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<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Waits a moment before speaking*
I disagree. You've barely even started finding things to try, you shouldn't give up yet. Besides, she... Well, maybe she should tell you herself. Plus... Just because she boasts about her achievements, not that there's anything wrong about that, doesn't mean that she's better at those things.
*Pauses again*
What is it that you want to do? Stella has her detective work, and that singular drive is enough for her, but, and I feel like a failure for having to ask, but what about you?

I—I'm not really sure. I know I'm disappointing you... but I guess I just want to find out what I could still do. It just hurts so much when Stella's great at everything, she can even learn to see again, and then uses that to cheat and beat me at the only thing I had.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

Dawn, that's... It's fine to want to be better than someone at something. If you think that's true for you, imagine how wrong Stella must be for feeling that way much more often, right? You're doing fine, wanting to be good at something, better than others, is normal and not a bad thing in and of itself. You aren't dumb or wrong or bad for that.

But Stella is better. At everything.
*Buries my face in my pillow*
I’m just a lost cause.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

There's nothing to blame yourself for. Getting angry is part of life; no healthy person can go forever without an outburst. Besides, do you think that what you got mad about was okay, now that you've stepped away from it? If you still think it was wrong, then there's no reason to apologize for thinking that.

I sh-shouldn't've tried to find s-something to be better at at all...
I was so dumb.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Sighs and walks in a step, closing the door behind me*

This is my fault...
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

I don't believe you.

*Squeezes the pillow tightly between strained sobs*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Opens the door*
Dawn, how are you holding up?

*Is sitting on my bed with my face buried in my pillow, and doesn't look up to speak*
I'm fine.
<Snipped quote by Legend>

Alright, I'll do that, then.
*Goes to Dawn's room and knocks on the door*

*With a doleful tone to my voice*
C-come in.
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Sits stunned for a moment before closing my eyes, seeming to rest as I lean back on my hands*

<Snipped quote by Techspert>

*Fights between a defensive expression and one of surprise*
You d—

*My head instinctively motions toward dad for just a moment of hesitation before returning to you*
Sh—shut up! You can be better at this game than me. You can be a better Cloud than me. I don't care. You know why, Stella? I'm a better person than you.
*Storms off to my room and slams the door*
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

<Snipped quote by Legend>


<Snipped quote by Techspert>

I... huh?

Everything comes naturally to you Stella; I was so excited to finally find something where we could be equals, and maybe even be a little bit better for a while. But NO! You so couldn't stand the idea of me being better than you at one thing that you had to go and cheat to beat me! At a video game! With all your talk about how a Cloud should be this or a Cloud should be that, you're being a real sorry excuse for one! Is a Cloud someone who skips working hard to get what they want? Someone who undercuts their own family just for a few dumb points? If the only way for you to feel important is to go and use your eyes to beat a blind girl who's better than you, that's not impressive, it's not cool, it's just pathetic!
<Snipped quote by Techspert>

I could never hate you, Dawn. What's on your mind?

*Stands up, walks in front of Stella, and takes a deep breath*
You're a hypocrite!
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