to get some sense into her, Gippal being thrown back by the Aero blasted at him. He wish he was there helping to save Naisha, But he knew leaving Eva here would only make all this suffering in vain if Thane got a hold of her.


Gippal's pain was gone, replaced with adrenaline while dodging the storm of Lighting strikes. He noticed a rain of Ice as well, glancing up to the box to see Saina just standing there next to Thane...was she helping him!? But he heard yelps of Dingo's getting hit around him and quickly saw that none of the Ice came close to him.

He then managed to get on the box before the Aeon sent an Aero at him. Sending him flying back into the lower part of the seating. Like a cat he arched and forced himself around to land on his hands and feet. The momentum though still threw him back, where he did a few backward rolls to minimize hurting himself. He slammed into a railing and before he had the chance to get his bearings the Aeon performed a quake on him. The ground suddenly broke apart, pieces shoving up and down. Letting out a painful Yelp as two concrete pieces crushed against his forearm. He managed to avoid it breaking though.

The ground then gave away, falling into the halls underneath he landed on the balls of his feet some how and managed to dodge the rocks around him just barely. He fell to the ground breathing heavily for a moment "Son of a..." She said as he pushed himself back up to his knees. "Biscut." He finished as he looked up to the hole above him. He could see still The aeon and now Alex who was holding onto her. Her flare now was charging. "ALEX! LOOK OUT!" He yelled. Jumping onto the fallen rubble he sprang from one to another before grabbing the ribar now exposed and swinging up onto the floor above, "Gah..." He winced as he realized his arm, though not broken now was still badly bruised.

He was about to sprint towards Alex and Naisha but slid to a stop When he heard Eva yelling Thane's name, looking towards her and Urick.


Thane watched with a smile on his face as he saw Gippal running around all the strikes from the lighting. He would die soon enough he wasn't in a hurry. Suddenly Saina spoke up saying he wouldn't break them. With an amused look on his face he answered. "Oh really?"

She would continue after helping Gippal with her Ice. Saying he only angered them, while looking back to him. Puckering his lips in thought looking back at the battle at hand. "True... But that was sort of the point my dear." talking Casually with the woman as if they were old friends. " Anger is only the beginning of breaking them. Once they realize that Daemn..." He casually motioned to the Aeon who now controlled Naisha's body. Revealing it's name. "Has no weakness, with no way of killing it with out killing their beloved friend. They will despair, and are one step closer to being broken."

He smiled even more when Daemn begun to use Flare. But then he heard his name once again. Looking around he spotted the giant man named Urick, and infront of him was"...Eva..." He said as his body relaxed a little as he saw her. "Deamn!" He called out. " Please retrieve the Lady Eva for me. Do not harm her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alex managed to wrap her strong arms against the lean waist, firmly gripping tightly while her legs wrapped around the legs to have a better hold. Unknowingly ignoring Naisha's cries to run. Her head. Throbbed as it tried processing multitude of thoughts, plans, ideas, emotions about all this. What to do in this situation? As controlled Naisha started preparing a Flare, Alex didn't move. It was a powerful spell that had a large blast radius, she was doubtful she's get away in time. Plus, she didn't want to.

Clenching her teeth tightly together, she heard a shot and she quickly shifted their weight to barely avoid a energy shot. Her blue eyes briefly glanced to who it was and saw that half Ronso. She couldn't exactly yell at him for shooting, Naisha looked like a fiend.

Or she was. Alex wasn't sure anymore. Was she killed? No longer even able to human again? If that was the case, what made her different from being a fiend? That meant Alex would have no choice but to kill her friend. But if she's being controlled, can she snap out of it? Alex didn't know what to do, and she was afraid she would have to resort to death.

Eyes narrowing as she heard that girl, then Thane's order to the Aeon, Alex knew she had to decide and do something now. Despite everything, Alex couldn't just let innocent people get hurt and this crazed lunatic get his way. Naisha right now, was too dangerous to contain awake. If Alex could use silence on her, maybe. But she can't.

Then she came down to three options. Kill, try her best to stall the Aeon from that girl, or maybe knock her out.

All options were not very pleasant. If Alex tried stalling, more people could die. Of course, Alex didn't want to kill Naisha either. Knocking her out was the best she could do. But Alex wasn't a ninja and do the thing to karate chop the neck to knock her head. The red head was a brute. A berserker almost. She punched, kicked, swung a sword around and even headbutted, but Naisha was so frail, Alex wasn't sure she could hold her blow well enough to not kill her and effectively knock her out. Heck, the blitzer didn't even know if she could be knocked out.

