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Idk, my brain died a little and I forgot who I was controlling. Ultimately, you can decide ^^

Also lemme hug you now because all my rp peoples have poofed T^T
Will Never stop
Sigh, yet it is a little bit of how yaoi isn't that all widely accepted that makes it a little exciting to read and discover. All the same, I'd still be a fan. I'm fine with the yaoi hands, it's just the really ridiculous stuff like the bed is gigantic or the head is a thousand times smaller than everything else or the lip is a botox disaster. It's usually the really big stuff that you can't ignore, and kinda takes away from the story unless you pretend it's characters are aliens. XD There are some really bad ones, though I can't quite remember their names; there are thousands of tumblrs dedicated to them.

And Ouch, heels. You are dedicated, even I don't think I could make it in a pair of stilettos for an hour, let alone the whole day. Death note is really easy to cosplay, but hard to be noticed cause of that reason; the easier the cosplay, the harder it is for people to know who you are some time. I think height really helps with some cosplay, only cause characters can be distinguished by height. Even for a character with no definite height, like say one of the vocaloids which I saw at a comic con, well, let's say, as long as it wasn't Rin or Len, they look good tall (Really nice and tall and god I think I have a crush on that guy's wig.). Shota characters can be short, but they gotta have that look also. Ahhh...I guess what I'm saying is I wish I was taller @@

Digital is really convienient, but there's something about real books. You know, it's like playing an online game vs a simple board game, there's something a little special about being able to hold the pieces, though, I guess I'm just old fashioned like that. That all being said, I've been hoping to get some yaoi games, but ah, they're so hard to get in a country like this! And I don't understand a zip of Japanese or even Korean, my learning rate is terrible, so it limits options a little. Still, there's once again a difference between the game and the book <3
Sounds interesting, I wouldn't mind discussing a plot with you, but it's in my nature to ask for a writing sample before starting any rp. I'm willing to give you a sample of my own if you're interested, pm me ;)
It's so cool that you can dress up, anyone try to take pictures with you or anything? Or anyone else matching your costume? XD I don't see much of death note cosplay nowadays save for the first two main. I'm always amazed how good opposite genders look as each other, any of that sort of crossing over there? Or any plans of yours to ever do a cross? I assume you are a guy and whatnot.

Do you go for art or story when you choose yaoi? I usually go for the art. Sometimes even if the story is really good, but the art is really out of proportion or just too funny, then I can't take it seriously or even follow the story that well. I still love Yaoi though even the funny strange ones with gigantic yaoi hands and heads way too small XD
I think narcissism is fun as long as it doesn't go overboard. Well, Idk, I don't think things through enough sometime, let's have the talk now though.

There is just so much to comment about, from the actual dressing up to the yaoi store to the voice actors. All we get here are small time comic artists that nobody has really heard about :/ Are you ever gonna dress up yourself like those die hard fans or would you rather go simpler or just no dressing up at all? That's just one question cause to tell you now, I'm a little under the weather (horribly horribly sick because I don't do well sick even if it's a slight cold) so my brains kinda still swaying in the sickly fluids inhabiting my cerebral. I may become delirious and perhaps cannibalistic so fair warning now, I take no responsibility over missing frontal lobes, but I can cover cortex recovery.

Just wanted to reply sooner before it all escaped my mind :3
Sure, that's fine I think. If we can rush the action just a little. I was actually hoping for them both to have a sort of talk because they've kind of been flitting around each other a little bit. I like taking things slow in terms of posting and figuring out characters, but I have a terrible bit of OCD with these sorts of things; meaning that I can't stand it when there is a task left standing. At least it makes procrastination something really hard for me to do since it just irritates me so badly. I can't bare letting partners wait too long either..

But yeah, Let's bring them together for a talk an figure out where they stand and what not :3 Sorry for the all of changing of my mind, I just tend to be so scatter brained.

