Avatar of The Darklight Project
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 465 (0.11 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. The Darklight Project 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

9 yrs ago
Current @Lady Amalthea: That moment when you feel like you were the instrument for a blessing or miracle.
9 yrs ago
I made the decision to work every day I can until I head back to school in order to pay off my immediate debts. Four hours into this decision I already regret it immensely.
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Two thumbs up to that idea!
1 like
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: On my end it's your avatar, I like looking at ones I'm interested in (be it cool, cute, or whatever) up close. Guess you'll know when I yours catch my eye now. XD
1 like
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Bring it.


Simply a writer who enjoys working with others.

What, that isn't enough? Okay, fine.

Let's see, I've been roleplaying for... eight years now, I think is the number. Hard to remember, it's been so long. Of course, the first few years of my roleplaying I'd rather not remember (Adriane was great though), but I feel I've developed into a competent enough writer as to not completely embarrass myself. Group roleplays, one on ones, anything you can think of I've probably done it. I'm in college currently, the RA (Resident Assistant) of my wing of the building, so not only do I have class but an around-the-clock job too. I love writing with others, getting to know their characters and see them develop, while developing my own. Some of my proudest moments have happened when characters of other people are influenced by my own, and change because of it. I'm a bit of a planner, as I usually write with arcs in mind, and an overarching story.

I was here before the Great Collapse, and when the transition happened I made an account but never used it. The Great Collapse happened during one of my lower times, and I couldn't bring myself to keep roleplaying. Now I'm back though, with new experience and new ideas. I'm ready to go.

Most Recent Posts

Alright, so here's the daily update. Not a long one today, and you're about to see why. Wasn't able to get much new character/NPC work done today because I had an exam, but I'm gonna work on them as much as I can tonight. However, I've gotten the "prelude" elements of the first IC post fairly finalized, stuff that hints to later plots and deeper lore. Other than that, I've got the post in the Character Thread in a rough organization of how I'll be presenting everything, at least divided by sections. Monday is always my worst day school-wise, so I should be able to get a lot more done now.

@Atrophy@Ashgan@shinigami94@GenFungus@Raijinslayer@sumi desu@gorgenmast
@Atrophy Hey, glad to see you're interested and you asked really good questions! Let me go through them one by one, as I can.

1. So the ones that aren't known to be dead are Levinata, Salye, Chrysanta, and Gamoh. The other ones were confirmed kills by the Gifted during the God King War. What happened to the four who survived, no one knows.

2. A person who was Remade by a God King who died had what could be summarized as a really, really bad time. Instant despair, descent into insanity, all that good stuff. Theoretically, with the one who had power over them dying, a Remade person could go back to being something similar to how they were before.... But not many, if any, made it. Most probably committed suicide, or threw themselves against the Rebellion to get killed in battle.

3. It varies throughout the world. Jasi is where the magic and tech are farthest ahead and most "fused." In the rest of the world though, for the most part it's medieval fantasy with a few amenities here and there. For example, in Barcea they have some running water, especially in the Capitol/castle, basic stuff like that. But, to the furthest extent, once again being Jasi, they've started getting into magic firearms and the like, and airships as well. For the rest of the world, not so much.
University's net is getting DDOSed. My replying might be spotty for a couple days, or just today, or a week. I don't know.

@Ashgan Anyway, yeah, just use our calender system. You don't need a year, just refer to events in the past as "x years ago" or something like that.
@Raijinslayer Well I'm biased and I hope you give it a try, but you shouldn't listen to me. XD Do what's best for you, we all understand.
@Raijinslayer Lesson learned! Thanks for letting me know. Also, I certainly hope you do join, I've noticed you lurking and I've been hoping you'd say something. XD
Good, I'm glad to know a lot of people are working on characters. While you're doing that I'm continuing to work on all of the characters/"NPCs" for you guys, right now we're up to sixteen. I'm refraining from putting them up until I see what everyone wants to come to the table with, so that way I'll be able to figure out exactly how we're going to start so that we can all get together.

