Avatar of ThatCharacter
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  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

Most Recent Posts

Working on a post right now. Calvin is ready to salute the sun!
The past minute played itself over and over in Calvin’s head. Felix entering the fray. Shona cleaving her way through the carnage sisters. Felix tackling Calvin. A spear appearing inches from his head, and going through Felix’s shoulder, just as Calvin was getting ready to stand up to join the fray. Felix collapsed, pinning Calvin underneath the dead weight of the muscled free-runner, and for a while he could only listen.

From his position on the ground, he only saw Shona for a brief second as she faced off Monokuma. Then, Alexandria charged, and for a moment, he could see nothing, hearing only the final ring of a sword against the creature’s spear. He knew it wasn’t enough, just by his craftsmanship.

He lay there as the votes were announced. Normally, he would have been furious about the votes against him, but he had no time to think. The centaur came to Calvin, pushing off Felix and setting him free. He stood slowly, shaking as he looked at the group. Most of their faces were white, and he finally turned to face the corpse of the Infinite Knight, slumped against the wall with a smile on her face. He ran to her as some of the infinites were shuffled out, but he didn’t care.

He knelt in front of the body, shivering. Daimyon was there, delivering some sort of poem that made Calvin want to tear his hair out. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He never should have made her a sword in the first place. “I told you.” He muttered, looking at the sword that was covered in blood and damaged dramatically thanks to the Carnage Sister’s onslaught. Breathing in deeply, he picked up the sword. “I fucking told you!” His voice rang in the hall. He took a few seconds, breathing heavily and trying to calm down. After a few moments, he turned to the rest of the group, his face a grimace and the damaged sword dangling from his hand. "What the fuck happened?" It wasn't a real question. He just wanted to somehow understand how to respond to what had just occurred. He wasn't sure if he could.

@BrokenPromise @Mateotis

Wow. That was really good. I'm very excited for whatever the hell is going to happen now. But Calvin is not. Well done, Broken.
Calvin was sweating. Unable to move, he looked around as people slowly entered the room. He was impressed and surprised by the number of people who came to support him, but the noble actions of his fellow infinites brought him little comfort in such a situation. He couldn’t speak without his throat catching, and so he sat, watching people react to Monokuma’s announcement.

The game was a terrible one, and for a few brief moments, Calvin felt his blood boil as a bitter retort rose to his lips. It died away just as fast as it came, as he realized just how close he was to death.

He watched as Mondatta voted himself, and as others locked in their votes. Looking across at his fellow infinites, he wasn’t sure who to go after. He knew nothing about these people. While he watched his fellow infinites make displays of voting themselves, Calvin chewed his lip. He couldn’t risk it. He was restrained, but turned to Geina, speaking to her in a low voice and stating his vote to her. Nodding, she pulled out his e-handbook and entered it for him, never lowering her gun. His sister was waiting for him back home.

“Everyone, please.” His voice was hoarse, and his eyes were red. “Vote.”
@Mateotis Broken set me up. I had no idea I was going to be kidnapped or anything like that! Yes please, send help for my poor summer child who just wanted to make a sword and go to sleep.
Calvin felt a lump in his throat, looking about warily as Monokuma wrapped up his speech. He needed time to process, and mostly stood there, quietly thinking. Things were going too fast.

Shona kept her hand on the hilt of her wooden blade. "The bear doctor has yet to kill anyone, so it is impossible to gauge the seriousness of the threat." She told Damiyon. "At this time, all we can do is play it as safely as we can. I encourage everyone to remain in their rooms during the night of carnage. He is a stickler for his rules, and if he can't catch us off guard, there's no one for him to take hostage. Unless, we're not everyone..." She would not panic, but that didn't mean that the situation carried some urgency with it. She made quick steps towards Calvin. “Sir, I wanted to speak with you earlier...” the knight looked at her surroundings. “Come to my room.” Shona didn't wait for a response. She took Calvin's hand in her gauntlet and started to walk towards her room. Her other hand was already on her E-handbook, prepared to swipe as soon as she got to her room.

"Shona just wait- Jesus!" Calvin was surprised by Shona's sudden change of manner. Too much information was being thrown at him in too short a time. This Shona was not like the one he had shared drinks a few short hours ago.

The knight released her "captive" and spun around to look at him. "Time is of the essence, sir." Shona was someone who seemed to let most anything just slide right off of her, but she looked really irritated right now. "Do you have anything to say that can't wait?" She was already sliding her handbook through the card reader.

