Avatar of ThatCharacter
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: ThatPerson
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 175 (0.04 / day)
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    1. ThatCharacter 11 yrs ago
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I enjoy writing, sometimes!

Most Recent Posts

Calvin breathed out a sigh of relief at the announcement of the new rules. The last trial… had gone off the rails. Felix was on the right path, and Calvin nodded along as the Infinites began to agree on some basic facts. “I mean, the arrows weren’t my best, but I guess if you kept them all together…” He shrugged, not wanting to discuss the what he believed to be shoddy craftsmanship. Still, he was distinctly aware of the eyes on him. He felt a dull twang in his gut. Another one of his weapons had been a part of someone's death. Just like with-

"And you. You say you made 24 right? Did ya give them all to Robin Hood or nah?"

Calvin was thankful for the interruption, and unconsciously offered a thumbs-up, “I’m not keeping any of those things. Most of the shit I’ve been making is subpar as hell.” He winced. The puppet's eyes seemed to bore into his soul, and he quickly turned away to listen to Zach speak. His mouth almost ajar, Calvin listened carefully. He was trying to keep track of all occurring in the court, unsure in his suspicions. The last trial had been easier to follow along with. Now, voices pulled at him as he tried to parse through the noise while keeping a cool head. He wouldn't be embarrassed like he had been with Davis - No, Neoslayer - had torn into him.

"Wait, Zachary, you almost got killed when you challenged Geina to a shooting competition, remember?"

Mercy’s voice rang in his ears. “Wait a fucking second.” Calvin said. “Is that true?” He had turned from Mercy and was now staring directly at Zach, a small frown forming on his face. He remembered how Zach had been there to help save him from Alexandria, and how the man had seemed to have everything in order. Still. The duel in and of itself was inconspicuous, Calvin could understand the motives behind it. It was the lie that shook his balance, and something in him that had laid dormant seemed to rise up. He slammed his gloved fist on the railing, a dull thud resonating across the room. “What the fuck are you hiding, Zach?” A blue spark shone in his eyes, despite his furrowed brow.

There was a dull seed of despair in Calvin’s stomach as he stepped out of the rollercoaster. All his mind wanted to do was think of Alexandria, of the implications of their conversation, but he had instead focused on the ride to the court. That had been his first mistake. By the time the trial started, Calvin could feel his innards rolling. He took a deep, warm breath, and let it out. Another. Another. Clarity came to him, as he looked around the court, ready to deduce the blackened, with whatever information he had.

Something felt off about the motive notes. Calvin understood, from an objective sense, why the group wanted to defer revealing them until they had established some basics of the case. But still, he eyed Bliss uncomfortably. Just when he was about to question her, he heard his name mentioned, and a cold set of eyes focused on him. He turned to look at Noel, but saw no ill-will in her expression. He seemed to puff up as he was asked about his craftsmanship. “Those things could conduct electricity for sure. I mean, lot of energy would be lost, these things aren’t fucking super conductors, but. I guess you could.” He shrugged, then felt a jolt up his spine. “But more people could have known that! Not just me, I mean.” As always, he felt out of the place in the court. He gripped onto his railing tightly, creases forming in his leather gauntlet. His ears perked up when he heard Krista speak.

"Or.... maybe the killer set fire to the hospital gown? I mean... It was found mostly burnt... and I'm sure that blood will not stop the fire from burning away at the material... But, wouldn't the gown be entirely burnt up if it was the starting point?" The Infinite Violinist said, and Calvin shook his head slowly.

“I mean, there was plenty to start the fire. The fact that this thing was covered in blood says it was used for more than tinder, right? Unless blood dripped off and onto it, but even then, shouldn't it be all burned up?” His voice was shaky and he knew it. He wasn't quite sure of the statement, but it was the only thing that made sense to him. He looked at Krista, who was far across the court, trying to determine if her flub had been intentional. It couldn't be.
So, uh. Hey all! I'm back. Sorry for disappearing earlier. I'm super pumped to write again with all of you, and to solving this trial. Thanks to everyone for taking such good care of Calvin while I was gone. If you want to talk about anything in terms of plot or thoughts you had about the character and his relation to others, please let me know!