Body shaking as her teeth clenched, her grip tighter before finally making up her mind. Removing her right armored glove so it was bare, her left hand moving up to hook and grab the shoulder to pull herself up so they were eye level and pulled her right arm back, fist readying. Face twisted in dismay, teeth clenched tightly as her arm shook before steadying.

Alex didn't know if Naisha was still in there and could see and hear her, but the red head was sure of one thing. Naisha wouldn't want to hurt so many innocent people.

Eyes narrowing slightly, Alex tried focusing she had to hit the correct spot with the correct amount. Naisha would probably decifinetly hurt, but hopefully be alive and blacked out.

"I'm sorry Nai." Alex murmured before her body twisted a little before twisting and aiming her fist toward the left temple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The pale woman looked to the possessed mage when Thane began shouting orders to her. The red head from earlier was thrashing about on her as ungracefully as a fish out of water. With a sigh, she listened to Thane speech, all the while rummaging with something attached to her belt loop. Relaxing, she uncorked the bottle she drew from her side and sipped it slowly. Ugh. Awful taste. She wrinkled up her nose briefly before relaxing her face and tossing the finished glass bottle behind her and over the rail without a care who it hit below.

Her arms crossed, she opened her eyes and kept them on the possessed mage, watching to see if the creature she had begun had enough willpower to not listen to what Thane was ordering it to do. She also kept her eye on the summoner and Urick who were trying to catch her attention. What a cluster of confusion this all was, truly.

"No weakness without hurting the girl, hm?"

She mused, repeating what he had said. Ah, the potion hadn't taken long to kick in. Already she could sense her mana levels being restored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 33 min ago

Naisha watched with horror as the creature controlling her was about to hit her best friend with one of her most lethal spells. If things were equal, the black mage may have been able to resist the aeon better, but it had unfair advantage over her when it possessed her. Now that it had already rooted it's control, Naisha found great difficulty in fighting it. Then suddenly some form of energy shot flew at her, but the aeon blocked it with a barrier. Daemn looked at the source of the shot and whithout releasing the Flare, the aeon unleashed a spell towards the half ronso.” Thundaga!” The creature said with a high pitch piercing voice.

Then just as the aeon was about to shoot the Flare at Alex in the next moment, Eva showed herself and Thane's target quickly changed focus. The new order quickly forced the creature to throw the flare aside as the energy quickly began to fade, the aeon turned towards the summoner, but it had a small problem. Alex was desperately holding onto her friend. The creature began to shake violently trying to shake the annoying to it red head off, but it had troubles doing that. The blitzball player was way to strong. Alex pulled herself up to eye level saying sorry to Naisha as she prepared to strike her.”DON'T BE SORRY!!! JUST MAKE SURE I WON'T CAUSE ANY MORE DAMAGE!” The mage cried in her mind. She hated Thane, she hated the aeon that was controlling her body and she knew Alex's strength. If the red head hit her hard enough over the head, it was sure enough to break the skull even of this mutated creature she had turned into!”Slow...” The creature suddenly shrieked as it casted the spell on the woman that was holding to it, buying itself some additional time.”Focus! Fira!” The creature continued with it's piercing cries. This time it used a smaller and faster spell on Alex precisely to make sure this time the annoying red head falls.

“NOOOOOO!!!” Naisha screamed inside her mind once again, trying to find a away to disturb the aeon, but she lacked the strength to do so at present.”SOMEONE HELP ME!” She screamed once again in the silence of her own mind. Just as she was about to give up hope, she felt something. It felt as a surge from deep within herself... as if something was unleashed. Then she felt another presence within her..." Shall we give you a hand?" She head her own voice, but it wasn't her who said it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Teancum


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Maximus prepared to fell the Fiend, it surprised him with expertly blocking his blow with it's staff. Twisting a simple movement to send him flying off to the side. He grunted as he hit the ground and rolled to his feet sliding a few feet backwards from the momentum still. He looked back to the fiend to see her unleash three Firaga's on some soldiers who ran in at the wrong time. Standing up straight he pointed at the three men, "Triple Shell!" It would protect them enough to stay alive, they would still get majorly burned though...nothing he could do.

He turned suddenly as he heard multiple footsteps behind him. Four dingo's came at him, slowly surrounding him as he looked. He stroke first, with the tip of his sword and a flick of the wrist he killed the Dingo on his right. The one two over from that first one leaped at him. He side stepped and arched his blade over his head to slice the fiend in two, with a quick strike to the right again at eye level to fell the third before pulling it back to block from the last one as it attacked. But as it had no weapon and his Katana was razer sharp, his block actually cut through the dango's leg. He quickly spun his blade to give it a quick death before looking back towards the larger fiend. Only to hear that it wasn't a Fiend, it was an Aeon, and it had taken over a woman's body? How horrific. He watched as a tall redheaded woman gripped on with all her strength, apparently trying to get through to her friend inside. It was about to cast a Flare, and He reached out to cast a shell, but it stopped as the man who was apparently called Thane, ordered it to grab a woman with strawberry blonde hair. He stood up a little straighter. A very beautiful woman.