With that in mind, we come to the issue of villains, and even some of the "protagonist" characters I'm coming up with. Some of them have their own secrets, and because of that I won't be telling full stories in the character sheets, because I want there to be some surprises for you guys. This is even more so for the villains. I don't want you guys to know about what they're bringing to the table until it's time, and they actually start revealing their abilities, their goals, their pasts, etc.

So we come to the question I have for you guys. For the villains, would you like me to just post "incomplete" character sheets for them as they appear/become important for the arcs, or would you prefer to just keep track of it for yourselves, and then I post up complete character sheets as everything is revealed and they are either taken care/resolved with? Or is there some other idea you guys have that you'd like to see, when it comes to this kind of administrative crap? I'm willing to listen to your opinions on this, and go with the best thing for as many people as possible.

Also, what we do for me will also apply for you guys. So, in the case of secrets and the like whether for villains or heroes (or other), if you would prefer others not knowing until you reveal it don't include it in the character sheet, and we'll add it in when it's revealed. However, you still have to inform me of whatever it is, so that way I know and can approve of it, and also maybe implement it into the further plot.

Hope this all makes sense!

Edit: Adding in mentions. Still getting used to this system.

@Ashgan@sumi desu@shinigami94@GenFungus@gorgenmast
Hey everyone, just an update. I'm about ten characters in, two "main" and eight "side," continuing on from there. Something I wanted everyone to know is that, as we start seeing more of the roster from everyone, we'll decide how to bring everyone together then. It might not be all at once, and we might collapse multiple groups in on each other, or maybe not. We're gonna do our best to do it as naturally and reasonably as possible, so it's just gonna be part of the fun.
@shinigami94For the most part, I have the royalty of the East planned out. They are characters you will meet, interact with, perhaps even fight, etc. That doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to be just a common person. For example, the Prince of Barcea's Sentinels is a group that I'd love to have populated with characters from other people. Basically, if you have a question and want to do something, just ask! The worst I can do is say no, and if I do I'll almost always give the reason unless it involves spoilers. And in some cases perhaps I'll ask you to hold and prepare an idea, for later, because it may not work at the point we're at but it will work later.

With that last sentence in mind, we come to demons. To begin with, I'm extremely cautious about demons. There is one character that you'll be meeting that I would prefer you to actually meet before you start thinking of bringing in a demon, but they are extremely important to that lore. That's the main reason why I gave so little about demons in the description, because this character is the missing link. What I can tell you, though...

Well, basically, demons can be weak or powerful. There are tons of subsets, etc., etc., etc. Basically, I'm fine with a lot that people may imagine, when it comes to appearance and the like. However, the most important aspect of demons is this "family" system. "Families" can either be "pure" or "mixed." Pure families are those that consist of one specific type of demon, and therefore the "family name" can stand for their "type." Mixed families are gatherings of different types of demons, so it's more of just title/alliance noting sort of thing rather than any specific type.

Like I said, though, this is just information I'm giving ahead of time. I'd much prefer to wait for demons specifically after a certain point.
@shinigami94 No problem, I've always tried my best to be the best GM possible whenever I run a roleplay. I just want people to have fun and get some enjoyment out of writing together. Also, don't ever feel bad about asking questions, I never really mind them so long as it's not a question that's already been answered, you know?

Edit: May as well put this here since I posted last, though a lot of the questions have been about combat this does not have to be a completely combat oriented roleplay. There are always fighters, but there are other roles as well. I want everyone to feel like they have importance with whatever they may bring to the table, and I have a few ideas in order to ensure that.
@shinigami94 I've actually never heard of the T1 rules so I'll read them and get back to you. My original plan was just thorough discussion (probably in PMs to not spoil it for everyone else) and if necessary moderation by myself to ensure "fair" fights, but if I like the T1 rules I'll consider them. For the time being, though, we'll just go with a plan of mutual respect and also being willing to listen. To begin with anyway, there aren't going to be any crazy fights between the players unless "holy crap inspiration yes please," and combat will be the players against NPCs that you can just show off for in your posts and get rid of. I'll get back to you on these rules, though.
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