The halls of Axis Mundi always seemed so much more ominous when an investigation was underway. Even in times of relative calm, they certainly weren't welcoming, but every corner seemed to be hiding all manner of imagined horrors at times like these.

There had a been a moment of clarity when Calvin had first seen Marianne's body. It was a terrifying sort, the kind he wouldn't wish on anyone he knew, but still. This game would continue, whether he took part or not. While he could simply give up and check out - he had been on the verge of doing so - it wouldn't change anything. The game would continue. Perhaps not for him, but for the others. And he wasn't prepared to leave them behind. Not all of them. Not yet.

He turned a corner on the 2nd floor of the building, letting out a deep breath. "Come on, Ibbs." He muttered to himself. His attempts to find Monokuma had been fruitless, and now he thought it best to wander and try to collect his thoughts. "Time to get back in this thing."

Before Calvin could get very far, he could hear a voice coming up the stairs. “Oh Baldwin number... Uh, Calvin, I totally need to ask you something.” The voice belonged to Jezebel. While the two hadn't spoken to each other much, the valley girl accent made her voice particularly memorable to the smith. “Come on Calvin, I know you're around here some wheeeeeeeeere.” Calvin didn't have to wait very long before he saw the clown peek around the corner of the stair case. Though he saw her hat long before her eyes could get a look at him. “There you are!” With a giggle, she sprung up the stairs to meet him. “So like, this is probably an odd question, but how many of those arrows did you make?” She folded her hands behind her back and spun her hips side to side. “Did you make any for anyone else?”

Calvin shook his head gently. He looked at Jezebel, taking a moment to truly take in the Trickster. He had seen her in Axis Mundi quite often, but they had never truly had a frank discussion. "Only made some for Zach. Nobody else would have known how to use them to begin with." He took a moment to rack his brain. "I made a full quiver. 24 arrows." He looked at her intently. "Do you think you know who did it?" He wasn't expecting a straight response, not from the Infinite Trickster, but any information might be of use.

“I have a few suspects, totally.” Jezebel placed her hands together. “The murderer so happened inside Shaun's room. So like of course I suspect him the most. Or at least I did. But now, like...” Her finger shot out and pointed at the smith's nose. “I'm suspecting you!” The clown giggled. “You spend way too much time in that forge to only make twenty-four arrows!” She folded her arms. “B-but like, if we find out that you are telling the truth, then, like, maybe Shaun... Or Cyrus could have used his political powers to, like... Or maybe Ice's bandages concealed like... or Krista used a violin string and like totally... Perhaps the Poet in a fit of Passion like..." With a sigh, Jezebel's smile vanished. She looked at the smith out of the corner of her eye. “Yea, this would be so much easier if it's Shaun.”

Calvin blinked, taken aback by the Trickster's openness and candour. But when his name was brought up, a bit of fire came to his otherwise cool eyes. "Hey hey hey - I'm being serious. Not a huge fan of making arrows in the first place, so I just made enough to be done with it." Jezebel continued to list off a variety of killers and methods, and Calvin simply stood, shocked. "It could be Shaun... but I don't know! Kid doesn't really seem like much of a killer." He took a moment. "Neither did Lucas, though." He shrugged.

“Well, I need to see what everyone else found I guess.” Jezebel turned to face Calvin. “So like, did you open your motive note thing? I didn't look at mine. Seemed kinda campy.” She giggled again.

"We agreed not to." Calvin said, shaking his head. "Anything Killgood does is set to hurt us. If it had just come from Alexandria..." Calvin looked away. "Some ass probably opened theirs and killed Marianne for it."

“Perhaps.” Jezebel tapped her arm with her index finger in thought. But before she could respond, all of the monitors turned on. It was Willow up on the screen.

