Bolag bloodthirst

With a broad chest, wide shoulders and a masculine physique this Half-orc may seem your stereotype Orc, until you peek a glimpse of his face, a complexion of both kins Human & Orc. It gives away his true blood identity..A half-orc. long wavy brown hair an uncommon trait in Orcs, strong brown eyes and one mean smirk.
A rash hot blooded half-orc, his traits tend to his orcish blood. irrational and judgemental, he lacks the basic social competency. he feels no obligation to respect nor acknowledge others, he can be competitive but determined, he'll get to his goals by any means necessary.
not a critical thinker, more of a improvise-it kinda person. solving most of his problems with his greatsword it doesn't really imply friendly. a berserk in life-threatening situations, has the tendency to follow orders than to boss everyone around.
Hero of choice:
Hero of fury