"I mean, what the fuck is going on?" He planted his feet, but something about her manner gave him pause. "What about the others? Shouldn't we talking about this shit?"

The knight took hold of Calvin's shoulders, not seeming to care who saw her like this. “Calvin, there's something I need you to do, and if we don't meet now, you might not get the chance to do it later.”

Davis hadn't entered his room yet. He was standing in front of it, totally godsmacked, with his handbook in hand. “What the hell Calvin!? We talked about this!” Calvin, suitably incensed, flipped Davis the bird as he was pulled into the room.

Shona shut the door behind herself. When the door shut, she started to take large breaths. “I'm sorry.” She pulled off a gauntlet and pushed her hair out of her eyes. “I just don't feel comfortable talking in front of the others about this. But I'm a knight, and you're a blacksmith. Possibly the best in the world. I know this sounds desperate, but I need you to make me a weapon for tonight. Possibly armor too.” Shona looked at the ground. “I'm not asking for miracles, I'll take anything over this costume and my wooden sword.”

Calvin winced. What did she know? "I don't know Shona. That's- I couldn't even make anything if I..." Calvin looked down to the ground, biting his lip and clenching his fists. The leather was soft, and conformed easily to his tics. He had wanted to keep the crematorium secret, at least for a while longer. But with the night of carnage coming, and the threats made by Monokuma, Calvin wasn't sure he had much of a choice. He looked up, staring Shona directly in the eyes. "I could - I could maybe make something. Won't be pretty, though."

The knight smiled. “Good.” She leaned her sword up against the door, scabbard and all. “I don't need a pretty sword. So long as it's balanced correctly, I should have no problem holding it. It does not need to be sharp, not for my enemies anyway.”

Calvin nodded, raising a finger. "It'll be plenty sharp. Just won't last long."

Shona continued to unstrap and remove the rest of her upper armor. “I'm sure I don't need to tell you how useless this armor will be in a real fight. I'm not expecting plate mail, and a weapon is your primary responsibility.” When Shona got her breast plate off, she was left wearing a sweat-drenched tank top. It was saturated to the point where you could see her bra. The armored “costume” must not have been very well ventilated. “Alright, I guess you need to take my measurements now for the armor.”

Calvin's swallowed, but the lump in his throat didn't seem to dissapear. He had rarely met with actual knights to create armour, and when he had, they usually brought along someone who knew all of the specifics of measurements. The few odd times he had to make something, one of his forgehands had figured out measurements. Calvin nodded trying to slow down the blush that had crept across his cheeks. "I don't think I'll have anything ready for tonight. I'll be lucky to patch together a sword in so little time."He turned his head to the side, scratching the back of his neck.

The knight sighed. "I was afraid of that, but while you're here I'd still apriciate it if you helped measure me out." She reached into her nightstand and pulled out a string and some scissors. "For some reason there was a sewing kit in my room. It's not quite a tape measure, but I think we can cut the string to my measurements. what do you think?"

Calvin blushed a deep crimson, similar to that of a dying fire. "I- Alright." The string was unconventional, but would have to do. "I'll focus on the br- the breastplate? Should be able to figure out greaves and the like from there." He took the sewing kit from her hand, and took a step closer. "Pardon my uh- Just, lift your arms, and hold it there." Shona did as she was asked without fuss. She was looking straight ahead, unaffected by how close they were to each other. Calvin placed the edge of a line of string just below her arm, and pulled it lightly across her chest. He snipped the line, and laid it carefully on her bedside table. "I gotta ask, what do you think you're gonna be able to do with a poor sword? I- I'm not in doubt of your abilities, I've seen videos of you, and I know you're not going after one of us, but. That doesn't leave many options." He continued to measure as they spoke.

“Calvin, this world is filled with dualities. Men and woman, black and white, hard and soft, sharp and dull, hope and despair, there simply is no end to it. Some would tell you that each duality is a coin with two sides, and so both sides are united... But I don't believe that.” Shona turned her head to look at Calvin. “The duality that I have always been most interested in is that of creator and destroyer. One who spreads creation and one who spreads carnage. I have yet to meet anyone who has been both.” Shona lowered her arms so that the blacksmith could measure her shoulders. “I mean look at us. We're both relics of a by gone era. But our function in it is different. You create weapons, but I'm the one who uses them. Who else is going to protect us during the night of carnage if not me?”

