Rylex sat silently on the bed within the blank room he had been assigned. He did not hear the light rapping on his door, the headphone in his ears temporarily blocking outside noise. The song Coming Home by Stratovarius played in his ears. He had been sitting there ever since he had learned the truth about the situation on the ATLAS. Truth be told, the situation didn't really scare him nor had it been what drove him to his room where he sat to be alone. Growing up on his home world, he had been faced with many horrible situations, each and everyone designed to prepare him for moments like this. He would do his job, do what he was brought here to do, and that was all one could really do at the end of the day. No, what brought him here to be alone was the memories rushing back to him. Seven hundred had passed but it felt like no time had passed at all for him, maybe it was because he had nothing to leave behind but the substantial increase in years didn't bother him in the least. It was knowing that the road before him was empty, that he would be walking alone that drove him to seclusion. Being here now had finally sank in, the reality of his situation plain to see, no matter how far you ran or how far time advanced, you could not run from what hurts you the most. The truth he wanted so desperately to deny was that he was now lost, stranded in a new life that he alone had walked willingly to. There was no turning back now and that was what staked him the deepest.
Without you I am like
A ship without its sails
Calling the wind to save me
I'd climb the highest mountain
I'd cross the seven seas
Just to see you smile again
All the trust that was built along the years
Is coming back to stay
I know, just look ahead
The road is free, I'm coming home
With every stem I'm closer to home
When I'm back you won't be alone
Soon I'll see the familiar door before my eyes
And you
Through the storms we've wandered
He listened quietly to the lyrics to one of his favorite songs, one of the same that reminded him of Nate, the same song Nate used to blast all the time and sing horribly to while he faked guitar riffs and drum solo's. It always made him smile, Nate was as military as the day was long, strict, hardened, and all business. But at home he had been perhaps the most silliest man Rylex may ever know, beyond the military man he was, he was also very much like a child who was always happy no matter the situation. He had a life to him that Rylex never truly had, an innocence he guessed that he was robbed of during his upbringing. It was funny that until he had meant Nate again on Earth just how much he never realized how unnormal his life actually was. For example, Earth children could go to school, and had friends and partied and had fun. In essence they would allowed to be kids, Nate had grown up that way, which is why when Rylex came along, he was one of the only people who could get him to drop his tough exterior, let his guard down, be 'silly' in other words. Rylex raised his hands slowly as he strummed the air to the solo blaring in his ear moving his fingers across the make believe strings. He chuckled to himself at such silliness. He finished the song like this letting his fingers rest at the end. Without delay the next song popped on in his ears. Nothing else Matters by Metallica blasted through his head, this alone made Rylex laugh as he remember Nate getting him to scream 'YEAH YEAH' in a raspy hard rock voice with him. Than he would do drums and he would shred guitar like a bunch of idiots.
Rylex sighed to himself as he nodded his head as if he finally understood something he didn't before. "Your right, you were always right. Your still here, I can feel it even though I still think its impossible." It brought him a small comfort to talk as if Nate was actually there and warmed the coldness he was feeling. "You gotta get out there, meet new people, your biggest problem is your afraid to be the big idiot you are deep down. You can't keep hiding yourself, let people get to know you and I promise if you give them a chance they may surprise you. Now come on, lets go, the boys are having a barbecue and your going if I have to stun you and tie you up."Rylex felt the tug at his wrist as he found himself getting to his feet, give them a chance, let them get to know you, that is all he has to do. Walking to the door he pushed the button on the inside of the frame as it slid open and he walked out. Rylex made his way down the hall of look alike doors making his way to the common area he had passed earlier. He supposed others would be finding their way there soon and perhaps it was a good opportunity to get to know some of the others he would be working with. Removing one of his guns he twirled it in his hand, something he often did when he was a bit nervous. Soon Rylex found himself walking around a light that was hanging just a tad too low on him as he entered the common Area, there seemed to be only one person in there, a younger woman on a pad. With one final twirl he replaced the gun smoothly in the holster and secured it lest he might scare her off. He silently sat down on the sofa opposite of the woman, reaching up he yanked out the small ear buds revealing the loud music for just a moment before he paused it sticking in his vest pocket.
"Hey there uh my name is Rylex Soran, I guess.. we will be working together down the line. I shoot things for a living. Its nice to meet you." Rylex offered out a large hand unaware that his introduction was a bit stiff and maybe a bit frightening as his joke was well morbid as he tried to smile but failed.