“Hello, Vagrants!” The proud queen started. “Your time to probe the premises for evidence is over. It's come time to head off to the court of carnage. Steel yourselves for the trial ahead, and...” Her eyes shifted to the side. “King Killgood? You um, you look a little mad. Aren't you happy to see how capable your daughter is?” There was a long pause. “So I'll go get my sisters and scrounge up all of the vagrants.” The queenly carnage sister slowly moved out of screen.

Just seconds later, Monokuma rose into view. “So um... I think the investigation has gone on long enough.” The bear was looking at a spot between his feet. “You'd better get going. It would be unsightly to be dragged into court by one of my daughters.” The monitors turned off.

“I guess we're going to have to move or something now.” Jezebel sighed with a smile. “Going into the court is always a nerve wrecking experience, but I think it's going to be easier for me this time. It helps when you have a few people who so couldn't be the killer. You know?” Jezebel was making her way back downstairs. “Do you have anyone you trust like that, Calvin?”

Calvin shook his head lightly. "Not in here." he lied. A small lump grew in his throat as he realized just how cut-off he was from the others. His gauntlets curled into small fists. "There's people in here who can't kill. Who wouldn't." His face flushed slightly. He hoped he wouldn't be proven wrong.

The clown just closed her eyes and lowered her head. “Well that's a shame. But the fact that you think some of us couldn't kill shows that you totally trust some of us.” She turned her back on the smith and started to skip away. “I guess we should go before we get dragged into the court. That would be a downer. Make sure to bring your note with you!”

It didn't take everyone long to assemble at the roller coaster. Monokuma was already sitting at the helm, and all of his daughters, Alexandria included, were waiting nearby. They were mounted on robotic horses on the boarding platform.

“The peasants have arrived.” Willow chuckled nervously, occasionally looking towards the doctor in the front seat of the train. He did not look especially pleased. “Well, you know the routine. Strap in and we'll send you on your way.” No one opposed Willow. Everyone got into their seats and let the carnage sisters lock them in place. Though when it came time for Alexandria to lock down Calvin's seat, she had something to say to him first.

“We had something special. I can't believe you threw away our future!” Even though her face still looked like an adorable anime character, her disapproval was evident in her voice. Alexandria lowered the restraints and pushed them tightly into Calvin's chest.

“Come on Alexandria, you-” Calvin’s breath was cut off by the restraints. He caught it quickly. “What other option did they have?” His face was genuine, and although there was regret on it, below it was a hard line of gravitas. He was aware of the other infinites who were watching, and was trying his best to ignore the lowered eyes and dark glares he was likely receiving.

“Are you passing the buck mister?” Her entire head glowed cherry red. “You armed each and every one of those sons of doggies!” She was vibrating, if such a severe thing could be called that.. Alexandria was shaking so hard, she was sliding across the platform. “How are you going to make this up to me!?”

“You can’t walk around with weaponry like that and expect us all to fucking wait around!” His face was becoming red. “Your sisters are dangerous. You’re dangerous!” He chewed his lip for half a second before continuing. “And now I have to make this up to you? You killed the closest thing that passed for my friend in this place!”

In an instant, Alexandria's body stopped moving. Her the trembling, the glowing, everything. She was like a statue. Are you saying... I was never your friend? N-not once? her voice was cracking.You mean when I resisted the urge to boop you in my room, or when I did boop Shona, we weren't friends? She leaned over Calvin's cart. I-is that what you're saying?

Calvin stopped. He felt a small pang of guilt in his gut, and for half a moment, he considered apologizing. Anger, as it so often did for Ibbs, won out. “Nobody’s friends in here! Have you noticed what’s going on?” He looked her dead in the eyes. “God damn it, Alexandria - people are being murdered! There’s a lot on my fucking plate!” His voice grew cold, lacking in its usual verve. “I’ve gotta make sure I don’t die in there.” He gestured forward, in what he thought to be the general direction of the court.

The doll just stared at him, turning it's head left and right. "Oh okay!" She stood upright. With a giggle. "We'll talk later then. I hope you catch the killer then. Unless it's you I mean." Calvin offered no response, his jaw set and his face white.