Calvin bit his lip, snipping another piece of thread and mentally making a note of what colour lined up with what part of her body. By now, there was over a dozen pieces, all laid purposefully on the table. "Jesus, Shona." Calvin had expected many things of the Infinite Knight, but certainly not this. "We're not relics, alright? Whatever is happening is proof of that, okay?" Calvin's voice raised. "Everyone is going to question that, but the moment we're through is when we start doing the same." He was talking just as much to himself as to the Infinite Knight. "Those... things are bad news. Don't know much about all of their circuits and shit, but they're made of good metal." He let this comment hang. "I'm going to just get a quick idea of a helmet. Only doing a half helm, I think- a full visor would just get in the way." Despite their situation, it felt good to be thinking about armor and weapons and his forge, rather than whatever was coming tonight.

Shona curled her lips into her mouth. She waited for Calvin to make eye contact with her again before speaking. “You know I've killed before, right?” The knight's breathing changed. “Not just once, lots of people. I'm probably the only person here with that kind of experience. Only a destroyer can make decisive blows against their opponent.”

Calvin's breath caught. It wasn't the fact she had killed, Calvin could accept that. It was the way she spoke of it. Like that was all she was. A 'destroyer', to use her own terminology. Still, Calvin didn't know here well enough to put any sort of defence that wouldn't sound artifical. He merely nodded, wiping his brow of the sweat that had collected there. "Look. All I'm saying is, you won't last long if you hold yourself accountable for everyone's safety. We're all going to have to help each other out." He snipped the last piece of thread, laying it on the table. There were several dozen all laid out, a framework made of string for a suit of armour made of steel.

“I'm not suicidal, Calvin.” She sighed. “But we need to be ready for everything. And for that, we need to use our talents to the best of our abilities. For you, that's making weapons. For me, it's using them.” She smiled. “Besides, aren't we kind of helping each other out now?” With another sigh, her smile faded. “Thanks for not asking me about the people I killed. In turn, I won't ask how you how you plan on making all of this for me.” The knight gathered all the string and draped it over Calvin's arm. “Some things should remain a secret, shouldn't they?” Shona opened the door and gently pushed Calvin out of it. “Return when you are ready.” was all she said before shutting the door behind him.

“Not ready, huh?” Davis looked especially deranged, eyes locked with the startled blacksmith. “Guess she's looking for a man with a few more years on him, you CUNT!” Perfection opened his room up with an aggressive swipe of his handbook before walking inside.

"Fuck you, Davis!" Calvin was on edge, and almost charged the man before he entered his room. He sighed, turning back to Shona's door. What was she thinking? He could see her preparing mentally, much like he did when he was working on something that needed to be perfect. Unfortunately, he had no time for that. Muttering a few words, he ducked into his room, grabbed his set of poor smithy tools, and immediately popped out, headed to his forge.

@BrokenPromise @Mateotis

No worries, I'm still chugging along on mine too!
Mine and @BrokenPromise's post is up! I'm quite happy with how it turned out, and I can't wait to see what's coming next!
Calvin hadn't fully recovered his breath before Davis made an appearance. “Oh good, you're here.” Perfection didn't sound exactly happy about it. “Hey, what the hell is the matter with you? Did you see a ghost?” He rubbed the back of his own head. “Not that I wouldn't believe you at this point...”

There was a lengthy pause, as Calvin swallowed. His mind was whirling, though he hadn't expected it to have such an outward effect on his appearance. "Good to see you, Gallo." There was no way in hell he was going to call him "Perfection." He turned to face Gallo. "Just thought I heard some sounds from inside the ER." He pointed at the door to the Emergency room, though his mind was on the crematorium sitting behind him. It wasn't a great lie, but he didn't expect Perfection to pick up on it.

“Well, 'I' didn't hear anything.” Davis reached for the door handle and placed his hand on the knob. Instead of twisting it open, he just eyed it up before releasing it again. “The acoustics are really strange in here.” He nodded to himself. “Yea, I'm sure you just heard me shut the door to the other room, no need to get startled.” Davis smiled. “That's definitely what it was.” His eyes shifted onto Calvin. “You should open that door and clear your mind though.”

His ruse succeeding, Calvin felt a bit of colour return to his cheeks. Calvin's eyebrows arched. "Wow. Davis 'Perfection' Gallo, cowed by the thought of the ghost." Still, he looked like one himself, and rubbed the back of his neck to wipe off the sweat. He walked towards the door, pushing him aside as he reached out to the handle. As soon as Calvin twisted the knob, he heard a loud bang from the door. The sound caused Calvin to stumble back a few inches. But when he looked to see what the sound was, it was apparent Davis had slammed his hand over the edge of the door. The sound normally wouldn't have startled Calvin so much, but his distracted thoughts made him a bit more susceptible to being surprised.