And no, I actually really love hearing people write or talk about themselves, I wish that I could actually answer back during the spaces between the paragraphs because there are just so many points to touch on. You know how your brain goes faster than you can type some times? That's what it's like sometimes XD

But I really really envy you, all the cons here are only one or two days long and they're hardly ever that great. There's cosplaying and stuff, but far from yaoi panels and having a really big staff. It's, well, a little boring here when it comes to that sort of stuff. Homestuck, MLP, even star trek is a little hard to find in these conventions because well, it's just not that big or popular here. No big anime stores or anything; nowhere to buy Yaoi....it's almost illegal here but it's one of those rules that the government doesn't really care about. We don't even have anime improve!!!! Which would be awesome here!

I wanna hear more! Babble to your heart's content and don't think I'm not listening when I'm not typing too much cause it's just so hard to cover everthing XD
The light flooding in abundantly from the open door should've been a clue, but Amanti was naïve enough to think that perhaps someone had left a flame on or that it was normal to leave the lights on in the darkness of the night. With more thought, he might've suspected a late night snacker other than himself had chosen to occupy the kitchen and pantry at this particular time, but never did he think he'd come face to face with the imperious prince expertly dicing through and plating an assortment piscine and cephalopods; very few of which Amanti could recognize and name through their less 'friendly' spinose body segments. He froze in the door way, hands placed cautiously against the frame as his silver eyes met the gold flecked orbs of the draconian prince. The latter speaking sooner than the man could fully process and respond to the coincidental conventionality of the situation. Springing to attention as he was addressed even with the venomous condescending tongue of the prince, he straightened and tilted his head up further; not exactly shifting away from his meeker stance.

It took him precious seconds longer to find his tongue and voice hiding in the back of his own throat and even in all that time, his mind was still piecing together some form of response to the Prince's cutting greeting. His tongue seemed more ready than his emotions, but Amanti was searching for response, not rebuff,

"It is, peculiar that I should see you tonight as well, Prince Jin Wei." He bowed his head and kept his gaze to the floor though the platter of unappetizing seafood made his mind and stomach uneasy and queasy, he had a bad feeling; no almost instinctual knowing that the Prince was probably up to mischief, "Forgive me for being so hasty in my departure from the dinner table, but-" He began, but cut himself off almost as simultaneously as Jin Wei did when the Prince opened his mouth once more.

It was then, then that the Fae wasn't afraid to lift his head and meet the man's gaze full on, silver eyes as bright and piercing as the ever watching full moon, but clouded with confusion at mention of some door and more jibs and jaunty barbs at his personality that seemed vaguely insulting despite...well, it was confusing simply put and Amanti didn't quite grasp it. His brow furrowing as he stared up at the prince before his gaze, the silver of his eyes flickering between a full, half and crescent moon every so often, slid over to the platter that the prince indicated.

Almost on cue, he stepped back when Jin Wei approached him, taking that stride as intent to leave the room and subsequently the conversation on that note. His lips pressing together in a thin line and his right foot slid back and hid behind his left as Jin Wei made that observation, "I stepped on some loose shards of glass, that is all." He offered as explanation, hurriedly before his attention was once more brought back to the platter Jin Wei carried and then to the mucus and blood that stained the kitchen floor, fish scales glittering up in the light and the disemboweled creature in question staring up as if disbelieving of it's fate. It made the Fae, who dare not touch meat, feel sick. The boy's cut was expert, but all else seemed rather sloppy.

As his stomach churned furiously, having nothing to squeeze and regurgitate out, the Fae once again turned to the man and his deadly plate, "You can't serve that to Sindre! It.." he paused, realizing he had spoken out of place, "He may not find it edible to his species," Bowing his head, he took a breath and bowed, "Please, there must be something from the sea that he can eat without worry. I know it may have taken great effort on your part to prepare such, delicacies for him and I, but I do not think it will suit his needs. Let me apologise on his part."
Well, I understand you, but you have a point there saying everyone is different. I'm not saying I always have action right off the bat, but my rps tend to start off on a more 'offensive' note, usually characters meet very abruptly and with a head on collision. So I feel a little unsteady and out of place with this more paced sort of meeting, since that usually comes later, when character personalities have simmered down enough to actually get to know each other. So I don't know, perhaps I just want to add a little stress in now? I need some time to think, cause I honestly haven't thought too much about this rp yet. So give me a little time and bear with me till then.