Geina rolled her eyes "Fuckin' gross!" she pulled a lever that sent the infinites flying into darkness. Regardless of how much everyone liked or hated roller coasters, the ride was never as horrifying as where they would wind up. After taking some sharp twists and turns in total darkness, they would emerge in the court of carnage. Everyone's seat rotated, the restraints lifted, and the roller coaster stopped with everyone facing a podium.

“Alright, did everyone survive?” Killgood looked at everyone. His train was starting to telescope up into a large throne. “Alright, get to your positions. The entertainment is just about to start!”


"I said it once and I'll say it again. If the blackened is exposed during the trial, they alone will be punished. But if they aren't exposed, everyone besides the blackened will be punished. Now depending on who you are, you probably want one of these outcomes to happen more than the other. So I'd try my best if I was you.”

“So it's happening again.” Bliss folded her arms.

Jezebel folded her arms and leaned over her podium, flashing a smile. “Well doy, someone died, of course it's going to happen again. No doubt it was because of that motive. We should look and see what everyone got.”

“I'm not so sure.” Bliss folded her arms “Lucas used the motive as an opportunity to pin the blame on someone else. That's not to say we shouldn't look into it, but it's possible the motive was simply put in place to give a killer an opportunity rather than a reason to kill.” She turned to look at Shaun. “It's the same reason why I don't want to just point fingers at who looks most suspicious.”

“First we should cover our basics, make sure we understand the crime scene.” Ice turned to the rest of the group. “Do we know how the fire started?”

Welcome, Marianne, to the nightmare of this game! We're so glad to have you.

Totes down to help out, let me know what you need.

Heyo. Wrote up a post. If people have got questions for Calvin or whatever, feel free to PM me and I can write up a bit of a response that we can incorporate directly into your post, or we can do whatever you need. JUST LET ME KNOW YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.
@Aewin @BrokenPromise @Ariamis @Melo @Mateotis @MyCatGinger @Vocab

Calvin sat, watching everyone slowly trickle into the room. Lucas Carsen entered, introducing himself in a slightly formal tone. It was obvious he had spent time with Krista, judging by the way he spoke of her, yet Calvin found a little bit of joy in the fact that she would not be joining the group this morning. Hearing a pun would have made him lose his mind.

Mondatta came in, and offered a speech that spoke of Shona and hope. Something about it left a bitter taste in Calvin’s mouth, but he simply nodded. The monk was old, and Calvin saw little point in arguing with one so set in their ways. Whereas he once would have relished the chance to argue, now it felt stupid.

Mary and Noel were chatting amicably, as were Shaun and Caora, who had become a duo Calvin had not expected. Looking at all the infinites, Calvin realized how little he knew of them. The one he had found to be tolerable was now gone, and he felt a deep sense of isolation that he hadn’t felt for many years. Solitude had always been of comfort to Calvin, who rarely spoke with his forgehands and enjoyed the act of burying himself in his work.

He was awoken from his reverie by the loud entrance of Monokuma and the Carnage sisters. Well, some of them. Both Nariko and Alexandria were missing. Nariko would later be revealed, but he didn’t know where Alexandria could be. Nor did he care. He felt much the same way as a gift box slammed into his chest. He let it fall to the ground, and only after a few moments did he lean down and pick it up. In a normal state, Calvin would have launched into a tirade demanding to know what the hell was happening, but he slowly realized it was a repeat of yesterday, albeit with a greater theme to it.

The token and a chance to gamble was tempting, particularly with the suggestion that there might be alcohol involved. Calvin made a mental note to check it out, but was interrupted from his reverie by Davis looking at him straight in the eyes.

“What the hell happened last night?”

It was a simple question. Calvin wanted to lie, wanted to avoid having this discussion as much as he could, but he realized he needed to come clean. There were too many sets of eyes all staring at him intently.