“Hold on.” Davis pointed at the door with his free hand. “What did it sound like to you?”

"Uh." This had been a bad idea from the start. "Like,a bat or something. Like, little squeaking sounds and rattling, cause they're blind and shit. It was running into stuff?" He wasn't looking at Davis. "What does it matter? It was probably bullshit."

“Bullshit?” Davis grit his teeth. “You think waking up in an elevator to a bloody message, listening to the ramblings of a mechanical bear, and getting guided around by mechanical dolls riding horses around a hospital is bullshit?!”Perfection blinked, and his mood changed. “That actually does sound pretty out there.” Calvin nodded, pulling up his gauntlets slightly. Davis stepped back in front of the door. “Very well, I will open the door for you. Only because I’d hate for something to happen to you on my watch. It probably wasn't paranormal anyway.” Although Calvin couldn't see Davis's face, he could see his head bob up and down in a nod. “It definitely wasn't paranormal. However!” He shook his finger. “If we're going to work together, I want you to know your boundaries. Do not, Shove me away, Again.” Without another word, Davis opened up the door.

Boundaries. Of course a guy like Davis would have 'boundaries'. Still, there was an aura of competence that surrounded the man, and Calvin wasn't sure if his own mettle could match it. He let the comment go, and looked inside the completely dark room. Calvin reached out to flick on a light. "Let there be- Fuck me!" As the lights flashed on, Calvin saw in the center of the room a corpse, lying on a metal table. Thinking the game had started, he walked over to the table, wondering who had been here and who could have broken so easily. However, as he approached the body. "Fuck." Calvin wiped his brow, sighing deeply. He stood silent for a few moments, then shoved the corpse off the table, swearing loudly. It flopped on the ground, and Calvin, after a moment's pause, began to chuckle. "Dr. Killgood, and his magic bag of bullshit!"

Davis hadn't taken two steps inside the room before he started flinging open every cabinet door he came across. “It looks like they're pretty well stocked in here. Everything from muscle relaxants, to defibrillators, to plasma, and everything in between.” After his preliminary search of the cupboards, he turned his attention to the body. “Hmm?” Davis approached it. Once the blanket had been thrown off the top of it, it was quite evident it wasn't a real. There were black dotted lines going up and down the dummy, showing where certain organs were located and where to best make incisions. “I don't think this was just a prank. I think there might be a really good reason for this to be here actually.” Davis picked up the dummy and placed it back on the table. He continued to examine the dummy with a hand on his chin. “You wouldn't happen to have a knife on you, would you?”

Calvin shook his head. "You think I carry that shit around?" He paused. "Might be a good idea, in here, actually." He took a glance around the room. Davis had rummaged through cabinets quickly, but there had to be something to cut open this plastified cadaver. He glanced at the table upon which the dummy had been laid, and noticed an average-sized scalpel that had been laid underneath the body. He lifted it up, pricking the tip of his finger with it. "This might work!" He said, extending his arm to offer the scalpel. "Don't cut yourself."

The older gentleman tugged the scalpel out of Calvin's hands and started to make incisions. “So I have to ask, which one are you going after?”

"Going after?" Calvin's first thought was of murder, and was about to run out of the room, but there was a grin on Davis' face, worsened by his dissection of the dummy. "Wait. Are you fucking serious? Jesus dude, we just met them."

Davis raised an eyebrow. "Your point?"

Still, hearing Davis's thoughts on the other Infinites could be useful. "I've been worried about shit, but- I mean, Shona's alright. And she has alcohol, the quickest route to my heart."

Davis stroked his chin. "Ah, the infinite Knight? Good choice. I wish Shona would wear something a bit more telling of her shape, but I do genuinely like her. Maybe if she wasn't so stern we'd have more fun.” After making an incision in the dummy's leg, Davis reached inside. “Haven't seen much of Krista, but she looks like a scatter brain. I like my girls to have something on the ball, you know? Though my judgment of her remains open."

Calvin sighed deeply. "Krista's straight fucked. All she does is pun. Does she even play the violin?"

