Avatar of ThatCharacter
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  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

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An adventure in the ER. Always a joy, especially when you have Davis, Calvin and Ice all together in the same enclosed area.
Davis. Fucking. Gallo. ‘Conquest.’ The moment he entered the room, Calvin felt a sort of burning sensation deep within himself. As he walked around and “endeared” himself to the other patients, Calvin turned away and pumped his arms in the air as if trying to punch some invisible being.

He didn’t have anything to say, though, and as he building up some bitter retort, Rika walked out of the break room with a tray of food balanced on her head, playing another cassette tape and following the parade that accompanied Ice’s unconscious body. It seemed like no one was going to accompany him to the ER, which was for the best, considering what he hoped to do.

Conquest spoke up again, taking leave with Quinn. Calvin was ready to say adios for what he hoped would be a long time, but Gallo spoke up.“I don't think I'll be long. If you head over to the ER, I'll meet you there as soon as I'm done with my own search.”

Nightmare. Calvin felt like screaming, but remembered that he was trying to be discrete. “Sounds good. I’ll see ya.” Calvin offered a half-hearted thumbs-up, and looked around the room. “I’m off then. Don’t kill each other while I’m gone.” What started off as a smile quickly turned sour. The joke didn’t feel good.

Calvin walked down the halls towards the ER, taking care to avoid people as best as he could. To call it sneaking would be a gross injustice to any person with a modicum of stealth, but he was doing the best he could to avoid any unnecessary confrontation. He stopped in front of a door, and looked at the sign plastered on it. “KEEP OUT SICKIES”. Calvin coughed out of spite, and pulled out Alexandria’s e-handbook, swiping it across the lock. A pleasant click accompanied it, and he immediately opened the door and stepped inside.

The crematorium was warm in a terrible, claustrophobic way. There were several retorts placed into the walls, and though they were currently not on, the heat in the room indicated that they were likely functional. Calvin took stock of the room, nervous he might find a corpse or something far more sinister, but instead found a gaudy bed. It was the sort with a canopy on it, and it was covered in glitter and pink stickers. Nothing like his sister’s, who had always complained that she wanted a bunk-bed. Something about the thought gave him pause. Sister.

“Aww, shit.” He muttered, taking a look around the room to make sure no one was inside the crematorium with him. The e-handbook had been Alexandria’s which meant that this had to her room. He suddenly wanted out of the room, but after further inspection and assurance Alexandria was not there, he knew he needed to look further. Hopefully, he could wrap it up, then never return.

He went over to one of the crematory chambers and searched for a switch of some sort, and found what appeared to be a dial. He turned it slightly, and flames spewed out form several openings.

He decided to inspect the bed one more time, to assure himself that there was nothing he missed. He didn’t find anything of note on the bed, but to its side was an odd looking lump of metal. Calvin went closer, and noticed with alacrity that his name was carved into it.

“IBBS <3” It read, and Calvin realized it was some sort of anvil. It was crude, but usable.

A thought crossed Calvin’s mind. His heart raced. He turned back to the crematoriums, running to inspect them. Inside each chamber was a rack of sorts, that could be slid in and out of the chamber for easy burning. It wasn’t perfect, but with a few alterations, it could function as a forge. Calvin felt faint, and almost absent-mindedly, turned up the flames. Things were suddenly looking up.

After what felt like seconds but was probably a few minutes, Calvin stepped out of the crematorium. He walked across to the ER, but didn’t quite feel ready to enter. He was breathing heavily, and tried to calm down as best as he could.

@BrokenPromise @Spriggs27

Calvin is pretty much ready to go, and I can write up a post whenever, but if someone's character wants to check out the ER with him, I'd be thrilled! I swear, he's not the complete worst!
Also, forgot to mention @Melo in my post! Solid response to Broken! :)
Posted! If someone wants to come across Calvin going into the Crematorium, and potentially come in with him, they can go to the ER with him, and we'll make it work! Glad things are moving once more!
Calvin took a sip of the ale, and swished it around in his mouth for a second. It was certainly high-quality, and he nodded appreciatively as he held the drink in his hand. He listened quietly while Shona launched into her tale, but was shocked at the lengths the Infinity Initiative had gone to track her. There was something off about that organization, but Calvin was still thankful for them. Much like many of the talents here, his was a dying art. He would not have been able to hone his craft without them.

Cyrus’s story was equally impressive. “I’ve heard about that paper! My sister was a buff on that stuff.” He took a gulp of the ale, and scowled a bit. “It’s a sipper.” He realized that eyes were on him.