Shaking his head, now wasn't the time. He looked back just in time to see the tall redhead try to punch the Aeon in the face, which only angered it, as it cast slow, he reached forth and yelled, "Shell" He would have rather have cast Haste but it would seem the woman wasn't going to let go, almost taking a Flare in the face in doing so.

He then sprinted towards the battle once again, He didn't know what to do to defeat the Aeon with out hurting the woman inside, So he decided to go for the source. He used one of the fallen arches as a ramp to be line for the Announcers box. As he ran he noticed the woman who controlled the Ice was now talking with the man, her weapon sheathed. His eyes narrowed, why would she do that?

He looked to the edge of the arch, and at his last step he leaped, it was a stretch but he was sure he could make it. As she approached the Box he was falling slightly faster than he thought, 'shitmaybenot' he did managed though just barely, he used his momentum to duck forward and roll back to his feet, tucking his sword so it wouldn't cut him or rip out of his hands.

Back to his feet now 'Close one...' he thought without looking back to the edge. He walked over, sword's tip pointed down and away from him. Stopping as he got close enough he noticed it was just a hologram. "Bastard..." he said softly before continuing. "You say you speak for Yevon? I highly doubt that. But I can make an arrangement for you to speak face to face with him in the Farplane's if you so desire."

He looked to the woman, but her only saw her black hair and very revealing outfit. "Are you alright miss?" He asked, perhaps he managed to gain control of her as well, It's possible but he doubted since he knew he was a hologram she probably just sheathed her weapon for the same reason.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"...Eva..." Thane saying her name and seeing his body relax sent chills down her spine. She was comforted when Urick placed his hand on her shoulder. But she jumped when he yelled "Deamn! Please retrieve the Lady Eva for me. Do not harm her." She looked at Deamn, the Aeon that seemed so dark and horrible. Nothing compared to the Aeons of before.

She crossed her right arm and gripped her left bicep, still scared but trying to make a pitiful attempt at standing strong. Sudddenly Daemn was focused on Alex again. "Oh no..." She pointed and said, "Valefor Distract her!" The Aeon didn't hesitate, it flew up shooting a beam towards Daemn close enough to get her attention but not hit her. She couldn't bring herself to harm her. She tried racking her mind on all that she knew of Aeons, after a moment of thinking she came to that they were pyreflies... Aeon's were the spirits of those who willingly gave themselves up to become one. Instead of the Farplane they would be trapped in stone unless called upon. But Lady Yuna sent them all after defeating Sin...

She perked up. Sending. Course it didn't work unless they were willing to be sent, she remembered hearing it still could be done... it was just a hundred times more difficult, someone with her strength as a summoner couldn't do it. But Lady Yuna! She looked over but shocked to see her hunched over, Bahamut gone. It would seem after twenty five years of not practicing she lost her stamina to keep up the summon. She would have to do it then.

She took a breath and began to dance. It was awkward, she was in the middle of the Battlefield, Urick knocking Fiends away that got too close. As she danced she Started to sing the hymn of the Fayth, her face reddened... as she hated singing in front of anyone. But she had to, it kept her in time with the Dance and helped her focus. Hopefully everyone would catch on to what she was doing and keep Daemn busy enough.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bohdan had been following Cassius this whole time. He drew his spear in preparation to help protect him from anything that might come their way. "I suggest letting me be in front, Cassius. I've probably seen more battles comparable to this one than you have." He wasn't exactly lying, but the truth was he'd never really seen anything like this. He gripped his spear tightly and held it in a defensive stance, ready to take one anything that came their way as he tried to position himself between Cassius and any potential danger.

Was that man talking about Yevon just now? Obviously he was, but it seemed strange to Bohdan. From the history he'd learned, Yevon sounded like a mostly positive thing until fairly recently. Had things really gotten this bad? Maybe there had always been underlying problems that just didn't become more pronounced until more recent generations. "With any luck, I'll get to put some of what I've already learned to use before the day's end, better me than innocent people with no combat training. I'm glad you want to support them too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Cassius staggered back as he was struck by lighting from Naisha. The attack landed flawless; but fortunately his suit was mostly rubber, it hurt him considerably none the less.

Shit. That would have been worse if it was anything like Ice... I guess count your blessings.
He pushed himself up to see Helios making his way over as a ray of light seemed to hit Cassius directly from the eye of Helios.
He could feel some ease enveloping his body. This was more helpful than I thought... unfortunately my shot bounced off.