“I…” A deep breath. “I fucked up.” He related the tale of his being given Alexandria’s handbook, and access to the crematorium, and his realization that it could be used as a sort of makeshift forge. “Shona asked me to help…” He felt himself shudder, and clenched his fists. He wasn’t about to break down in front of these people. “I lost track of time. Alexandria showed up, and I think she was ready to let me go, but – Something else came. A robot. Not like the carnage sisters. It had a giant fucking gun. Was ready to shoot through her, and me.” He was looking at each infinite directly, taking a moment to observe their expressions. “They took me. I don’t know how the sword got to Shona. I wish it hadn’t. Maybe then, she wouldn’t have…”

The veins in his neck were bulging. His face was bone white, all the blood seeming to flow out of it. If anyone touched him, they would have been shocked to realize how cold his skin was. His normally hearty complexion was wan and pale.

“I killed her. That sword wasn’t made right. It was amateur work. And if I hadn't been a fuck-up, she would be here right now.” He looked up at the group, and opened his mouth, as if to say something more. Words failed.
Collabing with @Mateotis and @MyCatGinger was a nightmare that I will not soon wake from.

Looking forward to doing so again! : )
Calvin hadn’t slept last night. His first thought had been to return to the forge, continue his work, but the thought of seeing Alexandria or any other carnage sister made him feel sick. Instead, he had spent the night locked in his room, sobbing over Shona’s damaged blade, an indication of his failure. By the time the morning announcement played, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

At some point in his grief, a letter had been slipped under the door. He hadn’t bothered to look at it, and had almost forgotten it, until he noticed a flicker of movement by his door once more. A second letter had been slid under. Calvin stood slowly, and walked over, picking up the first. He immediately recognized Alexandria’s handwriting.

HI HI ^-^

I think we need to talk about last night. I made you waffles with ice cream for breakfast. Come to my room. Hurry before it melts!


Bile rose in his throat. Cursing loudly, he tore the letter in half, and paced around his room. It took him about 20 minutes to muster the courage to check the second letter, which he knew came from the same robot.

Ohz Nohz! 0-o

When the icecream started to melt, I was worried that it would get the waffle all soggy, so I set the waffle in the furnace. It melted the ice cream and burned the waffle up! Q-Q Until I learn your schedule, you'll have to make due with a breakfast sandwich. It's almost as good though!


It was like nothing had happened. Calvin had appreciated Alexandria’s ultimately fruitless attempts to protect him the night previous. Almost had felt a hint of respect for the robot, even though she creeped the hell out of him. But now, all he could see was Shona’s corpse, smiling as blood oozed out of it. All he wanted to do was get out of this game, get away from the robots and other Infinites. There was only one way to do that though. And Calvin wasn't sure if he was ready.


Stepping out of his room, Calvin looked around. The group had made an agreement to meet every morning, and for a moment, Calvin had half a mind to ignore it. He wasn’t in the mood to talk with people, but then again, he wanted answers. And he knew people would have questions of him. He began to walk to the break room, when he saw Daimyon crouched in front of one of the elevators. He began to walk, when he saw a woman laying down in front of the Infinite Poet.

Rushing over, Calvin examined the girl. There were no outward signs of injury, and he did his best to calm his rapidly-beating heart. He looked at Daimyon. “Did you find her like this?” He asked. His first instinct was that she was another infinite, but new ones had already been rotated in last night. Why was she late?

Pulling out his e-handbook (he had left Alexandria’s in his room), he opened the list of patients. In addition to Lucas Carsen, Bliss Buckly and Noel Hawthorne, who had all wisely given Calvin space in the aftermath of last night, there was a new face and name added to the list.

“Marianne? Hel-“ Calvin had knelt next to Daimyon, and saw on the girl’s hand a small coat of what appeared to be dried blood. He looked up, and saw that it lined the walls of the room. “Jesus.” Was all he muster, as he looked in open-mouthed awe. It didn’t scare him, for some part of him knew the girl was alright, but he suddenly became aware of the scent, which was cloying and overwhelming in this moment. He took a step back, looking at Daimyon, curious if he was involved in this in some way.

@MyCatGinger @Mateotis
@ThatCharacter Calvin is becoming a Nazi? Well that was sudden.

Things change quickly in the Tower of Carnage. (JKJK CALVIN'S A NICE GUY WHO DOES YOGA)
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