“So. Infinity Initiative.” He put down his drink for a moment. “Back when I was starting up, I just was using a makeshift forge I had set up outside of my house. Wasn’t anything special, but it did the job. Needed money to pay for all my shit, so I began to take commissions. Some lady named Theresa came by my forge one day. I’d never met her before. Asked for a statue, and I’m not a huge fan of that stuff, but the pay was good so I took it up.”

“Worked on it for a few days, and when she came back, she was impressed. I’m pretty fast at that shit. Told me she was working for the Infinity Initiative. Wanted me in it. I initially told her to fuck off. But she was uh-“ He took a pause mid-sentence to drink. “She had some persuasive arguments. Plus, my sister thought it was the coolest thing in the world when I told her.”

Flashes of bloody bodies went through Calvin’s mind. He shook his head. “Those guys know what they’re doing. Don’t know how, but they’re keeping an eye on everything.” An uncomfortable thought went through his head.

“Fuck. Me.” He stood up, slamming his drink on the table. “What if they’ve set this up? The Infinity Initiative?” His eyes were wide, and he looked at Shona and Cyrus. “They’re obsessed with us hitting our full potential. What if this is some joke? Some fucked-up way of pushing us?” Breathing heavily, he finished the rest of his drunk in one gulp. “Fuck!" He wanted to throw his glass at the wall, but settled on pacing instead.

After a moment, Mondatta entered. Calvin needed anything to distract himself with, and the opportunity to explore the rest of the resort was compelling. He felt his stomach clench up, and turned to Mondatta. “I’ll come, but I think I’ll check out the ER.” It was an easy excuse to check out the crematorium, provided no one came along.
I'm still here! Was just on a trip this weekend, and will be ready to go!
I've posted! It's a bit rushed, but things are wild so I figured I'd get it in now!
Calvin listened carefully as everyone spoke. After his previous outburst, he was trying to keep a lower profile. Cyrus’ message was somewhat sensible. Cooperation would be important, but it needed to be forged through the fires of conflict and relationships, not artificially constructed by a bunch of lovey-dovey teens. After he was done talking, Cyrus came towards Calvin, and Calvin leaned his head to the side, indicating he wanted to have the conversation on the side.

“Well everyone, this has been a fucking blast. Guess we’ll be seeing each other every good old morning!” He plastered a dumb grin on his face, and it disappeared with a roll of his eyes. He turned to Cyrus.

”I think this one was meant for you.” In Cyrus hand was some sort of ingot, with a light purple hue to it. ” I give it to you with the same message, though whether or not you decide to take it to heart is up to you.”

“I get what you’re saying, but you gotta understand. These fucking kids, if they go around trying to trust everyone, bad shit can happen. Bad shit happens on a good day, and this may be one of the worst.”

Cyrus handed the ingot to Calvin, and he took a moment to take a deeper look. It was lighter than the average alloy. He held it up to the light, and nearly fainted.

“Holy shit.” He was stunned. It couldn’t be. No fucking way was Killgood handing out shit like this. “Fucking Orichalcum. This is for me?” He looked up at Cyrus, and there were tears in his eyes. “Is it genuine? Do you know? Oh, what am I saying. Of course it is. You can’t replicate the good shit like this.” He was grinning like a madman, and couldn’t control himself. He reached out, and embraced the Infinite Politician.

“I can’t believe it. Thank god you didn’t fucking hand it off to one of the other fuckers. They would have used this thing as a paperweight.” He was glowing. He looked over to Shona, who had laid out several glasses.

“Look. I gotta drink, but you have no idea how much this means to me. I appreciate it man. If you every want some of Ice’s candies, come and get them. He doesn’t need all of them, I’m sure.” He was smiling, but this time it was genuine.

“You should have a drink. It’s early, but what the hell. Today’s a good day, and I don’t think things are going to stay that way for long.” The smile began to fade. “Thanks man. I know we all saw each other’s names, and all that. But, once again, it’s good to meet you. Calvin.” He pulled off one of his gauntlets, and offered his hand.

Regardless of whether Cyrus accompanied him, he walked over to Shona’s table, the grin still on his face. He had the ingot in hand. “Recognize this?” He said, unable to contain himself. He placed it on the table.

“If I had someplace to smelt it, I could maybe- No. I don’t want to get caught up in possibilities when I may never get to use it.” He was a bit sad, and looked at Shona.

“Still, pretty amazing gift.” He pocketed the ingot with great care, and gestured towards the ale. “Mind if I have a drink?”

@BrokenPromise @Melo
Calvin is at the meeting and is always so glad to chat with people in a group setting. In other news, I've posted! Also, god bless Krista, she might be my fave. The puns are terribad but also so great.

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