I wouldn't say I have gotten no enjoyment out of the rp, I really love your writing, but it's just that it's not really too notable for me. I don't want things to end on a cliffhanger for every post, but you know, I want to have a sort of concrete reason to look forward to the next post and the next. I'm gonna need some time to reorient myself I guess, find more stable footing on this rp.

Also, sorry for the short reply, I'm a little busy myself now so no worries about you being busy. Maybe drop in everywhile to chat if you can, we don't need to always get online to reply. Chatting is just fine :3 I hope it isn't too stressful on you in your real life and what not. 14 rps seems like a lot on your plate as well. I think I only have about 7 or so rps going on now actively and already I find myself a little swamped.
How could they ask for such a thing? When he had already given them so much? When he had already done so much? But when was it ever enough? When was anything ever enough? Not to them! Ungrateful bastard offspring, no more no less like their Daddy. Spoiled princes, rich with wicked potential to askew his kingship, he should've- The dragon's face twisted, a strange expression over taking his features as he turned away and threw a long hard stare over his shoulder before he knelt down once more to the one that refused to play. To the creature's sibling that refused to leave his side and silently communicated with him; holding back secrets. Never mind, he had his own secrets, he had his own whispers that no one else would hear. To each his own.

"The others? Why would you want to do that?" And the broken claw trailed slowly across the young one's cheek, so smooth, so pure, this was what he wanted, the dragon could see now. He trembled violently, not out of fear, but more like his frame couldn't handle the being inside of him and honestly, it never could in the first place. Head tilted to the side, he stared down, down into those wide violet eyes, more like lilacs, "Didn't I just tell you?" His voice wavered, "Didn't I just say this is a secret place? Just for the two of you." The words crackled, like static, was he a robot now?

"Didn't I just tell you that?" They shook, where was the script?

"And now you want to ruin it all by bringing someone else here?" What was that, reflecting in vials of purple? Was that what he looked like to them? Was he not a king in their eyes as the illusion fell apart and shattered, "You...You think you can just let them here? You think they won't destroy it for you? Huh, children," And the laughter bubbled against his lips, a breathy chuckle, a painful giggle, "You know you can't ever bring anyone else here. Do you think they will want to stay? To play with you? You think that they will be happy if you are?"

"Don't you know? They're going to take you away from here. Away from me. Do you want that?" Improv, just a little to the play. He couldn't break out of this character, he just had to play along with the bump in the play, the other characters that wouldn't play their part. His gaze softened, "Dear, don't you wanna stay here? You can, forever, forever and always here. Just here, if you don't let anyone else come here. You can play here forever, watch the flowers go, have our picnics. You can have the life you were meant to. As long as you stay here."

And the script was clear in intention. He understood the role he played now as he mimed the words out. It was never meant for him to play the hero, never meant for him to have an 'exception' because even that was turned against him. But at least, he had...a clause, something to stow away, "Just stay here....won't you?"

Skylark wasn't sure why Father felt so different. He had learned so much about him, in his memories. He'd learnt about a place like this, a fuzzy sort of green and blue place, cutting itself in his memories like a badly pierced together film. The memory blotting out in places, leaving the beginning of a voice or the briefest glance of someone coming into view but cutting it off before anyone was really there. Father's memories had no people, ever. He wondered why, but he dare not ask as the man loomed over him and a single golden orb stared at them, it's light faded and dulled.

He squeezed his brother's hand gently, before he spoke up first, albeit softly, but first, "But Daddy would love this place."


Skylark's head snapped to the side.

"LOVE?! Do you know the meaning of that word?" Composure, stick to the play. The dragon stood, straightened himself, "None of you were made of love, do you understand? Do you think you will understand?" And he felt his stomach flip, and his head spin, "There is no such thing."
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