Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

Most Recent Posts

Calvin stood in the breakroom, observing people as they entered. Mondatta had some sort of meeting planned, and although he wasn’t sure what the subject of it would be, he was glad for the opportunity to convene with everyone after hearing all of the rules. It was amazing how much more he cared about people when he was nervous that they might kill him.

As people entered the break room, to eat or solely to hear what Mondatta had to say, Calvin munched on his toast, trying to keep track. There were too many god-damned people with too many god-damned personality ticks and quirks for Calvin to keep up. He was glad when Mondatta finally began, but it was shorter than he had thought. He gave his gift, and for a moment, the room was silent. Then, Mary, the Infinite Streamer handed Shona a bottle of alcohol. It was a surprisingly valuable gift, given the lack of alcohol in the break room, something Calvin had noticed quite quickly. Shona was quick to extend an invitation to partake, and Calvin nodded, making sure he made direct eye contact with Shona. It’d be a great excuse to catch up with the one infinite he had thought well of before he had ended up here.

Mason spoke up. "I suggest we make safety rules of our own, like going anywhere in this place in groups of three or more, the same deal with how many people can be in a single room at a time, let's be honest if we leave two people alone there's always a danger of one of them killing the other while everybody else isn't looking at them, and we should have a meeting time each day so we can discuss any clues we found and just generally not wandering around in secret killing each other." It was a somewhat sensible idea, but Calvin knew already that he would be breaking the rules. He put his hand into his pocket, reassuring himself of the existence of Alexandria’s handbook. Calvin spoke up.

“I’m down for meetings. It’s a solid idea. But I’m not being chaperoned by a bunch of crazy fuckers with a penchant for murder.” Although he was being quite vocal, if the group decided to put it in place, he would try his best to follow the rule, with a few exceptions.

The one person who seemed to be in line with Calvin was Ice, who opposed almost everything said. He was standing next to Calvin, prattling off. Krista, the infinite who-the-fuck-knew began to speak. "We're sharp enough not to kill just because some stuffed animal says so, right? We could just ignore the bear and dolls until we figure out a way to get outta here!" Calvin rolled his eyes.

“Do you honestly believe that? You and I, we know nothing about these people, besides what some of us saw on the news, but that hardly counts for anything. Now, we’re all trapped here, with families and friends on the outside.” He wasn’t angry, and was legitimately concerned that the group was feeling too comfortable. “People have killed for less!” He looked around the room, pleading for someone to acknowledge the danger they were in. He looked at Quill, who had mentioned that she wasn't familiar with everyone in the room. "Exactly! I can think that you are all decent people, but I have nothing to base that on!"

“I doubt there’s a way out. It would be an awful lot of work put into this place for us to have a backdoor exit. Unless…” His mind went to the keycard. Was it a chance to escape? If so, were there rules surrounding that, too? He bit his lip.

It was shortly after that Ice collapsed. He had been gripping the table quite hard for a few moments, but Calvin hadn’t expected him to fall like he did. Immediately, Krista was there, and she made- a pun. A god damned pun. She was trying to help him up, and Calvin popped a knee beside the two.

“Jesus dude, is this normal?” He would have been lying if he said he didn’t find a small spark of joy in seeing Ice fall, but to see him stuck there was pitiable. “So uh, this isn’t ideal but I think I have your gift? And I figure, since we already fucking hate each other all the crap Killgood said about befriending our victims is null and void.” He pulled out a red faerie candy. “You know these things, right? My sister took like, eight last time we were there. I’ve got a jar of them in my room, you can come take ‘em whenever.”

He was suddenly aware of everyone else in the room. He stood up, and turned away, but looked over his shoulder. “Straight up, they might be poison, but I mean, I’ve done my part. Your call.” He looked to everyone else, eager to continue.

@AimeChambers @Aewin @Katakon @FantasyChic
I'll be writing up a post a bit later tonight, if no one is going to catch the fricker that is Ice, Calvin can do so.
Point of clarification, Calvin is likely in the break room right now, or he entered shortly after Krista. We can go with the latter to keep things moving!