"Bohdan, behind be, keep any fiends from me." Cassius said as he plug his Atelier into Helios, powering it up.
"Master, might I suggest optical illusions to divert the enemies?"
"Then do it. It can help these people considerably." Cassius finished as he pulled the Atelier out, placing a soil gem into the item slot.

Helios projected a barking canine near Naisha, if this worked correctly, it would possibly distract her from harming those Cassius and Bohdan are fighting with to give them an edge. However, it was also very possible that it would just irritate Naisha; but tiring out such a creature would be considered critical to his plan if he could not hurt it. Helios, regardless moved in on Naisha from a distance to where Helios emulated barking sounds.

He aimed his weapon high as he deployed the soil; as it was airborne from the shot, it moved twords the general direction, this could help block it's field of vision considerably as well as other fiends. If this worked, it could hopefully turn the tide momentary to strike the real threat; the root of the calamity that had unfolded.

He however looked up and saw the aeons around, he immediately questioned if his choice of action was wise, or just prolonging a bad situation to a more hellish one.

His ears seemed to vibrate; not in a literal sense, but in the sense he heard the hymn, he looked about to see a female dancing, one that was being defended by a muscular male. "Bohdan, I want you to go help those two, I'll stay low and try to divert the big threats, as well as provide support for whoever is in danger." He was giving a direct order to someone who was just as much as a civilian as he was. His will was truly an adamant one for doing what was necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"Keep running and don't look back!" The man said to another group of scared spectators running out. By the time he was done with aiding as many as possible out the part of the stadium he was in was all covered in a very sticky translucent and iridescent slime cobbling some of the structures together to allow for egression. Seeing the battle erupt from the other side he power walked over to the new destination. Kahl figured the fight would be exhausting and it would do no good to expend energy getting there when it would needed to be used in the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gippal swore under her breath as Eva revealed herself to Thane but he knew it was inevitable. She looked to Alex to see her trying to punch Nai's transformed body At which he yelled "NO DONT!" He understood why she would Nai would want the same thing. But he didn't there had to be away. The Aeon casted slow on Alex, With out thinking he quickly caste haste upon himself and sprinted towards them once again, as he did had to look away to leap over some debris and while he did that he missed that someone had placed Shell over Alex.

He could take a hit. He knew with out a doubt Alex could as well. But she always had a weakness against magic, where he was somewhat stronger with his knowledge of it, from what he could remember she didn't know any. She would probably be pissed at him, but he couldn't just sit there and watch. As he reached the both of them as the aeon was about to cast Firaand wrapped his arms around the Aeon, Hunching down to cover Alex as much as he could He also reached up to grab the aeon's/Nai's arm which held the staff. He closed his eyes and prepared for the Fira to hit him.


Thane Watched as Gippal threw himself over his friend to protect her from the attack while still not attempting to fight his Aeon. He laughed at the sight. Knowing he won as Gippal wouldn't do anything to hurt his closest friends, the waiting game had payed off. He looked to his left to see a man in a red kimono, his his left arm free while his right hand held a Katana walk towards him and say "You say you speak for Yevon? I highly doubt that. But I can make an arrangement for you to speak face to face with him in the Farplane's if you so desire."

Thane smiled, "A warrior monk of Yevon? Don't see too many anymore. But by the looks of it you are no longer a follower...by the way you wear your haori. Why would one who is no longer a follower fight against one who is restoring the faith?" He mused. He looked away as if already disinterested in the man, as he heard singing. It was Eva, she was singing they hymn of the Fayth...while performing a Sending.

"I should have known..." He chuckled with a smile on his face "She was always the smartest one." he said to himself.

Placing the book in his hand into his satchel he looked to Saina. "It would have seemed you have Experienced the world for yourself, yet after so many years are still a child in it. Perhaps for you to grow up some more...you might have to visit Macalania temple. I would say it would probably be an interesting experience to behold...now that the original Fayths have returned..."

He pulled a small object from his pocket, "It would seem I should get to work my self. Take care of yourself my little flower." With that he clicked the object and his hologram disappeared. Leaving a small sphere behind that was the projector for it on the ground.


Urick continued to Knock away Fiends that got to close, slowly moving in a circle around Eva as she did her Sending. He did look up to see Gippal now covering Alex, planning to take the hit. Urick slammed an elbow into a Dingo sending over the edge, and looked up again. He noticed Thane disappear leaving Saina up their with another man. Where did Thane go? He had to be in the Stadium somewhere. He lifted his arms and moved closer to Eva, just in case.

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