"I presume so?" Davis shrugged, still feeling around inside the dummy. "I'm striking Kara off my list for obvious reasons. Which is a shame, because I don't think anything can beat a dessert chef as a partner. She will make a young man very happy. If only she weren't a child...” Davis pulled his hand out of the dummy's leg. Between his fingers was a hand full of cotton. He started to make another incision, this time on the stomach. “I have no use for Quill, too bitchy. Mary is under judgment, but I think it can work. Though she could stand to ditch some of her jewelry. I wouldn't mind seeing her without the dress either.” Davis reached into the stomach and, with a sigh, retracted an empty hand. “...And Rika scares me. If I die in here, it will be because of that toilet pappered abomination. Aleecia seems nice, if a bit quiet."

Calvin felt his throat catch. "Stay the fuck away from that girl. Aleecia's got enough to deal with, man." He wasn't sure what was provoking this defense, but he looked directly at Davis, unflinching.

Perfection stared back at Calvin. His hand trembled, but he kept a firm grip on the cutting instrument. Calvin could hear a low grow from Davis, something akin to a tiger preparing to strike. "Rika made that mistake." Davis walked around the operating table, allowing the scalpel to screech as its blade was dragged across the stainless steel table. "She also wanted to stand between me and my conquest. That bitch made me very angry when she did that." Davis was beyond the table and walking straight towards Calvin. "But I was able to forgive her because I knew she was just a foolish child. You don't have that excuse." Davis was standing just a few feet away from Calvin now. "But... That's why we're having this discussion, right?" Davis smiled gleefully and placed a hand on Calvin's shoulder. "Was that so hard? You don't want Shona, she's too old for you. Us guys want a lady that's just a bit younger than us. Clearly Aleecia is what your heart really yearns for." He placed the scalpel in Calvin's hand before walking past him. "I couldn't find anything, I guess I was wrong." He said before continuing out the door.

Calvin gripped the cold scalpel firmly, taking in deep breaths. He had half a thought to try and throw a punch at Davis, but the man was clearly deranged. All the more reason to figure out how to take advantage of the crematorium. For now, he pocketed the scalpel and swallowed before raising his voice. "Guess that's it then." Calvin walked over to the door, taking one look over the room, with the dissected dummy near its center. When he stepped out of the ER, he could see Davis wasn't quite done with the hospital yet.

"Now you must admit." Davis shook his finger at the crematorium. "This being here is very odd." Perfection was looking at his E-handbook. "A crematorium? and it's all locked up." Davis swiped his handbook through the reader, only to have it return with a sharp beep. "Why do you suppose that is?"

Did he know? There was something wrong with Davis, but he had been discrete about Alexanderia's handbook. He gestured to the sign. "No sickies allowed." He said aloud. "Maybe that has something to do with it?" Calvin made special care to pull out his regular handbook, and swiped it. Only Alexandria's would work. "Who knows why. Maybe something to do with the Night of Carnage? Or because they'll be using it for us, if one of us kick the can."

Davis looked at his own E-handbook, then at Calvin's. After his eyes darted back and forth between them a few times, he started to chuckle. “The thought of a bunch of robots needing E-handbooks to get around here is kind of amusing. I wonder if they would be any different than ours?” Davis stashed away his handbook in his vest. “Anyway, I'm a bit explored out, I think I'm going to go back to my room. I'll avoid Aleecia as best as I can.” Davis gave Calvin a wave without looking before starting to walk off.

"Perfection?" Davis paused a moment, and Calvin clenched his fists. "You were talking about boundaries earlier. Same rules on my end. Don't fucking touch me." Knowing the effect such a comment would have, Calvin slid the scalpel out of his pocket. He cocked an eyebrow.

Davis didn't stop moving, but he did look over his shoulder with a gaze cold enough to see one's breath in. “I won't, unless you give me a reason to.” He made a turn and disappeared behind a corner.

@BrokenPromise @Aewin @Pudding @AimeChambers @Ariamis @Spriggs27

These are some solid thoughts! I think some of it should occur in the OOC, but we should also all just be prepared to cut down on post size during the trials. It'll let things move a bit quicker, and then we can all keep up, with everyone being able to interject? I'm not sure how we'll handle it, it's mostly up to @BrokenPromise.

Also, on daily life sections, I'm of the opinion we timeskip, or we have a few larger events. Another option is to pair off (or trio off) for collabs during the "daily life" sections, which makes sure people can participate or if they are busy, can merely hang out in their rooms during those times? I'm not sure, and honestly fine with whatever!
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