Haha, I think it's just perfect that Calvin has this "gift" for Ice. It'll be a great breakfast for them both, I'm sure. Excited for when one of them dies late in the game and the other is more deeply affected by it than they let on. Or at least in Calvin's case, he'll likely be a wreck. But until then, here's to the bickering and pointed questions that always make these things fun.
Calvin woke up in a sweat. He had been dreaming of his sister, but for some reason, his stomach had clenched up and he had been forced to wake. He stood up, and walked to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He looked the same as he had a few days ago, with the same flowing hair and sarcastic grin that crept across his face. He wondered what his sister looked like. The last he had spoken with her, she had bragged about how she was going to dye her hair, leaving the colour a surprise.

“I guess I have no choice but to tell you the truth. The world is safe… but only for a little while.”

He splashed water on his face. Not the time to think about that. She was fine.

When he had gotten to his room last night, he had been quick to fall asleep. Too much information to process while awake. Now, he needed to think.

His room was standard fare, not as comfortable as his lavish furnishings back in Axis Mundi proper, but Calvin wasn’t one to get attached to those things. He had various schematics of weapons, sculptures, and all other manner of metal objects. Some of them were useless, but a few he could actually see himself making use of at his forge back home. What did matter was the small set of tools that had been left behind in his room, which included a set of tongs, a chisel, and a somewhat ponderous hammer. They were small, but had been a gift his sister had brought over earlier when he was in the hospital. They certainly were a downgrade from his regular tools, but he hadn’t had the heart to tell her, so he had let her leave them with him after promising he would use them. Funny how promises tended to work out.

He lifted the hammer. It fit comfortably in one hand, and he gave it an experimental swing. Immediately, he frowned. The weighting was off, and perhaps most importantly, the handle was quite short. They’d be fine at a forge, if he ever found one, but they’d be of no use in any sort of conflict, of that he was certain.

This train of thought came as a bit of a surprise. Was he already buying into Monokuma’s game? The hopeful side of him said that he had nothing to fear from these people, but he wasn’t so sure. He had seen the look in some people’s eyes. There was fear, but there was also shame. Were people thinking the same way he was?

He looked over to his bedside table. On it, under some papers, was another e-handbook. Calvin hadn’t touched it last night, afraid that it was somehow in violation of the hospital regulations, but after having studied them this morning, he knew it would be fine. He opened it up. Immediately, a brief message appeared on the screen.

“This should let you into the crematorium! It’s totally awesome! Let us know about those modifications, Ibbs.
<3 -Alexandria ”.

Calvin shook his head. Those robots were terrifying, and the fact that they felt any sense of good will towards the smith was not a cause for celebration. He dismissed the message, and look at the e-handbook. It looked almost identical to his own. He knew he should leave the e-handbook aside, or tell the group about this startling discovery, but a part of him chose to hold it to his chest, at least for a while.

Beside the book was a jar of red candies. He had briefly glanced at it when he had come in last night, but not noticed anything about them. He looked again.

They were shaped like faeries, and a slight twinge of familiarity washed over Calvin. He had seen these before. Why the hell was Monokuma even handing out these gifts? He had said something about building trust in potential victims, and it made Calvin anxious. What if these things were poisoned? He certainly wasn’t going to give them to any of the little ones, that was for certain.
What were these for? Where had Calvin seen them before? The answer came to him quickly, with an image of his sister at a blood donor clinic. She had insisted she go the day she was old enough. Calvin hated needles, and the mere sight of her all hooked up gave him the shivers. Afterwards, they had given her a candy, just like one of these. Which meant…

“Oh god damn. Really?” He could see the bear having a laugh at his genius idea. These were meant for Ice. Suddenly, Calvin felt a little better about the potential for the candy being poison. Not a lot, but a little. He decided he’d hold onto it for a while. He needed time to think, and he wasn’t going to get anything done on an empty stomach. Thankfully, there was a break room nearby, and Calvin figured that would be the easiest place to grab a bite, and maybe try and figure out what exactly he and his fellow infinite’s lives had become.

As he weaved his way through the hallway, he passed a few people. Whenever he saw someone, he’d mutter a quick “Grabbing brekkie.” And keep on his way. If someone really needed to talk to him, they could do it there.
@ThatCharacter Rika wears a black cloak, not a trench coat.

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! That's my bad! I'll edit that right away, thanks for letting me know.
Calvin took a moment to apprise Mondatta, and was pleased with what he saw. “Someone’s gotta know what’s going on. We can’t all be left in the dark like this.” He was calmer now, and took a moment to look over Mondatta, his eyes gleaming as he examined the exo-suit. “Beautiful craftsmanship on this thing. I don’t get any of the technological shit, but the suit itself is well-made. You can’t take it off, can you?” Calvin took a moment to chew on his lip. “I’m sure I could make something better, at least on the outside. Still, they knew what they were doing.” Talking about his craft grounded Calvin, and he was aware that sometimes he got a bit too involved in the subject. “Sorry. There’s a person under there, of course. My name’s Calvin. Mondatta, right? It’s good to meet you.” Calvin extended his gauntleted hand firmly.

Then the blood donor spoke up, and Calvin felt his own blood boil. “Oh my god. ‘Frickin language’? Give me a fucking break.” Calvin stepped forward, his face hardening. “Wrapping yourself up in some fucking bandages and being the Infinite blood donor doesn’t mean you get to shit on everyone who isn’t a fucking vampire. I’ve seen people who can barely breathe in this place, so don’t you fucking dare try and call me an idiot for being-“

Another, smaller bandaged girl in a large black coat and bare feet stepped between Calvin and Ice. ."Please be advised, the following presentation, has been approved for a mature audience only." The recorder spoke before being fast forward to another line." Please retain an air of calm control during public speaking." Calvin stepped back, incredulous, but she had a point. He was suddenly aware of the people surrounding him, and as he realized that, his anger dissipated in a rapid fashion. He turned back to Ice. “Chill the fuck out, Ice.” The words were terse, but not openly aggressive. “These people have better shit to worry about than two idiots losing their minds. Are we good?” He removed his glove, and offered his hand, waiting for a shake.

Once that had been resolved, he turned to look down the hall. “The bear said something about a theatre? We should probably head over, might find out something of use.” Calvin suddenly realized how little he knew of what was going on. It was terrifying. After a moment, he began to move down the hall. He ducked his head into the break room to see the Infinite Free Runner lounging, in a pose too pretty to be comfortable. Taking a deep breath, Calvin ducked into the room. “Hey, not trying to be an ass, but I’m pretty sure we should get going-“

His stomach betrayed him, emitting a low rumble. “Jeez. Guess some food won’t do no harm.” He ducked into the fridge and grabbed an apple. “Calvin. You’re…. Felix, right? Some parkour dude?” He took a bite. “I’m headed down. Thanks for pointing this out, man.” Calvin turned, and kept moving.

When he had been visiting Axis Mundi, and even when he had been placed there for his own injuries, Calvin had done his best to avoid other Infinites and their ilk. Although he was proud of his ability, and recognized the value of others’, he still found it difficult, as many Infinites do, to understand the many eccentricities that came with those who were dubbed some of the “best in the world”. Now, it looked like he had little choice.

@addamas @Spriggs27 @Ariamis @AimeChambers

Jeez. These two. Are going to get along SO WELL. Great work. I'll give others a chance to respond before I hop in.
Calvin, after having bit his tongue for a time, interjected. "How'd you get the goons? Are they playing?" He eyed them warily. (Referring to Monokuma's henchman)

Great idea for organizing this section, looking forward to it!
I believe that's it? I'm also very excited for those two. They're going to get along like two peas in a pod, of course. Except the peas are both angry and not really a fan of the pod or the other peas and it's a disaster.
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